FrWv November 13, 1031 it THfc bAii Nrwa PAo2 nva TAe Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Maris Advertising Column s, i : A Few Words ill this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. r ' , y CLASSIFIED A rent, fbf Sale and all other .mall For advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a 0fd per insertion with tlx Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 5t)c. WANTED WA -TKD--Rebuilt or used 15-horse ,j, ( i heavy duty Vivian Marine tin- Must be cheap. Apply Box ! !.-. Dally New. 2d6) Wanted--At once, girl for light duties In good home. $10 per month, fare paid; permanent po-i urn Write Box 42, Anyox, B.C. (269) EAH.N upwards of $20 weekly grow-mis mushrooms for us in cellars it 1 1 (all and winter, commence i r illustrated booklet tree. Ca-:..ulian Mushroom Company, To-iniUo. 255 WANTED Salesman lor Canada's 'Standing line of advertising : '.I'ltirs and calendars. Our no-v i'les are different and sure sel-i s state territory and If any pirvious experience. Send copy of n (erences. Box lie. Dally News. (265) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat ujth bath. Phone 547. tf FOUR and five-room apartment! fur rent. Mussallem Grocery. (tt FOIt RENT Clean, well furnished, Ui-rn two-room suite. Palmer A f i tments. Phone Red 444. (tf) Fofl RENT-Comfortable six-room with Magestlc Range, close it on Second Avenue. Apply Tnompson Hardware Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE fOR BALE Cary Safe. Applf Odilv News. If FOR 3ALE Good mcd cars a' nght prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. Fuit SALE Dining Room Suite misting of gate-legged table, hairs, buffet and china cab.-walnut finish, practically a $125. Phone O. C. Arseneau. ' ir Green 148. (tf ) EXCHANGE WtU trade Oak Heater In good iition for easy chair o- "r. Apply Box 114. Daily v -v 263 MUSIC LOT- Monday, Dark Green Lea- ' Purse-. Phone 368. 265 UOOMS FOR RENT C A 'PORTABLE Room to rent, close " Phone Red 218, tf i HOARD AND KOOM R'JOM AND BOARD. Phone Red ri9. v Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY w V 4 A 4 4 the frtlfhtf tAb I- tin i-ifi.- "f ehart'ea ninrtif tut Hiifiit "tlces: ! Marring Hhaaufit 7 hnoiincMnetitl i'i t i nil mmcua OUCi KunefAl Nellie II. Of Thinks, 11 "UiiefHl IMilnefs tfW t 'hie i 4 t a i VJ" "Hd attlntal. fto tnall"f vt ferocious and hungry, ever iack or touch a skunk, SllOfc KEPAIRS . . : 1 H0SP1TAL- Shoe ro-j a r a b uvu, ,ocvuuu avenue west. II SHOE REPAIRS Beat materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office, tf WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Glenn and K. Viereck T. Sc R. TRANSFER Phone Green 609 Reasonable prieej Orders Promptly Attended 15 AUCTIOiNEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy it 11 or exchange any kind ol furniture or household goods, musical instruments ma chlnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will B. call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer.. Federal Block tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's 6n oi under the water r do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agertts fof EASTilOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions tor Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Fhone Day or Night 564 : P.O. Box 1564 ia of to Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS I Third Avenue ' of , Typewriters for Rent i of by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Lalta to Phone 234 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR of for SKEENA BRAND Ins Creamery Butler fe oi Cottage Cheese to FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Deliver) throughout the City "TIME THE CfllitOl'RACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children1 Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Black ?MjB.G. Cauliflower, hd 15c. to CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMEfc METHOD Absolutely confined to the spina! column. W. HOLLAND Besner Block Phone 8S7 PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701. r TRANSFERS - & R. TRANSFER. Cartage Furniture Moving. Phone 201 t' CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Bircn. Cedar and Pine. l jtRCCXA UXI IITniCT ItlSTRT OI' (JIF.EV nilKLOTTE IL.MH JSHSLS1 rJLJT '"nsr,. fr a Uoie to project for coi wd petroleum, over and under th foll - jw - tag irujrt und . cfcmmwieiBB t uao t. Ip : fcnoe sown wi tlmtm. theaoe Ba 89 shaiM. ihtaci Ncrth 80 chains, ttteoot Wat 80 chalna to point cf comnenceroent and r-on-talnlng 040 aefM more or lea. Located 17th Oct.. 1031 C D EMMONS KKEENA I.AM lllSTRHT 1HSTRICT OF qi'KBN ril.UtI.OTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTtctf that I. Robert U Munt, of Portland. Oregon. Intend to appljr (or a llceoae to prcpect tor coal and netrotMm. ovor and undw the rol- icwlns dcacribad land. Commenelnc t poet planted at the Northeaat corner Section S. Tp 8; thence South V irhMns. thenoe Weat 80 attains, them- Ncrth 80 chalna. the my East 80 ohalD. point of eomrneBcenNAt and con tare lnc MO acrea more or lea. Located 17th Oct.. 1&31 ROBERT U. MOUNT. By C. D. ImmoiH, Aat SK1EN V L.VXD IHSTHICT IIISTRlOT Ol Jl F.EX rilARLOTTE II.ANOI ' TAKE NOTlOi: that I. C. D. KBOOC! Portland. Orogon, Intend to apply for a Ucenae to prospect lor coal an 1 pstroleum, over and under the follow-llfaj daaortbed land. Commencing at past planted at the Southeast corner Section 8. Tp.. 8; thenoe North 80 chalna, tneooe West 60 chains, thence South 80 chains, thence Bast 80 che,lnj point of commencement and containing 640 acres more sr leM. Located 17th Oct . 1931. C. O. XMMONS. Kei:va i,am district district OK ql KK.N CHARLOTTE ISLAND! TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D Bmmotis. Portland. Oregon, intend to apply a Hoarwe to prospect tot eoal QU petroleum, over and under the folio- described iitd. commencing at t post plairted it the South eorner Section 9, Tp. 9: thence North 80 ohalna. thence Bast 80 chalna. thence south 80 chains, thenoe West 80 chaifu point of commencement and Con talning 90 acrea more or less. Located ITUI Oct.. 1S1. O. D. EMMONS. Progressive merenants advertLv TOILER" THE MARKET ; Market price current today are ! is follows: i Vegetables I E. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs. ,23 j sack $1.45 to 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs. ..; .23 . Pnrclav Ivirtrh B.G.CelerV.head- lOr.anA lfi BrussaT Sprouts, lb 25 ,mp0rtfe(li 'ib Cabbage, green 05" -i! Calif. Head Lettuce, head lhl Middlings - .... Vlxtnrfci hnthnnu limulw IK "U basket l-00JfynK" B. a Bunch Beets, bunch 05 ys" SneI1 " I B. C. Bunch Carrots .05 Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c and 20 Pumpkin, lb 01 Hubbnrd Squash, lb .01 Sweet Potatoes, lb 10 Savoy Cabbage, hed, 10c to.. 2() Onions, 8 lbs - 2j Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs. 2b Carrots. 8 lb? 23 Parsnips, lb. 0C Imparted Spanish Onions, lb... .13 Apples Mcintosh Rtds, C. Grade, large box 1.65 1- Fancy, large, box 2.00 C. Grade medium box 2.00 ; Medium Fancy, box 2.35 Extra Fancy, box 2.50 i Fruli anrtjvaleireia Oranges 25c to .70 Lemons, California. 40c to .50 California Grapefruit ....7Vfec to .10 Bananas, lb 15 CguuiQn&. n j-,. 1v ne ruiipicH uiujn. m .- o-o Pears, Anjou, dez. 35c to .60 PomegranaW 5c to .12 Cranberries, lb . 2b Dnea xruru'- Extracted honey, per Mr 25 WmO "Qhfy, 1 Dates, bulk, lb 10c to .15 i Lemon and Orante Peel A wuwiviiib iw " .15 Oltrpn. PiJ JO White tics, lit, .... 15 Apples, dried 20 Heachei, peeled 20 Apricots, lb. 20 Prunes, 80-70, lb IB Prunes, 30-40, lb. 15 Prunes. 40-50, jb, .12V4 Seeded Raisins, lb 20 Seeded, bulk Raisins, 2 lbs .35 Australian Seedless Raisins, lb. .15 California Raisins, 2 lbs. 25 Meats Fowl. NO. 1, lb .30 ftoftstlng Chicken, ib 40 Ham, sliced, first grade 4J Cbttaje. rolls, lb 23 llam, plcnk, first grade 25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .4 Pork, shoulder .ia Pork, loin 26 Pork, dry salt 20 Pork, leg 20 Ayf shifts bacon, lb 35c to Veal, shoulder , - VeaL loin, 2b beef, pot roast 15c. to ifl Beef, boiling ICc to .14 Beef, roast, prime rib 20c to .21 Lamb, shoulder 22 Beef, steak J5c. to .35 Lamb, lg . .33 Lamb, chops :. 35c to .40 Mutten, shoulder 20 Flih- Smoked ktoprt, lb. .15! Mihxfrt. frSh, lb .25 Halibut, fresh, ib.' 20 2rks B.C. fresh pullets, doc .45 BO. fresh firsul dd2 .48 B.C. fresh extras, dos ib Loctl( new laid, dos .60 Butter- Pariey cantoned, lb .80 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs 80 A Difference of Alberta Creamery, lb 2b Flour-Flour, 49's, NO. 1 hard wheat 1.60 Pastry Flouri 10 lbs. .u..,..mtM 0 Sugar STellow, 100 lbs. . 5.10 White 100 lbs. 5.00 Lard ' Pure ....... 13c td .13 Pompound j 13c to .J3 Feed 173 trw' " ' 5 Albrta 1.33 J0- lis 1.40 lid lid a'6y ....t..ui.... 1.63 190 1.80 gjiUeei Bcrap S.75 Ground Oil Cake ..r. 3.45 Fine oat .chops 11 5 Crushed oat .......... I.t3 Fine barley chon 175 Nuts . Almonds, shelled Valenclal J .. California soft shelled waihdti Walnuts, broken -shelled r...,.. Walnute, shelled halei Peanuts ,,- -- ,., - Cheese ' Ontario solids -..u... . TOOMBS Radio Service 4 Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radld work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 808 4th Av, E. The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of the city, or $3.00 a year to those who live outside the city, but in Northern or Central B. C. Put yourself in line for happiness and good cheer by subscribing today, if you are not already taking the paper. Be optimistic;. Read the Daily News of Prince Rupert and cheer up. Keep in touch with the district. Read all the advertisemelits. Then buy at home. Buy the home paper. Have faith in the city. Work hard and smile. That's the way to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the blues. Make a start at once and give the plan a good trial. The Daily News costs qnly 10c a week to residents of Prince Ruport or $3.00.a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. Opinion Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- j For the Sunday-ss. Pr. George ....10 pjn. Monday. Wednesday and Satur-Tuesday ss. Catali ....1:30 pjn. ay 10-30 ajn Thursday-ss. pr. Rupert 10 pJn.From the EuI Frlday-ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. ; Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs- SS Cardena, midnight. ( day ..i... 3:30 pm. . Oct. 4 ss. Princess Norah....p.m. por Vancouver N6t. 18 ss. Princess Norah p.iri.( feunday 9 - pjn. From Vancouver- , j tuesday H.i2:30 noori Sunday ss. Catala p.ra I Thursday 9 pjn. Wedss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday :,.. 11 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. ; Nov. 4 and 18 p.m. Frlday-s. Cardena P-m-'From Vancouver SatUl1 ss. Pr. George .10:30 ajn.. Nov. 14 ss. Princess Norah ajn. N6f. 28 ss. Princess Norah a.m For1 NaaS River and Port Simpson Silndajf ss. Catala 9 rJJn. Front Naas River; & Fort Simpson Tuesday si Catala ....11:30 am. 1 6r Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. George ....4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn'. Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. Thurso ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. for Anyox and Alice Arm- Suncay ss. Catala .'9 p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 4 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm- Tuesday ss. Catala. .. 11,30 ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Thursday-ss Pr. Rupert 8 pm.j Sunday .. . 7 pjn. For Ocean Falls : From Naas River and Port Simpson SUnday-ss. Pr. George ....10 pjn.j Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. . For Queen Charlotte Islands-Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. ' Nov. 7 and 21 9 p.m. ifi MailScheM CLOSES AT POST OFFIPE! Sunday pjn. Wednesday ... 10:30 ajn. Friday ; p.m. Saturday ....... 10:30 ajn. Nov. 14 and 28 ajn. For Stewart and Premier-Sunday 8 pjn, Wednesday .'....4 pjn. Saturday 4 pjn. ; From Stewart and Premier- I Sunday 8 pjn. Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday 8 pjn. Nov.' 4 and 18 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm Sundays 8 pjn. Wednesdays 3 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays .8 pjn. Westover0 r AMy Nrs - IT'S fyou XfiLH COR. b I AUY.y i-A;MO ( ACCOR.DIM6 J I AUNWAys f V-JT' COMB Myj IDIMIMO- folKTHDAV fw A -mHE , MAM vVoJLo !v3?TfcMe- feuTVAEAClT- SNaw.