4 A. gov f India, came Irom Al-i the inviutlon ol the J Thr two men personify the i i iements in the dispute. : ' uit ol the conversations I rd Irwin and Oandhl. i r the calling oil ol the 'irdience movement in In- j brighter than since the' ; (ommenced. It is eon-! ' xperted that a mutual wtli be reached by them "m ol India's autonomous 1 Tv T Tvnta ar t unim IS DEAD svrd Had Man" ol Screen Was Victor in Prince Rupert Last Summer "OELB6, Feb. 18: Louis bad man ol the screen film character ol Holly-' here this morning at the i v He failed to recover fleets ol an operation performed on Monday. was born in New York intruder was 'he police. Tomo nl e . s Tides Why Advertise? Thursda; ?, . ft ry 19, 1931 he' Hail j: . y :a ajn. 20.1 ft. Some people do not want mori 9- S pjn. 205 It. business. That Is why they neglect I'U ... 3 t am- 5.9 ft. the generally accepted method ol " E? p.m. 3.7 It. placing their wares belore the people . tj n In the lor ol advertisements. " e M - 3 8 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS TELLS OF PULP AND PAPER PROJECT TOLMIE GOVERNMENT WINS FIRST DIVISION OF SESSION Misak Aivazoff Talks In Minneapolis With Member of Syndicate Undertaking Here Has, .Excellent Prospects of Goinir Ahead .Would Be Large Plant Using Timber From Queen Charlotte Islands i' Aivazoff, who arrived in Prince Rupert Tuesday oon after a trip to England, reports having been in at ion in Minneapolis with a member of a Minnea-:in:l New York syndicate which is contemplating the Anient of a large pulp and paper mill at Prince ' Asked by Mr. Aivazoff as to what were the actual prospect ol this plant being eatab- ll.U - . I - , A . I . . 1 rinrrHffPiinn - man s-iea mai mey I A I , K h H rVI h lJ I , ery good. Indeed. XlJAi.Z-lvvJLi. 1 J. EXPECTED ilr n Candhl Conversations Ex- pr led to Bring Civil Peace to India V FLHI. Feb. 18: Mahatma idrr ol the All India Na in w Mtv 4 k situ KS tm Mr AlvasoII states that these Interests hold extensive limits ol pulpwood on the Queen Charlotte Islands which timber would be used in the Prince Rupert plant. Representatives ol the concern are expected on the coast in the very near future. Mr. Alvasoll. who has been away seven weeks and visited England and France, reports that conditions who h been jferrin ' 'n ve -Ukt m former coun-L 111 announcement ol. RL Hon. Lord Irwrft the S ,u but tiluch tattr ' "Ph1lip Snowd,n. chancellor ol plans w .n lor fnr ths, the future ftu'r ' Ml"- Aivasoff will sail from here I 'he exchequer, that there will lor Vancouver on the steamer Prince Oeorge Thursday night TO CLOSE DOWN USK Would Chance lo There Terrace Flat Station! Protests TERRACE, Feb. 18 Word wa received in Uilc during the week' end Irom a semi-official source to the elfect that, in conformity with the policy of carrying out thej utmost retrenchment possible, the Railway Commissioners have hao put up to them the proposal that the station agency at Usk be closed and that the station be placed on the list of tlag stations. As soon as communication could be secured with Terrace this matter was laid before the Board of Trade officers who at once agreed to send a protest to the Railway Commissioners. As a result Mr. Halllwell, the secretary, despatched the following wire. 'Terrace Board ol Trade and Usk Welfare Union view with con- 28, 1880. He was educa- jcem projected closing ol Usk sta ! ""is in that city and then ,,pd at Cornell University. i engineering at Cornell '(i his M. degree at that Wolhelm played half-( niell on the 1904 foot- u University ol Pennsyl--' managing to break his one contest and thus lace his lortune In the 11 physically powerful i l aclous-looklng, taught at Cornell Prepara- "i during the six years "Unued on Page 3) aLl.LPV BURGLAR IN CHICAGO SHOP 'AGO, Feb. 18;. 'or ol a Chicago "n opening up storday, lound 1 1 k last asleep on -The drug '' 'und a counter. The re tton agency. No place on tnts line gives better promise of progress Prospecting is more vigorous than ever. Seven companies operating this summer. Columario mine started work today, two others prepar ing in shin We bee that you. do not act precipitately." INCIDENT IS ENDED Editor of UbissfJ 1 Reinstated Apologlies For Failing to Obey Orders VANCOUVER; Feb. 18 -Ronald dranthamV editor ol the University ol British Columbia student publication Ubyssey. who was suspended . u t f thm TTnlvcrnltV . . nv imp nrnmnii v " a bur- tr publishing forbidden editorial 4 oruen. . .1... .. . I . V. ,h trnvBi II ITIPI ! L it, a in connpcwuu wim ir T. . ... 1 In Rrt. 'terday. Orantliam expressed r-fret !to the president at lalling to obey VANCOUVER By Submarine to the North Pole SfaT y - '" ... 4,. Alter extensive overhauling at Philadelphia. Nautilus onne naw Camden, New Jersey, to be eq lipped with telescopic ice drills to Wilklns' expedition to North Pole. SENSATION IN LONDON England Shocked Ry Huge Deficit Snowdcn is Quite Candid LONDON, Feb. 18: A sensation has been caused in English business and political circles by be a government delicit approximating- $250,000,000 on the current fiscal year finances and that, In order to balance the budget, some real sacrifices wiU have to be made. The Labor Party is very upset itself over the announcement but Mr. Snowdcn frankly tells them that, il they can find a better chancellor of the exchequer, he will be welcome to the job as far as he is concerned. LADY SAFE Mrs. Kalslon, Feared to Have Keen Burned, Was Staying With Friends NORTH VANCOUVER. Feb. 18: Mrs. W. Ralston, who was leaned to hart lost her llle in an apartment house fire here early yesterday morning, Is safe. It was ascertained yesterday. Having not been seen since Saturday. Mrs. Ralston had been staying with friends. Soldier Relief Cut Protested Cx-Scrvlce Men of Canada to Fight Against Action Taken By Federal Government , OTTAWA, EH). Yttt-rths of C. lB'.-Oreat War 'anada are mobilising their Iorces in protest at the action ol ths federal government In re-! 4. duclng the relief payment lor' single veterans by $13 per month ' anrf marrlnH HM-wrvir mm hv tin ' . per month. REFERENCE ON RIGHTS : INTEREST PAYMENTS 4 ON C. N. R. WILL BE ELIMINATED BY TLAN MONTREAL. Feb. 18 Dir- ectors of the Canadian Nation- 1 Railways are Revising a llv-u year scheme which is expected' to Iree the system ol interest payments which now amount to $1,000,000 week. d w CONFERENCE ! ON WHEAT Canadian Government Doe Not Take Kindly to Gathering Including Russia OTTAWA. Feo. 18: Representations have been made to the Dominion government, it was stated here today, that a conlerence be held in which Russia, Australia, the Argentine and Canada would participate to discuss the wheat situation. It is understood that the government does not take kindly to such a conference. Body of Cable Station Head is Found in Canal ALBERNI. V.I.. Feb. 18: The body ol Samuel W. Fltzpatrick. supervisor ol the Bamlleld Cable Station, who was drowned last Saturday night when he fell overboard Irom a launch In Albernl Canal, has been recovered. An inquest Is to be held. ATTENDING SESSION ALICE ARM, Feb. 18: H. F. Ker-gln, M.L.A. lor Atlln, left here last Wednesday lor Victoria to attend the session ol the legislature. He expects that the House will prorogue in time lor him to be home by GERMANY TO USE lt-101 WRECKAGE IN NEW AIRSHIP FRIEDRICHSHAVENi Der- many, Feb. 18 -The wreckage ol the British dirigible R-101, which crashed and burned in France last fall while attempt- lna a lllstht to India, will ar- . 1 ; rive here within the next lew OTTAWA. Feb. 18 : -Respective ' daya Tne wreckage U to be rlghU ol the Dominion and the pro-. reoon.trueted and ued in the vines on radio broadcasting will be ! building of a giant new Oer-subjtct ol a reference to the Bu- L man Zeppeiin. nounced today. submarine O-U. proceeds to be used by Sir George Hubert PASSENGER LOST Nurse. Became Missing From Princess Louise Police Are Investigating CHICAGO ELECTION doubt, will be attempted The voting will take place next Tuesday. Mayor William Thompson Is seeking re-election and his opponent Is Judge Lyle, who took a (leading part in connection with a recent big round-up ol city gangsters. The result ol the election will determine lor many which element la to rule the city. Thompson, it is realised, will be hard to beat, with his great ward organisation, but Lyle Is given a good chance. Going. With Her Husband Lady Wilkins Resolved- to Take Part In Polar Adventure Next Summer SYDNEY. Aust.. Feb. 18: Lady Wilklns. wile ol Sir Oeorge H. Wilklns, the, ampu. axnlorcx, . is ,de- VANCOUVER WHEAT Pearson Amendment of Censure Is Voted Down By Margin of 31 to 10 Opposition Takes Opportunity to Launch Broadside Attack Upon Administration Extravagance and Waste is-Alleged VICTORIA, Feb. 18 The government was sustained on the first division of the present session of the Legislature yesterday by a vote of 31 to 10 on an amendment to the reply to the Speech from the Throne by George Pearson, Liberal member for Nanaimo, seconded by F. M. Mac-Pherson, Liberal, Cranbrook, which would have altered the reply to a censure upon the government. The amendment read : nv vrnn mr I "This House disapproves of the improvident expenditure of public monies by the government and the j pronounced curtailment ol public 'expenditures at this period when ! the province should be in a position to adequately and lully meet the idemands ol present conditions." The concerted attack upon the , government by the Opposition i ! VICTORIA. Feb. 18: Pollse here iorces through the medium ol de-are Inquiring into the circumstan- bate on the Pearson amendment ces oi me disappearance last week vras leatured by warm passages be pie were trying to get needed roads lor existing settlements. Despite the challenge to Conservative members ol alleged independent tendencies that their votes against the amendment would approve the whole Government re cord, there was no breaking oil ranks as the solid Conservative! majority voted the amendment down. T. D. Pattullo said expenditures had been Increased Irom twenty-one to twenty-lour to twen BKULfc 1U CARRY ON Leave of Absence Indicates That I Present Lieutenant-Governor ' Will Continue For Time VICTORIA, Feb. 18: Hon. R. R. Bruce has been granted leave-ol-absence Irom March 1 to June 1 In Irom the steamer Prince LouUe.ol -tweea-members ol-both-sides t th S rSStf S T7-T a Portlann nurse going sot ol houm and th smainn Ketchikan. .as indicating that His Honor wiU suit much enlivened The young woman was seen the . ,.' .i00011"1 a Lleutenant-Oovernor night belore and missed the next thi a?Lt .?n JSf iSSZTZ, ? time at least although his morning, there being no trace ol "Jfn 'S., " S tem ":Ily expire, on Februaiy her anywhere'aboard the ship. Her . J i bed had not been slept in bit her ?J?JL$l Durlng U1"- room was in disorder and there Sa,MliZ,t f S. nor's absnce on a trlp to Europe' were evidences of some one having JJ : ch,ef Justlce J A- Macdonald ol the been dlverted to other been sick. No sign ol loul play was ; PurPses- i British Columbia Court ol Appeals revealed. ThU charge wasprompUy denied : will act as administrator. Dy Hon. w. A. McKenzie, minister or ! labor, and chairman ol the unem-i ployment committee ol the cabinet, i MCII YOD T Mr. Manson continued to declare ll Hi TT JL vll that the change In the Liquor Board nn l im I jhad been wanton extravagance.' AAJFlAT The visit ol ministers ol the crown O Virll 1 LixJLi to Berlin had been unjustliled ex- i penditures without purpose to the Will Judge Lvle be Able to De-'country. The purchase ol $2,000,000 "2h umciats or .Metropolis Alleged throne "Big Bill- Thompson? i worth ol road machinery since the present government took ollice CHICAGO, Feb. 18 The mayor- j could not flnd any reasonable de-alty campaign Is being waged with fence, he said. The Alaska highway increased vlg6r here and the au-!PrJwl and caravan last year had thoritie are takng especial safe-jbeen Ihardy. continued the for- Kuards aaalnst disorders which. noi"'w Avy-wwnn. pro- - . .- r to Re Involved in Corruption NEW YORK. Feb. 18:-An-Investigation is to be made Into alleged corruption-in high places in this city. Judges, magistrates, police officials and others are alleged to be involved. Six hundred banks ol the city have been subpoenaed to give Information regarding the bank accounts ol officials, particularly the police. FINES ARE REMITTED ty-six and now to thirty million dollars by wanton extravagance Echoes ol British Columbia Market- which now made it impossible for the government to meet present conditions. ing Act Decision. In Vancouver Supreme Court Mr Msnson lUttiU fch isJAOif J- VANCOUVER, Feb.' 18: The Brl quor commission tHps of HlncfVlfrfe ttsh Columbia Supreme Court, slt-and Burden to London, increasing i ng to Vancouver yesterday, quash-the asjeivt jpeneral's expense allow- id convictions which had been lm-a nee f rem $1750 to $4,000. purchase posed upon Chinese fruit and ve- ol $2,000,000 worth ol road machln- i getable dealers bl this city under ery much ol lv in the United States, much, of ) useless on 0e roads to which it wqs. shlppjjd, the useless 1 her hnf..dntiS,niVr WhVrt f-increase in the number ol mln- JlW? attempts in a submarine to sail and many other Items as under the North Pole and the ice makln UP extravagances which ol the Arctic Ocean. the Marketing Act. The Sdpreme Court decisions came ai an outcome ol the finding expense of the Watt commission. j few days ago that the British Co-the h,ighfiost ,v?manX9l!Wulr-?u.mbu Marketing Act was defec- INFANT'S FUNERAL in three years had Increased the! . ' annual cost ol government Irom j The funeral took place yesterday $20,000,000 to $30,000,000. I from the chapel of the D. C. Undcr- I takers to Falrvlew Cemetery ol the i lour-munth old son, Johnny, ofMrs. VANCOUVER, Feb. 18: Wheat, It Is estimated that the United Sam Mtkell, who died last Saturday was quoted at 62c on the local ex- States Is producing 72 per cent of evening. Rev. Father Champagne of change today. j the world's-petroleum production. McBrlde officiated.