age three A Bottle of Evening in Paris PER HUE i! IV U Li' IV OR Y M M Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY rrr Ts J H ' 1' JEii With Each Box of Face' Powder Both" For. $1.00 OrmesLM. Jfio Pioneer Druggiste I'honcs81&82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert .L t F A AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (5. T. 1 20.000-TON FLOATING UKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, lilarksmllhs Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTING AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant I Equipped to Hand! All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK I'll ONES 43 AND 3SS ' f ' ' OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED . . , When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and tee what 10 moans, la you. PEMBINA KG G Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 7 KOO.MED HOUSE Fully Modern. Hot Air Furnace. Fifth Avenue East. Very easy terms 9 ROOMED HOUSE Fully Modern. Fine Harbor View. Terms arranged . w I rax? MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Tow 12.50 130 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 FOR SALE 5 ROOMED HOUSE Close In, 2 Bedrooms, Fireplace, Coal and Electric Range. Fully Modern. Hot Water Heating. jjgQ Q n c COAST STEAMSHIPS S4,000 7,500 McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLAKT, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SPECIAL WINTEK EXtTKMON r'AUEH Ticket on ule (rum Nut 1.1. 1910 to t'rb. IK, 1BS1 (with final return limit SI. 1B31) .,.., PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER SIO.OO RETURN Meamera Irate Prlnor Ituperl I r Vancouver: T.M.N. CATAI.A EVEIIV TITWH.W. 1JO P.M. Arriving Vaucouvor. vit rj:en Fail. Thursday Noon appro. T.N..H. iauhena i;vr.nY ritimv midnkhit Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro. WceKly halltnga to P.rt Slmpaoi.. Alee Arm. Anyox. wart aud Naaa River point Sunday, B:O0 p.m. Further Inf niiKilon regardmi: .ll mailings and ticket at nil m i: i;l i'i:it r aiikxcV: See ond Airnue. . I'lione oas B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS 1 ROM PRINCE RUPERT ro Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. January 10th and 24th. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle- January 1st. 14th, and 28th. PritwMa Marv Ocean Falln. etc. Vanic uver aud Vic toria. evr Friday, 10 p.m. ' Airenis For All Steamship Lines W (' Orchard, Gen Agent, SrdAv., Prince i Rupert, Phone 31. TELEPHONE 657' VALENTIN DAI'rtT FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRFSH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery ThrouRhout the City Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilellbroner's store. pert , i re hereby requested to attend a meeting in the City Hall at 8 p.m. 'Tuesday,. Jan. 6. Please attend. 4 Victor Thomas, after spending Christmas vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ?i Thomas, left on today's train for'Edm6n-ton to resume his stunts at the University of Alberta. Miss Dorothy Pat more, after spending the Christmas and New FROM ST. JOHN TO GLASGdW-'BELFAST-HVEK- POOL zJao.8. FW. 13 Itlnhcdoaa Jan. 18. Mar IS. McntolaTe xJan. 33. Fa. XT Mcatoalm xFeb. 8. xMar.S MeUti xPM. 30 MontroM xNot calling at Bel!at. FROM NEW YORK To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON March 14 Ducheaa of Bedford FROM SAINT JOHN To CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG Itarcb 19 Mlnnadca FROM VANCOUVER Ta lUwalMapaa-t'lilaa-Prilllpplne '(Jan. 17. xMar. 38. Emp o! 0nda, A pi. 11, Empre.w of Ruaa.a xFe. 2. sApl. 3S Empres of Japan Uar. 14 Empreaa of Ali xlnctudlng caU at Honolulu. Aooiv ta Amnta erarrwhere or J. J. f OUSTER 8tfoaablp Ocnl. Paaa. A tent C P H. Button. Vancouver. Telephone Trimly 1151 w-iu J1 -nstocrais ransporialioiL ANADI AN National offer -''niany luiurlea and comfort I vlileh add pleaaure to your trip South by Steamer or Eatt by Train. Sailing from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, thence via Trl-City Service to Victoria ami Seattle, Thuradaya 10.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Vrtliiradaya 4.00 p.m. Regular aervtce to North ami South Queen Charlotte Ialanda. Parllculara of aall-ings, ratea, etc., on requeat. Paaaenger tralua leave Prince Rupert for Edmonton, Winnipeg, and point Eat every Monday, Wedneaday and Saturday at 11.30 a.m. R. F. MeNAt'CllTON VUtrict Fang9r Agint Trine Kuptvrt THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, January 3, 1931 DInnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ilellbroner's Store. Legion 45 meeting, Monday, ectloif of officers. E!- How about selling that pair of skates? Try the classified, ads on n4rio?nftvMrR,JyAlJ sailed ast the front page-'fexjiruwiay-:' " night Qn'tiie.PrlneeM ALe for, L1L9,.p' v Vancouver whence they will pro-j Most of the school teachers of ceed east to visit In Boston and the city who went south for the Nova Scotia. j Christmas and New Year vacation Property owners of Prince Ru will be returning to the city on the ICatala tomorrow afternoon from ! Vancouver. United Church Tea Successful Ladies' Aid Held 'Affair Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Miss M A. Way The Ladles" Aid of First United Church held a successful tea and sale yesterday afternoon at the Year vacation at her home here, home of Miss M. A. Way, Fourth Av sailed by the Cardena last evening ehue West. During the afternoon, a for Vancouver to resume her studies at the University ot British Columbia. In order to draw particular attention to the classified columns of the Dally News the column will be ( published oh the, front page on Tuesday next. Those having furniture, or articles that they cannot use might try this nvans of disposing of them. The ra'c is the same as usual. delightful musical program was rendered by pupils of Miss Way. Many ladlea called during the af ternoon and the proceeds financial ly were very satisfactory. Mrs. J. J. Payne, president of the United Church Ladles' Aid, assisted the hostess in receiving the guests. Mrs. W. H. Kergln and Mrs. Feero presided at the tea tables and Mrs. Frank Vickers and Mrs. Hugh Klllin were In charge of the tea room. Assisting in serving were Mrs. James H. Thompson, Miss Swanna Olafson and Miss Ruth Wilkinson. Mrs. Lance Styles and Mrs. D. R. Barclay were in charge of the home cooking table and Mrs. Thomas was l cashier. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Moose Legion January 30. Royal C. Banton. city. Novelty Dance HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l'MEK NEW MANAGEMENT Steam Heated; Travellerr Hample Kooiik; Hut and Told Water free Hut Meet All Trains and llual Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL. MONTHLY KATES C.R. BIGG ART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomt A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser md Fifth 8ts. Savoy William Jone, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Smith. VancouverjMrs. T. Ro-sang and D. Main city; O. Davis, Port Esslngton; E. O. Newnham Aiyansh. New Royal Hotel I. Tarrlll, Prop THE HOTEL VHWTII Willi E Hot tt Cold Water; Steant Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlephnnr tSI Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter jusi to nana. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days. LInr, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 019 Alleged to Have Supplied Liquor To Naas Indians Dominion Constable E. o. Newn-i ham arrived in the city yesterday! afternoon from Aiyansh, having In ; his custody a white man named Harold Harvey, whom he arereted at Aiyansh on a charge of supplying liquor to Indians. According to reports from the Naas River, trouble developed at' Aiyansh as a result of Indians having liquor. Dominion Constable Newnham was. called to Aiyansh and Harvey's arrest followed. Pending the setting of his trial, Harvey has been released on $300 bail. Best Business In Eight Years In Telegraphs "This has been the best Christmas the Canadian National Telegraphs has had in eight years," stated L.. W. Waugh, manager for ' Prince Jtupert when asked as to business conditions with them. The Increase has been both in domestic messages and also in cables. There have been more messages between Scandinavian countries and Prince Rupert than formerly. Naturally Mr. Waugh is pleased at the improvement. LESS DUTY LAST YEAR Only In Four Months Did Customs Revenue Exceed Figures For Year Previous Only in four months of the year 1930 did customs and excise collections at the port of Prince Rupert exceed the figures for the respective months in 1929. In other months, particularly toward the end of the year, there was a marked falling off. Month by month last year customs and excise collections at Prince Ru pert were as follows, figures for the corresponding months of 1929 being also given: 1930 1929 January $ 20.590.81 $ 16.087.23 February 14,913.82 15,02352 March 21.096.15 20,676.91 April 16,250.12 22,556.75 May 26,661.01 20.777.98 June 13,399.78 . 23,474.30 JUly 17,816.40 15.593.21 August 19,512.47 48,466.12 September .. 9,358.69 28,109.44 October 20,246.72 . 40.616.82 November .. . 6,808.95 27,896.03 December 14,568.54 31.637.6Q Totals $201,223.46 $310,915.61 waTnoted sportsman Louis Rubenstein, Skater, Curler, Bowler and Cyclist, Dies In . Montreal MONTREAL, Jan. 3: Aid. Louis Rubenstein, famous skater and bicycle rider, died here today. He was one of the most famous of Canada's amateur sportsmen and was at one time figure-skating champion of the world. Bowling and curling were also favorite sports of his. BANDITS CAPTURED Men Who Robbed Bank In Alberta Town Arc Now Believed to Be Under Arrest EDMONTON, Jan. 3: The pro vincial police, aided by a posse of! citizens, today captured two men; who are believed to have been the; bandits who held up the branch of: thp Bank of Montreal in the town j Inet VrMav Th IrtrtL I amounting to $4600, was partially recovered, FOUR DIE INTRAIN Edinburgh-London Express Jumps Switch and Goes Down Embankment CARLISLE. Enc. Jan. 3: Four persons were killed and 12 injured , when the Edinburgh-London Ex-, press Jumped a switch near here and rolled down an embankment, ' ForTrouole duetoA!i NO.OMTION SOU TOH-" MtAdTluaN tONlTlPATlOM Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually exress acid. Correct it with an alkali The best'way, the quick, harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms, such as headaches, gas, heartburn, etc., will disappear in five minutes. oo muc AC ID You will never use crude methods when you know this belter method. : And you will never suffer fromiex cess acid when you. prove,ou$ thi( easy relief. Please do that for your own sake now. Be sure to get the genuine, prescribed by doctors for conditions' due to excess acid. It is always a liquid; it cannot be made in tablet form. Look for the name Phillips and the word genuine in red. 3hurcfr$mnce0 l'HM""".""""Hl" !.. 111..!...-.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, DJ), Minister Services: Morning worship at 11 am. Subject, "THE ONE ESSENTIAL." Bible School at 12:15.rEvenlng service at 7:30. Subject, "THE RICHES OF TRUST." Communion of . ' the Lord's Supper at close of evening service. A cordial FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson. B. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject. "THE OPEN DOOR OF FAITH AND OPPORTUNITY." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening worship at 7:30. Subject. "THE GUARDED WAY." Anthem, "Te Deum." The Lord's Supper will be observed at the close of the evening service. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. J. Kennedy Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE WAY EVERLASTING." Sunday School and Junior Bible Class at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "THE MARCH OF EVENTS." Anthem by choir, "At Even' Ere the Sun Had Set." Soloist, J. A. Teng. Solo, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," Mrs. Jas. Waugh. Solo. "Abide With Me," John E. Davey. ' THE SALVATION ARMY New Year Sunday meetings at 11 ajn. aid 7:30 pjn. At the evening service there'till be' ftpeclal singer. Monday at 7:30 night school. Wednesday Home League meets at 2:30 pjn. - Thursday Band of Love at 6 pjn. Thursday Salvation meeting at 8 pjn. Sr. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) m Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and holy communion at 11 o'clock. School at 2:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:80. BILLIARD SCHEDULE Second Half of Season Is Opening This Week Following ,1s the schedule of the Prince Rupert Billiard Association for the second half of the season: Jan. 6-Leition vs. Elks. Jan. 9-Elks vs. Grotto. Jan. 13 Grotto vs. Legion. Jan. 16 Elks vs. Legion. Jan. 20 Legion vs. Grotto. Jan. 23 O rot to vs. Elks. Jan. 27 Legion vs. Elks. Jan. 30 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 3 Grotto vs, Legion. Feb. 6 Elks vs. Legion. Jan. 10 Legion vs. Grotto. Feb. 13 Grotto vs. Elks. , Feb. 17 Legion vs. Elks. Feb. 20 Elks vs. Grotto. Feb. 24 Grotto vs. Legion. Feb. 27 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 3 Legion vs. Grotto. Mar. 6 Grotto vs. Elks. v Mar. 10 Legion vs. Elks Mr. 13 ElksVsTGrotfo?"' Mar. n-jeGroito vs.Lcaion. Mar. 20l-ElkivS Lcj$fon. Mar. 24iLfgt6n"Vs. Grotto. Mar. 27 Grotto vs. Elks. STEAMER WEATHERBOUND The Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy; southeast, fresh; barometer, 29.50; temperature, 33; see. rough. Langara Oweart; light, southeasterly; seq moderate. Trlnle Island--Strong southerly; rough sea; rain. Prince Rupert Rain, southeast fresh; barometer, &3.6; choppy sta. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Daily News to find what they went. Used cars, furniture f r .sale, lost and found, houses to rent or. for sale, positions win ted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. , SPEED WITHjSAFETy Is what you Avttl enjoy fti a comfort able roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 C. N. R. steamer Prince William, Promptness, reliability and courtesy Capt. William Thomas, due back Is our motto. A trial will be appro- tomorrow from her regularly weekly voyage to the Queen Charlotte Uland, was reported this afternoon to be weatherbound at Rose Harbor. elated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service