BKV .1 : 'JB .i Kvrra, n. r .Mill 111 Vi Ml', Urn: .. tin: :,,, KidOi.,, November 3, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 Tubes For 25 Cents IJuy One Tube and Wc Will Give Away ANOTHER FREE! Ormes Ltd. "Jitr. Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Fhones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. ALLOWANCE j TO REMAIN Mmonton Hospital Board Refuses ts Cut Students iiemunerauon EDMONTON. C,V ni.l !"!" (fVf IT"" Nov. 3: By a de-the hospital board motion that the allow-ii M s in training be cut In i mitracts which would be effrre; n luture to giru entering !r. E w AJexandra for training. T': ...Mi.- of allowance! proposed dt;i no ).iyment for the proba- Ui: ;:! lS'ir.': f": : $1,000 a month. Those fine. Juliette's expert man-: a taxi In which Mls NOT CENT FOR LAZY Model Unemployment Law Would Provide Million;. However For Workers NEW YORK, Nov. 3: Model law to "provide millions for employment but not a cent for loafers" Is urged by Dr. WUlford I. King, professor of economies at New York University The law proposes that state em ployment at low wage rates be of fered to all able-bodied persons de of four months, $5 a siring it, at a suggested minimum of the next eight months. 30 cents an hour without food and t- , m ,,iitii (or the second year, lodging The law further would re ts: V." i month for the third year, quire all employers of BO or more Ti .timi in pointed out that ev- persons to subscribe to an agreed tr.:ji.i thu. new scale would affect volume of emoloyment, which he ! .".ji-.o in training and save ap- must maintain under penalty of u.iuwt the motion con- me employer also would eontrt- i tar present allowances bute to an unemployment reserve i little enough in com- fund kept In his own name by the tciru i i o: the work which they ttr and invested In tec unites legal In- ut would make it 1m- for the state's savings banks. r- many girls to go through Dr. King emphasised the neees- ; i:-iv, profession and that stty of low state wage rates: "Ctaar- .- p -v mtc attracted the best ly It would be folly to pay high r.t : ::,ul and permitted a care- prices for the labor qf those at pre sc. i of novices resulting In sent unemployed. Many, of them are ktujc money. ,consutuuonauy ineiriciem. aiosi or ! them would be unskilled at the Splendid Driving By Taxi Driver 1 tasks whleh the state needs to have i done. Furthermore, It should not be i the purpose of the state to divert i them permanently from their cus tomary fields of work. I . W I lata. ins u Hpirpss u4clent kp tnm inm "nt .but not enough to make them desire ! to retain positions with the state in- niY HILLS. Calif.. Nov. ; definitely. 'Kxpertence everywhere for cen-dnven ha i n uxicab driver shows that breaks charity theories his way Into " ,e the recipients. M.. Florence A. McAllis-!dwn Uneirloyirnt yields ' tfaesune , - u-old heiress to Okla- ,1,ll!ons isult. The aim of society should then oe to eliminate ootn as rauy as possible." " " " a s a passenger so woti; I-: .111(111 she hired him "a r r .'.' -ur and later married HjCrman irmCC ding to the story Just 1 Irtends. "uplt- has been marrifd W'pks. but the marriage '' "I when they purchased 1 '"'me and $37JJ00 furn- J the real Coal our fa-Jwm Edwin and Cawldy """niton. -In any qnantltln. ' llulkle, valley May. ut'n snd Itobln Hood Flour. 'face Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 5C8 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Cii ,AllPra"ons Made "fttlon ana neTerr Frrc! ; NG THE TAILOR cond Av. Punches Clock; Enjoys Labors DETROIT, Nov. 3: Punching a , invito is the dausmter time clock at the Ford Motor Com- Mis. Florence McAIUs- j pany plant here with other I in mo lcavlnz heritiloyces. Prince Louise Ferdinand 000.000 to three cull- von HohensoUern. a grandson ''liable oil lands in Ok-as reported that Mrs. uinual Income from her 1 lands amounted COAL Of the former Kaiser, admits he is hav ing thi time of his life. He thinks United States slang "is what you to call 'hot stuff." professes to have no political opinions and is prouder of a doctor ot philosophy degree re ceived from the University of Berlin than he is of his title of Prince. The youthful Prlncc-he is 32 years old is endeavoring to learn Industrial methods and merchandising practices here and is planning to work in every department of the automobile nlant. "I had to work durned hard for, that dearee.' 'he explains in telling i j why he would rather be called Doc-1 tor Louis Ferdinand' than innce von Hohensollern." I Aside from admitting he is antimilitaristic, Prince Louise dodges all efforts to lead him into political, discussion. He would rather discuss j the relative merits df motor cars. The Prince believes that the turn in world affairs that overthrew the Hohensollern dynasty In Oermany brouaht to him a sort of "new free dom." Far from being resentful, he Is enjoying It, he said. He refers to the former Kaiser either as "my grandfather" or Just "the old man." More than 15,080 patents have been awarded to women inventor; n the United States Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroner's store. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported thli morning to be on time. Daughters of Norway Bazaar in Metropole Hall. Nov. 6. Homecook- lng afternoon dance and play in evening. '. 258 Mrs. William Tomklns of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going througn to Vancouver. Presbyterian Bazaar Thursday afternoon. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock, price 50c. An attractive program at 7 p.m. 257 Judge II. E. A. Robertson of Prince George will be in the city to hear several local County Coutt cases which are set for Thursday of this week. Mrs. Dan Mclntcmlney of An- yox was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going througn from the smelter town for a trio to Vancouver. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident engineer, returned to the, city on the- Catala this morning from a trip to the Portland Canal dis trict on official duties. Rev. Evan Baker, United Church minister at Stewart, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the north and will be a visi tor here for the next few days. A son was born recently at the R. W. Large Memorial Hospital at Bella Bella to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bain- bridge. Mrs. Bain bridge was formerly Miss Jennie V. Rendle. lady superintendent of the Bella Bella Hos pital. Mr. Bainbridge is agent for the Imperial Oil Co at Bella Bella. Announcements .rjesbjterlan vember 5. .Fall Bazaar. No- SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale nnd for Rent McRAE IHtOS., LTD. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Itrd COS DOMINION DAIRY TELEPHONE 6S7 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEF.NA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese Fltr.SH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY fcatly Delivery Throughout the City aiLissMSiiiiiii miiwiirs sas III 1 in crtLan tar 500MOCMSK Red Wrappers 4 strong Aluminum Spoon, u mutes long fMITiiH MAM) SrJ your wrappers 0 O&O UMfTl NIO Si Ihmm St MOMTRf At Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. For Nanaimo - Wellington coal phone 771. C. C. Ketchum it Co. tf. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Jas. Flndlay. returned to port at 10:30 this morning from. Anyox, Stewart, and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo- torshlp freighter Norco arrived in port at 0:15 this morning from Ketchikan .and, after discharging eight carloads of fish for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways, sailed this al-ternoon for Seattle. NOTICE Our roal Li in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Huy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf VISIT IS RETURNED ."Moose Beat Rupert East Five Events to One in Badminton "The return match between the Rupert East and Moose badminton Daughters of Norway basaar, No-.clubs took place last-evening In the vember 6. Moose Hall. Weil cqn tested games resulted with the following scores: Eagles social and dance. Novent-; Ladles' Singles Y. Terrien M ber . Ladles refreshments. Genu: beat M. McKay (RE) .15-1. 15-7. 50c. Ladles' Doubles Miss M. Law- Irence, Mrs. Webber (Mi beat Mrs. Eagle's Whist Tuesday, Nov. 10.' McLean, Mrs. Squires (RE 18-13. Admission Oentlemen 50c. Ladles 15-12. refreshments. Moose Carnival and Danee No. 22 and 13. Baptist sale of work. Nov. 17. Anglican vember 10. Cathedral Basaar, No- Varden Concert, November 10. Recreation November 30. Club Scotch Dance. Parish Hall Seal Cove Dance November 37. United church Basaar Dec. 3. Men's Singles W. Howarth (M) beat J. Murray (RE 15-8. 15-7. Men's Doubles P. Petersen, II. Heilbroner (Mi beat I. Motte and W. Murray RE 4-15. 15-6, 15-6. Mixed Doubles-Miss Beale. Mr. Popek (RE) beat Miss B. Wright, O. Franks (Ml 16-7. 15-5. Mixed Doubles Mrs. RatchXord. Roy Franks (M beat Miss McFee. J. McOlashan 'RE 4-15. 15-11. 15-3. Refreshments were provided by the Moose Club, about thirty being present. FAMILY MEAT MARKET 209 Second Street 2 lbs. Round Steak and 4 lbs. Onions 3 lbs. Spare Ribs and 1 Green Cabbage l lb. Liver and VHP. Bacon Lamb 8tW ! 4 Iba, , Veal Stew 4 lbs Phone 937 50c 50c 50c 50c 6 lbs. Shoulder Pork and Q-t ft A 4 lbs. Apples V-levV Loin Pork Chops 2 lbs 2 lbs. Pork Steak and 1 lb. Sausage Pot Roast of Beef - I ' 7 lbs Prime Rib Roll and 4 lbs. Spuds S lbs. Rump Roast and 6 lbs. Carrots i Freeh Killed Fowl i each Fresh Side of Pork - 4 lbs. 45c 50c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 75c 50c We have vegetables and deliver our K"'ids. Advice to Scrap Politics Given to Women of Quebec MONTREAL, Nov. 3: Women of Quebec were urged to scrap politics and spend their time working for the poor instead by speakers at the inaugural meeting of the Liberal L. O. David Club for Women held here recently. The club was formally opened by i the Hon. L. A. David, Provincial Secretary, and son of the late Hon. L. O. David from whom the new organization takes Its name. Mr. David cautioned the women not to forget in their interest in politics that they should remain women In every sense of the word, and that It was more Important for them to merit the qualifying term "belles" than "good politicians." The Hon. Fernand Rlnfret declared himsell In favor of votes for I women in mis province uui aeneu that It be kept in mind that politics was a minor matter as compared with a relief program. Mrs. Emlle David, president of the club, In answering the speakers, said that while the women fully realized the great need for their services in the hard winter ahead, po litics meant too much for them to desert tlu field entirely 'We shall do both, sin itmu uneeid WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Sponge Sandwich 20c The Electric Bakery Phone G67 Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Tflrphone tXI Royal J. N. Moss, Port Simpson. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PHUDHO.MME. Prop. Cor. ot Fraser and Fifth 8ts Savoy George Nelson and W. G. Valpy, Inverness; Harold Dole, city; C li Flcwln .and G. E. Drown. Por, Simpson. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlninOlncliinrry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts SAFE WINTER TIRES SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now ! Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Phone 566 (Night calls 161) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CAUS Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg... $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Fares t:ntlir Noirmbtr lt. (Cloud to I'lbruarj- 2D. VJSi .l(t:i)LCKI tllMT CLASS HKTI ItN FAKES Frcm ITlncs Rupert (In-eluding Meata aud Berth) to VANCIH VtK or Vlt'TOKIA .. SlttOO ret. To PHlNCi: IttTKKT (Including Meals and Berth) From Ocean Falls I'llJ ret. Frctn Anyox $13.3.1 rrt. From Stewart SKt.Tft return. Hlfanirm lrtive ITInre llnpert for Vanroiivrr EVEKY Tl'ESDAV 1:30 p. m. (M.S. C-taU). Etrrjr HtI)U MIDMCJIIT. (S.M. OrUriu.) Full lrfcrmatlon. reservations aM tickets firm - It .M. H.MITII. I'rliii-e Ktirt Ajcenrr. Srrrtml Avrimr. flvme Mi PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a discriminating people. It there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they are making-R mistake ill not takingthe best. "THe price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper. that circulates throughout the district Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow More Hours Entertainment CANADIAN - 'NATIONAL CARBON CO. LIMITED CIiirr VtafMivtr TORONTO MeatMil WiaalMf tt" inissXBsr""! tssssVl2si7TI TJVEREADY LAYERIilLTS lead offer more hour! of service, longer life, more dependable power and more satitfsctory recep. lion. There' no other battery like Layerbilt ... no other that it completely pacled, layer on layer, with power-producing materials. And there is no other Layerbilt, except that bearing the Eveready name. Three sires (i2?t volts, tundard 43 volts, and heavy duty 43 volts) aniwer all needs. StU t RtJio Sttrtt trttyhat. EVEREADY Radio Batteries RB 3 ..ft ' - "V., ' "ii'''- .5 4sV':1i 1 r. i a ..." $ - 1 .sWr II i I i i -'A L i,