0 pAOI THRB1 ft THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, July fl, 1931 J" JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes ltd. Z7fia Pioneer Druggists rhoncs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THKEE (JKAI)UATE PIIARiMICISTS rC Bj'l&lXBIMJllIOlW'BM.I'Bl'Ki' ttj Ml Wl IU1 UJiiMl WSUXM BIB Announcing the arri val of the $ newer H-rlfs of thp colehrn- ted KAYSER Hosiery All bilk wth an as- tonishing capacity for wear. PRICED AT and $1 95 l 50 UtlAVA POf AT C D JjrV. PRODUCED IN CANADA Tor unuuul richness, unique smoothness of texture and completely dependable results, use Carnation Milk in all your cookery. Doubly rich in cream, it is most economical. Carnation Milk is safeguarded at the source by clean homing of clean herds and dean handling of the milk. This protection continues Bitil it reaches you in hermetically sealed containers. Writ for Cook Book and Baby Bk CARNATION CO- LIMITED, IJ4 Abbott St Vikwn, i.O 1ttip Milk from Ctntditn cows, pteked la r Ctntdt ia Ctniditn cans and cases. I ! M l III IMH MUKkJKUJiK.'IS-ttJLWTllUm IHUBSJUM p KAYSER HOSIERY I I Ml K i FAMILY SHOE STORE 5 Third Ave! W A 3 Webber. Mgr Telephone 37 J MAIL OltDLKS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION' Bun :. t a;:BTB,. m . b : m u rn m:u h'u tdk nfcmm cm More Value For Today's Dollar at f Kaien Motors Ltd. r'ri- u.s for appraisals on your used car. Estimates on repairs. Jobs, anything In the automobile line. Satisfaction guaranteed. KAIEN MOTOKS LIMITED PHONE 52 UNIOIS STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mrnmrm Iruve l-rinrr Kuprrt I or Vancouver! T-t CVr.U.A EVKIIV TI KSDW. 1.10 I'M. Arriving Vancouver, Phiirniiy N on appro. t'AKKKNA F.VKKY HllDAY MIIIMOIIT Airlvlna; Vancouver Bundijr midnight P1to ningi to port Blmpwiu. Alio Arm. Anyox. Btewart ai River point Sunday. 8 00 p.m. Urtnt. Infnrmatlun rrnrrin ..11 .u i H.kal. 1 I'KIMT KtTKUT AdKNCY He. uurt Av.nue fhonr W9 Local Items Dlnnerware, ciuna, crockery, glassware, Hellbroner's Store. The weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Potary Club In the Commodore Cate today took the form of a business session. Pie-sldent O. H. Munro was In the chair. Hubert B. Campbell, new government agent at Smlthers, has been appointed marriage commissioner for the registration district of Smlthers in place of Stephen H. Hoi-kins, whose appointment has been rescinded. Charles Lord, secretary of the Northern B. C. Salmon fishermen's Association, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this mornlnp from a trip to the North Island troll kig ground',. H. R. Bowman, colonization agent for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Is lands on official duties. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles Capt. Dan McKlnnon, returned to port at 8:15 this morning from Stewart, Anyox and Massett Ink points and sailed at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver. Inspector John Macdonald. pro vmctal pollci, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morn ing after having made the round trip to Siewart. Anyox and Mai- sett Inlet points on official dutlcj. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held last evening In thr, hospital. There were present: O. P. Tinker, presl fent; Robert Oordon, Frank Dlbb. O. V. WCklnson. Aid. O. W. Rud- derham. W. M. Brown and Aid. 8 D. Macdonald. directors; H. W Birch, managing secretary and Miss Jean Harrison, R.N., lady su oerlntendent. Harry Bowman, colonization ag nt for the Canadian National Rail way. Ml on today's train for Prince Oeorge, v. here he now makes his headquarters, after a visit of a week to the ete:n end of his district aud -the Queen Charlotte Isl ands. Mr. Bowman Is at present working en projects for the settle ment of a Mennonl'e colony near Prince Oeorge and a French-Canadian colony on Queen Charlotte iianda. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hoyal Ritaitan Chorus, Moose Tall July 9. Under auspice Qyro 'lub. Eagle's Dane. Friday. July 10 .adics refreshment. Gents. 50c. Canadian Legion Picnic July 12 Dlgby Island. Moose Whist Drive and Dance July 23. Catholic bas&ar October 21 and 22. ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- ments should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- cation Tht.i h necessary to en- able best positions to be se- cured. SAILINGS FKOM PItlNCK KUI'ERT To Ketchikan, Wrangtll, Juneau and Skagway July 10, 13, 17. 20. To Vancouver, Victoria and 11, 15, 18, 22. Tor Ilutrdale, Ocean la IN, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell Klvrr, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full information from V. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 fmvirrj;roiM THE BETTER WAY TO PREVENT CONSTIPATION You must look out for theTiealth of your family. Often a faulty diet leads to constipation. Headaches, dizziness, loss of energy follow. Husband and children become irritable. 'Serious disease may develop. You can preyent this by including roughage in the diet. A pleasant way to supply this roughage is with Kellogg's Aix-IIban, a delicious ready-to-eat cereal. Two tablespoonfuls daily, for each person, will prevent and relieve both temporary and recurring constipation. In severe cases, use with each meal. Do this Instead of giving them habit-forming pills and drugs. AlX-BflAN also furnishes iron to enrich the blood ana lend color to cheeks and lips. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. Mrs. B. Brocklesby, after a brief visit at Haysport, where her husband is at present 'located, arrived In the city from the Skeena River on this afternoon's train. She is the mother of H.'N. Brocklesby. acting director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station. BXUiMl'MfM SMIM ilCBflCB fKl W REAL VALUES For THRIFTY BUYERS Friday & Saturday Sockeye Salmon Mai kin 's -f XOU Op Best, per -lb. tn Corn Flakes Sugar crisp 4 Hp M. i 2 pkgs Singapore Pineapple Q9p ' OAK, No. 2 tins. 3 tins Australian Peaches Sliced No. 2tfc tins, per tin AiU V Campflrc Marshmallows Oil, Op per Mb. pkg. Fry's Cocoa UOK, per H-lb. tin Olnger Ale Felix Q4 Aft Sparkling, per doz ?XV Whit Fly Fume QQp 00 per8-oz.tln - Butterscotch Squares 0T0 per lb Match Eddy's Owl 3 boxes Whole Wheat Fig Bars 4 Sn Fresh stock, per lb Fels Naptha Soap-1" ba 77p to carton, per ctn Spaghetti Franco-Ameri- XUl 4 Qp can. per 17-oz. tin Jelly Powders Malkln's Cp OK Best. All Flavors, per pkg. Jap Rice OQn 5 lbs, Corned Beef Helmet 4 ftp A7i per Mb. tin New Potatoes 4 ftp 10 lbs Blng Cherries 20C No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes QCn 2 lbs Watts' Grocery 1'IIONi: 55 PHONE 5G THE BEST FOR LESS" Glasses fitted b registered ontomririst nt'Ilrllhrnnpr'a iln Baseball tonights: O. C, vs. Old Empress. Mrs. H. fi. Rochester, who has been paying a visit with her mo-' ther, Mrs. J. A. Brown, at Port Es-sington, returned to the city on this afternoon's train. i Sergeant Andrew Fairbairn. chief of the Smlthers detachment of the provincial police, arrived in the city , on this afternoon's train from the interior for a brief visit in town. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts anJ daughter returned to the city on : the Prince Charles this mornlrn ; after making the round trip to 'Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet ! points. H. B. Rochester and his sister. Mrs. M. M. Merrill, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after having made the round trip to Stewart, Anyox ana MasseU Inlet points. W. O. Norrie, well known mining engineer, who has been visiting some properties in the Usk district, arrived in the city from the Interior ori this afternoon's train and sailed on the ss. Prince Charles for Vancouver. ALL-BR AN ! Tenders Wanted W. M. Brown, chairman of the house committee, reported to the hospital board, at Its meeting lan evening, that the inspector of elevators during the past month had given a clean bill of health to the elevator therein. Ray Commons, accountant in the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from his annual vacation trip. He visited in Vancouver and returned to the city via Edmonton and Jasper Park. Tenders will be received until and including the 20th instant by j Christian Science Society for construction of a church edifice. Plans and specifications obtainable from Clerk of Society, room 32 Besner Building, telephone 21. Lowest or any tender not nccetsarily accepted. 1C! The largest sale in North America mm District News SKIDEGATE T. D. Pattullo, leader of the Liberal opposition in British Columbia, and Major S. F. M. Moodle, Liberal organizer, passed through here at the first of the week en route to Port Clements. Mr. Pattullo was given a cordial welcome by many friends. Miss J. Haan, who has been teach- ,flHt lii Yellow label Salada 60 et a lb Brown label Salada 70et a lb 'Fresh from the gardens1 Salada Tea is sold by Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores ing school at Massett, motored down from Port Clements last week and will spend the summer holidays with her parents at Queen Charlotte City. George D. Beattie and party of friends motored to Tlell on Sunday and spent the day at Madame Ra-Jaut's. Mrs. Rajout's summer resort at Tlell is' becoming quite fashionable. . WANTKD SPOTLESS KECORDS? The two young burglars who" escaped from the Reformatory at Portage la Prairie were captured in a local dry cleaning establishment. Brandon Sun. i The Store Is Rented to Kaien Motors, Ltd., and Jabour Bros Bankrupt Stock Must be Cleared Out Before August 1 The prices arc cut down further. Keep on coming and keep on saving. Remember this is a Bankrupt Stock Sale. Such bargains arc only possible once in a lifetime. Take advantage of them! Read These Prices Out Loud! And remember these are only a few of the Mighty Bargains. Every article in the store is equally as good a Bargain COME WITH THE CROWDS Ladies' Suits 2 Only LadUvs' Navy Tailored Suits, .sizes 16 and 20. Reg. S1S50 Bankrupt Sale 2 Onlv Ladies' Tweed Suits. Size 18 and 20. Ror. $25.75. Ladies' Coats 3 Only Ladies' Brown Leather Coats Ri-R $15.00 Q1J CA Bankrupt Price Ladies' Shoes Regular to $8.50 Values. Your choice GROUP NO. 1 $198 GROUP NO. 2 $2.89 GROUP NO. 3 $3-68 Monarch Debutante Ladies' Hose Full Fashioned, Semi-Service. All new shades. Reg. ft O vOK, p $1.75, Bankrupt Price Pictorial Review Patterns One-Half Price These Patterns are put out on a table grouped according to size and kind. It is easy to find what you are looking for. Nemo Corsets Reg. up to $10 50 G4 OQ Bankrupt Trier vltJ Ladies' Coats Leatherette 1 ONLY Rogular Prir e $125 (gn PIP Bankrupt Price ViO Tennis Footwear For Men. Women. Boys. Misses and Children at less than today's wholesale prices. MEN'S Sizes to 11 78c ROYS' Sixes to 5 73c MISSES' Sixes to 2 69c CHILD'S Sixes to 10 63c We Must Vacate By the First of the Month JABOUR BROS. LTD. BANKRUPT STOCK mmm