1 ouay s g ier -i Prince Ruperts q -3 , fresh westerly wind,; h a ra 30.12; temperature, 6u si g M g 8e 5 w . XXII.. No. 159. NEEDY TO Issue Credits of 10c Per Day Should Be No Begging From Now On VICTORIA, July 9: Pending commencement of unem ployment relief workB on a large scale, the provincial gov- niint nt has instructed all government agents and provincial police in all outlying districts to give all persons who ! . . .1 tood credit of forty cents per day at their local stores. Tin allo anco applies to women as well as men. This action will, It is expected, tide needy . persons over until some permanent I lnrlhoi-rrh I . lire ! m m m m - i His Lip While Diving Sunday i . KY CITY. July 9: Col. a Lindbergh was going a: vestt rtlay with a large patch . : i upper hp. He explained that X i ui rut U1C ltfj M!e-' diving TO TOUR" COUNTRY Hilr v post and Harold Ratty to Visit ImporUnt roints In StatM M :w YORK, July t: Wiley Post .:ii ii.iroid Oatty, having recovered :m their arduous night "ii in the world, art about to hop i"t a six-weeks' tour of the 1 'iv. visittns all Important where there are suitable ' i : w fields. The flight Is under 1 ' ' apices of the National Broad-1 M:u Co. WEATHERREPORT i' 'i Tree Point Overcast, calm; :ii' ir. jo.10; temperature. 58; oa Island Cloudy, moder-'-tTly wind; sea choppy. island Cloudy, fresh wea- Hid; sea smooth. Non-Stop Seattle to Tokyo Flight Fails; Weather Too Bad to Refuel Over Solomon SOLOMON, Alaska, July 9: ' i nciiing uignt irom &eauie CmI.i.miu T.xnMi,i c tnnac ' i i morning when unfavorable weather forced the plane mi. " ..ii i !i j..r-HJ fr mnUn thp final me weamer maue it iiujnjsauc - -- " I'lielling contact for the long dash from here to loKyo. - niann.had been successfully re- Stations For Peace Towns Contractors to Erect Depots at I'ourc Coupe and Dawson Creek IfHTrir fnttnir rv iplan of relief is devised without making It necessary for them to go begging. FISHERMEN ON STRIKE Neah Bay Fleet being Tied Up at Result of Disagreement Over Humpback Price PORT ANGELES, Wash, July 9: Crews of 175 purse seine boats at Neah Bay are reported to be out on a humpback salmon price strike and the boat owners are taking the craft back to Seattle for the summer. The crews demanded ten cents per pound for humpback salmon, reports said. The canneries say they are unable to pay over six cents. BOARD IS PLANNED Non-Salaried Body lor Administration of Belief in Seattle Proposed SEATTLE, July 9 The mayor and i aldermen of Seattle are considering ' a plan whereby It Is proposed to ap- point a non-aalaried board to administer unemployment relief here ' during the coming winter. The projected non-stop to iuivyu "?",, , onrlpH here at 3:50 o clock - . . . , . . . f...iijH nvr Kairnanits laic ian lucmu wi" night. cwattt.r Julv 9: The mono plane Fort Worth, with Pilots Regi nald Bobbins ana h. a. jo. till nmirrrxxlnir sDlendldly last night on Its flight from Seattle to Tokyo, clipping off ninety-nine np hnur Wltn a SiruIlK wmu r it. fall Tt was exDected the plane would reach Tokyo by noon Satur day (Friday, American timet. niTDtiiKtun Julv 9: The Bob 'kin. nH Jnnwt trans- Pacific plane "'i'rs of the Northern AlberU Arrived over Fairbanks at 10:30 last "'iiways are here to erect tt new night and was successfully reluei-at Pow coupe and Dawson led by the Mattern and Greener and loKimu platforms on $ld- plane after which It proceeded in '"km east. A laige amount of local ' continuation of 1U flight from 5e- 1 is being employed. attlc to Tokyo. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 GET FASCISTS FORBIDDEN II. Duce, Himself, Says They Cannot Join Catholic Action Organization HOME, July 9 Premier Ben-Ho Mussolini himself today placed a ban on Fascist membership in a Catholic organization, thereby raising the question of the virtual abrogation of the concordat with the Vacitan and, possibly, the Lateran treaty itself. Vancouver Stocks (CcurtcfV 5. D. Mnllnu Co. Big Missouri, 25V4C 28c Cork Province, nil lc. Duthie Mine, nil. V-'7c. George Copper. 45c. nil. Oeorgle River. 2V4c. 3c. Oolconda, nil, 25c. Orandview, 4c, S'-ic. Indian Mines, lc, mc. Lucky Jim. nil 3c. Mohawk, Vt, nil. Morton Woolsey. nil, 24c. Marmot Metals, nil Vc. Nat. SUver, It, nil. lloble Five. 5C 5Hc. . . Pend Oreille, nil, 80c. Premier, 66c, 70c. Porter-Idaho, 5c, 7c. Reeves Macdonald, 25c, 30c. Silver Crest, lc. 3c. Snovflake, 2c. 3c. Topley Rlehfleld, lc. IVic. Woodbine, nil. le. OILS Hargal. 6Vc. nil. Consolidated, 10c. 14c. Mereury. liyc. 12c. Unltad, 10c 12c. Calmont, 8c nil. Home Oil, 57c 60c. Merland. 7c 8c. Royallte. 7.50, nil. EASTERN STOCKS Noranda. 18.00, nil Inter Nickel, 14.50, nU. Imperial Oil. 1255. nil. Con. M. tt S.. 100.00, nlL CPJV. 26.50, nil. DEATH OF MINE MAN John L. Ainew. Vice-President of International Nickel, Is Victim of Heart Attack TORONTO, July 9 John L. Ag-new. vice-president of the International Nickel Co.. is dead here at the age of forty-five. He fell victim to a heart attack. Halibut Landings AMERICAN Frisco, 12.000, Storage, 7:1c and 3c Brothers, 12.000, Pacific, 7:1c and 3c. Inger, 7.600. Pacific 7.1c. and 3c. CANADIAN Helen II., 13.000. Storage, 6.7c and 3c. Attela, 2,000, Atlln. 6c and 3c SPANISH SPEECHES AltE BEING LIMITED MADRID, July 9 The new Republican' government of Soaln has Issued an edict that narllamentary speeches may not exceed thirty minutes In length. This, it Is thought, might tend to curb useless pol- ltlcal discussions. CREDIT AT SI Auto Wrecks St"- V Two storey brick building was wrecked and five persons slightly In-lured when this automobile sw rved from Its course to play part of battering ram on Dallas. Tex. s, business corner, recently. Driver of auto was charged with driving while Intoxicated. Fine Reception Accorded Grit Leader on Tour of Q. C. Island Communities; Roads Are Wanted Reporting having received a hearty reception at manyi points on the Queen Charlotte Islands which they had the opportunity to visit, T. D. Pattulld, M. L. A. for Prince Rupert and leader of the Liberal opposition in British Columbia, and Major S. F. M. Moodie, Liberal organizer for; the province, arrived in the steamer Prince Charles from the Islands and proceeded by the morn - 1 lng train to Terrace, whre Mr. Pat- tullo will speak tonight, going from there to Haselton. Smlthers, Burns Lake. George Although many of them are not blessed with an over-abundance 2 this world's goods, Mr. Pattullo found the people of the Queen Charlotte Islands to be In good ! spirits. Considerable In the way of public works is needed on the islands and the people there are loath to accept relief work, feeling thati there Is some stigma about It Theyl would much prefer a program of re-1 gular public works which would fllli WASHINGTON. July 9 The Un-their Just requirement. !lted gtate, ,n a forma, rtpy to Mr. Pattullo spoke at a scheduled Canada's contentions In the I'm meeting at Port Clements on Tues- Alonr case sought today to prove day evening and last evening an tm- that the rum runner was United promptu meetlnR was held at Mas- states owned, sett. This meeting had not been scheduled at Massett but the people there virtually demanded to hear an address by the popular Liberal leader, particularly In view of the fact that the steamer was staying over lontt enough to give ample time for such a meeting. Mr. Pattullo received an enthusiastic recepUon and good hearing at both meetings. He criticized the government for spending so little on ordinary public works although con siderable money Mad been appro-'prlated at the last session of the legislature. Mr. Dunroe was chair Business Corner i city this morning on the Mr. Pattullo and Major Moodie wlll u baek here afaln towards the end oI next wef k jand for Victoria foUowtng tnelr tour of the central in terlor. I'M ALONE UPAGAIN United States Endeavors to Prove That Itum Runner Was American Owned WRESTLING WASDRAW Sivoldl and Sarpolls Uolh Fall Out of King and Are Unable to Return SEATTLE. July 9: Joe Sivoldl and Dr. Carl Sarpolls wrestled to what was declared a draw last night when both men fell out of the ring man of the meeting at Port cie- And neither were able to return Dements while E. R. Walter presided at fore the count of twenty had been Massett ended. Mr. Pattullo also visited Sandrplt. sivoldl had taken the first fall Queen Charlotte City. Sktdegate. after ten minutes, thirty-one sec-Lawn HU1 and Tlell but meetings onds while Sarpolls took the second were not held at those points. ,m runs minutes fifty seconds. Tomorrow's Tides Friday, July 10, 1931 High. 9:40 ajm. 14:7 ft. 21:36 pjn. 18:1 ft. Low 3:19 ajn. 7:4 It 14:41 pjn. 9:7 ft. FRANCE'S DELAY IS PROVING DISASTROUS FOR GERMANY Government Is Losing iVo Time in Relief Temporarily at Least Government Agents and Provincial Police Instructed to Desperate Efforts Are Being Made to Hold Up Teuton Finances Paris Sees In Hoover Plan Move Towards International Disarmament President Proposed Survey of War Debts and Reparations BERLIN, July 9: France's seventeen-day delay in acting upon the proposal of President Herbert Hoover of the United States for an intergovernmental war debt moratorium may prove fatal to Germany's finances. Governmental officials, bankers and others are exerting frantic efforts to prevent the country's financial structure from CASE IS FINISHED One Year's Suspended Sentence For Former Clerk of Village of Terrace- Judge T.iklcB. Young, in County Court this afternoon, suspended sentence for otm iar, un .Henry lUIIlwfll, former clerk of the village municipality of Terrace, on a charge of theft of several hundred dollars during his term of office as clerk. W. E. Fisher acted as crown prosecutor in the case while L. W. Fatmore defended. The hearing occupied three days of the court's time and many witnesses were heard, both for the crown and defence. Argument of counsel was heard this morning and the case was then adjourned until after luncheon for decision. Members of Orange Lodges of Prince I . ry I ueorffeatuiscome OISCOME. July 9'. Members of the Prince George Loyal Orange Lodte and the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association met last Sunday in Knox United Church here for divine service. Rev. David Donaldson was the special preacher. CROONER MARRIED NEW YORK. July 9: It was disclosed here yesterday that Rudee Vallee, the crooning orchestral leader, had been married on Monday at West Orange. New Jersey, to Fay Webb, musical show actress and daughter of the chief of police of Santa Monica, Cal. It is Vallee s second marriage. NEW STRIKE IS REPORTED, SKIDBOATE. July 9: It Is reported that the Kltsault-Eagle Gold Mining Co. has made another rich strike on the Southeaster gold property near Skidegate. It is said that nine feet of very rich ore has been encountered. Oeorge Munro, president of the Rotary Club, today announced the 1 appointment of a committee to (consist of Home Alexander, James Lep ntiri J J Little to co-operate with a slnilUr committee from the Own flub in putting on the sldr- 1 shuw fur the fall fair this year. PRICE FIVE CENTS ORES -rioppllng over, pending Franca reaching Its decision. PARIS, July 9 It was suggested 'iere last night that President Hoover s debt moratorium plan Is linked up with a plan for world disarmament. Poland and Italy are among the countries who believe uch a plan would be Impracticable. LONDON. July 9 Much interest was taken In the disclosure mada here yesterday that, prior to the akneOTtcfttffll d: ills' inter-fivefn"-" ment debt suspension plan. President Hoover of the United State! had planned making a survey of the whole war debt and reparations situation with a view to proposing a paring down all round. Russell Returns To Smithers As Superintendent P.O. Russell, for the past ye&r located at North BatUeford, returned to Smithers on today's tra'a to resume his duties there as assistant superintendent for the Ca nadian National Railways. O. A oiy- fr p yr asisunt superintendent irrfntnAsMrit o at Qmlrkarc Smithers. Via has a returned to Winnipeg where he will resume his work as a conductor. The changes have been made necessary for the measures of economy which are now being exercised by the railway company. Assize Date For This City is Set Session Here Will Open on September 1C and In Prinre George on September 23 VICTORIA. July : The fall session of the Supreme Court Assises in Prince Rupert has been set for September 18. The session in Prince 0eorge will open on September 23. , Vancouver Wh?at VANCOUVER, July 9: Wheat Ivraa auoted on the local exchange !iL BUSINESS FEELING IN STATES BETTER WASHINOTON, D.C.. July 9 Prospects for a generally good crop throughout the country slightly Increased employment and better feeling In the financial and industrial world owing to Inpending International development were shown in a Department of Commerce report yesterday. . I i, I -4- t M- ml 1 4 0 st