- Cm V ' The Weather n. Rupert Part cloudy, tfresh 5; g. it wind: barometer, 2952; T d ure- 45 : rough sea. 2 g Vol. ? uS lo. 79. and canaotan run. in uiese new arrangement, United Pacific Fisheries was reported to have obtained the backing of four of the largest fish handling concerns in the United States. The new arrangements were made by F. J. KwapU, president, and j. E. Berg of Ketchikan, manager for Ketchikan and Prince Rupert Jointly on a recent visit to Chicago. The boats unloading catches today are: . Canadian Cape Spencer. 9 .000 pounds; Borgund, 3.500; Capella. M OM; MMrl.O00r"Jr'R4 U.OOOf Toodie. 4,600; Cape Swain, 5,000; Ingrld II.. 4.000: Oulviek. 9.000; Viking. 4,090; Pair of Jacks, 5.000; Lysekll. 21000; Edward Llpsett, 6,000: Covenant. 13.000 American Pierce. 7.000; Tahoma. 16.000 Frank Dorbrandt Lands His Plane Among Volcanoes CONFERENCE ON APRIL 15 Olof Hanson M.F. Makes Appointment With Premier Bennett For Mayor Orme 11IKT1I NOTICE Bom at the Prince Oeneral Ho- oircei, a aaugiiier. uuui "-j mm FLOODS SUBSIDE Took Toll of Sis Lives Jl, 000,000 In Walla Walla fWALLA WAILA, Aprti 4- After having taken a ton of six Uvea. floods in the northwest have been! Utbsldfeir .dHEfefffth -pasi'-fewW days. Havoc Is betas; repaired and railway services restored. In Walla Wslta and district the da mate to placed at $1,000,000. VICTORIA BOY DEAD ! Ernest Chisholm Fell 33 Fret Creek Bed and Was Killed to i VICTORIA. April 4:-Slipplng FranV DorbandL. Arctic flyer, from the top of a rock to the bed of who took part in the Burke search.. Tugwell Creek at Sooke yesterday, recently landed in the smoke and Ernest Chlsholm. aged 15. of Vie-eteam-enveloped heart of the vol- toria fell 36 feet, to Instant death, canlcally active Valley of Ten with his younger brother, he was Tltousand Smokes on the Alaska on a fishing expedition. Peninsula. It is believed to be the first time that an airplane had ever landed in a centre of active craters. Alone, he circled above the smoking valley, picked out a level spot and landed in the midst of the craters. After taking photographs, he took off and circled Mount Ksttmal, the largest acttv volcano of the group. The noor of the valley 1 partly mud and ash and partly molten sand. The overland route to the valley Is through a country. Consolidated Mining Airmen Have Flown Nearly 125,000 Miles Airmen of the Consolidated Mining ti Smelting Co. of Canada, engaged in aortal exploration, have flown approximately 435.000 miles since the inception of the service in the winter of 1W8-2. W. O. Jewitt of that company stated In ap address at the annual general meet- devastated tag of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy at uwawu recently. In the thousands of miles travelled there had been no serious Injury to the personnel, he stated. Prince Albert. Saak.; The Pas, Man.; Sioux Lookout, Ont.: Sen-neterre. Que.; and Burns Lake. B.C.. have been used as bases for aerial exploration, he stated, and the operations of .the staff extended and enlarged. The Dlanes were used for recon- Mayor Cyril II. Orme was in re-1 nalssance. prospecting, examination ceipt of a telegram last night' from ;0f properties and supply of proper-Olof Hanson M.P. announcing that ues. The use of the aircraft had Premier R. B. Bennett would be aided in controlling and expediting glad to receive a delegation from the work of prospecting properties. WKl,"a: SBfmSPW'' - i A exander Wolcott Before he leaves there will be a special meeting of the city council, probably next Tuesday, to discuss matters to be taken up by the mayor with Mr. Bennett. Is Going to China Famous New York Author in Seattle Enroutc to Orient mmm Oood Friday was observed in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral wun a choral presentation last night under the direction of H. N. Brockles- ' ii -i . i it . !,,! Ar J. The principal :tm on the pro- t " ""s "'"r"'al"""", ' gram was the rendition oi stamen t "- - ' ; "Crucifixion" which was excellently j implies tea uses. Chief soloists were M. H. Blott, baritone, and John E. Davey. tenor. A. J. Lancaster and H. Lincoln were also heard in solos. The anthem "Into the Woods My Master Went." was also given while Mrs. F. W. Allen sane " a 6oAo There is a Oreen Hill Far Away," and Mrs. M. H. Blott. "Were You There When They Crucified Him?" a negro spiritual. The program opened with a pro cessional hymn and the Lords' Prayer. Dean Gibson was In charge. The church was filled. JULIAN IS ARRESTED SAN ANTONIO. April 4 -C. C. Julian, California oil man. Is again In the news. Two men. identified as Julian and his associate. C. C. Bo-lan. were arersted here on Thursday on charges of theft by extortion of $50,000 from a San Antonio business man. The Weather Triple aland Misty, strong south wind, sea rough. Langara Cloudy. light southeast r rattle. ADrll 4 Alexander B 'wind, light swell. - pital on Saturday. April 4 to Mr. iWolcou. lamous fw . "'rZ1 Z and Mrs. John Currle. MeBnde.us Tisiwr u. iA. u LIFE LOSS MOUNTING Fire Thousand Estimated Dead In Managua $70,000,000 Damage MANAGUA, Nicaragua, April 1: Col. Bradman of the United ,States Marines on Thursday estimated that 5.0Q0 persons perished in the earthquake disaster here last Tuesday. Seven hundred bodies have already been recovered. I'roperty damage Is estimated at $70,000,000. American soldiers, doctors and nurses are active In connection with work among the survivors. DISORDERS I AT JOLIET NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.G, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1931 Precedent demanding that Lord Bessbofough should become "His Excellency the Governor-General and Commander in Chief" at Hah fax where he was sworn In at the nistoric Province Building. Captain H. Sibbons. R.N.R.. commander of the Canadian Pacific liner Duchess of Bedford . diverted his vessel from her regular course and called at the Nova Scotian capl.al to land the vice-regal passenger today. The lay-out snows Lord Bessborough: Lady Bei borough, the former Roberte de Neuflise, only French born peeresss of Great Britain; Captain Sibbons, one of the most popular captains of the Atlantic and the Duchess of Bedford, 20,000 ton liner largest Canadian vessel to call at Halifax. GOOD FRIDAY ! IS OBSERVED : HUGE DRUG HAUL IS MADE IN NEW YOKK j ! NEW YORK. April 4: Two ' tons of dope, valued at $300,- 000, was discovered in a garage here Thursday by federal ag- j ents. A blow U believed to have 1 been struck at the very heart j ! Impressive Good Friday Service Large Congregation Yesterday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church-Holy Communion A vary impressive Oood Friday cc vsw w m irsiu j vavnt hah line in St. Paul's Lutharan Church with Rev. John H. lUnson officiating. Quite large number of members of the congregation took Holy Communion. There was a good-sired attendance Special music included a trio by Mrs. Karl Dybhavn. Mrs. L. Dryn- dahl and sirs. J. IL Hanson and another trio by Mlatat Lillian Han son, Ingrut Murvold upA' Olive Dybhax n. Easter Season Is Observed at Army Meeting The weekly musical meeting at jthe Salvation Army Cltedel on ; iThuraday night was appropriate to ! the Easier season and was entitled ! Two Hours at the Cross." The Cita- del was adocnad for the oocaiion SNAG BOAT LAUNCHING New Vessel Took to Water at Dry pock This Morning iteady For Service April 20 The launching took place on the high tide at 2 o'clock this morning of the new Dominion ' government snag boat "Essing-ton,'' which has been under construction for the past few months to replace the old boat "Bobolink." Everything went off smoothly at the launching. There was no ceremony. The "Essington." which is 120 feet long with beam of 30 feet and a stern wheeler, will be ready for service about April 20. CHANCES OF PARTY GOOD efffcetfveVjcrfhip, , NEW TRIAL IS GRANTED Hearing on Eunice Pringle Charge SAN FRANCISCO. April 4: Alexander Pantages, millionaire theatre man. was granted a new trial by the California Supreme, Court on Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, April 5, 1931 High 2.35 a.m. 23.0 It. 15.19 pm. 202 ft. Low 9.11 ajn. 15 It. 21.15 p.m. 5.6 ft. PrtlCE FIVE CENTS FiVE THOUSAND DEAD IN MANAGUA NEW FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE BY U. P. FISHERIES Sixteen Halibut Boats Unload Catches Under More Definite Terms Down Price Remains Same as Before With Canadian and American Boats Both Getting: 10c and 7c Halibut landings here today totalled 125,000 pounds, all of the 16 boats which were m with' catches disposing of them to the United Pacific Fisheries which was reported to have made new and more satisfactory financial arrangement than those which have so far been existing. The down price was, however, still the same for American Governor General's Arrival FINED $100 F0RASSAULT Terrace Case Came Before Judge Young on Thursday Afternoon TERRACE. April 4: The case of Rex vs. Q. Little, in which the defendant is accused of assaulting Rev. E. A. McCarthy. Anglican , clergyman at Terrace, came up for 'hearing before Stipendiary Magistrate E. T. Kenney on Wednesday and the defendant was sent to trial at Prince RuperV 1 In the course of his evidence Rev. i M-arthv stated that the defendant called to him In the street and took exception to some remarks which he bad made on the previous Sunday and struck him on the face, breaking his spectacles and after- wards kicking him between the legs. In consequence he had been confined to the house for a fort night and was not yet out of the care. T. J. Kirkpatrick gave evidence o: u-i-nesrln the assault comolain- I Chairman Uaskob Hopeful of Demo- ed of and Dr. MlMs testified as to j cratic Chances in 1932 the condition of the Injured man which he concluded was occasioned ! NEW YORK, April 4: Chairman by the assault. ; Raskob of the Democratic National Defendant, who left for Prince Committee. Issuing a .statement Rupert Thsndap. declined to give here Thursday, declareti trrft the and reserved his defence. chances of the party were never better than in the 1932 presidential Accused appeared before Judge election, providing the party had Young in County Court Thursday the strength to take a courageous afternoon and, pleading guilty to stand on prohibition and other a charge of assault, was fined $100. economic matters. Chairman Ras- . , kob ataoreferred to the necessity of Well Known Alice Arm Couple Wed Miss Myrtle Helen Crawford Became Bride of Edwin Teterson Thursday Night - j The marriage took place quietly AWandrr PantarM to Get Another i t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Intermela. 820 Alfred Street, at 9 o'clock Thursday night when Miss Myrtle Helen Crawford of Alice Arm b'jeame the bride of ftiiln Peterson, a.'o of Alice Arm. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John H .Hanson, pastor of St. tlAi.lt. f ll,u.n r.V... -..W n m A ..... - Thursday on the charge of crtmln-, . ... , .. ly assaulting Eunice Pringle two'WM"u u' 1V"' ",,u m"' i mcia . Bishop Stringer at St Peter's Gave Helpful Good Friday Address In East End Yesterday ' Morning I Bishop Isaac O. 8tringer of the' Yukon gave the congregation of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson wll sail 'tomorrow night on the Catala' for j Alice Arm where they will reside. I The bride has been a cook m the mining camp and the groom a miner. Both are well known and pop-jular In the camp. BROTHERS CONVICTED St. Peter's Anglican Church, Sea,'Cnl 0ant;trr Cets Four(wil Cove, a very helpful address of, ,. , I meditation yesterday morning on! Reporter The Crucifixion of Jesus." The, !HW,U fUlfd 'nd,lh! U,!"! . CHICAGO, April 4-Leo Brother! ual heartmeas was dispaiyecT byfwm hre ye,terday ot the coUon ; I the murder of Alfred J. Lingle, newspaper reporter. In June last. 4 He was sentenced to fourteen The first car to get ovc .El- with three lafft crosses, signifying ywlh Avenue, since. Uir b(g the Cruclnxlon. w-rraainiffavp wniu ias oeen Commandant William Kerr pre-! carried on there for several sided and the speaker was T. J. months, was the city engineer's shntim who save an aDoroDrlate auto on Thursday afternoon. years' Imprisonment, the minimum FIRST AUTO OVER penalty for murder. ELEVENTH AVENUE . " Receiver of Puget Sound Savings & Loan Is Ratified Two Guards Beaten Up By Convicts address. Mrs. Kerr read the Scrip- City Engineer F. N. Oood drove at Penitentiary ture and Captain E. Warren sang the car and had Mayor C. H. SEATTLE. April 4 Dcvelop- The Old Rugged Cross." Sergeant Orme for his passenger. The ments in the affairs of the Puget JOLIET. Hi-April 4. Two guards laJor Alexcee sang The Hand road Is not yet ready for traffic Sound Savings is Loan Co. on at the State Penitentiary were beat- That Was Wounded For Me?' ! as merelv the grading has been Thursday included the ratification en up Thursday by convicts rebel-1 At the close of the Meeting, re- completed. of H. J. Hoffman as receiver with a ling at forced labor. One of the freshments were served to a large vote of five to four by the State guards needed hospital treatment, i gathering. Supreme Court.