PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS lank Robbery- Four Murders- DMM Killed The xcounded bandit in custody His mark caught him Bandit Left His Mark On May 28, 1923, four bandits robbed a bank in Lamar, Colorado. They killed two officers. Then, in escaping with a wounded bandit, they killed the doctor who treated the wound. This atrocious crimo aroused two states to action. The leader of the gang left his finger print on the glass of the doctor's car. Police records proved that this mark belonged to a robber who called himself, among othernamcs, Jake Flcagle. Thus the whole gang was identified, and three were hanged. Fleagle himself, after a chase of two years, was wounded in resisting arrest and later died. All because a finger touch left its print on a piece of glass. So You Leave Marks This is told to indicate how you leave imprints on everything you touch. Those imprints are germ-laden. You leave them on the toast you butter, on a piece of candy, on a stick of gum. The germs in those imprints may have been picked up by touching things which others touched with contaminated hands. Life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases which may be conveyed in this way. A cold, for instance, may be passed to many people by a handshake. When you carry such germs to your food by a touch they breed and multiply. That is something to think about. Safety and Luxury Lifebuoy is a luxurious toilet and bath soap, based on two palm oils. No soap ever created does more for the skin and complexion. But it also contains a germicide which other fine soaps Stops Body Odour lack. Tests show that no germs, alive and active, are left after its application. Don't touch' food, or anything which enters the mouth, until your hands are made antiseptic. Partial germ removal is not sufficient. You must either kill or make inactive all the germs that threaten. Lifebuoy gives you luxurious, creamy lather. You never used a more delightful soap. But the odour is not a perfume. It's a refreshing scent that spells safety. It disappears in a few minutes, but it tells you that your hands are free from germs. After using Lifebuoy in a bath, your whole body is exempt from offensive body odour. Is not such firotection worth more than pcr-ume to you? Many millions of people, the world over, think so. Your dealer has Lifebuoy for you. Lever BrotLere limited. Toronto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Gcrmlcldo u OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on the economical side ot lite. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGO Delivered, Per Ton . StJ-50 MINKIIEAI) EOO Delivered, Vci Ton 1250 .MINLIIEAD LU.Mr Delivered, Per Ton 1350 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLAGMIK Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WRINCH'S WARNING Fears Alaska Highway May be . Another P. G, E. i y . ; 'hit OTIIEK MATTERS If it moves too fast in building the proposed Alaska highway, British Columbia will find itself with another P. O. E. and all the attendant expenses and grief on its hand? Dr II. C. Wrinch, Liberal of Skeena, warned the Legislature in Victoria last1 week. While the road would run directly through his own constituency and probably start at his own town of Hazelton, Dr. Wrinch declared provincial Interests as a .whole must be protected from a vast expenditure which British Columbia could not afford at this time. "The initiative for this scheme." he said, "comes from the United States. It any member of this House had suggested a project which would cost perhaps $16,000,000, he would have received no encourage-ment. If we were to build this road ourselves the. results would not justify the heavy expense involved. We are paying, thousand; of dollar a day because of our enthusiasm in constructing, pip P. G..E. How much lees could wel'expect. returns on our money from a road so much further removed from civilization? We should hoi doTir horses until we can enter Into1 such a scheme with safe-' ty." . As the proposed road would Join two parts of -the United States, Dr. Wrinch urged that Canada's international interests much be safeguarded, and the matter thus was primarily one of federal concern. The next move should come from the United States, he believed, and he warned the government not to sommit the province too far at this stage. Road Policy Dr. Wrinch lfi a thoughtful speech recommended that roads, in the newer parts ot trie province be' built foe length rather than width, and iriticlzed engineers for spending too much money to construct wide roads at the expense of distance. "Give us more mileage," he pleaded. "Let us open up the country." He added that in this he was frankly opposed to the views of other Liberals who had suggested that no new roads be built until existing roads had been improved. ' Dr. Wrinch congratulated the government on its unemployment relief work in his riding but said more was needed. From Hon. R. W. Bruhn. minister of public works, he secured a promise to, consider the Skeena situation carefully without delay. As a medical man. Dr. Wrinch strongly advocated a psychopathic hospital, which Hon. S. L. Howe, provincial secretary, said would be built just as soon as it could be financed. NO WORD OF PLANE Jocrss, Van Per 15)1 and Kading Still Unreported Pilots R. I. Van Der By I and W. A. Joerss and Air Engineer Ktnil Hading, attempting a flight from Atlin to Vancouver, were still unreported last night after having left Atlin on Monday morning with the expectation of arriving cither at Hazelton or Burns Lake the same evening. White no particular alarm is felt as jet for the safety of the party since their plane was well found in anticipation of emergency. It is presumed they may have landed for some reason and will resume the flight soon. However, If they do not report soon, it is expected a search will be launched. The plane is that ot the late Capt. E. J. A. Burke. Flying conditions are reported to have been favorable since the departure was made from Atlin. Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block ' Phone 109 FAMOUS B.C. SCENERY . ro:s4aHSMiiaaaaHBiaaaaaKaaMKaiaHS Vi.-w on -.hi: Banff -Windi District News TERRACE The Hospital Board met In the municipal hall on i riday, Mr. Hal-! liwell presiding over a small gathering. Only routine business was considered. The annual meeting Mrs. Hagen, of Vanaradol, paid a business vtott here on Thursday. Tom Marsh returned on Saturday after having spent the week at the coast. Returning residents from Prince Rupert on SattftBay ineJaded Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Nash. J. M. Self fried came in on Saturday from Shames, Miss Griffiths, who has been spending some time with her sister Mrs. W. LRU, left at the week end on her- way to Vancouver. , a Father Leray, OM.I.. went ea on Monday's train from Terrace. TlifJe fiarr mm im frnm tfafnn: ALICE ARM Oeorge Beaudin left last week for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. years by the Geological Survey Department have been received here. Correct elevations and distances are given. The newest machine guns firr from 600 to 800 rounds per minute. y - We Led the Way In reducing tH price of bread and therefore merit your patronage White, Drown or Raisin 3 loaves OCc for Li) The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone C67 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert February 25, 1911 Under the auspices of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association, aa educational address on the subject of "Recipiccity" was given in the Mc-Intyre Sail last night by J. C. Cow-per. At the conclusion of the ad- was proristonaUy heed to be held Nadea and Dr w T KerTm. on Tuesday, May 12. Qntog ot Reciprocity ... , ... . , was unanimously passed. Hie reso- Mrs. of n Pacific vte-luUoft Alrd. was a w, to Ottawa, itor In Terrace on Tuesday. ' i . The Canada Cement Co. has absorbed 11 cement companies, the 'smallest of which ted capital of $694100, into one great fSMOMOd firm. Claiming that the work is so hazardous that there should be much higher pay. men employed on the Kitselas Canyon railway tunnel have gone on strike. Machinists demand $S per day and muckers. $8 50. Eight men have b pn killed in the pk during one month. jWeekly Specials on Monday. i This will be our last weekly J STEWART special under our credit sys- j tem. After March 1 our store I will be cash and carry. We; John A. Anderson, road superin-' f eel indebted' to our many tendent for Atlln district, who wasnalrons an(i offt,r thege g.. a visitor here last week, announced ... .... 4hat. as a result of additional un- ciaip lor weir uuneiiu employment relief money having! become available, work on the Bear White Bean River whig dam would continue un-1 4 lbs. .. . Ul spring. He expects that a start ; nice Ho. 1 Jan on public works generally in this j .'..; district will be made about April The following chairmen were an- Sago to Tapioca a lbs pointed by the 8tewart Board f unuas lea facn Trade for mining lectures being i ana conducted here this week by Dr, W. V. Smltheringale: R. B. Haack. II. P. Gibson. H. W. M. Rotetdn. W. R, Tooth and Sam Deschamps. per lb. Fresh Ground Coffee 3 lbs Pkf- -HI"", ' RlnsoMedutm 3 pkgs Gold Dust Large S pkgs Malkln's Best Oom on Cob. 3 tins Malkln's Best Baking Powder, 12-aa 2 tins 25c 25c 25c contains 50c SI. 25 35c 95c $1.00 45c Returns of topographical surveys i Malkln's Best Marmalade CTp held here during the-past couple of 4'9, per tin uJ v Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving Every Beat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 117-423 nrrii avenue east P. O. BOX 575 Phone 18 and 81 FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples lust arrived of soring land summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. ! LINO THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. ! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. I'ltoue GI9 SUMMER ON NAAS RIVER ; Winter Has Been Like That, Native Visitor Reports Stream Has i Not Frozen'Over i Johnny RusSi well known native i.itizcn of Greenville, on the Naas River, reports that the winter in the Upper Naas valley this year, like in the rest of the country, has been more like summer. Whereas, it is uiully frozen over for a couple -of months or so clear down to. tidewater near Mln Bay. Ihe Kaas River has been frozen oyer at ho time this winter, even as far up as beyond Aiyansh. Neither has the Upper Naas had, its usual heavy fall of snow this winter. Practically no snow has fallen at all during winter and none I has stayed on the ground. Mr. Russ, who is here to buy a planer for the sawmill at Oreen- vllle, came down the Naas River himself In a boat. They usually walk mi the ice at this time of year. D. C. Stuart has-been- appointee1 census commissioner for Skcnni in connection with the decennial Dominion census which is to take place this year. John Flewln was census commissioner for Skeena in 1931. Wednesday, February WEDS., and TIMN TWO SHOWS -Uif)l Joan Rcnnctt, Joe p Brown & James Halli'n 'Maybe It's Love' A Comedy Romance of cltn. pus Ciilujw and IUh. Rh Culi'-s Comedy "Don't llite Your Id ni: i Musical "ROAD KNK.IIT PICTORIAL irr.VI) V ADMISSION - :i K Feature Starts at 7 !0 & i (i, THURSDAY M ATI NT' i 15c Si 10c Featur. Si.,i: i, Friday and Katun!,, "THK had mv "I'm lato-but I have time for Shredded Wheat" "Oh you don't have lo worry about getting to work on time when wc hae Shredded Wheat in the house. It's ready cookn!, ready to serve und you'll have plenty to cat. Shredded Wheat is the real energy food: and whether you pic fcr it with cream or vth hot milk on cold morning, it's a delicious and satisfy ing meal." THE CANADIAN SHRmTVP V1t CO.nPAW.LTU SHREDD WHEA WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTH AVENUE EAST-4-roomed house with bath cash, balance arranged. EIGHTH AVENUE WEST--Lot. and 4 -roomed hou. $1,000. Balance on easy terms on English Hill, Sumralt Avenue. Bordrn sin partot the city at reasonable prici s and trm McCAFFERY, GIHBONS & COLLART I TP. TII1KI1 AVENUE IV. ii.y TEI-Fl'IIONE" Dr Alexander X-KAY SERVICE PHONE 575 ISESNEK BLOCK DENTIST COAL Buy the real Coal-" mous Edson and ( Welllntton-ln an ooanUl Also Bulkley VaUey . Grain and ICoblu Hmd HBr Prince Rupert Feed Co I PHONES PHONES 58 58 Au AIMU Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results