.ml PAGE BEE THE DAILT NEWS IRENE RICH IS DIVORCED Husband CI,iird That Screen Work Made Her Unsatisfactory Wife SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 3. Irene Rich, the well known, screen matron, made an appearance In a local court yesterday In connection with the hearing of her husband's divorce suit. The husband claimed decree was granted. SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AIR HEATING and VENTILATION Alexander Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 20 years by bonding company. Steens Limited P.O. Box 928 Phone 5 Just Phone Sometimes when a vacuum cleaner feels temperamental and loses interest in scurrying away with the dust settlements it's a very simple trouble. We are Intimately acquainted with all makes of vacuum cleaners, and we know how to persuade them to go on about their business with a stout heart and lots of vigor. We repair all things electrical. Parkin Ward Electric Company Repair Shop 319 Third Ave. 10c. a week! CATTO & CATTO, Architects Here Is a small home of simple lines which Is very Impressive. There Is a strong character and sturdlness in Its appearance and for the small family, who desires an economical residence of distinction this home should prove favorable. A soldier course of brick running around the house more than half that Miss Rich's screen work made way up the brick wall at the level hpr an unsatisfactory wife. Th of the second floor window sills em- phasizes the vertical lines of the house. This, together with the ra-; iher low pitched roof, presents a , charming appearance and has great architectural value. ' The rooms are of good size and conveniently situated. If desired,' ihe dining room can be transformed nto an ideal bedroom. Outline Specifications Size of House: 20'x27.' Suitable Lot: 26' or more. Walls: Brick. Roof: Shingles. Built-in Features: Cupboards. Cubic Contents: 15,000 cu. ft. Approximate Cost: $3,200. Readers desiring further information reearding a house of this design should communicate with Messrs. Cat to & Catto, 68 King St. E, .Toronto, Ont. and mention design I No. 300. Consult a local architect if 'designing architect Is too far remov ed. HOME OWNERS WANT BEAUTY, PERMANENCE IN PRIVATE GARAGE A Good Garage Adds Value to Home Property Properly designed and constructed, with careful attention given to architectural style, a garage can be I built so as to enhance greatly the ; appearance of the home grounds. To secure unity sharp contrast in Iripjilffn hottt-ppn earapp and riwpllinp should be avoided. I Concrete construction is readily adapted to any architectural style and by the use of portland cement stucco, the usual method of surfacing garages built of concrete mason-; ry, an almost endless variety of colors and surface finishes is possible. The stucco can be given smooth. tippled, spatter-dash, or any of Small Residence of Sturdy Construction With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy will call and collect CHARACTER IN A SMALL HOME OTTO Ik CTTO TO a ONTO 1 UP t - sob- DINING ROOM 10 0". to o' OSS' "kitchen 8'OmlOO' mm LMNG BOOn li fe" x 14-o" taaM pBST fLOOe PLAN and presents a smooth, even surface that can easily be kept clean. the newer textural finishes. It may ; It is a good plan to give the floor a 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH 4 J - -KT 1 BATH A I JL bed boom tvrr I C IOO.IIO I M uune oy extending not water or steam pipe from the residence heating plant, although satisfactory be tinted buff, brown, gray or any , slope of about one inch in eight feet; garage heaters are available. Copy otner snaae required to coniorm luwura me aram, usuauy located in j right 1931. The Architects Small with the surroundings. j the centre. A concrete approach : House Service Bureau, Inc. A substantial footing that will not built on an easy incline Is also de- I yield is of prime Importance in the citable so that the automobile can construction of a concrete masonry, be run In or out without Jolting. It garage. To prevent possible upheav- is desirable to extend this approach al from frost action, the concrete beyond the doors, at least one foot foundation must extend below frost farther than the dripline of the penetration. It should also go down eaves. If this Is not done, the en-to firm soil, so there will be no op- trance may be muddy In wet wea-portunlty for the building to settle, j ther. Probably the most satisfactory Under average conditions, a foot- and economical method of building lng having a spread of 12 inches the approach is to continue the will be satisfactory for garages of floor out without any construction one storey. Joint at the building line. A concrete floor is easy to build Heating should preferably be District News VANDERH00F The provincial department of pulic works has the bridge over Stony Creek about half completed. On the highway west of the new Ooldle bridge gravelling operations are In progress. Thirteen trucks are U work and good progress is being made. Oasollne shovel and teams arc at work at the bridge crossing the Ne-ehako River close to town widening the grade to 24 feet. The local creamery has closed for the season and Nechako district farmers are now shipping their cream and milk to the Valentin dairy at Prince Rupert. The village commissioners have accepted a tender from Merrill Av-erlll for the building of sidewalks on Burrard Avenue. The Young People's Society had an enjoyable Hallowe'en social last Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Oampbell. The Women's Auxiliary to the Ca nadian Legion Is holding a meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. Durrant to make final arrangements for the entertainment to be held on Remembrance Day. J. G. Whlteacre left on Sunday on his return to Vancouver after having spent the summer months on his Mandalay Farm In the Stuart River district. ) Mr. and Mrs. Altken of Takla Lake were visitors In town last week. It was the first visit to town in two years for Mr. Altken who is In the service of the Hudson Bay Co. A son was born here last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Enest Phllpott, BED ROOrt l'b't 14 0 LCOflD flOOE PLAN Wicked May Live If They Turn To Right From Sins The rtibject of te lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churehe and societies on Sunday was "Ev erlasting Punishment." Among the Bible texts Include in the lesson-sermon was the following from Eseklel 18:21: "But if the wicked will turn from all hi' sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which Is lawful and rtaht. he shall surely live he shall not die." The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from th Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to thr Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy one passage being as -follows: "Wr acknowledge Ood's forgiveness tt sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But tne belief in sin punished so long a Ihe belief lasts." (page 497). Winter Navigation School Is Opened With Good Number The usual school for navigation conducted during the winter by Capt. J. R. Elfert, harbor master, was opened last evening with 12 students enrolling which Is consid ered rather good for a start. Quite a number more student are ex pected by the time all the halibut fishing vessels are in. During the winter classes wilt be held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening In Capt. Elfert's office. Bare feet and sandals are being adopted by fashionable women la England. Toenails are highly pol Ished tn red tints. Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue THESE FOLK UNFRIENDLY Canberra Officially Hears of Canni balistic Natives of Kiapou Valley, Tapua CANBERRA, Aust, Nov. 2: "A most unfriendly people, living in scattered villages in the wildest pari of the country, practising strange rites, particularly In regard to tno disposal of their dead, and cannibalistic by nature." This description of a fierce people discovered In Kia pou Valley, In the rugged neari oi Papua, Is contained In an official report received by the Prime Min ister's Department from tne L,ieu-tenant-Oovernor of Papua, Sir Hu bert Murray. Containing an account of a not able expedition recently carried out by Patrol-Officer Hides, tne repori rjrovides additional evidence uiai the Commonwealth is rapidly build ing In British New Guinea a force which for daring and self-reliance is rivalling the Royal Northwest Mounted. Hides Is the first white man tc have explored the lnhospl table valley of the Kiapou. which is a river running south from the Mandated Territory to the west of the Tlverl, an effluence of the Lakekamu, The Kiapou presumably Joins the TaurL and so flows Into the Gulf of Papua. "It was a plucky effort," says Sir Hubert, "calling for personal cour age and endurance and skill tn bushcraft." One typical passage describes trouble with the hostile natives. The party had camped for ihe night on a hill overlooking a village. "The attack came at dusk'' says Hides. "Standing near the flap of ray tent with a carrier outside a few feet away from me. I heard rattle of arrows on the ground and on the woodwork of the camp. "I saw the carrier fall, with two arrows In his body. I hurried to the native's assistance, and after with drawing the arrows helped him to cover. By that time the arrows had reased. There was no further attack that night." Though severely wounded thr carrier continued the Journey and displayed great fortitude. The Territory of Papua, which was placed under the authority ol the Commonwealth of Australia In In 1906, comprises part of the New Guinea mainland. In 1923 the white population was 1.523, and the native population 275,000. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert November 3, 1911 On the grounds that the sending if prisoners south to serve their terms Li too costly to the city, the police commissioners yesterday afternoon urged Mayor WUllam Man-son to move for the erection of a provincial Jail in Prince Rupert Chief W. H. Vlckers reported that transportation of prisoners and escorts south formed a heavy part of police expenditure. Local longshoremen arc still on strike. Officers and members of the crew of the steamer Princess Ena discharged the freight from that vessel here yesterday. The wedding took place last evening at the home of W. T. Robertson, Musgrave Place, of Miss Susie Mae Robertson and Clarence Leicester Swindell. Rev. F. W. Kerr officiated and attendants of the couple were Miss Wark and R. L. Mcintosh. The happy couple sailed on the Prince Rupert this morning for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and will return to Prince Rupert to Tuesday. November 3, 1931 Monday and Tuesday Feiture Starts at 7 10 & 9 t, ADMISSION - 20c 4 65, The Great Broadway Suctm Now on the Screcn-starrlnj Marion Davies in 'It's a Wise Child' With Many Other Leadinj Stars This is the funniest eomedj you have seen In a lonj time Comedy "Lemon Merlntue' Novelty "The Tune IetectlTe" riOTORIAL NO. 3 Wednesday and Thursday "MOTHER'S MILLION'S MMMMK!H53SI! LOOK THESE OVER This is the time to do it We offer a few suxurstite buji for making your Christmas cakri mint meat and plum pudding. Our stock is fresh. Australian Raisins Linht color, 7 lbs. Australian Cleaned Curia-. 7 lbs. Australian Dried Pcachrs 7 lbs. Evaporated Prunes Lurur size, 40-56, 8 Ibst . Shelled Walnuts 2 lbs Shelled Almonds- - 2 lbs. Malkln's Bost Extracts T. i Vanilla t-vz. bottles 2 for Malkln's Bssj, Bleached Raisins, 2 lbs. Malkln's Hast Spites 2 tins Terrace Apples Hard ( i mince meat making, 4 ;i Mixed reel Citron. Lemi and Orange Peel, per lb We carry a i rcih supply of fruits nl vegetables and our prices are t low . We give care and atlc ntion to 1I mail orders. MussahWs Cash& Carry Stores "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO! 95c 95c LIB V V V 95c 82c 85c 35c 35c 15c 25c 25c "Where Dollars Have More CenU No. 1 Store Fifth Ave -rhone H J No. 2 Store 319 Third Av rhone JM No. 3 Store 727 Third Av Phone $ p. o. nox s;J The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PUINCE RUPERT. .C.