November 3, 1931 XBX DAILY NXWa PAOZ FTVS . The Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column """' i St A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other tmall advertisements In this section charted at the rate of 2 cent. , word per insertion with lis insertions for the price of four. By the month the charce Is 25c a word. No adrertlsement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT :.t furnished 4 room flat ,.ui Phone 547. tf mi live-room apartment Mussallem Grocery. UI room With private family to rent. a;..,. LMiaire. near Court House. Ph. i. Red 908. (253) fun hk NT -Furnished apartment! week or month. 725 Third West, Phone Red 607. tf foh Ri-.NT- -Clean well-furnished ii Hint two-room suite. Palmer Aji . ' iirnls. Phone 444. tf) f t i i NT Comfortable six-roora itb Magestlc Range, close :. Socond Avenus. Appiy i: : )n Hardware Co. Ltd. tl FOR SALE TOR :ALE Oood used cars a rigii' prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. Pun KALE -Cary Safe and Dalton riiKister. Apply Dally News tf LK - Used kitchen coal and coal heater. Dally tf r ; v. Monarch range. Frank-t No. 12, day bed, rugs, 4 !: ak dining chairs, electric u in . iter, double bed, dresser ..urs finished in walnut. wd. dresser and chair In niall mahogany table, kit tuir. electric light fixture. am and blinds. Apply 429 Avenue Wet. Phone Blue id after f Pin. if CHANi E To buy Christmas present. : :ive birds, green and blue. ' am pets; Beautiful antique i i. ormolu cabinet (Louis ;c : with Pletradura panel c- f; it tractive theatre or Jewel etc.; splendid walnut i iif id suite, beautifully up "I In English mohair, ui spring cushions, blue "! rose; Chronicles of Oan- t- volumes, new; Encyclopae ''a Ci 'annlca Including Thlr i chtron: collection Oriental T ' , uid Italian swords, knives i ii ttus; 2 high class shot ' nr by Qow ti Sons, Dundee, ' "through duck gun, full r)) i' duck and goose calls; two Hudson's Bay blankets. : ''fd; old design sllverplate! ks on card and conjures Call after 2 p.m. Room 11 ' I' l JlT Block. ROOMS FOR RENT r 'Ml m ABLE Room to rent, close 1 - Red 218. (tft HOARD AND ROOM Room 123. IN h ,m I,, Buaw, . b.-r,, P' AND BOARD. Phone Red It "id board or meals only Avenue West. Phon Him Typewriters for Rent day, week or month Hose, Cowan & Latla Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. A' . l;,.. T ...... T .vuiiici ui miss vyuy of Piano, Theory, ,! 'mony. Counterpoint. Tr le phone: Red 390 C.JOOMHS Radio Service "llo Sales and Repairs makes of radio work guaranteed. niue 901 808 4th Av. E. tf nd ROOM One or two "us with or without board Bl.K-k 291 or call 244 Fifth West. (253) SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes sc-paired, Second Avenue West, tf 8HOE REPAIRS Best materlaU-flnest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Office, tf! AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART! We buy. srll or exchanea anvi kind of furniture or household j goods, musical instruments, ma j chlnery, etc. Oeneral repairs.! Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. O, i, DAWKS. Auctioneer-Federal Block tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on oi under the water we doit." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS LN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 1561 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Glenn and R. Vlererk T. L R. TRANSFER Phone Oreen 609 Reasonable prlcw Orders Promptly Attended THK HlNKKl'PTCY ATT Suttot lo rmWon f ITft MrrtlnS Is Uh IV4U oT JEAN SMITH UMPIRE BATHfli (UtborlMd mlgnor NCmOC to hwtkf bmltb o? Prlnc Hutm. British CiKu.i-'itt. mimed ar: mtti. did cn th Mtfc Sy of OetoM. An. IM1. Jk ui u-tkcrtMtf mxam U fear propmr Icr th btneflt of bef crtdlti nd 'h: Mr lUnry T UuM t ffnH4 mm to be cuitodlM of Uw in of tbo oXXor until tb (Im racating of ar- fjUjQI SJ Mottw I furUwr 4va that tb f" inMtios of crttar in the bov n-itU will b htM t tlw oftlc of tlM OffkUl Rftstvrr Ui Oourt Houm. Prlnc RupxV D C, n UoiMbqr Um 18th iy of NOMnlw, AJ 1M1. t Uinc utwi u " . Ts wUUt fOM To vet wmi prooi rrf tout claim muat b loa wim m briar the mwtliHr to hld Fttto to bt uM M m mertuiK And rurthar tak nouot that at such iMluf tha erNUton wUl rka UM p'- And rurihar UU notk that jrou htT any ial SlMt tha tor for of tueh dalra must pa ni, "l1? or wKh th truta PPo4ntrd ouw -wu lh proceada of th dapWa astate will be dtotrlbuted mou the partle antttM tharHo wthout regard to your ctoun. . . DATED at mnce mipe.. y- Cuatodlan Prima Rupert. B.C. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Oraduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Oreen 241 Black fXl CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spinal column. T. W. HOLLAND PALMISTRY Block, Phone Oreen 701. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Bircn. Cedar and Jack Plnew t KKDKN t L.M) IHSTKICT lllsTltlt'T Of (1'IK rilAKI.OTTI: ISLAND TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. Smmoc.'. if Portland. Oregon. Intend to apefy lor a license to prospect for coal aaU petroleum, over and under the fotlov tig deernbad land. Commencing at a post planted at the Sottfctaet oarnrr of Smtum S. Tp. 9: thenoe North X) chains, thenoe Weat 80 chain, thrnee South 80 ehaina. thenoe Bast 80 chain; :o point of aomnioeanenit and containing 640 acres more or law. Located nth Oct . 1981. C. D. EMMONS. sKI:i;. I.AMI ll!TKICT HIHTKirr OI' 0.1 LEN rlUKI.OTTi: SUMH TAKE NOTICE that I, O. D. Stamen, of Portland, Oregon, Intend to applv for a license to prospect tor ooal and atrclewn. over awl uader the follow, rng described land. CMmmenetiig at a post planted at um aouwieM oomcr of Saetlca 9. Tp. 9: thenrw North 8u haUM. tbeose iaat 80 ehaina. thence South 80 r nil ii. tnraos weat 00 ohnln i t point of cammeuoemcM aad eon lalnlng 644 acres mora or lesa. LoeaVd 17th Oct . 19SI. C. D. EMMONS. Progressive merrnanta advertls '"TILLIE THE TOILER" THE MARKET Market prices current today are is follows: Vegetable B. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs. .25 sack $1.45 to ........ 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, t lbs .2 Parsley, bunch ,0i B. CL Celery, head .10 Vegetable Marrow, lb. .05 f Spinach, B. C, lb. Garlic, imported, per lb Brown Pickling Onions . White Pickling Onions, 2 lbs. Cabbage, green AppI .40 .10 .25 Calif. Head Lettuce, head 15 Victoria hothouse tomatoes . lb. .20 basket .90 Field Tomatoes, lb 10 basket 40 Oreen Peppers, lb , .15 Red Peppers, lb .25 Egg Plant, lb. .25 B.C. Cauliflower, hd.....15c. to. ,25. 15 Besner Block Phone 857 B. C. Bunch Carrots . ja Outdoor cucumbers, each be to .10 'Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c and JO Pumpkin, lb , .OS a. mmes 2ri,V: S Scotch Kale, lb .07 '! Onions, 8 lbs - 2i 'Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs 2b i Carrots. 8 lbs 2Z Parsnips, lb. B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and i imported Spanish Onions, lb. Furniture Moving. Phone 204. ti Savoy Cabbage, head, 10c to.. 2b .00 .13 B. C. fravensteins, 2 lbs. .25 Mcintosh Reds, household .... box 1JU 4 lbs. 5 ic Orade, large box 2.05 L.xn dutkict ihstkict Fancy large box 2.45 OP (JITXN rilAKUITTE IM.AMIS Medulm SmaXL fox 2.6.4 take notice that i. c d xminaav. j Extra Fancy, box 2.31 for a ncanae to prospect for coal II SWT and petroleum, over and under th following dcR-rUwd land. Commeneln at a neat nUntod S tlw KcTUlWMt OOrDer Of Seetlon 4 . Td. 9: UMnee South 8W ebataa. thanea Sast SO ehaina. thtnee DWth SO chains, ttware Wast 80 chains to point erf oommeaceinaat aStd -oti-tajlnlna HO acraa more or lass. Loaated ITth Oct. 1M1. C D. IMMOKS. SKr.EXA tASU DISTKICT IMSTKirT or iji iex riitm.oTTr isi.amis TAKE NOTICE that I. Robert M. Mount, of Portland. Oregon. Intend to apply for a Hoeoae to project for cool and petroleum, over and under the following rteacrtbad land Oomroenclng t a post pleated at the Northeaat earner of Section S. Tp 9: thence South bn citalna. tbenoe Weat SO ehaina thenc; North 80 ehaina. theno Eaat 80 chain-to point of commenceoietit and oonUlr. lag 649 aorea more or lesa. tootled 17th Oct. 1811 HOBKKT M. MOUNT. By C. D. Kmaaonr Agent Frul Valencia Oranges 25c to .70 Lemons, California, large .&) Cal'fornla Grapefruit .7V4c tb .10 Bananas, lb. California Tokay Orapes, lb. vyrshlre bacon, lb. -eal. shoulder Veal, loin, .15 2S Canteloupes, Oliver , 10c. to .13 Fears, doz 35c to .45 Crabapple iarge, 4 lbs .25 box 1.S0. Pomegranate 10c to ,15 Concord Orapes, basket j... 1.00 Urlea irults- Extracted honey, per Jar Comb honey -,, , . , 25 Oatcj, bulk, lb ,12 i Lemon and Orange Peel Black cooking figs, lb. Currants, lb. Citron Peel White figs, lb Apples, dried .... feaches, peeled . , , Apricots, lb. Prune. 60-70, lb. Prunes 30-40, lb. . Prunes, 40-50, lb. . Meats-Fowl, No. 1. lb. ... Roasting Chicken, lb - Ham, sliced, first grade .. Cottage, rolls, lb. Ham, picnic, first grade , , t 3aeon, side, sliced, best grade Pork, shoulder ?ork, loin tork, dry salt . Pork, leg ... 35c to .2a . .15 . J5 .. 20 . as . 20 . 20 . 20 .. .IB .. .15 .124 - .0 .40 .45 25 .45 .13 "28 20 20 M 25 25 Beef, pot roast 15c to 20 Beer, boiling ; lCc to .14 Beef, roast, prime rib 20c to 2 'jamb, shoulder 22 Beef, steak 25c to 25 Lamb, leg 2& Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder 20 Fish imoked kippers, lb. . .14 sahnon, fresh, lb. .. 25 Halibut, fresh, lb .20 Eggs "B.C. fresh pullets, doz. 4... .35 B.C. fresh firsts, doz B.C. fresh extras, doz Local, new laid Butter-Fancy cantoned, lb. .. Ntt. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs Alberta Creamery, lb Feed-Wheat. No. 3 Alberta No. 5 Alberta Oats Bran .. .- Shorts ... Middlings i. Barley - . Laying Mash Oyster Shell i J Beef Scrap .;.'..., Oround Oil Cake Fine oat ehops Crushed oats Fine barley chop . Nuts- r .13c to ..13c to M 40 .45 20 .80 as Flour j Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.60 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs.. , fiO Sugar .10 rellow, 100 lbs. White. 100 lbs. Lard-Pure , .05 J Compound 5.10 5.60 .15 .15 175 1.13 1X5 1.43 1J0 1.90 1.65 2SQ 1.80 3.75 3.45 1.75 1.75 1.75 Almonds, shelled Valenclas .50 California soft shelled walnuts 25 Walnuts, broken shelled ...... .45 Walnuts, shelled halves 5 Peanuts , Cheese- Ontario solids 5 Stilton, lb 31 Rouquefort 80 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Sunday ss. Pr. Oeorge ....10 pjn. ' Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Friday sa. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS Cardena, midnight. Oct. 4 ss. Princess Norah .pjn. Nov. 18 ss. Princess Norah p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .. .10:30 aun. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. Oeorge .10:30 ajn. Nov. 14 ss. Princess Norah ajn. Nov. 28 ss. Princess Norah ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 9. pjn. From Naas River & Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am. For Stewart and Premier Sunday--ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 P-m-' Saturday ss. Pr. Oeorge . ...4 pjn. ; From Stewart and Premier j Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala . ..11:30 ajn I THE STAR'S m Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Satur day ,10:30 a jn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. . From the East Sunday, Tuesday day For Friday ss. Cardena pjn. ! From Vancouver .and.. Thurs- 3:30 p.m. ..9 pjn. Tuesday -12:30 noon Thursday ..9 p.m. Friday :11 pjn. Nov. 4 and 18 .run. Sunday pjn. Wednesday 10:30 ajn. Friday p.m. Saturday 10:30 ajn. Nov. 14 and 28 ajn. For Stewart and Premier-Sunday 8 p.m. Wednesday .4 p.m. Saturday c..4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier-Sunday .3 p.m. Tuesday ; ajn. Thursday 8 pjn. Nov. 4 and 18 . pjn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. i For Anyox and Alice Arm For Anyox and Alice Arm Sundays .8 p.m. Suncay . Catala 9 pjn.' Wednesdays .,3 pjn. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert From Anyox and Alice Arm 4 pjn. ! Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. From Anyox and Alice Arm j Thursdays -....8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11.30 ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. Sunday 7 p.nt For Ocean Falls 1 From Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Pr. George ...10 pjn.j Tuesday :...U:30 ajn. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. ! For Queen Charlotte Islands-Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. ! Nov. 7 and 21 9 pjn. The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of the city, or $3.00 a year to those who live outside the city, but in Northern or Central B. C. Put yourself in line for happiness and good cheer by subscribing today, if you are not already taking the paper. Be optimistic. Read the Daily -News of Prince Rupert and cheer up. Keep in touch with . ; the d i s t r i c t . Read all the advertisements. Then buy at home. Buy the home paper. Have faith in the city. Vork hard and smile. That's the way to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the j; 1 blues. Make a start at once . and give the plan a good trial. The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of Prince Rupert or $3.00 a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. His Guiding Star sTi!iii 1 1 , ' ,?IMiw i itm . i . i J" j i ' -iei w s i . j9sr: u i- i . ani " r .11.' .t fara The VOOMG nBL.lM6 UB a Boot By Westover, 7EAH ? NMELL, ir vou &om't oomb Hone THm MlMUTe . VOU'fcE CSOMMA SEE SOME KEVm STARS t. 'Jst. m -Irs''''