PAGk TWO engineers estimate. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - RRmH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor Addreastng the mining bureau of the Winnipeg Bawd of Trade recently, L. B. MeOHl of Smlthers 1 SUBSCRIPTIOV It m TES By mail to all otlier Darts of Britisn"Columbla. the i)T'BrttishEm- pire and United States, paid in advance, peryear " $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 By mail to all parts f Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, 'per month j.sL . J0 City'flelivery, by mafl or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 Or four months for 'r'-" 00 'TKllfl11'" Legal notice, each insertion, per agaeJlneJ..-.:Lll:S2S..:L..:...i .15 Transier advertising on front page, per inch ! 2.80 j Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 ! DAILY FOrnt1 Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1931 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Premier in Northern Ontario McGill Speaks in Winnipeg Dale Pitt is Honored Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd. has taken a substantial ; interest in the Toburn Gold Mines Ltd., a new company , tion on the property from English bondholders of the Tough Oakes-Burnside. The property was operated from 1912 to-1918 and from 1922 until 1928 when it was closed - down. Total gold recoveries amounted to nearly $3,000,- 000. Bondholders took over the- property in 1929 In default of in- thousand dollars that had been ex-terest payments. Last year the Upended for this work a million had Banker Hill Ertenaton Mines se-j t m m devel. cured an option and aid consider-1 , , toe nin nn and 6herrttt-lng able exploration work. Other min-;opln properties in British Columbia , Cordon mines. Yet the minera are being absorbed by Premier al-' possibilities of the central British though It Is stated officially that : Columbia dlstrletwere fully equal there is no news to impart at this time regarding these. to those of Northern .Manitoba. Mr- McOIll stressed the point that he was not endeavoring to sell any The recent incorporation in Bri- property but to create an interest turti Columbia of the Bulolo .Gold in the district. Capital good Judg Dredging Ltd. writ' capital of $4,- j ment and sound common sense, he 000,000 Is of interest m Northern gave as three requisites to succew- Britteb Columbia as one of thejful mine operation In Central B.i-principaUr of the new concern ittoh Columbia. He expressed the is C Ji. Banks, managing directo ' belief that, if mining interests of the B. C. Sliver Mlnw Ltd. j were alive to the opportunity, all Planes have been used for the past; three of these would be lmmedi-three years In the transport of lately forthcoming. Mr. McOU! j passengers from the coast to thrjtern slides. Among those at the mine In New Guinea and are now being usd to bring the property into production by transporting equipment for two large electrically operated dredge und a 1100 kil talk was illustrated by many lan-meeting were Hon. U. G. McKetule minlMer of mines and natural resources for Manitoba, and Oeorgc E. Cole, provincial Inspector of owatt hydro-electric plant The j mines. dredges have a capacity of 3,500.-1 : 000 yards per year which will, it i Dale Pitt, general manager of is said, give a cross return of $1.- j the Premier Gold Mines Ltd., was 700,000 The property will .have a I elected president of the Mining life of twelve years at this yardage i Association of British Columbia at its annual meeting n the Empress Hotel at Victoria a few days ogo He succeeds Col. C. W. Vllllers. managing director of the Canadian jCollieriers Ltd. Vice-presidents ln- Biade an aaBUfl for the lntroduc- elude Charles Bocklng. president nf Won etftlfyto jte Omtneca'the Oranby Consolidated Mining mlfliaf rfmttoamirt'mto for the si Power Co. attlve lltVKtW prstt)tal mining met). 3ta4ttsMl he detfered. was quite ammmQAt to Winnipeg as Mineral deposits in the Taku River district are essentially of a wl Noffhttn Manitoba and was j volcanic nature, according to Dr even ussst at annnaseh from th F. A. Kerr of the federal Oefl' eeavef. Tnm was because of the and operator,' sav Dr. Kerr's re direct f conn-nitlon eastward I port. "It Is Important to note that The one ttt Influence that had '(he light gray rock of -the type retarded its mmrng development, found here and in other places Is Mr. MeGiU said, was lack of capital! generally an Indication of chan-tor the tetritory lticlf was rich nels along which mineralizing so-ln minerals lying close to trans-1 lutions circulated and as such Is portatlon. Gold, silver lead, copper of the very greatest value In locat-zinc, bismuth and coal all were to : ing mineral deposits of this nature-be found and It was largely be- In some places on Stlklne and Is-cause without full knowledge of kut River areas the altered rock Is the facts people got the Impras- almost entirely carbonate or quartz slon that It was inaccessible regio.i but light grey Is still the charac-that capital had fough shy of It tertrtlc color. DeggsUs of this typ- These had been little actual devel- are confined to Mczozlc pr valcanlc opment wotk done and for ever' r similar rpc. Valdlvostock. fir! of sevie i or hips being built Russia's mercbam marine or commercial navy ti wa; launched at. Rome Italy' for Soviet lust after come. isjn cm Widow of Unfortunate Northern Flyer Here Today Bound From Atlln to Vancouver j Mrs. E. J. A. Burke, widow of Capt. Burke, will known -northern : commercial flyer, who died last fall from starvation in the wilds of the Liard River country after being1 lorced down with his plane in a snowstorm, and Jw aiu , children THOMPSON NOMINATED per or 600,000 Republican votes. A1-. dermanVArthur Albert watt-p6or third. Both Lyle and AlbcrV$am-(l paigneu on a reiorm piauorm. There was no disorder or gunplay In connection with the staging of the primary. A new kind of steel perfected in England for use in automobiles is !so hard that the sharpest file will jnot mar It. The steel Is so serviceable that It Is thought that It will never wear out. THE OAIL? NEWS Weunesui. . lormea to take over an option on tne lougn uakes-iiurn-1 r q rf Trtfrri side Mines at Kirkland Lake, Ontario, from the Bunker Y11,0 15UiI.ll Will Rtonainn TVTinaa Tlio )attaf unmnami noniiii"or1 an nn. ! .,1,1 UfcViWIUil llltllbl?, lilt Jtbl4 bUlllJUJJJ kU Hit 1 Hori. W. C, Buckle (JHAIRMAN of the Executive and Finance Committee of the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference, is the important position occupied by the Hon. W. C. Buckle, Minister of Agriculture for Saskatchewan. Mr. Buckle is a native of Gloucestershire, having been born at Robinswood Hill Farm, Tuffley, on a farmstead occupied by his family ' for several generations. His education was received at' Sir Thomas. Rich's Endowed School, Gloucestershire, and Brentford College, London, England. Coming to Canada in bis teens, " Mr. Buckle served bis farm apprenticeship at Clanvrflltam, Manitoba. In 1910 be moved to T.adtle in the famous Carrot River Valley district and engaged in farming near Sylvania. Three years later Mr. Buckle became engaged in business in Tisdale, of which town he was mayor for four years. In the meantime he added considerably to his fanning operations, and in 1925 was elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature to represent the Tisdale constituency. In 1927 Mr. Buckle disposed of his business and devoted himself entirely to farm operations. In 1929 he was again elected to the Provincial Legislature. He joined the Government of Saskatchewan the same year and took charge of the Department of Agriculture. CONFERENCE IS CALLED Premier Bennett Invites Provinces! To be Represented at Consti- tutional Parley OTTAWA, Feb. 26 Announcement te made by Prime Minister R. B. Benneti that invitations have I been to all provincial governments! to take part in a conference at1 ; Ottawa on .April 7. The purpose! are hereunto afternoon Aboard the " ' r ' " "v , Princess Norah bound from Atlln to :tun,ty f Psentlng any view. Vancouver. They haisone from UD,UC w con- Vancouver to AUin to reside oaly a fUtntlonal -questions inyolved-ln few weeks before Capt. Burke went t Proposed Status of "Westmln-out on the Ill-starred flight which 8ter far the provinces may be resulted In his tragic death. Mrs. Burke and her little family will proceed from Vancouver to Mrs. Burke's native home in Ireland where they will take np (qture resi dence. MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL concerned. GEORGE ROSS IS MARRIED Member of Well Known Local Taxi Firm Wedded on January 23 in Bulgaria Word has Just been received in the city of the marriage on January Number of Bylaws Finally Passed 25 in his native home of Tirnova, Alderman Collar! to Act While ; Bulgaria, of George Ross, member Mayor in Victoria 'of a well known local taxi firm. 1 Following the ceremony. Mr. and There was a special meeting of Mr Rom made a honeymoon visit the city council last night with to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, andl Mayor Orme presiding and all the 1 they will soon be on their way here aldermen present. It was decided to take up residence. , that Mayor Orme should go to Vic- ; A letter received from Mr. Ross torla in connection with etty bust- stated that he will leave Bulgaria on ness and that in his absence Aid. March 6 for Liverpool where he Collart will be acting mayor. will saU with his bride on March 13 A number of sidewalk bylaws were (aboard the Duehess of Richmond reconsidered and finally passed, the for 8t. John, NJ3., whence tlie understanding being that work on ftouple will travel via Vancouver, these will not proceed until the fl-1 expecting to reach here late In nanclal situation Improves. 'March or early In April. J. A. Curtis addressed" the council i Many friends here will be inter-in regard .to. a sidewalk. Jif .McBrlde ested to learn of Mr. Ross' marriage prairie than from Van-luteal Survey. "For the prospector aweei oeiween aecona ana inira na ne wm receive many congraiu Avenues, no action was wicen in re- lanons wnen ne gets oacx nere gird to this on the understanding that the sidewalk would not be QflTADT' T KITT? constructed for some months li.!i CHIEF DIES led a wire this morning telling of "Big Bill- Will Again be Republican ! l?1." r'",111 8tua,rt Lake Standard Bearer in Chicago Mayoralty Contest CHICAGO, Feb. 25. William Hale ui viuei juNepu i'jiiilc, who ior many years held sway over a tribe of some 500 natives there The dead chief was nearly eighty Thompson, seeking his r AnrMt ma. I ver8 o He was predeceased by orally term, smashed to victory yes- j hls wlfe scveral a8 but te terday In the Republican primary. Iued by a number of children. "BU Bill" drew a plurality of 68,000 ; l .. . ' over Judge John Lyle out of a. hdp- j S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors .Tires Accessories Gas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone 83 WILL MEET ; MINISTERS ' List of Resuhitimis Being Presented 1 to Government by Local Trades ! and Labor Council ! W. M. Brown will be leaving here , within the next couple of days for Victoria to attend the annual meet-; I Ing next Wednesday of the British Columbia exiicuttve of the Trades land Labor Congress of Canada and 'on Thursday the annual conference 'of the executive with the British j Columbia cabinet. Following are the resolution being offered by the Prince Rupert Trades St Labor , .Council: , That the government institute a minimum wage act for boys. That the government distribute free or sell at cost all text books either direct or through the school board to the pupils. That a pension of $10 per week for every blind person in British I Rnlumhla h nrnviril I That legislation be enacted prohibiting the employment of Orientals in licensed premises beer par-tors). That the limit of the Mothers Pension Act be raised so as to Include both mother and child. That the scoot of the Workmen's Compensation Act be extended so as to include hernia, industrial dis eases, etc. That the fine $26 for common 'drunkenness be lowered. The question of maternity benefits, on which an aet may be pre sented at the present session of the i Legislature, will also be discussed Vancouver Stocks (Courtny 8. D. JohiMtnn On. I Bayvlew, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 44, 48. , t Cork Province, 1, life. . . Duthie, 10, 16. ; George Copper, 80, 1.00. . . Georgia Rivet, Ifc, 4. ... Oeorge Enterprise. nIL 3. . Goteonda. 45. 48. Grandview, -6, 6. Independence, 1. l',4. Kootenay Florence. IVk. lfl. Kootenay King, nil .r.-t L. & L., nil. 1. Lucky Jim. 2, nil. Morton Woolaey. 3, nil. Marmot Metals, nil. 1. National Silver, 2H. S. j' Noble Five, 8. v Oregon Copper, 5, C. Pend Oreille. 1.15, IM. Premier, 71, 74. Porter-Idaho, 7, 8. Reeves Maedonald, 34, 45. Rufus-Argenta, 24, nil. Ruth-Hope. 5, nil. Sliver Crest, 3 Vs. 3. Snowflake, 3. 3. Sunloch. nil, 60. , Topley Richfield. 1.2. Woodbine, 1'-,, 1'4. Bastern Stocks Inter. Nlc-kel, 1SJSQ, 10.00, C. P. R.. 31.50, 46.00. OILS Freehold, It, 13. Hargal. 10, nfl. A. P. Con., aa. 20. Mertand, If,1 nil. Mercury, 22, .23. Calmont, n, 19. Dalhousle, 4G, 52. Home, 1.12, 1.17. United. 24, nil. Royallte. 16.00, nil. t0day ftt 61 Joseph Prince Was Nearly Eight, Years of Age and Had Held Sway For Many Years Bishop E. M. Bunoz O.M.I. recelv- VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Feb. 25: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange The Heart is the Human Engine The motor car which stalls by ths roadside or the aeroplane which drops into ths sea is no mors helpless than the human body when the heart plsys out. Ths heart Is the human engine. If supplied with suitable nourish-1 ment and not overstrained by unwise eating and living, the heart is prodigious worker snd meets all ordinary emergencies. When tha nerves weaken the action of ths heart weakens. Restore the feeble nerves by the use of Dr. Chase's Nrve Food and immedlate-y you strengthen tha action of ths heart. This is ths most certain way to , overcome heart weakness, and ths time to begin treatment la to-day now. You can no better afford to delay than can ths pilot in ths aeroplane. When you receive ths danger signal from the heart It Is time to apply the restorative Dr. Uiaie'x Nerve Food. '.'1. -'.i,- $5.00 Puts it in Your Home Just this small down payment and n Premier Duplex Vacuum Cleaner Is In your heme to give you years and years of easy and thorough houseeieaning. Balance spread comfortably on our deferred payment plan. Get yours fceday in readiness for spring. .V liEIVEFMTS 1. NOW $10,000 Immediate Protection and 2. I N A FEW YEARS 110,000 In Paid-up Assurance, earning Dividends. or 3. AT MIDDLE LIFE $10,000 In Cash. mi Get a SPIC- SPAN For cleanui" (Irn furiltun vnir- "1 Light, handv th rough. e;i.xy tn On defern-u ;.r.-ments ton Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited For 200 . . . Can you equal this? For S200 invested yearly, a young man can capitalize his youtltful vigour and effectively prepare for life's contingencies through the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. ft Gil EAT ran ecure for hi It pendant! immediate protection ol mkuw, increased yearly thereafter tv ai cumulating dividends. Thin $lu,ono estate is created instantly by the first payment. The assured thereby obtains maximum protection for hi family at minimum costat a time when protection is the greatest need. In a few years he may stop paying take a paid-un policy for $ n ' in? thereafter receive regular ci) vidends until his death when the full capital sum of $10,000 is still payable to M dependants. By middle life (if he has not selected the last-mentioned plan his P"1' will mature as an endowment w $10,000, returning to him a sum far in excess of the total pre.nin'iif P4 This investment settlement uomesat a time when personal and family maintenance have become more important than protection, Th' above policy, like all Run Life policies, can on maturity 1 P J? monthly Instalments over a period ofyeara.lnatead of In a lumpw- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL F or Jurthtr par ticuhrt, fill In and wall the attached eouponi- ?.UN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, Montreal, Canada. I a MeretteVt WyWf $200 yeTrlyWursnee plan. Wtht obligation on my part, pleaie send nit particulars a oulUaol is your advertistment in (Nam al pir) Name (Mr., Mrs. or Mist) Address (Street) nl TWUUi graftal,! m m araimww. ,.. 'Jet the habit of rcadins the ndvertiscmcnts in this paPcr' and tahiiiK advantage of the help they bring yu