Sat -in- page roun rat pail? tnrm SEA7TLE JS 47 TOP OF PiCFC COAST HOCKEY LEAQi Eskimos Scored Two To Mill r&sT rin Last Night Over Portland uckaroos; Vancouver Ousted SEATTLE, February 28. Defeating Portland Buckar-pos by a score of two to n last night, Seattle Eskimos went to the head of the Pacific Coast Hockey League class. It was an exciting enough match in the first two periods but with Seattle ahead the two goals and playing a strictly defensive game, as Portland vainly attempted to score, the last -period was tat her alow. Bobh Connors was the hero of the game scoring both goals for the Eskimci one in the first Deriod and the other in the second. Four thousand persons witnessed , the match. Bringing the puck down unaided , Bobby Connors made the first goal for Seattle eleven secqnd$ before : the close of the half, He shoved! the pack in past Andy Akerhead from about a yard cut. j The Seklmos' second goal cam twelve minutes af tor its start o the second period when Connor. ' scored again in much the same manner as before. , In the third period although Se-' attle played a largely defensive game. There were certain break- j a wars and Akenhead had several! minor escapes. Toward the end.i Seattle took it very easy, playing! all his men defensively and notj attempting to score. Seattle needs bat one more vie- j tory to be assured of a place in, the post season play-off with Van- , couver for the league champion - j ship. Vancouver needs but a draw to be similarly aured. Portland s chances ace. therefore very slim. The league standing is now as follows: W. D. L-ForAg'tP. Vancouver 12 8 8 48 44 32 Seattle IS 9 8 58 44 33 Portland 9 8 12 47 47 26 Tacoma 2 1 7 12 24 Townsend Takes Another Scalp Knocked Out Bobby Relster Alhambra in Bout at Hollywood Last Night of HOLLYWOOD. California. Feb. 28 Billy Townsend. Vancouver welterweight, last night knocked oat Bobby Relster of Alhambra in the sixth round. CHAMPIONSHIP HOOP CHALLENGES INVITED The YSJ basketball team of Port Simpson, of which AUrttf Wesley is the secretary, it inviting challenges, receivable up to Wed neaday. March 4, fnr the Northern British Columbia basketball championship which it now holds, having won the title st year by default from Prince Rupert. Harold Sorensen, New York state titleholder. created new distance mark for hill jump at 188 feet SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSSSSS1SS1 BlSSSSStSSSSSSSSl MM SSSSSSlSSSSSSSSStSl SSSi SjaSSSSSSSMSM ssssv . . . ... l HOOP GAME ARRANGED Prince Rupert to Meet Greenville Team on March 12 It Is Announced Prince Itupert is to see a baskttball game after all this season. Johnson Russ of Green ville. who has been in the city for the past few days, an? nounred this afternoon that arrangements had been made far a native team from his village Jo meet Prince Itupert players on March 12 at the Exhibition Hall. In addition to the basketball team, Greenville is bringing down -its crark dance orchestra and a dance will follow the game here. ATHLETIC HEAD DIES tale Thomas Boyd of Winnipeg j Was galled -tamer oi ma- ; teur Athletics" m esi i WINNIE?. fb- 28 Thomas! Boyd- Ased & fcfter of amateur ( athletic in Western Canada, form-, er president of the Amateur Ath letic Union of Ganada and former alderman of this city, died here yesterday. The late Mr. Boyd was the proprietor of the Boyd Printing Co here and a director of Uv Canadian Planjaflons Ltd. Born at Iejnjiu-sset, County Monaghan. Ireland, on June 7. 867 the late Mr. Bpvd was brought that same year by his'parents to Toronto, in which city he recelveo his education. At the age of 19. he joined the staff of the Toronto Lithographing Cp. and eight year later came to Winnipeg to become superintendent for Bulman Bros In 1906. after having been in the employ of a number of other firm? he established his own business, i Deceased took a great interest in various athletics and was actively identified with many athleile bodies In the city, these Including th Winnipeg Nprth End Amateji. ! Athletic Association, the Manitoba Snowshoers Association, the Hollv iSnowshpeing Club and the City of Winnipeg Playgrounds Commis sion. I Married in September 182 to? ! Banna Sarah Gray of London. Ontario. th late Mr. Boyd, beside': his widow, is survived by two son1 land five daughters. He belonged to the Loyal Orange and Knight-: of Pythias order, was an Inde- j pendent in politics and a membc- ! of the United Church. SPORTS ON NAASRIVER Kincolith Finishes a Gymnasiurr Such As Greenville Has Aly-ansh Planning to Put One Up Johnson Buss, moving spirit In cports at the native village of Greenville on the Naas River, B l., states that ever increasing in t exeat is being taken in sports by natives along the northern river. At Kincolith a fine commodiou," gymnasium has been completed Greenville has had a hall for some lime. Now Alyanth la planning on putting one up, tle lumber for to: structure being" already on hand. GOLF" March 2 Grotto vs. Acme Oreat West vs 75 Taxi Flying Corps vs. Dry Dotf Gen Office vs Bankers Jpg je They do more than gamble at Monte Carlo they run automobile races. Part of track comes down Into heart of city. Here are a couple of racers coming around a corner full tilt. No traiflc lights are needed. ed Relation of the ... Liver and Kidneys Such that tied luffen when ethtf dcriMtd 8oth rtjuUttd by Dr. Oiiit'i Kldny-Uvtf Pllli Wfcen the liver become s lurrith or torpid in action, th kidneys Live to help out with the work of filtration. When the liver fails the kidneys hays all the work to do. Hence the beginning of trouble I usually biliousness, Indigestion and c6nitipation and after a time tbs kidneys begin to be affected and there comes baitkache, urinary derangements and kidney disease. The remarkable success of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills ia due to their unique combined atkn on tbt liver, kidneys and r-yvels. They get at the cause of troufle and remove it no matter how complicated it may be. Promptly and thoroughly they cleante the bowels or intestines, arouse the liver action and tbtrtby relieve the overworked kidneys. SIXTH ROUND ENGLISH CUP Sunderland 1. Exeter City 1. West Brorriwlch Albion 1? Wpl-verhampton-WanrWer; 1. Everton 9. Southport 1. Birmingham 2, Chelsea 2. FOURTH ROUND SCOTTISH CUP Celtic 4. Aberdeen 0 Third Lanark 1, St. Mlrren 1 Cowdenbeath 0, Motherwell Boneas 1. Kilmarnock 1. . ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Astonvlila 4. Lew-eater City 2. Bolton 'Wanderers 1, Blackburn Rovers 1. Chelsea Bianlngham. nt played Grlmgry Town 2, Maneheeter City 5. Huddersfleld Town-Sunderlanu not mayed. ; Liverpool 5. Bloekpool 2. Manchester United-Portsmouth postponed. Middleeborough 5, Leeds Uril' ted 0. Newcastle United l. Sheffield WedneadtjfeQethy County,' Westham Unitel 2, Atsel 4. ENGLISH LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION j Bradford 1. Bradford City 2. Bumsey 2, Plymouth Argjle 2. Mlllwall 4. Barnsley 1. Nottingham Forest 3, Cardiff City 1. 3. Oldham. Athletic 1, -Bristol QUr Preston North End 3. Bury 0. Reading West Bromwich Albion not played. 2. Southampton 1, Swansea Town Stoke City A Charlton AhUetlcO Tottenham HoUpurs-Everton not played. Wolvtibamptpn Wanderers Port-vale, not played. SCOTTISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Alrdrle 4, Lelth Athletic 1. Celtic -Motherwell, not playexl. Dundee-St. Nlrrn, not played. East Fife 1. Hibernian 0. Hamtlton .Academicals 0, Rang "M 3. Hnarts 0. Ayr United 0. Kllmarnoh-Falklrk. not played Mortnn O Clvde V Pf-'t-k Thrte -Cowdenbeath, ot ployed. Queens Park-Aberdeen, not r play-' I. I Dundee 3; Queens Park 0. ! DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Jlotel Eyes Tested For Glasses Dr.H.0.Johnsen Dentist i Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exchange Block 1'hone 109 OF HOCKEY , Vancouver Amateurs and Trai) Smoke Eaters Had Deadlock ! Last Night i VANCOUVER, February 28 Trail Smoke Eaters and' Vancouver Amateurs Hockey Club battled through thirty minutes of over time last night to a three-goal draw in the second game of the final series in the British Columbia senior amateur hookey Vancouver won the first game on W""dav thro" f wr 'n T'rtt'v" The series will be decided when oru. team wins two games. Old Country Soccer ; PETROLLE EVENS IT Knocked Out King Tut in Fourth Round at New York Last Night. NEW YORK. February 28 Billy Patrolle got his revenge here last night for a defeat which King Tut Inflicted upon him a few weeks ago. PatroUe knocked Tut out in the fourth round of a scheduled ten round engagement. He 1 floored him thriifc times before fin ishing him off with a vicious left 1, hook to the jaw. Petroue weighed in at lw pounds and Tut at 141 pound. In their previous bout. Tut knocked out Petrolle In 34 seconds of fighting. CRIBBAGE March 16 SCHEDULE March I ' Hawks vs. QroUo. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Eagles. P. R. Hotel v. Toe IL I.O.O F vs. Operators. Kts. of Columbus vs. Elevator. Six Muskeetera y' Moose. .March 9 Orotto vs. KU of Columbus. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Toe II. Operators vs. Hawks. Elevator vs. P. R. Hetel. Moose vs. 10.0F. ' , Eagles vs. Six Masketeera. P. R. Hotel vs. Hawks. Toe H. f. LOJOF. Elerator vs. flt Muaketears. Moose j .Gtptto. Eiagies vs. KU. .of Columbus. Seal Cove fijawrntll ys Operators March 23 Grotto vf. P. R. Hoi!. IOOP. vs. Bal Core aTnlll. Hawks .vs. Btejsaior. Moose vs. Eagles. KU of Colunipua Joe II. Operators vs. Six sMtuketeeta. ' Moose Whist and Dance Successful T)i)tJily-one Tables of Cards and 150 Persons Were on. Floor Dancing , A Jiery successful whist drive and dORge was heldby the Moose Lodge last night in toe Moose Hall, there were twenty-one .tables of whist and 'prize winners were: la'dies' first. Mrs. W. B. Mtallum; second, Mrs. j A. Martin; third. Miss A. Edgar; meum first, E. P.eteraon; second. David Oaddes; third, B. M. After card, delicious refresh- ' manto were eerved and dancing fol lowed with fine music by the Prem-t orchastra. There were 150 persons on the dance floor, i B.J. Bacon was master of ceremonies both for cards and dancing. I William Logan and Jack Preece presided at the door. The committee in charge constated of Oharles Lemon, Richard Long. V. E. Peterson, William Logan, P. L. Petersen, A. Macdonald; . Jack Preece and B. J. Bacon Legion Lags In Billiards Elks Takes 951 to 850 Lead in Four Ganu of Last Night's Fixture Four games were piayad in last night's Dullard League fixture be-Uveen the Elks and .Canadian Leg-tun and the L?4fa Men. as a result, have a lead of Mt to 860 over the veterans. Individual scores were as follows: CP Balagnd fHks. 290: Frank Zleman Canadian Legtsmj. 15 j. W E. WUIIscroft BksN 9M; A. Murray jtggnadiah Legion). 250. H I. Xosng. 290; Marcus Andrews 1M. JobaajsP sunlth. 241: Charlie Bap-Ue. m . The game of WMham Mitchell vs a. P. Tinker ise be played tonight. .of cancer r MININGIN LARGEW if Ten Cent PhcphaU Ju J tend OperatKsm. 7 gj VICTORIA F-h , ted Mining & Koptenay cum: ppipt wherp uk , Ply worked ;h.,! io develop Bjiu.i In & big wa .,,( v neii to a , McFheram. i.,r Cranbrook yesterday cim,:, tommlltef to remove the -,,-on phosphates vlnce The bii. Wll plete wlthnu KNIGHT IS mi ' t 1 Jit p.- 9 : roD-ir-H! BEING Sill Lady Patricia Ross Entrn 1 Against Sir Charlrs Em Fnited Stitfj WASHINGTON DC F-o 'iter a nignt p-:. sat enteral officers s.: ..l "oaa. wealthy Sco-: h br aet 1 esterday anan .r.t, j Jul bond In i s:-, ral oi'gin by w.u- la ft 'oss. I udy Ross whu :s : :'. Andrew "ZWiv. : Kr plucky, said that was a mulunvmuiia.K :.i thouaarul acre uf isit .: y; and'iM boid;nK- ... led States and ('y, iu nt l he Inventor ai c ; '-erfcrBoss 0? rifle viv ru us2d by trr d. .d:.m Arr.r 8ir Charles ra;c; : tabllshed a tro.-: .: .c ceveral veai - at .:.a r r.t The postponed game from lastjieceivc Tuesday's fixture between Orotto aad Canadian Legioo af George Waugb J. O P. ZUker was also S5 0UL TRADES PISPl E i"j&'Sffs.Ms2 BILLWITHDRA1 wttb the game of Jamas Andrews' ve. iaiarle Bantk yet to be alaxed , WNPON Feb : As ' . jsar T savin! 'he i 'vsl Wnmh oertain drft-a! in tt El Expect Successful jW"."! rri . . Trades Disputes i ai C anrt?r I rpatmpnt cd ust mh by - - ip'y MacDonald ,v hinueH. i always" been per-niliy opp SEATTLE. Mb 28 Dr. John B. the measure The action d Humbm and Dr. Walter B. ' Coffee government in witadrsftt passinc through here yeateiday at- bill followed it cteat m ter having attended a session of fee when joined jthe Canadian Medical Asyjaoti i vativei in opposing it In Vkaaorla. declared that he ex-, 1 nrttJT TT'fliMt with aiiMMil Mr and Mrs Mrs P r Camrroo " ( I in a new treatment for the mal4dyLast night on the camoMm . , Boitday trip to Vanoouw KEEP HErESSY BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED T' COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tle of British Columbia Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. art