Price 50c a box Ui . Toronw, Ont Was Weak and Run Down Could Scarcely Do Housework Mrs. Edward A. Allen, Uezanson, Alta,, writes i 'I would like to tell you of the great benefit I hare received from your Milburn's Heart and Kerr Pills. I was feeling very much run dr,n in health, aid was io weak I could acareely do my housework, in fact, I would hate to lie down in the afternoon for an hour or so. I law your Pll i in the drug store and took a box home with meyand I was delighted with my renewed strength. I nave recommended them to a neighbor and feel ure.mev wm neip liar I"'! etor, or mailt! direct on rtMlpt,f price by The T. if; SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Tube Mi 31 Tooth Paste and One Bottle Mi 31 Antiseptic $1.00 Value Special, 60c Qrmes LM, TXfut Pioneer J) rugjpisls riiones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS SPECIALS IN FLOOR LAMPS pint'tn just arrived and we are '.h m on sale at 17- 25 ,00 i ..nee uf beautiful georgette or celon shades with brass or iKunze or walnut standards in the newest styles. Barrie's Home Furnishings CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KKATINU (j. T. . 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK tnglr,rcrb. Machinists, Uollermakcrs, Klarksmltha, Pattern Maker. 1'oundern, Woodworkers, Etc ELECT ItlC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAUINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED bl'KCI.U. WINTtlt KMTKHHIS HKW 1 k I'" ale irum Nov IS. WSO to lel. i. mi (with final return fkl.ME nni'UItT TO VANCOUVER S0-0 RETURN Mm mm Irme Trlnre Kurt I or Vancouver: T 'U'.U.A KVKKY Tl'KMl.VV. 1.30 I'M. .,. . ftiriviuK Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Thursday Noon appro. 1 x aiiih:a i:vi;ky ntin.iv miimiiit A; nuns Vaucouver Sunday mluiuglu PP -i in--, to Port SmifMwu. Alloc Arm. Anyoi. Stewart ana waae wver poutu. minaay. aw 1 i"iiimtluu regarding all sailings and ticket at JIMt) IILITKT AIIKNL'V: Nrcuml Atniue. I'lw hone assasiaiissa (MM H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS 1RO.M VRIKVK Kurxiii To Kctclilkan, WraiiRcll, Juneau, and Skagivny. February 7 and 21. To Vancuuvet, Victoria, Seattle-February 11 and 25. I'rnioeaa Mary -Ocean Falln etc. Van-Miwr and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. . ... ... , , 1 I.I- I 4.,u Agents ror ail oirnmsiui' .,, W r- orchard, Qeu. Agent. SrdAv- Prluoa RutX't- Ppo""' TELEPHONE 657 Si . - "U'NTIN DAI it V FOIt SKUKNA It RAM) Creamery Butter & cttaSe Cheese FnKSH I'ASTEUUIZEU MILK AN CREAM nAii.v Delivery Throughout Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND IJODY WORK A SPECIALTY sail 6n the Prince George tomor row night for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. H. S.!' Parker left on this1 morn ing's train for Smithers In the course of one of his periodical business trips to the interior. George Rorie, after a flying bus iness trip to Vancouver, returned to tne city from the. south on the Prince George this morning 11. L. Batten, well known mining engineer, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today going through to Stewart on professional Bid and Bill Blkins. son of. Mr. and. Mrs. C. H .Elkos,. returned to the city on the Prints George this morning alter a trip, to Vancouver and Victoria. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Starr, who have been spending the winter in California, returned to tht city from the south on the Prince George this morning. J. J. Payne of Praser & Payne, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver returned to the city frafa ttif south on. the as. Prince George this morning. Mrs. Robert Dowther. who has been on a business trip to Vancouver and elsewtvue in the south returned to. the city on the Prince George this morning."' ' Miss Ann Kartell, who has been leaching school In the Peace Rfcrer oountry. b now visiting with flier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 9. Partell, at Brentwood near Victoria. Moose Whist Drive and Dance Friday, February 27. at 8 JO prompt Two hours whist, three hour.; dancing. Refreshments and cash prises. Admission fifty cents. 48 G. A. Woodland, locfrl agent of (the Imperial Oil Co.. who has been on one of his periodical busines.-trips to the oentral interior! returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. M. M. O'Brien, chief of the field department of the Consolidated Mining & 8mcltlng Co.. is a passenger aboard the Prince Georg-today bound for Stewart on company business. Mrs. Oeorge Beattle. who wa called to Vancouver a few waeks ago on account of the1 Illness of her mother, returned to the city from the south on the ss. Prince Oeorge this morntntj. . " '. Hugh McOulre, . .rnanaghjg i4taec -tor of the Woodbine- Gold Mhinn Co. is a pr.sseiurer aboard the, as. Prtne Geonrc tortw returning i to Stewart after a trip south and east on mining business. C N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge Capt. Harry Ned den, arrived in port on time at 10.30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ariyox and Stewart whence she will re turn hire southbound tomorrow evening. CHILDREN ALMOST HATE CR0SJ5, NERVOUS MOTHER "My children almost hated me, I was so cross Thunks ti Vinol, my nervou-snesi Ls all gone and we are happy again" Mrs. T. Johnstone. For 30 years doctors have prescribed Vinol because it contains imvortant mineral elements of iron, caJoteua and cad liver peptone. The very ' FIRST ' bottle brings -sound slerh) fciMl a 1 tip&qw. MryflOS, wornout people are surprised how QUICK Vinol gives new life and pep! Tastes delicious. Ormes Ltd., Drugs. DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eves Tested For Glasses THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Diiuicrwarc, china, crockery, glassware, llcilbroner's Store. Bowu'ijdi aresslon! ' Come and laugh "it away tomorrow and Fri. ,nighi, ,Firt United Church. Adults SOc. i Mrs. Douglas Sutherland will C.N.R. Golf League tonight Sunken Gardens. qiasscs. fitted by; registered optometrist at llcilbroner's store. Mr. and "Mrs. J. A. Brown are i paying brief visit to the city, having "arrived . from Port Essing-ton on yesterday afternoon's train. Dave Zllie, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, return-edt,to the. city from the south on the Prince George this morning. On a charge of drunkenness, G. Casey appeared in city police court this morning before Magistrate McClymont and was remanded until this afternoon. Chris Berg, for supplying liquor; to Indians, was fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. I John W- Allen, superintendent engineer for the fisheries department, atilvcd in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. CPJl. steamer Princess Norali, Capt. Albert Rlppon.J?duc In prt the Woman's Auxiliary of St. An-j irew's Analiean Cathedral at the j home of Mrs. G, A. Woodland wasl a very sueeesslul ailalr. Financial iproeeeds were quite satisfactory. Sam Cecil. Indian, for having li quor in his possession, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, without tbptlorY til fine, by Magistrate -McCVmonl in city po- A this morning. Many pre- offehces stand against Cecil. on a two-months' hpliday trip to California, as a result of which he is feeling much better before he left, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning, bringing his car with him. For Sale Gas Boat "PEG." 35 feet long. iuipned with a 30 horscDowcr Kel "Melvlna'a Courtship," at United Church February 26, 27. Moose Whist Drive and Dance TPvh VI j Girl Guide tea at home of Mr. Chris Perry. Stork Building. 2nd Ave. March S. 1 , Eagles' Smoker March 6. -NA,yt Mnval Purnlc nrlH?v.whis. - - - j - - - - u pcrloa Monday, MarcljjO. ' ufeW. "BteWntt'nd Dance March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic j Hall, March 17. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, In Church Hall. Catholic women's League Spring Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sple April 10 Musical Hour Church Society Enjoyable Evening. Spent by Younjr ' People Last Night The United Church Young People's Safety he'ld its regular fortnightly meeting last evening with about thirty-five persons present. AUer the regular business of the evening a very interesting musical hour was spent. Community sing ing, with an orchestra 'consisting of Bert Cameron, Ruth Wilkinson, Archie Thompson and WTsner Bryant,, was enjoyed Miss.Swana Ol-afson gave a short talk on "Chopin," the composer with an illustration of one of his preludes. Bill; Plommcr sang two solos accom panied on the piano by Miss Linnet, j Hanson. Musical contests werei then played and refreshments were erved. at 4 cT.'i)eK this mtfrnoon irom religious subjects Skagway and other Alaska points J and will sail an hour later for Vancouver and Victoria. J. C. Prlzzell, who arrived in the RELIGIOUS IJQOKS ! FOR LIBRARY HERE Dr. A. C. Gaberline of New York, eminent writer on religious matters and personal friend oif'Rev. Dr. , John H. Hanson, pastor of St. Paul's i Lutheran 'Church "!icr. Ttttt "sent a third suppljr of his bxioks to . the Prince Rupert Public' Library dt the j request of Kir. Hahsorf:'Drefaber- j line's latest -books' ate HA ttf? sub- j Ject of "Religion and'Ormjtkrrrit." : He has written over forty books j?n MaU Schedule Hi ADDRESS ON BEES GIVEN GYRO CLUB O. V. Wilkinson was the speaker city last week from Massett, sailed it at nvtot monthly open lun yesterday dena for uiicihuuu uii mc ir- u r .v, n..- nu,h in ih. nm Victorla where he will ,, r,, . hi. .nhw h confer with the provincial govern- .. Smith llng .,Bef58 Jame8 wtghtman ment in regard to the Delkatla favored the gathering with vocal dyking project. solos and William Beaumont played vlolincello solo numbers. Charlie The tea and ale of home cook- Baiagno was piano acconipanbrt. ing held yesterday ' afternoon by ' " ' For the East Monday. Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 ain From the East Sunday Tuesday and Thursday ;...'.3.30 pjn For Vancouver Tuesday. .' , pjn Thu'rmy'..'..:: 9 pm. Friday 11 pjn Feb' " "nd J. Prudhomme. who has been' : Sunday l.JfM-JKkvft- Wednesday .. 1 Wednesday for Anyox and Stewar Wednesday Sunday vin engine. Built for a fish packer ,and Port slnipson. l30 pjn Sunday 7 From Naas River 0 ajn pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays pjn Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas Kiver and Fort Simpson- pjn. or cannery icnaer. uius win oe re- Tuesday 1130 a.m celved by the undersigned up toi,, Queen ' Charlottes- i v. hi inn ft-,- t,il,..t ill atny itnuer iiui iiccusariiy ittcvp- ted. i Boat may be seen at the Pacific i Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L. MONROE, (04) Oflelal Administrator. Scientists have succeeded In preserving beautiful rays of light by freetlng them at 312 degree below zero. ANNOUNCEMENTS I From ()uecn Charlottes- Feb. 7 and 21 .: : For Alaska ; Feb. 11 and 25 . : From Alaska 1 1 Tuesday ss. Camosun i ; HOTEL ARRIVALS a.m 1) p.m. ...."jjn 1 pjn Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roorm A. J. rill'DIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. Savoy E. F. Dudoward. Port Simpson. New Royal. Hotel I. Znrrlll. Trop nit: nnrt:i, woktii while Hot it Cold Wattr: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrpliune 1X1 Royal A. Nelson, city; J. O. Morfltt C. N.R ; T. McTurnen and W.'- J Goodwin, Terrace. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Wednesday, February 25, 193T HEADACHES sEf .IBe: w 'MBtSSSBaV awgaSSSHBsiwa. 5 ' a? SbbbbbbbbbbbbI 'iBHBBBBBBBBiBBBBBsliBs Prompt relief from COLDS. SORE THROAT . . RHEUMATISM . . . LUMBAGO .... NEURITIS ACHES and PAINS Does not harm the heart ASPIR TRADE-MARK RES, N Aceept onlu "Afpirin" paekaje which contains proven directions. Handy "Aspirin" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists. Made in Canada SHE'LL MAKE SOME MAN HAPPY Pauline M is just a young girl as you can tell from her letter. But the has what 1 wish every young girl had a real enthusiasm for cookery, and a real cleverness in ferreting out cooking jecrets. . . . ,; But let me quote her own spontaneous and delightful words: "I have tried many of your recipes salmon croquettes, creamed chicken, spinach au gratin, baked cauliflower, devil's food cake, caramel nut cake, cherry pudding and so many of them I just can't name them. They were wonderful. "You see, we were giving a shower for a friend, and I made some of the recipes, and the people just couldn't get over how good and delicious they were, especially the caramel nut cake. They all asked me who made all that, and they said me, but, boy! did they rush to me and ask now I got the recipes! I told them from Carnation Company, and they said, gee. they never knew Carnation could do somuch. So you see how all my friends appreciate your delicious reapes." Pauline knows what you should know that Carnation Milk, being simply pure whole milk, evaporated to double richness and "homogenized' so that the cream is broken up into finest particles and di3tntutea through ever, drop, gives cooiUng results that even the best of bottled milk cannot eqiuu and that it is extraordinarily convenient, dependable and economicaL Carnation Milk is protected at the -source. It comes from dean herds housed in clean barns, milked by clean hands into clean utensils. , . . I am giving you her favourite recipe? below Carnation Caramel Nut Cake. Why not send for the Carnation Cook Book and Baby Feeding Book? They are free. Address Carnation Co., Limited. 134 Abbott St.. Vancouver. B.C. Carnation Caramel Nut Cake 114 cups pastry flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, M Up. salt, k' cup Carnation Milk, H cup water, cup shortening, 1 cup brown sugar. Z eggs, h cup cnoppea nuts. H tsp. vanilla. Measure flour after sifting once. Resift with baking powder and salt. Dilute Carnation with water. Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add well beaten eggs and beat until mixture is light ana creamv. Dredge the nuts with part of flour. Add flourandmilkalternately to the creamed mixture, beginning and ending with flour. Add nuts and vanilla. Bake in moderate (375 F.) oven, fce with Caramel Icing 2 cups light brown sugar, H cup Carnation .Milk, '3 cup water. 1 tbsp. butter, i tsp. vanilla. Mix sugar and Carnation diluted with water; cook until it forms suit ball in L'lld water Add butter, cool, add vaniila, anobcu' until creamv. Spread on cake tVAPORATJO mum PRODUCED IN CANADA Only purest whole milk, safeguarded at the source by the stricteat cleanliness in the care and in the milking of the cows, and then evaporated to double richness goes into Carnation cans. These cans are then hermetically sealed to continue the protection until Carnation reaches you. To save on butter and cream and get wonderfully fine textures, use Car nation Milk in all your cooking. (See recipe tbovej Milk from Ctnadinn cows, packed in Canada in Canadian cans and cases, jSH mUtm liutk iSSSSm pAKSKTSESIgl If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office