| Leis Library oe ae ms CAFE HOME BAKERY 211 6th Street | PRINCE VOL, X. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., Coe Many Pacific Coast People are MO Injured inC.P.R. Train Wreck Freight Train Engineer Lost Count of Passenger Extras. Allowed Three Pass and Met Oncoming Fourth Train Head on. Those Killed Died Instantly. (Special to The News vis G T.P. Telegraphs.) Che Daily ; Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper WS: 1940, RUPERT NDAY, —- = MILITARY ACT OFFENDERS T0 BE RELEASED Proclamation Expected to be Made Today and Will be Followed by Jail Delivery. » (Special via G. T. P. OTTAWA, DECEMBER 22, Telegraphe,) Dec. 22.—The - re. UPR . lease of all Canadians ‘isone MONTREAL, December 22.—Failure to count the number of EAS] ERN MAI ee eet Ragnar : : me for offenses under the Military U. PR. passenger specials from the liner “Empress of France Service Act, and the suspension No less a sum than $86,000 which docked at St. John, by the engineer of the eastbound of all proceeedings against others ing the lumber freight train is-apparently the direct cause of the collision which took place at Onaway, Maine, persons were killed and thirty-four injured. on Saturday, when twenty-three Nearly all of the casualties were bound for points in Western Canada. The freight engineer allowed three of the passenger specials to pass, but did 150 Sacks Game is in on Saturday. Night and More Coming Today—Also Pas- not wait for the fourth one, which was carrying the third class | sengers. [| @ssary Proclamation, which is ex- jj will employ something like 75 men all the time. passengers from the liner, and this last passenger train crashed FIRST TRAIN may 4 tase Micak ded sium A visit was paid to the new plant at the week end, and while into the freight. Owing to the tremendous nature of the damage KHYEX RIVER SUNDAY NEXT‘) Act imenediatete oted aaa everything is very incomplete it is now possible to get an idea . done to the cars of the passenger special, most of those who were ifenders at present in confinement What is being aime at. Oh (>—>>>————————— killed died instantly. The temperature at Onaway at the time of | lhe mail from Thursday night's will be released today. drying kilns, eomprising three | the problem of marketing for the accident was twenty degrees below zero. train which was the first one to; eee units of a capacity of 100,000 ft.)some of the mills, Often when The dead, of whom five are unidentified, 2 . Boythorn, | be deli noe al the Khyex River, ow-| ‘iT. YING TO ABOLISH oat ula a ‘ oe a ae os ” fea “een wt eo ; ‘ . ing to the washout the E ver measure te » bY © ee. 1e)lumber, there is a goo eman Vancouver, B. G.; J. R. Cartwright, Vancouver, B. i the |in# Prinée nasiert art pened: PATROL SYSTEM IN northeast end will be built a large|for the finished articlé and that injured are Mrs. Eliza Brewley, aged 69, care H. neil Grind-| ,iehi. 1 hed been inenatiiered'’ . loading shed 45 feet in length andlis what the new mill will turn rid, B. C.; J. M. Boythorn, aged 49, 49533 Granville Street, Van-|around the washout by a gaso-| PROVINCE OF ONTARIO at the opposite end a cooling andjout, The barges or scows con- couver, left leg compound fracture and head cut; Mrs. E. Falkard,/line boat and was brought in here : unloading shed 60 ft. in length, taining the lumber will be run on aged 32, Grindrid, B. C., bruised and shaken up. Kitty Lawrence, iby a stub train. TORONTY, Dec. 20.- Deciatm- cher kilns = dry the eae ae toa gridiron adjoining the plant, | eh sath lan sed 27 | The regular Sunday train came| '"? against the patrol system and tured lumber and also thejor a derrick will lift the planks Grindrid, B. G., aged 9, legs hurt; Evelyn Jaymes, aged 27, Dun-| through as far as Pacific yester- labolishing it are two quite dif- shingles. to the covered platform. The cans, B. G., ee. fracture of right leg, and back sprained; \ lay and from there a stu train| ferent things, as Premier Drury The shingle mill will be loeated|planks will then go at once to the Robert Frizzee, aged 32, Nanaimo, B. C., ankle bruised, trave Ming | w, is run down to the break with|2?d his cabinet colleagues rea- in the big room upstairs and the|resaw, one of which is located on with his wife and son debe ph; Mrs. E. Monroe, aged 72, care of} jmail, baggage, express and a few lixed on Wednesday. After hav--two large planing mills will also} the ground floor and the other Kk. D. Foster, 4482 John Street, Vancouver, legs slightly bruised; lpassengers. ‘This morning at 5 ins struggled all day until seven be located on the same level, one upstairs. Much of the carrying ; - gepae : ' Meial Alnesar Van lo’clock a special small train was a’cloek last night with the ques- on either side of the shed. They|will be automatic and labor will Mrs. L. Livingstone, aged 38, care of A. Ball, despatched to Khyex River to pick| tion, the ministers gave it up are already in position and when/be saved wherever possible. couver, head injured and sprains; Mrs. Doris Pritchard, aged 19, 3 [up cin eaath eal passe maéeors when | temporarily. running will have a capacity of| Mr. Cowper Young has care- Ocean Falls, B. C., head hurt and sprained; Wm. Reeve, aged 56,| transferred across the break. Che members of the cabinet al 140,000 ft, a day. A siding is being| fully planned everything and hav- Nanaimo, legs and feet cut and bruised. | This morning the tele phone line 1 k high ground on it as a ques- built so that cars may run right/ing had experience with this sort 2 nib aiedialll connenestpysteretionnsniieaa ——|between town and the Khyex Riv_| ion of morals, but how to carry into the building on the ground)of work is able to lay the plant LIMIT IS PLACED ON PRESCRIPTIONS. JIM PIRILLO say toe wens gx neon’ ARRESTED FOR gc eee “DISTURBANCE: jeondition of affairs has been re- ceived since yesterday. Mr. Me- }Call then telephened in that work iwas still going possible but no train could be ex-| pected Sunday next and this would be doubtful. | It is not known the exact time! of the arrival of this morning’s Alleged That He Swore and «cpecia| with mail but the officials! across before Docicor in Province (Special via G.T.P VICTORIA, Dec. 22. reiegraphs,) In the NOW ARRIVING jer was down so no word at to the} | the | sticker. on as quickly as} manufacturing Major Cowper Young and a mue s provided in an Order in Council i just by the Cabinet and hee it to the Governor General for | Wi signature, Unless any unforseen delay oc eurs in connection with the nec- pe issed work has been going on quietly uiything is doing there. It will the machines on the affairs of the province with floor patrol abolished—this was Finaily they named a cymmitee to look into the matier and report theneon, be The labor members attended. and and thus save a good deal work in handling the lomber, Solve Problem. The rough lumber or plank will purchased in*the open market will to a large extent solve a of Dublin Newspaper Has s ‘jig ro are Oc- 2 } eight months crom Maron = - Shouted at Hospital Where jthink that if will be before six| lts Whole Equipment tober inclusive, doctors in British Wife is Sick. this afternoon. After Tuesday. Columbia issued 188,120 preserip- : , oe ae ae ° might all traffie will be sent by tions for liquor. OT oa total Jim Pirillo, a well known local '€.N.R, and Vancouver till the trou- | mas . © Vy al ers 113,273 — F laaues by \ ae Italian, is under arrest charged ble is over. doctors, 27,204 — 7 - ~ with creating a distunbance by) The high water that caused the (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) in er a oo don shouting and swearing in a public washout at Khyex may be noticed) DUBLIN, December 22.—Armed men filled all of the four d r ’ ce, ase . » 2 ar ‘ " . ; acetone clad by the attor- place, namely, the Prine Rupert in the immediate vicinity of town.| sjories of the “Independent” newspaper building here on Satur- Ds caldieal General Hospital. This morning Lake Shawatlans is up to the top}, ty and did $100,000 worth of damage to the equipment, They ey-Ge . it considerable evidence was heard of its banks and a large stream is , ; : " ss ky For October, 135 persons were in the policé court before Magis- flowing out of it. Other creeks entered the building quietly and held all the doors. Eighteen classed by the government venser trate MeMordie and the case hasjin the vicinity are also quite|!inotype machines and three big rotary presses were smashed to as druggists. The doctors ° the been adjourned till the 26th, when swollen, ‘ragments, beyond any hope of their ever being used again. The seit aint ee cam still funther evidence will be a work of destruction was carried out systematically and methodi- { or ‘escr s sac heard. i , . a a ‘ — , sain Same month. Before this negulation According to the story of the ‘MORE HOLIDAY cally and the manner shows that the raid had been carefully was put into effect, one doctor had prescribed for four thousanu cases in one month. ‘ROYAL’ TOOK EIGHTY accused he had taken his wife to the hospital on Saturday in the afternoon and had returned with Angelo Pognotto that evening to see her. On arriving at the room he found that the ehief of police PASSENGERS SOUIT Prince Rupert Took a Capacity List for South Last Night. Crowded with holiday . ' seekers, INDIANS T0 SOUTH aa rth : iS ae ce the “Prince Rupert” pulled out —— aces ie” to Pognotto shortly *#arp on time for the south last) Bella Bella Natives Went Home oreny * ; ked | ate oh . night at midnight. Nearly all her| atter. Be. eajes Ste wie to re- accommodation was taken and For Xmas From Canneries. quest Brown to go, which she did. Brown refused and accused tried to put him out, with the result that he was foreed out into th: hall, beaten up and held down. Frank G. Brown testified that he had been asked by Mrs. Pirillo ito come out to the hospital with the facet of the made it much train not arriving more comfortable for the local passengers. The decks were lined as the steamer out and the wharf was crowded with friends making fare- wells and giving Christmas greet The loeal C. P. R. office did a on Saturday after- noon when tickets were sold to no less than 80 Indians returning to Bella Bella for Christmas. The Indians gathered in town on Sat- ing business passed \ é . ar ve sries in} ges, The “Chelohsin" pulled out re ? noe i ag a - jthe chief of police to protect her. ont ” Lz oa and way Fa at the : ie ‘ » } BZ ° &§ © GissryOs SES Gi wens SOU iHe had done so and was there *‘ y yt the “Princess Royal” last evening, same time, when accused and Pognotto were there. Accused had asked him to leave and on his refusing accuse: MOTHER OF LOCAL L LADY - tried to foree him out, with the} éesult that he took accused into | the hall and held him down. | Most of them took deck passage. As well as her big list of native passengers, the Royal had a few through passengers for Vancouver and other connecting points. Albert & MoUatfery, Ltd, have} H. 0. Crewe happened. to be at) WINNIPEG, Dec, 22.—Mrs. M. just received a shipment of five the hospital at the time and heard | Samson, a resident of Winnipeg hundred doors and windows-—the bloodeundling yells in the hall ‘for the last twenty-six years, is most and varied stock in Northern |and went out to see if he could | dead, Mrs. 5 E. Birnie, of Prince of assistance. He helped to Rupert, B. C,, and Mrs, J. R. Mil-| B. C, tf | be - hold accused down. Constable Adams told of being called to the | ler, of P ae B, C, _"* ters ee and finding the accused | ee ole Westholme |being held down in a dark corner) Raprie’s Christmas drawing. lhy throe persons. He had putlpyery two dollars’ worth pun- aenares ihand-enffs on him and let him ad le hased entitles you to a ticket OBER yin finding it to be Pirillo badly eu lfree. Starting Wednesday, No ROBERT HARRON and jup and bruise d about the face, we lve mber 19. First prize, Daven in the GRIFFITHS’ production | testified that se _ wi * oer? lport bed; second prize, fumed oat 6 ® } . ‘ o handle, ognotlo we atin akan rocker. "The Girl Who 0 ee nae ceesahanahine | table : thine priae, wit ber, I Stayed at Home” that of the accused, Toys, blocks, games, dolls, Two Reel Plage Comedy ' W. E. Williams is taking the | trains, children's ne “The Con in Economy” ‘ease for the prosecution and L.|cal toys, at Tite’s Santa anes - eootnen WW. Patinone defended, | headquarters. DIES AT WINNIPEG are daugh- planned ahead. the The So quietly was the raid carried out that no one outside building was aware that anything untoward was on foot. about an hour, MASON OUTBOXED - ERTLE OF ST. PAUL raiders re mained in the building for PRINCE RUPERT HAD _ ROUGH PASSAGE SOUiIi last southbound trip of the The (Special via J. T. P. Telegraphs.) Prince Rupert, Captain McKenzie, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dee, 20. was one of the stormiest experi- -Frankie Mason of Fort Wayne, eneed by the popular liner in ind., decisively outboxed Mike many months. A heayy and strong Ertle, St. Paul, in a ten-roynd wind was raging in Queen Char- bout. Eartle’s eye was badly cul lotte Sound -and at times the in a head to head collision in the third round, ly thereafter, COLONEL FALLIS IS GOING TO VANCOUVER steamer seemed to go almost over on her Great upsettings land inconveniences were reporte from the galley and dining salon Even of the crew sullened from “mal de mer.” and he bled profuse- side, some pene peiennnemngne | on $150,000, will be spent before the plant is complete. PRICE FIVE CENTS New Planing Mill To Be Running Soon Will Employ About 75 Men in Connec- tion with Planing, Resawing, and General Lumber Manufacturing; Shingle Mill Also. has already been spent in install- plant adjoining the drydock by h larger sum, amounting to close The and very few people realize that be several weeks before any of are ready to operate, but when the plant is running out to advantage. Speaking of the new industry and its value to the community, he told a Daily News representative that he thought it should be a reat advantage to the people here to be able to get their finishing material right at home, It should encourage boat building particularly as they would handle red and yellow cedar, and cut it to specifications for boat builders. Spruce too is used a good deal in the east and it should be used here. Best Wood in the Worid. “If Sitka spruce is the best wood in the world for aeroplanes, there is no reason why it should not be useful for every other class of work, where strength combined with light weight is required,” said Mr, Young. “There is no purpose where strength is neces- sary as in the building of aero- planes. The quality of the wood is vital. That is where wood gets the supreme test. Surely if spruce is the right wood for flying, it should also be durable when manufaetured into boats.” The overhanging roof of the big shed is being renewed and within a few weeks the hum of the saws and planers should be added to the steady roar of the riveting machines at the shipyand adjoining. These are some of the industries that are likely to make Prince Rupert prosperous. WASHOUT TIES FISH SHIPPING Not Much Activity at Local Fish Wharves — Hulda and Senator Were in. Two boats arrived with halibut BIRTH. VANCOUVER, Dee, 20,—Col. M cities \O. Fallis of Kamloops, formerly |** the local fish exchange yester~ | A daughter was born to Mrs.jj.aq of chaplain services in the day morning. The most of the and Mrs, H, O. Crew, of Prince) (.. yaqian Expeditionary Forees in boats are now in from the banks Rupert, at the General Hospital England, has accepted a call to for the holidays, many of them on Saturday, Sixth Avenue Baptist Church, in|2eime at Seattle. The railroad ees ni d ly siealianih wash-out makes it impossible to Miss V. Christopherson, of Os-| — 2 ee ship fresh fish and all that is land, Smith Island, left fon the} TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT brought here is put in cold stor- south last night. She had in- age by the Canadian Fish & Cold tended going south by the Prince) Battle Ureek, Mich. Dec, 20.— Storage Co., or the an ee George on Thursday night, but|).), Martin. he avyweight cham-| 9: Only one ear o es was delayed in getting to Prince jpion of the United States Expedi- Rupert by the washout, itionary Forét, seored a technical , j}knoekuut over Judgment has been reserved in|, amp Custer in the first round. |theease of the G, T, P. Develop-| Brenahan failed to come out of iment Go, versus Don W. Peck ‘his corner for the second round. j arising out of repairs to a tug} by Ra a boat. ‘The Girl who Stayed at Home”’ 8. C. Undertakers, "Phone 41. jpeven parts, Westholme tonight. Bill Breanahan of} Griffith's special production In| Ladysmith th Goal. Goal. The best. jwas shipped last week. The Hulda arrived with 6,000 pounds, which she sold to the leold storage at 10e and Te. The Senator went on to Seattle with 55,000 pounds. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf Prince Rupert Coal Company, Phone 16. a Baas