lot TUBES on kulr ' ::avt ""Miirs .... w Heart and Nerves So Bad Was Unable To Sleep For Hours Miss Therea M. Itavary, GalllDgertown, Ont., writes: '1 was troubled, for almoit a year, with mj heart and nerve, especially on retiring at night when 1 would be unable to sleep or hours. I was easily t aliguad, .4eiUii-cauft in, eiejiabl and Irritable. A friend recommended Miltmrn'a , . Heart and Nerve Pills and aifer taking them for PriCfi SUC a DOX ' few weeks I eouH.enjwrl goodiofeut'i rent. mw, lojiiui; irgmcu mj iwnnrr scale 01 Ileal . . I II- J it . a . . . LAVENDER FACE LOTION and LAVENDER TALCUM 85-ccnt Value Both for 50 cents Ormes IM, D'uj Piotidcr DrtiQfijsLs r1""" iiurbT to yAquui.u I ta'k.rt...... h'lMuorr. ..... l.at. Irl!wr lili health." C Rt J1 Of n a iwiii, qt jnuca OiTflCl On. rtCfllJ 01 priCt fcjr IU T. SPECIAL ! SPECIAL! '' VN M ;f d 1'liunes . v . r i jThird Ave. & Sixth St Til $E,E QKAj)UpTK jl'liAKMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD operating r. r. xo.ooo-ton floating dkydock Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers. Founders vVoodworkern, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 BULKLEY VALLEY COAL the: hetter coal Analysis ; tn.it tor. 30.32; ash, 0.76; fixed carbon, 62.87; b.Lu.'s, 13917 ! w in volatile It will not block your pipes. Being low In ash, riot buying clinkers. Being high In fixed carbon means iiik quality. Being hiRh In British Thermal Unite means more heat value per pound. Order Now. Your Dealer Can Supply You. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED .Jjm iAt WlNTMlK KM I KM(l AKfcB Iclllm ' Sovl.t. 181 lo fell. i. 1931 (Willi fl '.. ki i. limit Jirji si. ,i3ij lual rrlurn $10.00 RETURN llTilM-rl f Or VlllCUUt rr: Tl. r.VKKY T1'KM VV," I JO P.M. itiviug Vancouver. via Orewi Fall. Thursday Noon Wo. I.IUIIKNA KV:KY IHIIIAY MlltMCIIIT Ai living Vancouver 8uudy mlduigtu approi. " ifc-i to Port Blmpitou. Alice Arm. Anyoa, Stewart and Naas River pouits. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. ''.'"rmation retarding all latlliujs and tickets at I'lilM'E IlirKUT AUKNCY: Second Atenue, flume 5fiH . C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS UtOM I'KINCE UUffcKT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. February 7 and 21. To Vahjorivrt; Vfctorjui cattle Fcbrulry ll and 25. friucsaa Mary -Ocean Falls, etc. Vamouver and Vlo-torla. every Friday. 10 p.m. i,.ni. k an cliln Lines W c On hai'd.. Oen Agent. SidAv . Prime Rupert. Phone 31. Phone 56fi I Rupert Motors lGf"Se and Service Station , DODGE and "ANTAM AUSTIN I tXntU AND ""Milis BODY WORK liaJL?rECIA'TV I WAlJCNTlNjptrtFOlA SKEUiTnitAN) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Dellmy Throughout the City ft you'want'ahythlrijrtry a classified ad. Local Items Glassei fitted 1y registered optometrist at lieilbroner's store. Social Evening, East United Church Th.yrda.Feb. 19 at 8 p 'Mrs; F!'bbftU.-nvs:an- arrival in the city otv the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. ' A.-W! Lipsln, who has been on a billings, trip to Vancouver and tfUewhfere In thoijoujh returned to tfeeipftt'oh tlierMnce George this morning. .W' ; William King of the electrical department of the Canadian National Railways arrived In the city from Vancouver on the ss. Prince George this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Vigar, who have been on a holiday visit to Vancouver and elsewhere in the outh, returned home on the Prince George this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Macey and family, who have been on a two- weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mrs. T. McClymont, who has been jyislthig .fori fk flpast two mqntris VaneboVErf! returned home frjbm the southfon the Prince George thL morning. ss. E. N. Walker of the Northern Electric Co. arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here to, go over thc: talkie equipment in the Capitol Theatre. CNH. steamer Prince George. Capt Harry Nadden, arrived in port oh time at 10.30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and wttt, stall' at ,4 o'clock this afternoon, i fr Anyox and Stewart whence, she will, re turn here soutii bound tomorrow evening. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for the north Chamber of Mines in Vancouver las Friday evening. ,i. Northland Navigation ,Cq,'s ,rno- torship liner Northland. Capt,, Leonard Williams, was. in port .front' Ketchikan last night discharging ix caioloads of froacn fish for transshipment Bast over the Canadian National Railways. After unloading, the vessel left for Vancouver and SeatUe. After having spent two or three weeks at Murietta Springs In California, Ex-Aid. A. J. Prudhomme, proprietor of the Savoy Hotel, was when last heard from, sojourning for; wlglla lq sufany San Diego, ne'tt having a good' time and reports that he Is feeling much beU ter than when he lel hetj. j The sixteen year-ci(""juvenlle,i who was charged with assaultlim' Mr. Mliler of the Seavlew Grocery, was found guilty by Magistrate MaClymont In city police court thli morning but was allowed his freedom with the warning that any further of such Incidents on hit part would lead him Into serlouh trouble. 1 1 t Inspector John Macdonald, provincial ' police, and Corp. J. H. Smith, divisional clerk, left on this morning's train for Haselton where they will attend the preliminary trial of Samuel Douse. KUwancool Indian, on a charge of murdering Silar Brown, another native. They will aUo attend the inquest and i is expected they will returrT to the city on Sunday. R. M. Wlnslow, secretary of the canned salmon advertising committee of the Canadian .Manufacturers' Association ,and former purchasing, a kcttt fttcffthe 6a-nadittrf VW& tW Storage Co., fiMirir a awireou 01 tne Vancouver Board of Trade on Monday of this week. Mr. Wlnslow's subject was "Dollars from Ocean Depths '. DR. IltTGII L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyi's Tested For Glasses THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February 18, 1931. chest . . COLDS this morning til"'.: Edward McKay, for drunkenness western mineral survey district fWas fined with headquarters ln .Prince .Rupert, was billed to give an illustrated mining lecture under the auspices of the British Columbia mantled ui 11 MrfJH, $25. wUh option o! thirty days' Imprisonment, in city police court , this, morning. . John Morrison, who was simQarly1 charged and pl'eadra guilty, was re- untll this afternoon. O. -Crews- formerly of. this city, gave a dance demonstra- j tton with her Vancouver pupils ini the crystal ballroom of the Hotel; Vancouver on St. Valentine's Day. Mrs. Crewe, who left the city several years ago, used to conduct dancing classes here. Capt. Punnett, manager of the Northern British Airways, who-has been In Vancouver on business In connection with the dispatching of planes and other of the new company's equipment to Prince Rupert returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. J. ILTalt, well known old timer of this city, who has been receiv- Tng Treatment at Shaughncssy MU-.V ffy'llbspltal for recurrence pL r 'etllments. has ,bccn able to leave that Institution and is now visiting for a while In Vancouver, before returnng to the, ' city about, the end of the month. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS, Women of Mooseheart Legion whist drive and dance, Feb. 19. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, lieilbroner's Store. Two hours of laughter! Medina's Courtship, First United Church February 26 and 27. 41 Mrs. Beckwlth, mother of Mrs. A. Roy Nichols, arrived' In' the cityi on the PrlnceOeorge this morning from Vancouveri C. C. Mills,. whormSVbecn on n two weeks' business ''trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. WOLHEIM ISDLD (Continued from page One) tnat followed his graduation from nwn CJt. rsif Golf TJOOr,, League inii,i tonight. - tne UnlversUy j Sunken Gardens. W. D. Vance sailed yesterday afternoon on the Cardena for a business trip to Vancouver. 4 Lionel Barrymore met Wolhelm in a New York Cafe, was Impressed by the Intelligence and power in the man, and urged him to become an actor and appear in support of John .. r,u ... '7?, . , . and Lionel Barrymore in "The Jest," Miss Phyllis Way. who has been whlcn they were about to offer on paying a visit to the city, sailed tne New York stage Woiheim did, yesterday afternoon on the Car- and thereafter hn annrpri in mnnv dena for Ocean Falls. iothsr niavs jti mmt nfahi formances were as the original 'W.'.L. Lindsay, assistant general captain Flagg of "What Price manager of the Granby Co., who Glory," when It was offered on the has been on a trip .south, Is a pas- stage in'New Vbrk. senger aboard the Prince George.. While he-ias-acting on the stage today returning to Anyox. - ,jjn New York Woiheim found time .. . I to support . John Barrymore In Edward Llpsett, on one of his re- j "Sherlock Holmes.:', the film Wol-gular visits of inspection to the helm was the prjjfijjghter In. Mar-local business, arrived In the city Ion Davles' "Little Old New York.',' from Vancouver or the ss. PrnceiMore recently he scored tremen- George this morning and will be here for the next week. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, arrived In the lty on the ss. Prince George thlsJmornlng from Vancouver, being here to Inspect the steamer Canadian Winner, which Is on dry dock, as well as other vessels. 'Mrs. C. F. Kemp.1 who has been vismng ior tne past three or louni. dously In "Two Arabian Knights."! comedy film; he again supported Barrymore in "Tempest," and was also seen in "Sorrell and Son" and "The Awakening." Another effort was in the all-talking picture "Condemned," in which Ronald Colman was starred. Wolhelm had brown hair, brown eyes, was married, weighed 180 pounds and was five feet, 10 inches tall. , .i M4U. t .i.t.iw Taints WnlheJm .anent. n rfav In mg oi a new nonnern picture, lie was interviewed at that time by a representative of the Dally News who remarked at the time that his rbadness" was onlyjjkiajleej).. Wolheim's last appearance on the screen in Prince Rupert was in the noted war epic "All Quiet on the Western t Front," in which he took the part of Kat, a grtzsled old Ger- marife.teran. . , mr- ' C. N.K, TRAINS' 2 .S - - s - . ' . T From East SundaysjfijTucsdays ind Thursdays. 3:30 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays ind Saturdays. 11:30 ajn. OUK DREAD HAS A. A. (Appetite Appeal) TRY IT 3 LOAVES FOR 25c 'i . The Electric Hakcry Wc .Deliver Phone 667 Royal Purple bridge and whist, John T L. O. B- A. Bridge, Danco March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Hall, March 17. . Whist anJ Catholic Catholic women's League Sprlnp Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .tnd cold water In all roomi A. J. ritUnilOMME, Trop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. Savoy Lund and Harold Lund, Friday, February 20, Elks' Home. Anyox; Mrs. Ed. France and Mr. Admission 50c. " Next Royal Purple Brldge-whls series Monday, February 23. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Woodland's Fifth Avenue, February 24. j "Melvlna's Courtship," at United Church February 26, 27. Moose 'WftUt prive Hnd Dance '' ' ' ' Feb. 27. Eagles' Smoker March 6. and Mrs. Frlckman, Terrace; Har old Dale, city. New Royal Hotel 1. Zarrlll, Prop Till: IIOTIL MOUTH WHILE Hot St Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone tHI Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties FREQU PAINS sallem, who was also a candidate for president, was granted permission to withdraw. Bert Morgan, president last year, automatically reverts to the office of vice-president for this year. Douglas Frlzzell was re-elected secretary-treasurer. He being absent on a trip to New York, C. G. Minns again acted as secretary last evening. O. A. Bryant, Thomas McMeekin and Aid. P. H. Llnzey were elected to the executive of the association. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert Raining, calm; barometer, 29.30; temperature, 41; sea smooth. Langara Island Clear, light southwest wind; calm. Triple Island Light southwest wind; clear; sea moderate. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.47; temperature, 39; sea smooth. iUaK1 Never let a throbbing head interrupt your shoppingl Or other pain that Aspirin ends so quickly. These harmless tablets are an antidote for the most acute pain. Relief is almost instantaneous. Taken in time, they will break up a cold and head off discomfort. They'll relieve your suffering from neuralgia, neuritis, or the like, at any time. Thousands of a; 1 M Baby ThriVQS Gaale Bra Nana.. I3S women depend upon Aspirin tablets every month to spare them from those pains peculiar to women. These tablets do not depress the heart; they may be used as frequently as there is need of their quick comfort. So, it's folly to endure any pain that Aspirin tablets could relieve so promptly, Get the genuine, which is always to be had at any drugstore. S Pi RIN TRADCMARK REG. Made In Canada BULGER IS PRESIDENT Jeweler Named Head of Retail Merchants' Association For Coming Year The Prince Rupert RetaU Merchants' Association, at its annual dinner meeting last night in the her'in-in-law and' daunhter Mri-Pxince Rupert last summer while Boston Cafe, elected John Bulger s&Tsi ji where Pnt for he :yea -IMl N Mu,- t'd the city on the Prince George ne naa Deen part in the nim- Mail Schedule For the East' Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 am. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday ; 3 JO. pjru For Vancouver i Tuesday pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. Feb. 11 and 25 pju. From Vancouver- Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pjn Wednesday 10.30 am For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday .. 3 p.m. Sunday 7 prri. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 4 pjn. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pin. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 11 20 am. For Queen Charlottes Feb. 5, and 19 ".. am. From Queen Charlottes Feb. 7 and 21 9 pm. For Alaska Feb. 11 and 25 .T. pm From Alaska Tuesday ss. Camosun ... V pm. agle brand Condensed Milk is pure, fresh, whole cow's milk, modified by the addition of refined sugar and condensed by the removal of most of the water. The-sugar furnishes the carbohydrates required by alt infants. The milk supplies bone and tissue-buildins materials and growth-promoting vitamins. And in ease of digestion, Eagle Brand can only be compared to mother's milk. If you cannot U - nurse your baby we suggest that you 1 Eagle brand CONDENSED Th Bobbin Co. Limited. Vancouver 1mm nd FREE Baby Book to AMMEia.. lx .ay 1 J 1 I I 0m Amrs wru.vu 4