Saturday, February 14, 1831 1881 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 1931 THE DAILY NEWS AS the rails of the new Canadian Pacific Rail-1 way advanced, the settlers kept pace. Men, women and children waiKt-u w,u6uw road that -plodding oxente-kreptHthe .7?;Me xriraifwlandiFScttlers formed new townsf On the Pacific Coast Van Home said, "Here will be and stood on a hill Vancouver." So the work advanced, not always smoothly, but sometimes with hard fighting. The railway pioneers had to face the scorn of those who said, "The road will never pay for itsaxle grease"!, ((Railway and settlers invent fcJrari'sfdCjbif 'Side for thefinid conquest of the country. Between 1881 and 1891 the population of Manitoba, the Northwest Territories (including the present Provinces of ?GF3 PTV2 Alberta and Saskatchewan) and British Columbia rose from 168,000 td 350,00(5. CANADIAN PACIFIC TODAY The Canadian. Pacific Railway runajnm the Atlantic to the. Pacific Ocean, Its linen isail ' frtwf V-itwwn tt'.atd Vh'tHa to Japan and China, and front Montreal, QiebcndSahhJhktGm DnWffaWth)!Qhtikent. lhperaie$ winter cruises to tbi'MiditeWinmYti'i West India aud Round the World, and a winter service to Bermuda, Its chateaux and hotels represent the latest uunf in comjort and luxury, Its telegraph (mm employs 2i5.0QOotnilet oj wire. Itt express travellers' cheques are current all over the world. Canadian Pacific offices and agents are to be jound everywhere. PACIF MOUJii UN i