FAQB arc SPEAKS OF CALEDONIA Bishop Rix Addresses Columbia Diocesan Board in Duncan Vancouver Island , That .the Diocese of Caledonia was the largest and most varied among the dioceses of Canada, was the claim made by the Very Rev. O. A. Rlx, Bishop of Caledonia, at the diocesan board meeting pf Columbia WJV., held in Duncan, Vancouver Island, a. few days ago, when the bishop was given a very cordial greeting by a representative gathering of W. A. members from Duncan, Quamlchan, Somcnos, Cow-Ichan Valley, as well as from Victoria. The bishop paid a high tribute to the splendid work done in the very early days of the diocese by the famous Archdeacon Collison, whose name will ever be linked with the foundation work of the missions, so well and truly laid by that Intrepid missionary. That his son. the present Archdeacon Collison, has faithfully followed in the footsteps of his father was shown by the pro-gross made by the Indians of the present day. who are carrying on the work for themselves in a highly ... -.,. a- creditable way, even where no missionary is resident among them. . The bishop spoke in glowing terms of the wonderful fishing, logging, mining and agricultural Industries carried on in his diocese and of the opportunities afforded the phurch of ministering to all sorts and classes of men, who are employed in these undertakings, and an outline was given of the plans to build six churches, and of the caravan work to Ije started this summer. The bishop concluded by com-! mending a holiday tour through his diocese, which would be full of sur prising interest to anyone taking it. Mrs. Schofield returned l very hearty vote of thanks to Bishop Rlx, which was enthusiastically endorsed by the meeting. Mission Boats Visit Victoria For Conference VICTORIA, May 21 :-The mission boats Thomas Crosby, William Oliver, Sky Pilot and Mcloin Swartout were all here recently while their crews and captains attended the British Columbia conference of the United Church of Canada. HIGH PAID MINISTERS Cannot Expect to Become Leaders In God's Kingdom, Missionary Declares Rev. Captain R. C. Scott, of the Coast Mission Service, at the recent United Church conference in Vic- I toria, protested at perfunctory passing of sections concerning the Kingdom of God movement and secured reopening of the whole report on a basis that religion could only become a force through material things. After' telling of distress among workless men, he voiced an appeal for leadership and an example, declaring "the system of production and distribution Is at fault, not only outside the church, but inside as well. I do not see how ministers who are getting big salaries can expect to become leaders in God's Kingdom." Rev. J. K. McMinn of Kclowna supported Captain Scott, .saying "he shows the way to more than lip service." The County Court cose of Gu t Rekas vs. Killas & Christopher, sev down for today, has been adjourned sine die. Hotpoint Beauty IS Moulded i ... 5W' ' Hl'SPEEB RANGE For Sale by Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited THE DAILY HBWi Thursday Ma 2) I ATI C A? Here is a never-failing form of relief from sciatic pain: 0Q Tnke Aspirin tablet and you'll avoid nredlen suffering from iciatica lum-lingo and similar excruciating pains. They do relieve; tlicy don't do any harm. Just make sure it is genuine. $IKIlT TRADEMARK RCQ. Made in Canada Giscome Pastor Is Appointed Representative Rev. David Donaldson of Giscome has been accepted by St. Paul's United Church. Port Arthur, as tlielr representative on the Home Mission frontier of the United Church of Canada. "T""ESIGNEp by women for women" the Central Electric Hotpoint Range ii endowed with the beauty and charm that women want in their homei. Lines are tmart and graceful. The gleaming vitreous enamel is finished in subtle shades of doye grey and cream white. ' And this beauty is made permanent by the exclusive All-Steel Construction of the Generaf Electric Hotpoint. Like modern buildings and motor cars, it is built of ageless steel. The statn-reakting enamel is baked right on to the steel a guarantee of enduring beauty. How proud you will be to have a gleaming General Electric Hotpoint Range in jour home . .,. bringing you magic convenience three times a day, every day in the year. It'l eajier to own a Hotpoint than you perhaps tliink ... let a dealer explain. HM) GENERAL ELECTRIC i it . ... " ...... - K tfftO CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Q& MINISTER SPEAKER Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe Acldrcssev Parent-Teachers on Educa- j tionai Values j Taking as his subject "Etlucatlo-i nal Values and Ideals," Dr. Rev j F. W. Dafoe gave a thoughtful and : thought provoking address at the' Parent-Teachers Association meeting 'acid at Borden Street School last evening. " Dr. Dafoc pointed out that tbe values of education were not ful'.v recognized. This was true of parents generally and -was applicable even to some teachers. There wa.i still a tendency among many citizens to regard education as a aid , issue. This was a very mistaken stand and showed a lack of appreciation of the importance of edu ¬ cation to the community and the life of the world. Education should impart knowledge. The speaker gave an imposing list of the great brnrflls that have accrued from the knowledge acquired by our forefather: and the application of It in t'b-varied walks of life. Even greater results awaited the application or ever increasing knowledge in tin future. More knowledge would Im prove considerably -the lot an I condition of the so-called laboring dams. Education must also develop cultural tastes. This accomplished in. youth would improve the nation. The- people had a value to the ( l country as important as the val of the country to the pennl? t- - mocracy could not be higher t!ian the level of Its citizens. Service , to human progress w is another ideal of education tli -speaker continued. It must net, have a merely mercenary aim. In this connection the speaker expressed a hope that the day would eomc when as high ideals of altruistic service would be forthcoming from all commercial and industrial and professional worke-s as was expected from minister-. teachers and doctors. And. ftnaliv all advance must ne towards Go1 and the Inculcation of spiritual truths a matter sf dally moment This, not the teaching of spiritual dogmas, was the only hope for a nation. Mrs. Blance presided over th-i business meeting, and conveyed to Dr. Dafoe the appreciation of th ;n::ii:i(i;kraw 8 Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 1 & 9 IM. The Great Rclasco Stafcc l'lay Now a Talking Itiot St. Peter's Ladies Holding Tea and Sale of Cooking The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter r Anglican Church is holding 1 t-a and sale of home cooking this afternoon. The convener la Mrs. J. Kenney, )ther ladles rn charge at follows: r incy Work, Mrs. Sunbury and Mrs. Vlgar. Plain sewing. Mrs. J. O. Vlcriek and Mrs. Eastman. Home cooking, Mrs. Tattersftll, Mrs. Brewerton and Mm. Neweombe. Tea tables. Mrs. HIU-Tout, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. McPhall. Cashier, Mrs. Frebourg. V X V i ''ltWI!!tMii!i;Eji,fB,i''iii'..a . Starring: MARION DAVIES In "The Bachelor Father" With Ralph Forbes and C. Aubrey Smith. She took him a; father on probation. Something new in comedy situation! and t to stop laughing if you can. Comedy "RIGGER AND BETTER" FOx ADMISSION 20c & C5c Feature Starts at 1 30 49! Thursday Matinee at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Starts m m , ,)(DV 5 Friday & Saturday "THE IHG TRAIL" meeting for his able address, a vote of thanks being moved by Mrs. Cox and seconded by Miss K. McKay. Letters of thanks were read from the principals of the various schools and home economies and manual training instructors for th" financial grants made by the association. Arrangements were completed for the tea and sale of home eookln to take place at. the Booth 8chool on Thursday afternoon, June 16. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Tertg are convenors. A display of tbe work done in the home economics and manual training classes will be a feature of this event. Miss Dorothy Fraaer sane do-'Ictfit fully being accompanied by Mrs. H. C. Praaer. Mrs. Marshall played for the singing of "O Canada" arid the National Anthem. Arthur MacdonuUi .,. and Mrs. Alex Muni,,,,.,,,.' Hall.) who suffered a n., .., a few days ago wim. '. reported to be dom.. ,, ! could be expected a: h, 1 ! Rupert General Tio , bones have not been v to swelling and the . considerable pain Vtmlmltn lmUnl Liotlmm No. 7A'l ibrnwrn ltr it tilhlt in tw JlltrtiMl ttUm ttmUmdlitml. Brighten busy kitclicn hours with a colourful Dominion Inlaid Linoleum floor: a practical floor that cannot wear out and one that light mopping keeps spotlessly clean. In fact there isn't a room in the house in which Dominion Inlaid Linoleum cannot be laid to advantage. Designs have been created expressly for each; some gaily colourful, others rcstfully mellow, but each an artistic masterpiece. Choose to your taste for every room and give your decorative HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupens i . 1 ,, lly hotel Hoi uk v , In all rnomt a. J. ruiiiuioMMr rr9p Cor. of Praser i.nu I 1 1 Savor R. O. Cunnlnslum i ton; J. Hanson, city New Royal Hold I '.art-Hi Hrop riu. iiom wiiktii WHIU M C .ld W 75t PER !MV AND IT Boston Grill Thone 457 Print- Kupr" Large Calmr ' SPECIAL DINN'Eirs Thursdays and SaJurda -DANflNCi Every Salurdav Ni-hl : la Dante Hall for Accomodation for 1' ulr Parti's This Practical Beautiful Inexpensive KITCHEN m FLOOR... Was Sponsored by Miss Mary-Etta Macphcrson . . co-operating in tho recently completed PaMr"! Selection Contest flair full scope, for, with De-minion Inlaid Linoleum as a basis, you arc following tho practice of leading interior di corators who always start with the floor. Dominion Linoleum Hugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum also afford unusual decorative scope. Long-wearing, incxpcn sivc. Designs for every room. DOMINION OILCLOTH UNOT.W M COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL DOMJNIONjLINOLEUM Afir ! Canada by tin viakert o tit famout Dominion lUlllahip Inolium, raw Stt lit new dtilgnt ai Uouti Vurnhhini Dtparlmtnlal Slow, tvtrywhtrt,