PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS WU Qf Nowc anrl Vmwc CUBS DROP V 1V4 JL TV O Tf J fcJJL& RACK ACAIN Max Schmeling Ready to Take On Primo Camera This Fall ' In Defence of Championship tauveiy set as tne aate tor me, fight but the venue has not yel been selected although Chicago. Philadelphia and Jersey City art mentioned as possible sites. Schmeling U banned from New York. Camera had Jready been signed by the Garden to meet the winner of the Schmeling-Stribli'ng bout last Friday. It was announced on behalf of Schmeling that he was agreeable providing he defeats Camera, to meet next summer the winner of the forthcoming match between Jack Sharkey and Mickey Walker. BIG SIX STANDING Tf ... Anheutr-BuKh't one-man-radio- UIVW CTtl MIUI' day nlfht over the catting System. 1 0. AB R. H. Pet. I Stephens, E. 5 2 J 4 8 .400 Eldridge, O.E. .3 13 4 5 .384 Howe E : 4 16 3 6 .375 Smith O.E 6 19 2 7 .368 . Arseneau O.E. 6 25 3 9 .360 Nelson O. E 5 15 3 5 .333 Zarelli O.E 3 9 0 3 .333 Frlzzell S 6 21 7 7 .333 K, WI KTC&V. I M nv,'.- 11 II Willi The established reputation of the makers of Bud , weiser Barley-Malt Syrup, who have been in the malting business over seventy years, is your guarantee that Budweiser Malt is "the best money can buy." Untiring devotion to producing only quality products accounts for the superiority of Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup city cup schedule I Fixture for Mobley Cup league ' football trophy are announced a NEW YORK, July 9: Max Schmeling, world's heavy-, f5s:10Merchants vs. Regi-weight boxing champion, announced yesterday that he ment. was prepared to defend his title early next fall against j July 14 Canadian Legion vs. Primo Camera, the giant Italian. The announcement fol- Merchants, lowed a conference between managers of the two pugilists 1 July "-Canadian Legion vs. and Madison Square Garden interests. September 17 is ten- Reelment- Father and Son Compete Father and son, Old Dan and Young Dan Froggates,"compete for riding honors at Balnbridge race track, Cleveland. Ohio. Veterans at track only recall one similar father-and-son Jockey story, that of two Haywoods who rode in same race at Sheeps-head Bay, N. Y., some thirty-five years ago. JEST MONEX CA, ' SOFTBALL EXCITING Station Wins Haines Trophy By Defeating Offices 3 to nil In what was undoubtedly the! i imost excitinz softball eame ever jtipiayed on' the. Canadian National j oweauon Association grounas, me i Station last night laid claim to the Haines Softball Trophy by defeating 1 .in.- oftices 3-U, before several hundred spectators. The Station players put up the best combination same that they have played this season, and It was practically Impossible for the Offices to put anything past them. Until the third inning, the game was absolutely air-tight but, in the first halt of the fourth, the Station ! Opened the scoring when Tobey and Astoria crossed the home plate. 1 Ae-aln in the first half of the -tenth inning Moxley crossed the plate and made the third and last run, while the Offices found It Impossible to break through. Batteries were Tobey and Cross for the Station; Boulterand Qeddes tor the Offices. The line-ups on the teams were as follows: Station Cross, c; Tobey, p.; Wicks, lb.; Astoria, 2b.; Eldridge, ss.; Unger, 3b.; Mcintosh, If.; T. Smithy cf.; Moxley, rf. Offices Horton, 3b.; Hibbard. ss.; C. Smith. 2b.; Oeddes. c; Nelson, lb.; Arney. If.; McFle, cf.; Boulter, p.; Jenkins, rt. After the game. Wm. Reld, chairman of the softball committee, presented the cup to Mr. Astoria, acting captain of the Station In the place of Stiles, the regular captain. "MIT OR DARK RICH IN BODY . 1 .. . i-i HOTE ARRIVALS It pays to buy the bett J1 .j Ue quality products Jrom yl SaVOy Hotel ! f-""""""" ., , fteAo,, Prince Rupert's leading fam ine House of "''on's lly hotel. Hot .ind cold, water. ANHEUSEFl-BUSCH pQrte n all roomt 6T. T LOUiss LOUIS eran. affe A. J. PRUDHOMME. Prop. y bu-im j cor, of Fraser und Fifth Sts. W. Harrison. Hay sport; Ross Goodwin, Prince Oeorge. Dry Cleaning & I FrTsTMilk I teL016' II PreSSinff Caaillg from any preservative or : ""'T,' treatment whatever. Milked j niVS AWW Lower than Vancouver prices a"d delivered dally from our j Trirnhon tsi , , , own cows. Four successive . call for and deliver He year, aovernment Orade A ROYAL TIT" TV i certificate Health and Sanlta j F. Lalgan, city; Dr. C. Augustus Mrp . 1. LrJu LU. tlon. A trial solicited. Satis- Oregon. . , faction guaranteed. , VB,V0 .SS VMN VT DAIRY . - . Ne, NfXt Ktmon stud' - Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Oood? lie! the habit of reading: the advertisements in this paper. Qur QuMta gay ,fhey AfB and taking: advantage of the help they bring you, NATIVE SONS DEFEAT ELKS IN BASEBALL Canucks Now Assured of Tie Least With Hotelmen For First Half Honors Batting Rally Fails Sons of Canada defeated Elks In Sox- 1 8 9 n 0 0 1 0 2 0 Totals 34 8 10 21 7 5 ELKS AB R II PO A E Harold ss 3 110 12 Farquhar 3b 2 10 110 Stephens Id 4 2 2 13 0 2 W. Mitchell c. 4 115 2 0 Skinner cf! 4 110 0 0 O.Mitchell 2b 2 0 1 .0 3 0 Chenoski p 4 0 0 0 5 0 Stone rf.. If 3 0 0 1 0 1 Clapp If., rf 3 o o u o u Totals 29 0 8 21 12 5 S, O. C. . . 4 0 3 0 I 0 08 Elks 0 0 0 1 0 36 Sujrniary 2-base hits, Frlzzell, J. Comadina, Bury (2), W. Mitchell; cilfi:e, Lambie: stolen base, Harold i2 : bKe on balls off Chenoski 1 1 ) , 8: yles 3 ; struck out by Chen-orkl (7, styles (7); left on bases. S O. C 7i Elks I7; passed ball, W. Mitchell h by pitcher. Farquhar. O. Mitchell; time of game, ii ao; umpires, Brookes and Laporte Philadelphia Athletics Take Another From Washlnjton NEW YORK, July 9: The Chicago Cubs, by losing to Pittsburg Pirates yesterday dropped back into fourth place in the National League behind the Brooklyn Robins who were idle, being prevented by rain at from playing their game with the Boston Braves. i j In the American League, It was again a disastrous day for the Washington Senators who dropped another decision to the Philadelphia j Athletics. With a lead now of six and a half games, the Athletics Five Runs In Last Two Innings By should soon have the pennant safely Lodeemen Not Enouth to towed away again this year. New Catch Winners (York Yankees took both ends of a double-header from Boston Red last evening's baseball fixture at esieraays scores Acropolis Hill grounds by a score of 8-6, and thereby assured themselves of at least a tie for first half honors with the Old Empress team who have to win both their remaining games to earn a tie. Elks, as a result of their loss, are practically -certain to rest In the cellar for the half. The Canucks started right off in the first Inning by garnering four runs on four hits and an error. Stalker struck out. Roberts and Moran singled and then Stone missed Lambie's high fly in right field, filling the bases. Styles struck out but Frlzzell cleared the paths with a double to left. J. Comadina fol- lnu?ri vAth nnnfhpr dnnhlp tn left and Frlzzell scored. Bury hit what f,1 appeared to be a double to left but failed to touch first and Comadlna's run did not count. They added three more In the National Leatue Pittsburg 5, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 5. New York 4. Brooklyn-Boston, rain. American Leatue New York 13-9, Boston 3-4. St. Louis 7, Detroit 1. Cleveland 10, Chicago 6. Philadelphia 7, Washington 3. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. Louis 46 New York 49 rooklvn 2 Chicago 41 Boston 37 PWfcuMnhta third Harold booted Moran's drive. v 1 "D ur J" and Moran Lambie sacrificed scor- ed on Styles single. Frlzzell was safe Cincinnati 28 when Harold fumbled his grounder., A W. into left,, both runners scoring. Philadelphia 53 .TnWnn trurfe nut Washington 48 One more, was added in the fifth. Frl77pll Klnirld' and went to third New York 41 Cleveland 37 when Stephens missed the throw to st- Loul catch him. Comadjna struck out. Boston ., Frlzzell scored wne'n Bury was put DelL out at first: Johnson 'singled. StSP CnMagff" 34 28 28 ,..:...:...'xr 30 .605 31 .563 VK .5fl0 33 .554 36 .507 41 .421 49 -347 L. 21 29 31 ker walked and Roberts was tossed -.. City League out by chenoski. Elks first Tun came in the fourth. , , W. Mitchell filed out to Comadina. Sons of Canada 2 Skinner singled and went to second. Old Empress 3 3 He wont to third when Lambie Elks 2 5 hrew out O. Mitchell, and scored " when Roberts returned the ball ooorly to Styles. Chenoski fouled 3ut to Roberts. They added two more in the sixth. Bury missed Stephens grounder. W. Mitchell doubled to right. Skinner went out to Moran and Stephens scored. O. Mitchell walked. Morrl-on missed Chenoski's high fly and W. Mitchell scored. Stone struck out and Clapp flied out to Bury. In the seventh they made a bold attempt to even things up but were rhort by two runs. Harold singled. Farquhar walked. Stephens singled and Harold scored. W. Mitchell was thrown out by Bury. Skinner struck out O. Mitchell singled to centre scoring Farquhar and Stephens. Bury threw out Chenoski at first. The game was played in the short time of one hour and 20 minutes, and with the co-operation of the players, Uroplre Brookes says he will endeavor to speed up future conterta In the same manner. Box Score S. O. C AB R II PO A Stalker If 3 0 Roberta c 4 1 Moran lb 4 2 Lambie 3b 3 1 Styles p. 1 Frlzzell cf 4 3 J. Comadina rf 3 0 Morrison rf 1 0 Bury 2b 4 Johnson ss 4 0 COAL Pet. .716 .623 .569 .500 .453 J394 J370 .365 Pet. .714 500 286 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires -- Accessories Oas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 Biiy the real Coal our famous L'dson and Castldy-Welllntton In any quantities. Also Bu'.kley Valley Hay, Grain and Iloblii Hood Flour. Pnrtce Rupert Feed Co 1'IIONKS 68 AND 55 Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station Tires, Tarts, Accessories Phone 566 Night Calls: Phone 161) Distributors of DOUCE CARS and TRUCKS TELEPHONE 657 VAI.GM IN DAIHV HOli SKEKNA UKANP Creamery Butter & Cottage Chaec M.SU I'AKTKl'KI.l-t) MILK AND f'RKAM DULY ferly Delivery Throughout the City i mm So Weak mm CKS Weld, AND VERY SMA&T 50c, 75c and SI Buy yourself a few palrt. They're the gooth all right Nifty as can bi. PT GOOD FOR 'Young Tummies Just after they grow out of the high-chair, you can ' introduce your children to a wonderful and healthful drink-Canada Dry, The Champagne of Ginger Ales. No other ginger, ale ij finer (of the children. There is a friendliness to this sparkling liquid that captures a child's fancy. Its gay bubbles, its lovely frosted-gold colour, and its wonderful flavour are a constant delight. And you can always be sure of one important point when you buy Canada Dry. There is no purer gingerale. You will find it very handy to buy the carton of six or twelve bottles of Canada Dry. For it will save you time and trouble when the children are clamouring for "something good to drink." And of course, serve this delicious ginger aid at dinners an'd parties. TAVO "CONVENIENT SIZES Magnum size ,'. XOc (flu jc btnU Jtfuit) J iz-ouncesize 2.0c (flat jc btttli Jtptii) CANADA DRY THE CHAMPAGNE OF GINGER ALES The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Of'KUATlNt; (J. T. p. 20.000-TON FLOATING UltYDOCK fcniflnrf rm MwcliinUts. Hollermakers, Hlarksmlths, Pstttro Makers. Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTING AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped (o Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385