PAOE BIZ WHAT COULD YOU DO WITH $ 1 0,000 ? This is a question that Is easily answered by the average person. A question that is not so easy is how to get that sum with certainty. Do you know that by a payment of 2 to 4 down that you can create an estate of any desired amount immediately, payable at once to your family in case of death or to yourself at the end of a period of years? Do you know that by the same means you can be assured Of an annual income for life in case-'you arc-totally disabled or that you can provide a pension for yourself when your working days arc ove-r"? If you are Interested fill in and mail coupon below or write to' Walter Purkis Representative Confederation Life Association Box til l'rincc Kupcrt NAME AGE ADDItE88 oimrlHood FIOUR 4 For All Home Baking CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD oi'uitvriNCi it, t. r. 20.000.foN floating duydock knglr.eers. Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PMNCE KUPEltT, B.C. OUR COAL ,.U n ISJNA DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry .coal and see what 10 means to you. rilMIUXA EKO-Delivcrcd, Per Ton $12.50 MINKIIEAD EGO Delivered, 1'er Ton 12.50 MINEIILAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE 580 Queen Charlotte Lady is Hostess I at Bridge Party SKIDEOATP j-Marcb tQ-j Mrs. FreAtnAs WaF a Jti a 'bridge party of three tables re-jteiTOf afWrtMMIWP ffieen Char-1 llotte City, The first prize was won by Miss; Margaret Stevens of Skidegate. I The second and consolation prizes) were won bv Mrs. Wilton and Mrs. ' Beaven, both of Quen Charlotte city. ! The guests were: Mrs. Beaven, Mrs Joiriffe. Mrs.' MacKenzie. Mrs. DuVale. Mrs. Wilton and Mrs. An derson of Queen Charlotte City. also Mrs. C. Maclntyre, Mrs. A. Jones, Mrs. E. Stevens, and Miss M. Stevens of Skidegate. Bridge and Ring Throwing Party At Island Town SKIDEGATE, March 10: Mrs. G. H. Jolliffe entertained a number of friends at a very enjoyable party liven in honor of her brothor. Ho- j bcrt MUler ol Prince TUipert, who is -pending his holidays at Queen Charlotte City. The early part of the cveni ig was pent at progressive brtdg The irises were won bytho Wwlnj: ladles' first. Mrs. B.' A. Monroe of kidesate: consolation, Mr". Der Val, Queen Charlotte City: men's first. E. C. Stevens jr.; consolation, O. Chatteny. , The latter part of the evening was spent in a lively ring throwing contest, the captain of the Sklde gate team being Mrs. E. C. Stevens. The opposing team representing Queen Charlotte City was captained by Mrs. A. Chriatenson. The Skidegate team won by a large margin. The prize war a tin if tomatoes each. The defeated team had to be consoled v.tth a lemon to each member. OPTIMISM ON ISLANDS Keviral of Timber Business With Several Operators Opening Up POUT CLEMENTS. March JO: As spring approaches there Is a feeling of optimism noticeable in the community. At the southern 2nd of the islands, Mr. Allison and Mr. Morgan are opening up their camps, and at the north end the J. H. Baxter Pole Co. are putting on few men getting ready for their season's work. Arthur Robertson's lawmill at Massett has been cutting local orders and getting logs from some of the small operators. Trapp ing Poor In Interior KITSELA8. D.C., March 10:-! Chief Mark Qtlkhorn, better known to many as Chief Mark McKay, arrived In from his trap line bringing half a dozen beaver, a mink, a marten, and a fine bear pelt. Hr re ports that his wife found the bear holed up for the winter. On La k else Lake, the chief saw seven hair seals, something never seen there before at this time of year. They kill a lot of fish. Owinu to the lack of snow and ice very few furs are being obtained. Wednesday Special Chocolate Cream Roll 25 cents The Electric Bakery The store of service & qiulitv Wc Deliver Phone GG7 Phone 566j Rupert Motors Garace and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN DLitributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY what a treat! 2V TIIE DAILY NEWB Tup IK luce Knis. pies arc so crisp they actually pop in milk or cream. And what a flavor! Crunchy rice grains toasted golden crisp! Ricc'Krispics arc 'fine for any meal. Give tlicm to the children for supper. Enjoy for a bedtime snack. Easy to digest. Order a rcdand green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. to KICK Kitisin:s niCE wishes ROADS ARE VERY BA1) lcfJra11e Condition of Affairs on Ittand Is Urportrd QUEEN CHAKLOTTE CITY. March 10 Never were the roads from Tlell to Queen Charlotte in .such run-down, condition as they are today. One travelling these roads needs to carry Jacks, axes, and shovels to gr himself out o( mud holes fn which he is likely to et stuck. Oust RoMgMr'Soiith Baft Harbor reports thathe has earned a con- sideraWe Hff th' tii4e. P" ng out mired cars last weatipriwlar young man with a lady friend got stuck near Dead Tree and had to stay there until the early hours in the morning when an anxious, friend went to investigate. Much has b4h said as to why the roads have pet into such terrible shape. Port Clements Bachelor Has Bridge Party PORT CLEMHNTS. March 10: Frank Pearce. local merchant, celebrated his birthday by giving a bridge party recently to some of his many friends. D. E. Maxwell and Mrs. T. L. Williams, as partners, won the prizes. At midnight a very dainty lunch was served by the genial host. Isii 1 gggggggggUgBr ? """ 11 - y ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 25P UliS 30F0R CONTAINER KtmKUit) MATURED AVD ECTTIED BY VICTOMA WINERIES (NtlMH CtllMrU)llMITTD VtCICttlA B.Ci This advertisement Is not pub lished or. dljplayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Skidegate Girl Recently Given Birthday Party SKIDD ATE. M3Th 10 Mrs. C M. Maclniyre entertained a tiiin. ber of friends at a birthday party In her home on "Beach Drive" in honor of her daughter, Katherine Tire early part' of the evening was spent in fames and contests the latter part 'being spent ii dancing which lasted until the early hours of the morning. Dance Opens New Garage Acar Kises Out of Ashes at Terrace in Merry Style TERRACE. March 10: J B. Agar started off his fine new garage in proper style on Tuesday night tost when he staged a free for all dance In which he received the patronage of nearly everyone In the district. The evening was certainly one to be long remembered for the lovers I merry dancing surely had their fill. J McLaren acted as floor man ner and a six-niece orchestra held viv most of the evening. A C. Smaile. who was a visitor In own from Prince Rupert, rendered -6m m support to the merry -k"r and. with the provision of iindant and choice refreshments nd a "devU-may-care-we-are-o it-r-a-gaod-tlme" spirit nrevailing, ie event swung through from start o finish wltira pep that lef d;m- iers and spectators alike attuned to a keen enjoyment that sent thrm lorae feeling that in spite of hard lines there was still a wealth of rieasure in the world. FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OirSPMNG COATS few samples Just arrived of spring tnd summer goods of the finest (uality and the patterns of the very a test. LINO TIIE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and alter ing. Free delivery to any part of, the city. I LING THE TAILOR j 117 Second Ave. Vhone 119; $3 Delivery In appreciation of the support we have enjoyed wc are delivering: orders of $3.00 and over free or charge. We feel sure this will be more convenient for our many patrons. These price apply at both stores. Fresh Eggs per doz Uread--White, brown or raisin. 2 loaves Molasses Snaps per lb 3 lbs. Del Monte Pears 2W per tin ... Ayrshire Dacon Machine sliced, per lb Canadian 'Sardines 4 for Salmon Yacht Brand, l's per tin Heinz Vinegar .pints per bottle Ripe Olive-- large tin Polk s a rape Fruit -a's 2 tor Celery Fresh 2 for Malkin's Best Oysters-large. 2 for 25c 15c 15c 40c 38c 30c 25c 10c 20c 22c 45c 25c 45c 'Equivalent to Blue Point) iMulkln's Best Prunes 2's OCp AO per pkg. r, Maikin's Best llon.fy--4's pertui.., (Cash and Carry, Stores 319 3rd Ave. 417-123 .Mil Ave. Mon. & Tues. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 VM. Ai'am . The Fascinating Idol of the S MAURICE creen 'PLAYBO In Ills Latest Y of PARIS' A Comedy Riot With Many New Sor. A Paramount Picture Comedy "HOLLYWOOD Tll&MK SO.V. Novelty "4VCUSES" and "STKANOE A8 IT M l Ms AOM'SglONMciX: 6P Feature Start., u , f, , . , m s i Wed. & Thurs. - "Our Blushinn Bride " i -"o.-Ti ,xr -wf -n wmtusM'm nm -m iu : r.n m ' . g ei:ti' EDWARD SBURjG MM CORNSYMIP Thl lmou Riclp Soak tonltlat rl 1M f r.. ; . from ?VHm-rt horn all rrit Lan4, Th. . hy aaa el Caaaaa't (urtmaM faad tiani. Mr mr. i II caalt la tlarnat ar coin to cam mailing in The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited montri v LAMP to work bij ii ii i i V7i i 1 BAKING . , dusting . cleaning . sewing . . ironing . . every moment, vo r eyes are busy! Guar J your eyes . . and avoul wrinkles, headaches and "nerves." Fill your sockets with Edison Mazda Lamps . . for then restful light helps you to do your work faster v I more comfortably. EDISON MAZDA mmm n I B JaT'laTaTB'JTTB W - S -1L J J LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC 0 0 UCT Dr Alexander X-KAV SLItVICE PIIONK 573 'IlESNEK BLOCK DENTIST COAL Ituy the real co-l-wJ mom Edson and t 5!; Welllntton-ln n "t,int'" ' Also Bulkier Van " Oraln nd Kobln Hood W Prince Rupert Feed Co I'llONKS M A-i' r- 1 1