FAQE STX THK DAILY NEWS tt0"l r Phillips r ForTroutW due to Acid iOU STOMACH CONSTIPATION GAS. NAU- AC I OCT HID of your dread of pain after eating. Eat without fear of 'Indigestion," sour stomach, disagreeable gas or headaches. - When your food ferments, "disagrees," lies like a lump in your stomach, it's a sign of too much acid. You need not resort to crude methods take instead an anti-acid that will correct the condition. PhilfipV Milk of Magnesia. A spoonful of this pleasant-tasting, soothing fluid neutralises many times its volume in acid. It restores the proper alkaline balance to an acid-soaked stomach and Made in arter meais bowels assists these organs to function as they should. Phillips' Milk, of Magnesia is what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea or biliousness indicates an over-acid condition. Take a spoonful today and for several days and see how it sweetens the system. You won't be nearly so liable to colds or sickness. All drugstores in the Dominion sell it in 50c bottles. Gtnuine Milk of Magnesia it always a liquid never a tablet. Look for Ike name Phillips on the bottle, Canada Easter Brings New Ideas For Your Living Room See our' selection of occasional tables and floor lamps -all new designs and quite stylish. Barrie's Home Furnishings Value Far Above 'the Price 4 NET FORD TO VPN SEDAN 7 5 5 . (F. O. B. Kit Fi.i,.,, A mautotji five-passenger sedan distinguuhed by its graceful, towing lines, inactive colon and the richneas of iu apretntaenta. Uphalatered m luxurious mohair. Driver's seat ia adjustable. The rear compartment hu a .folding censer arm. aide arm feats and dome light You wul save many dollars because of its' low first cost and low cost of operation and up-keep. Call or XeUpturm for a demonstration S. E. PARKER Third Ave. E. Telephone 83 OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on (he economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. rUMBINA EGG Delivered, Ter Ton -..$12.50 MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 M1NEIIEAD LUMP Delivered. Per Ton 13.50 I HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 If the first course be deliciously I oimMfi piquant, success usually crowns I ''AgMM the entire dinner. V flKrclgk "OXO" Consomme served hot BsYnfij with dainty saltines or golden I Ol?ffiYB brown toast -makes a delicious jdK30 first course-not too heavy, nor ifflLv yet insipid. Just right j lntini of4ndl9Cubt$. ,r v , IF . OX J Pun In the Beet :J!JW OXO LIMITED, 1111 St. AtlM Street. Montred WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut 3Iarkelinff Problems I). S. T. Arrives From yancouvcr Salrrjon Outlook Not Bright Either the United Pacific Fisheries had to make more satisfactory arrangements for the handling of the fish of Prince Rupert halibut fishermen or that concern would drop out as an exclusive factor in the receiving of the product here which would probably mean a return to the system of competitive buying by the old companies. Wtiile boat owners and fishermen, who a. few weeks ago had clutched at this concern as a means of having their product marketed co-operatively with more adequate returns to themselves, were loath to make any admissions regarding the new concern, this seemedfc durlng the early week, to be an spring. As far as can be learned, the outstanding fact. Uncertainty as to outlook seems to be that no more Just when and how down payments than a few canneries will operate were to be made brought matters anywhere along the coast this to a head this week. The boat own-! summer. Many rumors are heard era and fishermen were still hope-! and these are all very gloomy. Soon ; nil that they might continue to dis-1 an idea should be available as to I pose of their catches in this manner I but the outcome was uncertain. One j thing seemed sure and that was : I that arrangements of a more def in- Wednesday of this week. The deci sion to send Mr. Nickerson south was made at a meeting earlier in the day. Meantime what was going to liappen in regard to the marketing of halibut seemed all up in the air again. As time passes, it seems more Valuable Data Much valuable data -and Information is contained in the Fisheries Commission, a copy of which has been received at the Dally News office. First of the reports upon biological statistics of the halibut fishery is contained in the volume. Various members of the International mission scientific to the report including N. L. Freeman, local representative of the The new halibut boat Midway, built at Kirkland, Wash., during the past winter for Capt. II. Gjerde, has taken up her station at her home port of Petersburg. She to 44 feet long, 11 feet nine inches in the beam and has a 3 Sh.p. Atlas-Imperial diesel engine. She carries a crew of four men. every salmon plant in these parts is still as silent as the tomb this Easter Greetings WITH Easter Specials Today consumers are demanding the very best for their money. That Is why we are featuring nationally advertised products, of Swift Canadian Co. Ltd., for our Bas ter Special Sale on Saturday Premium Leg Lamb , Pr lb. Large Local Fresh L'ggs per dor Premier Hams Half or whole, per lb I'rrmlum Uacon Half or 1 HhQjeuifr.lll. Premium Bacon Sliced . Cellophane wrapped, lb. Sllverleaf Lard l's per lb. 30c 25c 30c 39 c 45c 20c just how extensive operations tually will be this year. ac- Gas Heaters Installed Gas heaters have been installed and more likely that the old system in the pilot houses of the halibut may be reverted to. lacking some thing better which seemed rather hard to get. A 50-foot extension has been com- pleted to the floats of F. W. Hunt Co. Ltd., well known ship chandlery eonoern. At least one waterfront business concern looks for expanding activity. and Eldorado,' Capt. John Johnson. The halibut schooner President, owned by If de . Young and T. Thompson, and well known here, has just shipped a 75 h p. Pair-banks-Morse diesel, replacing her former engine. The well known local halibut boat D. S. T., Capt. Peter A. Meuse, arrived in port on Wednesday from sixth report by the International Vancouver where it spent the wln- ter. and to. now being outfitted for its first trip of the season to the fishing grounds. ' Capt. Fred Walters bas shipped as , skipper of Pete Bruno's halibut boat Fisheries Com- j Emblem. Capi. Charlie Wallace staff contribute 1 made, the first trip of the season in command of the Emblem. Landings ugni Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the season to date, totalling 583,340 pound, make a sorry comparison with 2,413.900 pounds which had been landed up to a similar date last year. Canadian landings to date this year have amounted to 400 300 pounds as compared with 756,100 pounds at the same date last year. To date In 1931 4Kisa Via va Kami Antu 109 Kit nnnn(a opener Ihen hUr f"1"" in'"1 usuauyoytbUUme canneries In this district, practically practically i . '. . ... , . . J; . pert, the serious situation will no doubt continue. During the week Just past landings totalled only 136,500 pound as compared with 757,700 pounds In the corresponding week of 1930. The week's Canadian landings totalled 102.000 pounds and American, 33,-500 pounds or not as much as one fair-sized boat would bring. Following are the boats and catches landed during the week not Including a few that were hanging fire on Thursday: W. E. Drake of the Vancouver branch of Edward Lipsett Ltd. Is paying a visit to the local branch. He was formerly manager here. A comparison of prices paid recently by the regular buyers at Ketchikan wttrrthedown payments made by the United Pacific Fisheri tea. Which Iras been bpeVatlng at the Alaska port on a similar basis to here, may prove of Interest. Returns for a week about the middle of March have Just come to hand. On one day New England paid 152c and 13c for 500 and 800 pound catches from the small boats T102 and L637 while United Pacific made the down payment of 10c and 7c to the Noinu J for 2400 pounds. On another day San Juan paid 16c and Make This Test of the HEART (,To gauge- the condition of the heart, there is a simple test which anyone can make. Medical men s jree that it Is unrivalled as a means of finding out if the heart is in health or doing its work under difficulties. "Are you short of breath when going up stairs?" The extent to which you are inconvenienced' under this strain will tell you how serious may be the condition of your heart. In most cases, the trouble is caused by a weakness of the blood and a run down condition of the nervous system. The logical prescription is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food because this treatment enriches the blood and strengthens the nerves of the heart, as well as those of the other vital organs. This reconstructive treatment bas proven effective over such a long period that you can use it with the fullest confidence that the results will be most satisfactory. 13c for the 1400 pound catch of the Warner while the Leona and Friendly sold catches of 12,000 and 16,000 pounds respectively to Uni- The steamer New England, the ted Pacific On the followine dav ite character must be made if there last halibut steamer to operate on,priCes were as follows: Lindy II. was to be satisfaction all around. It the Pacific Coast, has been laid up 4 000, San Juan, 15c and 13c; Dalcoi w reooen negotiations with oy ner owner, tne new England Fish nnrt irnitwi Pam if aniu7- led ' Pacific Fisheries, on behalf Company, and Is now In Vancouver, thio 400 New Knuiand 1 Hp and of-local boat owners and fishermen, It has been announced that this j3c; 007K, 1200, Pauline. 700. ?TnT, that O. W. Nlckerson. secretory of vessel will not fish this year. The 3.000. San Juan.' 18c and 13c. Oh still the Canaidan Halibut Vessel Own- New England has been commanded another day New England pajt2c era' Association, left for Seattle on for a number of seasons by Capt. and for a 2000 nound catrh fmm m r 1 a. 1 1 r ivi. xi. ocon, ana , lias generally worked in Cook Inlet waters, running her catches to the company's plant at Ketchikan. the Fairland while the following catches were disposed of to United Pacific with the 10c and 7c down payment: Liahana. 34,000; Leviathan, 40.000; Minnie II, 2,600; T103O, 1,700. ooass superior, uapi. j. jonnaen; Unton 8teamer Cardena. Capt Seymour. Capt. Ounnar Hansen, Andrew Jnhntnni. riMvri hvhav- lng had extra calls to make on the way up coast, arrived in port at 12 midnight last night from the south and sailed at 1.15 a.m. ot. her return to Vancouver and way points. Easter Specials! Happy Easter to All GIVE Et?GS AWAY ' ON EASTER DAY Hot Cross Buns per dox Chocolate Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens rn New Laid 3 dos. Eggs for Boiling Kxtras 3 dos Eggs for Boiling Firsts 3 dos Bggs for Boiling Fresh Seconds. 3 dos Boxes of Chocolates l's ?-f nn Rea. 11 25 for OleUU Boxes of Chocolates l's Reg. $1.00 for .... Boxes of Chocolates Vfc '1 Reg. 50c for Nut Bars and Chocolate Bars per dos. . KXTKA SI'KCIAL Argood Brand Pickles Sour IS-os Jars 2 for 9 -os. an 2 for C ii B Sour Pickles Large siae. to clear, per Jar . Canadian Bayview, 2.500 pounds, JMalkin's Dest Tea Cape Spear, 5.900; Covenant, 13,000; per lb. 27c Roosters. to25c S1.00 92c 82c 68c 85c 45c 40c 35c 18c 25c 48c Cape Swain, 5.000; Drott, 3,500; Malkln's Best Jam Cftp to 7 An Emblem I, 1.500: Erie Roy. 4,500; i 4's. from OUC IUI Helge H, 5,500; Joe Daker. 3,500; Malkln's Best Jelly Powder Margaltce, 3L&00; Margaret I. 200; jr pkK Taicia. 43,000; unome, woo; vera .Raisin, White St Brown Beatrice, 2.000; Bobby, 1.500. urea(l 2 loaves for American Hasel !!., 14,000; Canadian chn. Wave. 5,000; Wabash, 4,500. per . lb ,K 5c 15c 95n -ww Oranges Grapefruit Bananas Apples Grapes Spinach Lettuce Tomatoes Cauliflower Cabbage 'Green Onions Rhubarb Fresh Asparagus All other varieties of Fresh FruiU and yegejtables at reduced prices Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited Economy Cash and Carry Stores 319 3rd Ave. - 417-423 5th Ave. Telephones 3C0 and 18 SPRING RUNS ARE NOW ON Prince Charles to Inaugurate New Service of Canadian National Coast-6teamhlT f.t- tt Sailing- for Vancouver direct -at 10 o'clock tomorrow evening, the steamer Prince Charles, which moved away yesterdajt afternoon from the dry dock where she was tied up for the winter, will Jnaugu rate the spring schedule of Cana dlan National Coast pteiamshlps between here and Vancouver. Under this schedule the Prince George will arrive Wednesday mornings at 10:30 from Vancouver. Powell Kiver and Ocean Falls, sail at 4 p.m. the same day for Anyox and Stewart, return here at 8 p.m. Thursdays and sail at 10 o'clock 'hat evening for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. The Prince Charles will arrive Saturday mornings at 10 30 from Vancouver direct, sail at 4 p.m. that day for Stewart, return here at 8 p.m. Sundays and sail for Vancouver direct at 10 p.m. Sundays. The Prince John will continue the fortnightly schedule between here ind Vancouver via the Queen Char-'otte Islands and the Prince Henry will continue in operation as usual on the Vancouver-Victoria-Seattle ervlce. Make a Perfect Cake for Supper Tomorrow It's not difficult, when you use "The World's Best Flour" and follow this Recipe, reprinted from the famous Tive Roses Cook Bcbk: QUICK LAY Kit CAKK 2 Ec(i, I Cup Sutir. 1 Cup ' Sunt Tahktpoon Melttu Butttr, 2 Trupooac tUin Powder in J Cup. "FIVE ROSES' Flour Mi. and bike a. um1. Put lay FiUwf (tn Uyea, Buy a Big today and learn of the finer quality of Saturday, April 4, : Friday and Saturda JTWit MIUWS 7 4. , ! Mark Twain's MaJ piece of Hoy Life, on uic screen in "Tom Sawyer With JAHKIF .riWlf.iv .. t.1, Jl Green and Junior Dun Great Fun for (he Wholrfi ily. A Paramount I'ictun Color Musical Kcvuc '"IIARY I Ol.Lir A Talkertoon "GOOD OLD SCHOOL IlA.j PARAMOUNT NEH'S No One Should Mi-- Tlil Program .ADMISSION 4 Feature Start at 11 & 1 SATURDAY MATINEE al j 15c & 10c Feature SU. i Monday & Tuesday 'Three Faces Eas!" Remember Morula) Matinee at ?'-V W to FIVE ROSE FLOUR "The World's Best" FOR BltKADS, CAKKS, Pt nniXiS, rANTRIEH FOB SALK IIY y THUS. McMEEKIN. PKINCE IIUPEKT. B.C lumriDuiorj ana at All Good Dealers Lsle of theWeods Milling Co, Ltd. U'c now have belter accommodation to attend to jour wan! See us at our new store SPECIALS 3 Pte-tr, Cream and Teapot .Regular MM, for Aluminium Special-ate our window 7-lnch Plates rtcgular 26c. for Third Avenue T. BALLINGER 49c 98c 10c Blue ( EASTER SPECIALS All Furs in Stock Reduced 30 per cent. Lvcrythlnt Manufactured on the Premises G0LDBL00M ssa COAL Uujr the real Coal our fa-mom Edson and Casaldj. Welllniton In any quantities. Also Uulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Itobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONKS 58 AND 558 II Phone 566 Rupert Motors Oarate and Service Stallon DODGK and HANTAM AUSTIN Distributors Fi:.M)i;it AND I10DY ivokk A SPECIALTY