Stops Body Odours Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE RUPERT, ll.C. OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life, it you buy wet coal, you are losing lOJtSo jstart, today andvburn dry coal il PEMBINA EGG 3 EES paoe see Wednesday THE DAILY NEWS February t. I ' 111 Safe Robber Convicted by Grapefruit He Left His Print IO Angeles had an epidemic of safe-breaking. But the robber always erased his finger prints with grapefruit juice, and thus baffled the police. Then Lieut. Barlow, the famous expert who convicted Hickman, the Kid-Dapper, found a finger print oa one of the grapefruits the robber used. That print identified the thief, and he is now behind the bars. Just another of the thousands of examples of how people, innocent ana guilty, leave prints on whatever they touch. So On Your Foods So you leave prints on every thitg you touch with contaminated hands. On bread, on toast, on cookies and candy everywhere! Those prints convey dangerous germs. You may have picked them up from others, by a handshake or by touching something others havo touched. life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases which may le conveyed in this way. The most common is colds, conveyed by hands which stopped a cough or sneeze: Your only protection Jies in washing hands often with a germ-destroying soap, &nd always before eating. That soap is Lifebuoy Soap. It destroys most germs, andmates others inactive. Safety Luxury Protection Lifebuqy Soap is based on two palm oils. There was never a soap more luxurious, more ful to the skin and complexion. But, instead of a perfume, there is a germicide. You can smell it for a moment, but the scent disappears. Countless tests prove that no germs can live or thrive after its application. You have three supreme results whenever you use Lifebuoy. Ftst, a gentle and luxurious soap, based on oils which, since ancient times, have been recognized as best for the skin. Second, a germicidal soap which protects you from contaminations. Third, a soap which stops body odour and thus prevents embarrassment. That is why people use it as a bath soap. Millions of people, in every country of the world, are U9ing Lifebuoy for skin help for combating germs for insurance against body odour. Keep Lifebuoy handy for the wash basin and the bath in your home. Encourage the family to use it often. Your dealer has Lifebuoy for you. ' Lerer Hrotkcrt Ignited. Toronto and .ewhatflOSnfcnsU lojf I 1 1 J DfllverVdrtr Ton . $1250 MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Ier Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1350 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE 580 (ict the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. LITERATURE DISCUSSED rrince Rupert Teachers' Association Has Interesting Meeting i The monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Association i took place last evening In the Bor-j den Street School. In the course of the business meeting. It was reported that two of the three books ordered for the educational shelf of the public library had arrived and that the third had been ordered ;from England. The subject for the evening was "The Value of Literature." Miss Norah Rlvett, who was convener for the evening, was also the first speaker, taking the subject from the point of view of the primary grades. , To the beginner at school, litcr-I ature was the opening out of a new horizon. Previously his Interests had been purely personal. His soclatlon with other pupils cave ; him new Interests and these were enlarged on his introduction to 11- j terature through stories. Nature j study, handwork and stories would of themselves provide a fairly lib- I eral education for a child. Thej training in language, the joy of ex-1 presslon, tho play of the emotions, and the underlying rules for conduct were all important contributions of literature. The inseparab ility of poetry and music and rhythm and their value were recog-InHied in their power to enrich the life of the children. Literature in the senior grades was discussed Messrs. O. H. J. Plommer, O'Neill, Ilalleran and Wilson Mc pn i H Bill tt t tma Lcc J. Dell Box I Prince Rupert Green :8i f32 tTaMra. Alfred Nelson, be a very good In literature would substitute for an intelligence test. The omission of literature from the list of subjects required, for the Entrance certificate was due to the recognition of the fact that it was almost impossible to examine children in the subject as it deals with the emotions as well as with the Intelligence. In addition to making the pupil familiar with certain mechanics of English, such as the varying construction of sentences, the proper use and value of figures f speech it also taught them the value of words, the shades of difference In meaning and the necessity to choose the correct word to express one's meaning accurately ind without any ambiguity. In naking pupils familiar with the facto of life as Interpreted through the study of the lives and characters of the Individuals in books it siave them an acquaintance with the-great laws of life and conduct as found in the writings of the masters. This was a sure way to wisdom. And it gave vision to children without which a nation must die. J. W. Plommer spoke on literature in the high schools. Taking the subject matter of the different grades he outlined the successive steps by which the course takes pupils through the works of the poets and prose writers of different ages and Including the large -number of contemporary writers, from the narrative and lyrical to tffe Imaginative, the fusion of story with poetry, the development of liter ary taste, the reactions to emotions and the introduction to imaginative literature gave the pupils an Introduction to the highest form of literature. The addition of a year to the high school course gave the students a very valuable opportunity to enlarge their literary horizon. The catholic range of books that were studied whetted their appetite for the better literature and the study of the full-length play was possible. French Literature French literature In the high school was Mr. Clark's subject. He pointed out that as French was a new subject for the pupils their study of literature as such was Very limited owing to the necessity to acquire a vocabulary and a limited familiarity with the language. This was recognized by the planners of the course and many radical changes had been made during the last five years in attempts to make the absorption of grammatical facts not the only result of the French course. More ambitious books were avail able for the higher grades and the study of works of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were carried out. The sympathies of the students were enlisted and French beca'me to them a vehicle for the j Interpretation of French life rather I than a mere study of works. On the motion of W. W. C. O'Neill seconded by II. Ollllland, a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded : the speakers for their papers which had been very Interesting and helpful. Those In attendance were Miss Mills, Miss Rlvett, Mist Halllwell, Miss McKay, Miss Delaney, Miss I Wi SOVIET IDEAS RULE THE WORLD? The whole world is wandering bout Russia what is really going on there what will be the effect on the" civilized world? READ MAURICE HINDI'S' STRAIGHT-FROM-THE-SIIOl'LDER STOUT ABOUT. RUS-SIA! INSIDE FACTS! Maurice Hindus is a Russian by birth an American by a d o p 1 1 o n. He knows what he Is writing about. NOW RUNNING DAILY IN THE VANCOUVER SUN. 'Pint lMb:mmt appwrttf TH S Bmcfc numtorf availftl en tMilM I DON'T MISS TmS SCKS4TIONAL STOIT MB-SCniBK TODAT. Sbaerttlo There passed away very suddenly, at the family residence, 829 Colum-1 bia Street, Kamloops, on Sunday, morning, February 8, Injeborg Aluje j Nelson, wife of Alfred Nelson. In her forty-third year. Deceased was born in Norway and came to Prince Ru February 18, 1911 The new electric light plant at Cow Bay was turned over for the first time last night and It functioned without a hitch. Energy from It will soon be turned Into the city lines. Following the voting on an annual subsidy of $75,000 for ten years for any steamship company opening up a service from porta on the Pacific Coast to China and Japan, a dispatch from Montreal states that Influential British interests arc considering the establishment of a trans-Pacific line out of Prince After negotiations extending over a period of two years, the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway lias at last been successful in securing the Indian Reserve at North Fort George for townsite purposes. FIRST CHOICE OV SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LING THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. t'hone CI9 Sr.H.OJohnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block Phone 109 PURPOSE OF LENT Terrace Hector Writes Letter on Subject to his Parishioners i The Rev. E. A. McCarthy, Terrace. Anglican Church rector. In a Lenten letter to his parishioners says: "The purpose of Lent is to see if we can find some pow'r 'giftie to g)e us, to see oursels ' Personal religion must necessarily begin with the individual, and It is never easy to find out what sort of a person one really Is. Some have never made the discovery; they are 'Eternal strangers to themselves.' This is the tragedy of many lives. Doubtless you have never attemp-I ted the taik of becoming acquain ited with you Rel f: it is not an easy I task Tl not a vot-ir nln'i-.-i,i tial ,s some wise person once sal'l If ; I could buy people for what the; I are worth, and sell them for wha 1 they think they are wor'h I j should make a fortune.' j "The idea of Lent is not to make I people morbidly self-absorbed, but ! It Is to make an honest 'to get down to the bed rock ol i sincerity and Jn doing so. to giin Hartness. Oilliland, W' nnrt hfl H f . oiarK. oee. uln n becomes blind to his own ) condition. To attain to such know-J ! ledge, it Is necessary that we spend : ome time apart, not to 'mope', but to apply a test in order to ascer- Fnrmprlv nf Prinrn !tein our moral nd Pirti con rUlineriy OI rrinCe iditlon. The Lenten season U th Rupert, Has Passed Church's call to men and women to guard against the slightest untruth In their estimate of themselves, lest their life should be pursued and ended In a tragedy of self-deception." Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic of the -Canadian National Kailwavs. arrived In the citv on pert about 20 years ago, where she 'B'c,ay afternoon's train from resided until the family went to Kamloops last July. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss four sons, Arthur, Verner, Ed-vin and Alfred, afad a daughter. Irene, all at home, and a married daughter In Norway. The funeral took place In Kamloops, Rev. Oar-dlner Dickie officiating. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert PrfHCe Gorge. returning to the In terior this morning. flash on Coughs The first sip of TiuckleyV (tires rrlirf. Cofs right after that tickle. Ifown phlegm. Penetrates ami clears the tubes. Stops the cough. Erery druggist sells it. BUCKLEY'S J-J MIXTURE W Adt Like a Flash A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT , Weekly Specials Soda Biscuits Reg. 81.00 ec 1 box for Soda Biscuit 8' QTn 2 pkgs. for OOis Olncer Snap 9Ro 3 lbs. for . &0 Pullty Oats Contains Q-fl Aft China ware, 3 pkga ?X.UU Malkln's Best Seedless Jft Ralsins-l's, 3 pkgs. UU Malkln's Best Spices 9Kf 3 for JWwl' Malkln's Best Extract 4Q( Helm Ketchup ftOi 3 bottles for Robertson's Scotch Marma- 7C lade 4 's. per tin tlv Chase & Sanborn's Ooffee rrp per lb DDK, Fresh Rhubarb 9n 2 lbs. for Fresh Spinach 9t 2 lbs. for H' Fresh Fruits & Vcgctabics Arriving Every Week Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 FIFTH AVENUE EAST P. O. BOX 575 Phone 18 and 81 i mm wmtmmmtMtmmimimmmmiKK o Wednesday & Thursday S TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 VM. a H B 8 1 s H a n IRENE RICH AND II. B. WARNER in QN YOUR BACK M 1 A HILAKlOljS COMEDY WITH A GENUINE FASHION Vlthf Does Clothes Make the Woman7 ' COMEDY "YOU'RE IN THE AIILY NOW a MUSICAL "HAPPINESS REMEDY rox . I Admi.sslon-20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7 1(1 f THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30-15c & 40c Feature SlartMt' 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY "BIO MONEY" g cm t e j: j tain im ez nzmiTi f ,; irx -m ? d .r n b b j 111 "'22? '--,. mm . ,rv' 1 fiTtttffllttiiltti ::::::::: : : . -ntltttnttiaifl? t 1 1: ::ata- tatrtiBilr: , DERFUL WHISKY- SPECIAL" LIQUEUR Also the De Luxe Whisky EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR Also the I)c Luxe Whiskies Extra Special Liqueur and Ne Plus t ltra SPECIALS IN FLOOR LAMPS A new shipment Just arrived and we are n ro ) OC putting them on sale at .u, i M Your choice of beautiful georgette or eekm shades i!. i: bronse or walnut standards In the newest m; Barries Home Furnishings For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTH AVENUE EAST 4-roomed house with bun cash, balance arranged. EIGHTH AVENUE WEST -Lot. and 4-roomrd liu $1,000. Balance on easy terms. Houses on English Hill. 8ummtt Avenue, Borden s THIRD lltl) part of the citv at reasonable nrtccs and r McCAFFERY, GIHHONS & COLLAKT I TH- AVENUE W. TEI.Jh i TO aflsnSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV JIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV ft" ' j Wi'.W I. I BSSV DAY! ma BOVRIL STRONG 44 (I