F PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS TO REDUCE OUR STOCK Phones: 227 & 228 Coats! Coats! Fawn Kitten's Ear Broadcloth Coat Regular $45.00, Sale Price Smart Tweed Coats-Regular, $22.50, Sale Price And Others At ' Regular, $14.50, Sale Price Fur Fabric Jacketts Regular, $14.50, Sale Price And Others At Regular, $18.50, Sale Prke Dresses! Figured Chiffon with Lace Jacket-Regular, $27.50, Sale Price All Lace Ensemble-Regular, $27.50, Sale Price Two-Piece Figured Silk Suits-Regular, $29.50, Sale Price Sport Models, Heavy Canton Crepe Dresses Reg. $14.50, Sale Price . Flowered Silk Dresses-Regular, $22.50, Sale Price. Flat Crepe Dresses Regular, $15.00, Sale Price And Others At Regular, $14.50, Sale Price The case of Aubrey Jacksoi,. charged with theft of money, was remanded until Monday morning on coming up before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. L. W. Patmore. defence counsel, was unable to appear, being engaged on another case. n n u 2 n y n t? n m N s I M g m n s K H n m H m M m M B H B It s n B M a m a a s $32.50 $15.50 12.00 $9.50 $11.00 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $10.50 $12.50 $9.50 $7.95 ALL OUR STOCK REDUCED The Above Are Only a Few of Many Kargains There wpre seventy-six passengers aboard the staemer Princess Alice which was in port yesterday j afternoon bound from Skagway t; Vancouver. Of this number, sixty' were round trip tourists retumincl south. There were no disembark-.atlons from the vessel here. CASH & DELIVER PRICES LEADER TOILET PAPER 8 rolls ... t POSTS BRAN FLAKES per pkg P. ft O. WAPTIIA SOAP-6 cakes EOO8-FRE8II EXTRAS per doaen BOGS FRESH PULLETS per down PEANUT BUTER In Bluk 3 lbs. for PRUNES Del Monte per lb ONTARIO CHEESE per lb MALKUfs BEST STRAWBERRY JAM New Pack per aVHb. Jr ORANOES SUNKIST 8 doaen CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS per lb. MALKIWB BEST JELLY POWDER-A11 Flavors per pkg ; Telephone your order and pay the driver "WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL" Q & S GROCERY 25c 12c 24c 25c 21c 25c 10c 22c 44c 95c 25c 5c COO Seventh Ave. East 11 ALL HATS 25 OFF SHIRLEY SHOPPE Third Ave. Cor. Sixth St. Phone 532 SALE - JULY 10 to 18 TO ATTEND CONVENTION Lady Superintendent to Be Delegate to Annual It. C. Hospitals Convention Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady su perintendent, will represent the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital at the annual convention of the tish Columbia Hospitals Association to be held In Victoria In Sentem- ber. the hospital board decided last , night. Miss Harrison will attend the convention, which takes place in Victoria, while on her way back from her annual vacation trip which commences next month. Monthly Report Of Superintendent Hospital Board Regrets Death of Miss Olafson Wishes Happiness to Miss Uibb In her monthly report to the hospital board at Its meeting last night, Miss Jean Harrison R. N.. lady superintendent, stated that the house was comfortably busy at this time. Miss Harrison referred to the loss during the past month of two graduates of the local tralnlnn ! school Miss Thorhtlda Olafson R. !N by death, and Miss Winnie Dibb ,R. N., who was resigning to be mar ried. The board expressed its regrets at the death of Miss Olafson and bespoke prosperity and happiness for miss Dibb in her forthcoming new sphere. MEETING OF SCHOOL BD. Miss Margaret palmer Is Appointed I'rincipal of Seal Cove School Commercial Class Teachers to Turn Over Three Ter Cent of Salaries For Uncm-. ploynient Relief The regular monthly meeting of board of school trustees was held 'ost evening. Those present were Mrs. Sienber, chairman. L. ,W. Waugh, W. J. Greer, J. J. Glllls and 3. BarVte. trustees, and J. O. Williamson, secretiry. Applications were read for the irlncipalship of Seal Cove School , ind the board appointed Miss Mar garet Palmer, who has been teach- ins there for the nast four vears Tenders having been called for various jobs around schools, the 1 following were awarded contracts: Shingling Borden Street School n one sdde to II. Mjbtaggett. Painting Seal CovrFSchool, Bell & Kalsomlnlng KlngtEdw&rd High school, nlrie rooms, Bell ti Keays. Kalsomtning Borden Street School, eight rooms. P. Scadden. Strong efforts are being made by Trustee Greer to overcome the leak ing In one or two rooms at Booth I School, and it U believed that the source of the trouble has been dis- covered. He has personally been overseeing the work of locating the leaks, and is very hopeful of success. The board thanked him for his efforts, and also for his kind-; ness in lending certain parts of the j scaffolding being used, and for his! 'leth'd of erecting staging, which) has saved the board considerable money during these strenuous times, and is very much appreciated. Acounta amounting to $7,799.16 were passed for payment A large number of applications were received for the two vacant positions on the High School staff. 32 being received yesterday morning in the mail. The board decided to wait for another mall or two before making any selection. Smell at High School A strong complaint was made by one of the trustees regarding the obnoxious smell that is prevalent at the High Schxl, and the secretary was Instructed to at once take the matter up with the medical health officer. The chairman stated that this smell has been a constant worry to the board for the past three or f ur years, and so far the board's efforts to have this fixed have not been successful. While the rain is jWeek-End j Specials Granulated Sugar-ID lbs. Mai kin's Best Peas Slse 3 per tin Maikln'8 Best Custard I Powder, s Uru Malkin's Best Prunes ! 2-lb. pkg. j Dutch Maid Mayonnaise I la-oa. Jar .. Aylmer Peaches i's 1 2 tins . Aylmer Pears L' 2 tins Aunt Dinah Mollasses 5-lb. tin Aylmer Strawttmy Jam 4-lb. tin Christies' Orabam Wafers 1-lb. pkg Fine Stilton Cheese per lb Swift Premium Bacon-Sliced, per lb. Pickled Boneless Pigs Feet per 9-01. jar Sunkist Sweet Oranges 5 doss Fresh Apricots 2 lbs. Fresh Plums , Mb. basket 55c 15c 55c 20c 45c 25c 25c 40c 55c 25c 25c 40c 35c 95c 25c 70c Alberta Market V. GAMULA, P-oprletor Fifth Street Phone 208 tmcsimmMSjmms in season, there Is very little smell but, after a spell of dry weather, It Is very .bad and certainly should be attended to at once without fall. On recommendation of the principal of the High School and after a thorough discussion by the board, it has been decided that, commenc ing September, 1931, no pupils Just promoted from Grade 8 shall be allowed to take commercial course, and that, on and after September, 1932, all pupils must have passed Grade 9 in English, Hygiene, History and Arithmetic, and that pupils will then complete their commercial course in two years. This lias been decided upon on account of the change In the School Act, and also to save the expense of having j to build another room for this class at a time when money is very short. It Is expected that this will turn out better for the pupils who will concentrate to pass Grade 9 before entering commercial. Instead of hav-' lng the High School course and commercial course Intermixed during the same year. The Teachers' Association has notified the board that, commencing September, 1931, and continuing until June 30, 1932, they will donate three per cent of their salaries to be expended as directed by the school board for the relief of HOSPITAL HAS SMALL DEFICIT FOR LAST MONTH The financial statement of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for 'he month of May. presented at last night's board meeting, showed a de-"it of $47 ,7ft on the month's operations with collections standing at $4,320.18 and disbursements at $4.-368.26. There were 1647 hospital days at cost per day of $3.65. BARGAINS: Bigger Than Ever j It doesn't seem that long but it's two years since we opened our store on Third Avenue and since that time we have enjoyed the public patronage and very much appreciated their support, and take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed to our success. Wc endeavor to keep prices reduced for their benefit. j FREE! COLD DUST FUIX! Buy This Phone 3ti0 319 3rd Ave. This Free Combination Special 1 large pac ket Gold Dust, 1 tin Gold Dust Scouring Powder Both for 29c These are a few lines we have added to our 19c sale. Toilet Rolls-large, S for Malkin's Best Jelly Powders 1flp 4 nkirn JLJls Malkin's Best Extracts per bottie Malkin's Best Corn per tin Canadian Cheese per lb. Corned Beef per tin Arrowroot Biscuits per 1-lb. pkg FRUITS & VKOETA1JLLS Blng Cherries Large 19(J Navel Oranges per doz Head Lettuce Largo 4n 3 heads i.tC Fresh Spinach 4 n 19c 3 lbs 1 Cucumber 2 Green 4 Q Onions. All for . 15 L New Potatoes 8 lbs 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c Look over our Hit and slock up for the rest of the month. Out-oMuvn orders mailed or shipped promptly. Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" I'hone 18 & 81 417-4M 5th Ave. Discussion Of New Ambulance Matar of Its Operation Taken Up and Lett to uominiuce m Pay Extra Sales Tax The hospital board last night discussed the manner In which the new ambulance, which is expected! to arrive very soon, should be oper- i ated. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the cxecu-1 tive committee, the feeling being I expressed that, If Matt Vldeck desired to continue the operation of the ambulance under present con ditions, he should be allowed to do ! so as the service he had given in the past had been quite satisfactory.' The executive will also take up the matter of the Insurance of the ambulance and other such details. The board agreed to pay the extra sales tax on purchase of the ambulance, an addition of three per cent having been made in the tax since the ambulance was ordered. Aid. Rudderham reported for a committee of which he was chairman on a conference which had been held with V. S. Moore of the Kaicn Motors in connection wl"' certain details of the ambulance. The vehicle will have a light grey body with darker grey trimmings, it will be designated by the words "General Hospital" ii!ui! its sides. 1 Thursday, July 9 1 An Wednesday & Thursday two shows - 7 & 9 pa Voted the Most Popular Ati, Ik. D LEW AYRES In "Doorway to The thrilling: crime career of a baby-faccil killer. Wanted bj the police marked b the gang once a gangster . ways a gangster. Comedy CHARLIE tlHsr In "ONE OF THE smiths Cartoon "SALT WATER TUFFl FOX NEWS ADMISSION - IQe&ttt Feature Starts at 7:10 9 j iiiuuaiiAi iH.vii.vki; at ? 15c S 40c Feature Start ; tl Friday and Saturday WILL ItOni'RS in "Connecticut Yankee COUPON Cntdin Milk Products limited, 11b Geofje St., ToroMo PUm tend ne frtt booklet "Vou-Child'i Diet" Addrcit l CHILDREN THRIVE ON KUM Absolute purity and uniform quality fn.it 1 the ideal lie lor children. mi All the cr r .1 the valuable body-building elements of ' wholesomcy dairy milk are embodied in 1 in readily-assimilated form. Yet, by process or removing the natural moistuf will keep fresh, without ice, until yvu ready to use it. At the summer cottage, or in districts wi. safe milk supply is not available, Klim n 1 tivelv indispensable. Specialists in infr -child welfare recommend the use of Klim v.' rnilk and have worked out correct forrr, jU the feeding of children of all ages V'n helpful information, enclosing 10 cents I size can of Klim. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED 113 GfOfjt Stittt Toronto DR. MAGUIRE Has Returned to the City And resumed his practice over Orme's Drue; St.r. Those wishing appointments will kindly Telephone 525 4 WK AUK OFFKItING: DISCOUNT ON COAL l or Cash at the Hate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'HONE 580