Todays Weather prince Rup-" "riing, strong southeast win g meier,; temperaiun.-, a vol XXH No 255. :- : g t ! u a Ai us Quebec representative , of community ' ri11 Hon. H. J. Francoeur, r( ' i r public works, is spoken 1 1' next attomev-cenera'. !'iu r now being administered j ' ''" premier. The amalgamation. " ' monlaatton and agricul-1 I'.utmenU and the creation 1 ' :i '""try of social welfare hayc f!.,chcd. Hon. T. D. Bouch- 1,1 n "sont speaker, may become '' '!'" ''''' f labor, while the spsal:- I ' 1 1 :i 1 r ttw.itj . . 1 v V,'i " nuuiu uc lit n. en uy irejicc 8t James, Montreal, whoj 1 'd Cammten Hnnrlo lati "Pm.. M,m lf0der ln thc n , ln it elections.. 4 A i . . T J r"OFIT-TAKINn WEAKENS WHEAT T Winnipeg, Nov. 3: unabio : " withstand a barrage of -Uiklnir. wheat closed" net losses as high as ic . iri"' making new high levels m 1 ly trading today. Governor Rolph 8ft President of University of British Columbia. Working of Married Women Is Protested By Edmonton Body EDMONTON. Nov aanlnat all business continuing to employ married wo- j men whose husbands are receiving . a living wage, and a suggestion tnat these business houses conduct a sur- vev and endeavor to replace sucn nnkim nf itnn.lmArrled women with women from Left Bed Today California Executive Recovering After Illness With Influenza SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3-Gov-ernor James Rolph of California was able to get up today after having spent two wwks m o.. Francis Hospital suffering with In-fluenaa. His doctors have ordexeu however, that he must Uke a veek's vacation before resumlnj his executive duties. imftrtfh The Weather Princd meter, 30, Dead Tree rolnt-Part cloudy, calm; barometer. 30.32; temperature, 48; sea calm. away. power dive and shooting downwaif slantwise outside the danger zone. "As we flew past Anlakchak crate which was sending up blllowlnj clouds of smoking gasses, we coulc see only the base of the mountain We began to notice very strong gas fumes when we were forty miles away. I "As we flew 2.000 feet above tht highest point of the rim. the fumes from the crater began to affect the engine. The plane refused to climb and began to lose air speed. Our ship turned tall on us anc toward the eruptlnr rush of cold air towarc the volcano's vents. Henry Blunt the pilot, and Al Monsen dived stralaht downward and with Uu sneed thus gained righted the ship 3: A protest an(j 8not away from the crater. We organizations came to a landing on Meshlk Lake, 15 miles from the rim." Father Hubbard explained that the Anlakchuk disturbance was the greatest eruption of modern times. LThe volcano is the largest active crater In the world, he said, and Is I 'forte, now minister of the ranks of Edmontons unempioy- j yipd by few except scientists, ion U mhninrpA m i.itd ed. was unanimously agreed to at,rjuring the May eruption, ashes to the late OodfreIUie last meeting of the Federation WCre found on Bristol Bay, 200 mile Fitzroy Again Named Speaker House Commons LONDON, Nov. 3; Rt. Hon. Edward Algernon Fitzroy was today re-elected Speaker of the House of Commons. v MANCHURIA NOW niCING EVACUATED HANKOW, November 3 The United States military obser- ver here reports partial eva- cuatlon of Manchuria by Jap- Considerable baro-ij tne troops. calm, Ru uperU-Clcr. ,3; temperature. 48; - STRri during forces the week. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1931 Three "general ioiis orswunnua, champions at Los Angeles, Ethelda BieibUvy no Mrs ilu Robert. Olympic record. 1920; peorgU..C!ittn, world -iiampi n woman diver and little Lellah Roberts. 2!2-'fc.ii"-old dajs'i-ct j' the it.rner swimming champion who is already receiving training. LAVAL BACK IN' FRANCE French Premier Returns to Paris After His Trip to United States PARIS, Nov. 3 Premier Plerr Laval returned to Paris yesterday from his trip to United State where he discussed Allied war debts and German reparations with President Hoover. German representatives will go into conference soon with Premier Laval. BUILDER IS DEAD Fred Tarfitt, Victoria Contractor, Died Yesterday al Age of 61 WELCOME WARSHIP Busy Two Days at Port Simpson In Connection With HJM.C.S. Skeena Visit PORT SIMPSON. Nov. 3 Port Simpson had a busy two days last week entertaining the Lieutenant-Governor and H.M.C.S. Skeena. A citizens' social was held on Thursday night to entertain Mi. Fordham-Johnson and Commander Brodeur and officers at the Crosby Olrls' Home. On Thursday a football match at Falrvlew playground between Simpson and H.M.C.S Skeena resulted In a 1 to 0 scoie In favor of Simpson. A basketball game between Simpson and H. M. C. S. Skeena took place in the evening. Port Simpson people presented Commander Brodeur with a hand-carved naUve paddle as a souvenir of the first visit of a warship bear ing the name Skeena which was VICTORIA. Nov. 3: Fred Parfltt, 'originated by the Port Simpson member of the local contracting people. firm of Parfltt Bros., died yesterday 1 Port Simpson Council Band at- at the ace of 61 ln the Provincial ! tended all day. A dance followed Royal Jubilee Hospital. It was Parfltt Bros, who were the contractors on the construction of j the Third Avenue business block I here which Is occupied by the Ben son Studio, Thomas McClymont and the Rosal Shoo. The late Fred Par- 1 Seven Men Placed In Custody at Vancouver Following Clash With Police until midnight. age nib us ucic uij uiai muv nao A a. j i. n...l jolng up. WORKLESS ARRESTED VANCOUVER, Nov. 3:Seven ,a8e- men were arrested in an unemployment demonstration yesterday The men hurled sawed-off ends Halibut Landings American Trinity, 77.000, 9.2c and 4c, Stor- Sunset, 42.000. 9.8c and 4c, Atlin, Constitution. 45,000, ,8.8c and 4c. Pacific. Yukon, 24,000, 9.7c and 4c, Booth. Midway, 6,500, 10.3c and 4c, Atlln. Bonania, 15,000, 9.5c and 4c, Storage. Charlotte, 3.000, 9.9c and 4c, Canadian Signal, 12,000. 9.8c and 4c, Storage. Johanna. 8,000, 9.6c and 4c, Stor- VANCOUVER WHEAT E. Skog, Seventh Avenue East, er ect garage, $100. McRae Bros.. Third Avenue West, addition to store, $100. D. Securo, 703 Fulton, erect porch, $100. A. Wylie, Eighth Avenue, addition to residence, $350. M. A. Cox, Seventh Avenue West, general repairs, $100. lomorrows lides Wednesday, November 4, 1931 High 8:40 a.m. 17:4 ft. 20:40 pjtn. 17:6 ft. Low 1:46 a.m. 6:1 ft. 14j20 p.m. 9.'2 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS WA YS ASKING FOR CONCILIA TION CAN. NATIONAL RAILWAY- TO REDUCE TRAIN SERVICE Government Line To Effect Drastic Cut In System Mileage Cancellations and Consolidations Soon to Be Inaugurated Will Lessen Number of Passenger Trains Save 3,000,000 Miles Per Year MONTREAL, Nov. 3:- A cut in train services of the Canadian National Railways to be inaugurated later in the month will reduce mileage of the system by about three niliinn miles per annum, making in all a reduction of eight ni'li n miles per annum from the maximum service of i'2" Cancellations and consolidations will reduce the, r.;mhf-r of passenger trains. NEW HOUSE IN SESSION Tint Quebec Scision Since Tasch-trtau Government Returned to Tower New Leader of Opposition ij'TBKO Que., Nov. 3 The srs-: :h Qusbee Legislature op-'"lay. the first after the re V: vtnrlal general elections mler L. A. Taseherc.u ::: was returned to power ' ipporters as against li f r ;: ":tion. A new leadpr L he opposition, C. E Oaur M . ; . al. the first English lan-, i mber to hold this position if (-deration. i T rr. .,-, important business be-' .csslon will be legislation . unemployment relief. " matter which may give Abates Is the wholesale vim of the results of the :' 'lection launched by the! vivt.s and the charges 01 ifs which accompanied i muit Taschercau has an-i the charges, and those !i Liberals In contesting re- certain constituencies "iwrvatlves were sucessful '" Emitted to the committee' 11 'mcs and elertlons. fii' rs of changes In the per-": i 'he cabinet have been " i Hire before the elections, ' M amalgamation of certain wiits la Dean Klinck MRS. JUDD ARRAIGNED Formally Charged Yesterday With Murder of Two Women PHOENIX. Arizona, Nov. 3 Ruth Winnie Judd was form ally charged yesterday with th murder of her two former friend ( jMlss Hedvlg Samuelson and Mr I Agnes Lerol. I The prosecution charges that th ' killings were premeditated by' Mrs. Judd. PLANE WAS CRIPPLED Passengers Narrowly Missed Death When Alaska Volcano Gas Stopped Enjine NEW YORK. Nov. 3: -A story of a perilous airplane Journey over the Aniakchak volcano In the centre of the Alaskan Peninsula during Iti eruption last May Is told by Fathei Bernard R. Hubbard, Jesuit priest and head of the geologyjleparUuenV of the University of Santa Clara Cal. He has arrived here from an Alaskan expedltioa "The only way we escaped what appeared to be certain death," he said, "was by the pilot making a A Family of Swimming Champions Arbitration Regarding Proposed Pay Slash is Invited by Companies Formal Application For Board is Made by Canadian tional and Canadian Pacific Lines to Labor Department OTTAWA, Nov. 3: Announcement of the receipt by the Labor Department of an application for a board of conciliation from the Canadian National Railways in Canada, the Canadian Pacific Railway and subsidiary lines was made today. The application arises out of a proposal by the railways for a ten per cent reduction in rates of pay affecting locomotive engineers, locomotive firemen, conductors, trainmen and telegraphers. BUILDING AIRMAN ON STILL UP WAY BACK I - : This Year Continues to Maintain Alexander Magyar, Who Flew Lead Over Last Though October I Across Atlantic, Leaves Buda-jtrf'J-iMi.i' -J" lor.U,tes.With, Bride Building permits for the month of BUDAPEST, Hungary, November October this year Involved no ma- 3 Alexander Magyar, who made jjor construction projects and total- a non-stop flight during the past m , mim iuui(iiu summer irum new x or K io UUaa-$7,554 in the same month last year, pest with his countryman. George The building aggregate for the year Endres. left here yesterday by plane to date still maintains, a small lead for Cherbourg. France, enroute over last year, building permits is- back to the United States. He was sued up to October 31 this year ag- accompanied by his bride, They gregating $148,563 in value as com- were married only a week ago here. pared with $142,594.50 Up to the , corresponding date in 1930. Following is the building list for I II I IJ I VI I 1 Y I U October this year: JL Vll lYJLVS A LaLt Oeo. Macklln, Sixth Avenue East, j erect shack, $700. Ole Skog, Seal Cove Circle, erect terday to start serving a thirty-day garage, $200. O. Nlckerson, AUln Avenue, addition to residence, $2000. G. Rosin, Emmanuel, close in porch, $85. Matt Vldeck, Sixth Street, addition to residence, $150. CABINET SELECTED Premier MacDonald Seeking Royal Approval of Ills Ministers LONDON, November 3 Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald was to pre Police Court Fines This Year Barely Half of-LastYearit IS IN JAIL" Transpacific Flyer Starts Thirty-Day Sentence for Traffic Offence LOS ANGELES, November 3 Don Moyle, who made a transPa- cflc night recently with Cecil Allen surrendered to the police here yes- Jail sentence which was lmpose-1 upon him before the start of the flight for having driven an automobile while under the Influence of liquor. Police court fines for the month1 building holiday. Thlrty-slx of Octobir this year aggregated $810 as compared with $1,475 ln October 1930. So far this year fines VANCOUVER, Nov. 3: Wheat. have totalled $4,561.25, as against of boards at police officers who were was quoted at 69Vc on the local ex- j $8,060.50 in thc flrsften months of attempting to disperse them. change today. J 1930. IS NAMED SPEAKER Congressman John Garner of Texas Succeeds ate Senator Nicholas Longworth WASHINGTON, D.C.. Nov. 3 -Congressman John Garner of Red River. Texas, will be successor to Senator Nicholas Longworth as sent his finally drawn up cabinet Speaker of Congress. Oarner will list to King G?orge today for his , wield the gavel over the next ses-approval. Within the next few days slon of Congress, the new ministers will be sworn! ' ln. FRANCE AND BRITAIN IN FAVOR BUILDING HOLIDAY LONDON. Nov; 3 Great Britain and France notified the League of Nations last night that both were agree- able to a one-year naval 4 nations have so far signified their approval of a twelve- month cessation of naval building. it" i in fat" if' : , "1, tel. ,t!t sV., I- r ft