PAUL' TWO Price 50c a Vox SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier,'1 yearly period, paid In advance 5.00 For letter periods, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, .paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid iA advance, per year $9Q By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per wordV.'. r., ' .02 Local readers, per insertion, per line . .". ,.:..!.. .25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ' Contract ratps on application Advertising and Circulation Telephone, .Editor1 and Reporters' Telephone ftT. S The second "Melvlnn's Courtship hip" United Church went enlng even better than on first night. The audience McAuJey, sailed by the Camosun Palpitation 01 The Heart Nerves Were All Gone Miss Bom Griffin,-Ashern, Van., write:- "About five years ago I was troubled with palpitation of the heart, caused by a shock, aad my nerves were all gone, and I conld not sleep. I read about MUburn'a Heart and Nerve Pilli asd decided to try them. After I . boxes I wssfffeeling Aite apsfn. .. Tfontjerful remedy.lSd'rliih . affffereddt I did would ttVc tht-m SeM at all drag and. general stores, or mailed direct on' receipt of prireDjr The T. Mllburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Cut. THE DAILY NEWS. ! PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue DAILY EDITION H. F. PULLEN Play Had Another Good Showing In Church Last Eve Managing-Editor WHEN CHILDREN r ....aL.wiil.t.- BJk 7sf iwmacZ-Z Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .15 Saturday, Feb. 28, ID1! Transferred To Prince George IMARK SITE j I OF FURNACE Historical Monuments Board Ex- pected t Commemorate Ef- had taken. thrji forts, -to pstablish; lUast. aH othersvhoM ,M ,1 , " ' ' atrial." ' . ,t; ,; BROOKV1LLE, Ont.. February 23 The Historic fa:ti urn: iyonuments Board has, after preliminary investigation, placed upon the agenda for Its next mcetingt the question, of designating the site ol Lyndhurst formerly Furnace Falls l. In Leeds County, of what is generally agreed to be the first blast furnace for Iron that was established in Upper Canada. It was on Sept. 13, 1800, so General Crulkxhank, the chairman of the board has discovered, that a certain Wallace Sunderlin (sometimes referred to as "Captain") approached the Exscutlve Council of the province asking permission to erect works at the Big Falls of the "Gannanockway" iGananoque) River. These works were to include a sawmill and furnace for trie manufacture of "Potash Kettles apd other furnace ware that shall t necessary for the use of people n this country," and Sunderlin undertook, in addition, to build a fridge across the river arid to in-' j vest the sum of $7000 in the enterprise. The site of the proposed works was then In the veritable backwoods. Settlement did not extend for any great distance pack from the St. Lawrence. The building of the Ri deau.Canal, destined to give the inferior of Eastern Ontario its first impetus, had yet to be undertaker). Fifteen years or more were to pass before the settlements of disband-' ed soldiers were to be established ! on the shores of the Rldeau. Nearly all of the surroundlne country was I Corp. J. II. Smith Goes to Interior, wnd and undeveloped, connected ' presentation ,fj ,v?,?.P,?5k For ?ro" with the river-front only by roads rtftWTrh'-- ' ' visional Police that could have been little better off last ev-; than blazed trails. Yet Sunderlin. ' thei ;; v .Uif;. - who hailed from Tlnmouth, Ver was Accompanied by his wife and mont. seems, with true Yankee cer larger and was very responsive., members of-the family. Corp. J. H, splcaclty, to have perceived oppor During the intermissions, pteno se lection were played by Norman Ireland who Is a master of the Instrument. After the play, members of the cast were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers. "MeJvina's Courtship" will be re peated next Tuesday evening at Rupert Bast United Church. Mr. and Mrs. T. Etbsrington, who hare been visiting We for the pajt couple of months with Mrs. EHhertngton's father, J. W. ouuiu. uivuiuuiu wer; ui irie pro- tunity in such a field, in somy vinclal police here for the past manner he had discovered there seven years, left on thU morning 4 were deposits of Iron In the nelgh-traln for Prince Oeorge to which boring township of Bastard and h-point he has been transferred In a had conceived the idea of utilizing eimHar capacity. His departure them, and the water-powers of th ! from the city will be generally re- Oananoque River to put his scheme gretted .for he has become wall into effect. known and was popular amoru Because the waterfall in question ;many friends. He was particularly lay remote from the settled areoi active In connection with the at- the land in the vicinity had yet tn fairs of the Orange Lodge and th? be allotted for patent and Sunder-Baptist Church) I, lln asked the government, as en The change, ainouhts to practl- couragement and in return for his cally an exchange of positions for Investment, to grant him a "suffl-. Constable J. II. McClinton. dlvl- Clent tract of land for timber, coal last night on their return to Alert isional clerk at Prince George, Bay. iCorp. Smith's successor here. CRY CHILDREN often cry for no apparent reason. Many times we can't guess what is wrong. The crying may mean a J ouch of colic; the little bowels may bd- sluggish or1 some other upset It may mean any of the common little ailments that children suffer. To bring quick comfort to your little one, give a few, drops of Castoria. Most upsets of children are soon soothed away by this pleasant tasting remedy that children all love. In five million modern homes, Castoria Is a mother's first thought when a child is out of sorts, feverish, cross, doesn't eat right or sleep right When bad breath, coated tongue, or languor tells of constipation. These five million wise mothers know that children should never be given stronger medicines meant for the fully developed systems of grown-ups. Castoria is gentle safe, yet always thorough and effective for a child of any age. It may be given to the tiniest infant for any little upset. When buying, look for the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on wTapper. Made in Canada. TEIffiffQflE 657. VALENTIN DAIrtY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRKfUl PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Esrly Delivery Throughout City V Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station nODGR and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY ts ana ore to carry on saia business-' I He undertook to have the works, completed within a year from Oct. 1 1800 and hp furnlthtd trip Er. : ectltlve Council with a list of per-: sons wllbm he proposed to bring, from the United States to assist him. The council appears readily to have acquiesced In the sugges-; ' tlon. It granted him the permls- jsion he sought (with the provision 'that the works were to be completed within the specified time or forfeited without compensation) and the Surveyor-General was ln-' structed to appropriate 2100 acres of land where Sunderlin should ; designate, of which 1200 acres were 1 to be his when the conditions were 'performed. Thus was born UppeT Canada's first Iron furnace. I Sunderlin made haste to fulfill! ! tne conditions imposed. By Novem-1 bfer,. 1801, so Dr. Solomon Jones, an i mly, magistrate and Judge of the Johnttown District Court, Informed Chief Justice. Elmsley, he had drepted-thc iron-works and "a good sawmill'' and had built " a good bfldge.0 Moreover, Dr. Jones reported jthat he had seen the forge that hQ been opened and "two bars of iron manufactured which appeared to be of good quality" and a considerable quantity of "coal wood made into Pitts and burnt into coal." From this it may be Judged how primitive were the methods Sunderlin employed. j Ore Used 1 At the same time the originator I of the scheme was Joined by lEphralm Jones, one of the most prominent Loyalist settlers in Au-' gusta township and an early mem-I ber of parliament, who also lnvest-. ed a sum of money, and at A later period Bradley Barlow of Fairfield, Vermont, became a third associate, The ore used is described as 'rcaly fed" hematite of inferior quality and United quantity obtained on lot 23 In the tenth concession of BAstard township. It had to be drawn a considerable .distance and the supply had obvious limitations. Whether for this reason or because of other difficulties, the un THE DAILY NEW8 Saturtiav. ,r ! H3l Fred Wesch Prtsidtn: oi. Pr.nre Rupert Radio A ' -ui'.ion dertaking did not realise th" expectations of those who launched it. A certain number of pots and kettles were cast for the use of the settlers, but these are said o have prcved failures. Sunderlin sold out 19 his associates and, presumably, returned to Vermont. The remaining partners, allowed the Iron works to fall into decay. As early as 1316 it was reported they were tn "a state of ruin and no great use was ever made of them." to which information is appended the opinion that the height of the fall, the constant supply of water, abundance of ore and other advantages render It a matter of regret that so valuable a property Is not put to use." To that use the property has .;ever been put. Other mills have been operated at "Furnace Falls,' but the Iron works never recovered from their decline and no attempt was ever made to revive them. They have, Indeed, become little more than a legend, Insofar as the people of Lyndhurst and the surrounding country are concerned. Today if onev wishes to ascertain where the, first Iron furnace in the province, ias I Operated, one must pause in the still rather obscure vlU hvfe of Lyndhurst, not without admiring, the beauty of its surroundings, pass across the yard of the stone grist mllljpnd descend a steep nauew woodeni stairway that leads to the edge of, he swirling stream. There, in a stone-strewn plot of ground used as a poultry yard, there may be observed under a tree that has sprung out of the foundations of the establisment, all that remains of the iron furnace. It consists of a few stout timbers, that have survived a century or more, protruding from the unpromising soil and two or three large lumni of slag nothing more to show for Wallis Sunderlln's enterprise and Investment or to furnish proof that. In this out-of-the way spot, there was made the first attempt to put Ontario s iron ores to comi use. Smmerclal ST. DAVID'S DAY TEA IS BEING HELD St. David's Day, the anniversary of the patron saint of Wales, is be ing celebrated today by the Ladles' Aid of the First Baptist Church with a colorful tea and sale of home cooking this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Morgan, Fifth Avenuo4 west. The rooms have been tastefully decorated for the occasion with daffodils, leeks and other Welsh emblems and a large Welsh tlag predominates Miss Ceredwyn Morgan, daughter of the hostess, In Welsh costume. Is opening the door for the guests. Mrs. George Hlbbard, president the Ladles' Aid, is assisting Mrs, Morgan in receiving the guests. Mrs. Norman Fraser and Mrs, Her-' bert Hampton are pouring and the , serviteurs are Mrs. J. Armstrong,1 Mrs. Vic Houston, Mrs. W. 8. Ham-! mond and Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod-1 Mrs. F. Morris is among those-assisting In the tea room. Mrs. Charles Larkln and Mrs. W. ! W. Wrathall are in charge of the1 home cooking tabic and Mrs. Jas. Hamptoh is acting as cashier. A musical program arranged for the afternoon Includes vocal solos by Mrs. James Waugh, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black and piano selections by Miss Connie Morgan. i Ml I Miss O. Chapman returned last night to Ocean Falls after visiting several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dingwall and family, Fifth Ave. West. WAANING No nude or cocoa drink is in ajijr teiue substitute for Ovaltine. The process by which Ovaltine is oukU is the result of yrsrf scientific research. sWum so called "just m (oodH preparations. GOING TO NANAIM0 Understood C. L. Monroe Will Go Island City as Government Agent VICTORIA, Feb. 28 While no t'eflnite announcement has yet, been made, It is. said here thft "pon the reinstatement of Norman , A- Watt as government agent nt I Prince Rupert, C. L. Monra. who has beej) agent In the nortnern' tty since Mr- Watt's suspension a rpuple of years ago, will- be removed to Nanaimo, the admin Is , rative centre of the north end Vancouver Island, in the capacity ot government agent. 1 ' It is understood here that Mi Watt will be instructed to its duties at Prince Rupai' on ' April I. lnOlV A ulcr The Principal Causes of SLEEPLEHM are nervous strain and digestive unrest B Th OTH of these cup oi ie creit value (of Ovaltine. ts due to. noum se can be overcome by the simple act of t.n . f hot Ovaltine each night before retiring. fhifahMJt.nflfrw .urihme'i(in W!ffn!F otftl. the nerves ves ana auayapigcsuYF 0lc?Drf,K,n8 tlfftp n4ttX . . .. ft t, , M, n. ti, but also, wtuie you sieep, irrepieruwies your jost enexfcy aq'viuijjtjF uvaitme is a ncn concentration o npe partem milt, nth creamy milk, and fresh eggs. Every nutritive clement ypurVody1 neei t0 maintain mental and physical fitness is combined in this deiiawu and perfect combination of Nature's best restorative foods, brink it daily instead of tea or coffee. Be sure arid male it your "goodnight" beverage to ensure sound restful sleep, HI OVflLTI N E' f HQS tjowr Cut faster, easier, and wear longer. Save time and money. SiMOHO Cam Sw Co. IT. UONTHttl. TORONTO MINT JOHN, M S VANCWtVt FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very j latest. LING THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery lo any part of the ciy. LING THE TAILOR S17 Second Ave. I'hoiie qt9 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot und cold water In all roonu A- J. PRUUIIOM.ME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser ind Fifth 8ta. New Royal Hotel 1, Zatflil, Crop TUB IIOTr.1. MOUTH WIIII.K ; Hot Si Cold Water: Stenm Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone Ml Boston Grill Phone 437 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS. Thursdays and Saturday! DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to H Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE (bnsuXBS Sound,, Naiuhni Steep Sold by all food stores in IPC, 71c, and special JO0 famiiv t ; also served at soda fountains. j . A. WANDER LIMITED, LONDON, ENG, AND PETERBOROUCH, CAN. Bill DEFEATS JACK FROST I POX the cony Vrarmlh of your home during the winter months, the rimmI hculth of jour family largely ileetiIs, Similarly, the amount of r heat you can maintain is dependent uikin the coal you use ami' the manner in which you fire jour furnace. i. It fa a simple matter tn determine the coal villi the highest heat value. Science make it possible for you to know without douht that certain coal contain as high as 13,000 B.T.U.V or heat unit to the pound , , , ami that othem contain only 10,000 or lower. Any Combustion Engineer will tell you that Nanaimo-Wellington or Comox Coal from the rich bituminous reams in the Vancouver Island field, ,show an average of 13,050 II.T.Us) or betlcr, Approved Dealers ALBERT & McCAFFEItY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117 v - PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO., LTD. Phone 618 CANADIAN COLLI ERIE! (D U N 5 M U I W) LTD Standard Bank Building, Vancouver, B.C. kiM'lJMiiWM Exhibition of Fine Furniture You Will See the Rest in Quality and Worhntaiisliip When You Visit Our Store Barriers Home Furnishings Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Result