THE DAILY NEWS Sate, & BRONZETABLET 7 i Stenhens | conf = : suTICS ' Copper Crest” Miners! Clsim, situste ts “ ’ : | Uae Naee Pre : 7 _ asia igpietrict -_ ee | : } Notary Public Conveyarcer We ns. coscee Gel, Ge : Bay Miner Certificate NB 817623-5, im ° = yaa -Ee Aan ee S : . aty days from the Gate hereof, to apply : os te senses—is Ge * Ti : © the Mining Recorder for 8 Coruscate neglected ant the least understood : ae of Improvements, for the purpose of < ~y Many *uffer from iis, which, spon President 8. D. Macdonald and wy f & ug hy .ceS om, am De weeet Girectiy [| Rey. H. A. Grant Preside at Four .roomed plastered der section &$ must be commenced before ; rite Stites oF ts serene | TAKE NOTICE that I Walter Rudge, of . j tendance of members 0 80- ° per Bay, Moresby island, British Co Th N p ° ° D Fred Joudry Fe, A Pe e iNews rinting epartment . r. Grant, aplain of the leeres of land bounded as follows: Com -_ ; i Practical Optometrist | Dr. Grant, the ar M M St he encing at a post planted at the northeast specializes on high-class society, it the course of Qe ser- e e ep ns lcorner of lot €64_ Moresby Isid., tix . * weet e1ssaie ” — the issuance ; icate of im) Sse eS artista _— — St. Andrew's Memorial house on Righth Avenue provements Service. @ Dated this {ith day of December, A. D.| a = removal of the cause will ia i 1g between McBride St. and j {2s wm often restore the Gelicate end ‘ : Kine Edward School with ex- N Cc ' a inde celles @ lan ea. The memorial tablet to the| ) ane SaPe. Unless it is the Best. When gisses are property prescrib- fallen members of the St. An- cellent lot [NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE It does not pay to ed, they restore the vision Ww wor- drew's Society was unveiled in| ; LanD *, fetmcr ne ORDING. Dis. } ‘ +) JIS THRIC AJRDLL . . { mal and Giiminate all eye strain. their hall yesterday afternoon in| | TRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITI ary ON get any other kind - ’ ~hie oF 6 - > 7 1 - the course of a very impressive . rue a JRE OF GRAY BAY MORESBY i service. There was a large al- , ' : : ‘ id Ave. ia Prince : nO Ae [om e@eiee- thes » gare ; heine: the . : * cE Thir y site Rupert vice emphasized the ideal ae Rea’ Estate insurance Financial Agent | . - ehotne more oF less te beach work There are cxperi L _ : ww < orevailed in the ear ; these! hence following t ach southeriy & : ; peovelie’ | tb 4 arte ot am 4} i vence following the beach southeriy | '0 | enced men in charge and etlerheads men who Gad ial own Pir tives) 160 acres more or less on the battlefield. Their, actions WALTER RUDGE, Locator. | they do the work well. Envelopes November 22, 1919 te Pa : and sacrifices had been inspired Business Forms ' ' N Cc ; ° 3 not only by a deep love of country SANAT CLAUS TO BE LARD ACE We have on hand a but they realized that justice and | HERE ON WEDNESDAY Kotice of Intention to Apply to Leases Lana. f ‘all hoi ‘ Posters TORK?’Q) |ecte soe ste ins se erect centers] few apeilly choice im | Deagery unselfishly laid down their lives! (oe situate at Port Clements, Graham Island. vitation cards in several SELL* that the people at home might |W Visit Frizzett’s Stores with @| ci srron k vedere’ Limited et Port styles. Call at the office Circulars enjoy those ideals and privileges Great Load of Presents o> apply for parmmesten ts lean’ the fet : Booklets T O VY E It was up to us if we would per- for the Children. V— D il N ; ing stoves in 1343. Still in British traditions of unselfish en- personage is to arrive in Prince acncement and containing 7.1 acres, more a Vy ews the same line of business deavor by the one for the many. Rupert in plenty of time to look CRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR Cc: dreds i : if we live up to their ideals then after all the requests of the child-| 9, . 0, : indelibly traced on our hearts as Fads Sean last We En ener ae JOE BROWN : well as on this tablet.’ ee cat a hd ot “ —_ occupativt om 2 pers, inten “ ply or rmiss : e The tablet wes formally us- pestoent Insurance Companies are lease ‘che Selcutien dexestned’ Heaton = Motor Transfer and ‘ y > ‘ ac im i oda Ce TU : ; ', \ veiled by President 8. D. Mac- aiming Natura! Death ane Commencing at a post planted on eas TIMBER SALE X1659 ; Passenger Service donald and the ceremony was of Refuse to Pay Executors _ oF _Estaoute Saver; mee south 2 a . E Hotel 7 . cnmains ; nee eas © chains more or less ictoria, t., Now. 44h, 1910 | Stand mpress ae f truly Seottish nature. As soon as Claims. t» Hillanee River; thence north 20 chain Sealed tenders will be received by the | . e 2s " aii ore or leas w let 506, thence west follo mister of Lands not later than Boon o* F the Union Jack had been pulled ai ae ‘ Shoreline to point of commencement e 9th: day of December, 1v18, for the Phones 176 Black 334 away, Piper James Sturgeon, him- pees By ©. 7,0. Senne oes CORARIEERS 10 Stree, maee ce lene, FOUEES nces af eee a tee canal ; . r 7 n a «(8S a i. R. FOWLER, 44,000 feet of Spruce and Cedser and — : ALL READY self a returned man, marched at HAMILTON, Dec. 22.— The ex- H. F. KERGIN, 1270 cords Pulpwoed on an conn aan. Quick Deli . t ; i stent a slow pace past the memorial, |*°¥tors of the estate of John eed “Taree years will be bis wed for the — or winds aad storms n order to ” . e owed tor re , allow the children to play out doors playing “Scots Wha Hae.” Lennox, wholesale shoe merchant,| ven CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS al 4 -- ase of the Chtet Pores —- during the Pall and Winter season it The memoria! is a work of art are suing the accident insurance venet ees DISTRICT OF er, Victoria, B C., © Disirtes Forester, | is necessary that their little feet be in burnished bronze on a black |“°™panies for $118,500. FAKE NOTICE that 1, Peter Piombo, o: || “"°e Rupert. B.c “ ce TOM protected by the very strongest ; 5 » des rimce Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend . et a nge field. The letters are in raised ly Mystery surrounds the death © | /spbty for s licence te eral os tae caus TIMBER SALE X1909 E CO. . : 2 . i i ) ‘ _ We memo .cwene on6 0: Ge embossing and there are fourteen |! anes and although the common so ee éumn a os Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1919 840 Second Avenue, West same time , names inscribed. Under the crest |serdict is that he died from|iam istand:— — 4d —_ = es weet Oe > : ; ; ; ow . aa Commencing at a post planted t ‘. ch _ , a = — A STYLISH SHOE of the Scottish Lion is the follow. |@?owning, the accident insurance] o™mencing a s joes We _S oe tue a day of January, 1920, for the VEGETABLES . ing text: jcompanies maintain, that he died] ser. thence 80 chains north, theuc O16.000. feat of Uprwce, Wamtoch ‘and ‘ce + on me , rs : ‘ ; ) chains west, thence 80 chain Bhar 1 lng 8." ; Wholesale I grate a Fa ye “In reverent and lasting mem-|* Patural death, which would] cence #0 chains cast to point of com seagenal bat usa Eee Gasen ‘Chas ane Tatalt strong durable shoe ts what ts needed ory of the following members of relieve them of payment of the | *scement. PETER PIOMBO wite District.’ , . General Contractors and Hee tiadles go shopping bring $ithe St. Andrew's Society, Prince insurance. Straight life insur-|: ceased suly 37, 1919. __ LMo years will De allowed for the re Labor Exchange them with you Ww the Rupert B. C.. who were killed in ance policies totalling #240, Dated September 25th, 1919. rae ergy ot = | qgusensemt> rt, ° 9 ef, ctoria a or istric Yorester . oti ; : ; ‘a, have been paid to the beneficiaries IN PRO : » rine ‘ : . i a. C | i} Famil Shoe Store nator ie pe Grows Bevepess Was, : IN THE SUPREME COURT OF British |e 2 coeee eeeert, B.C. | y 1914-1918: A. Brighton, C. Den. *imee the death last summer. : CULUMBIA. TIMBER SALE Xitté. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 i} Geo. Hill E.R. Tabrum §) nis, W. Elliot, J. Florence, George | oe ee ee Sealed. tendére Will be’ receives by th ) 5 alleen . mtn s! The Practical Shoemen Heggie, H. Hunter, M. Keith, N. Advertise in the Daily News. — and — fisier of Lands not later than noon on ssa ' bs , IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF |.ve 9th day of December, 1919 for the 7 ; i, Phone 357. Mackay, J. W. McKinnon, J. Me-) vonrcace SALE OF SAWMILL ROUIP anak not DECEASED, INTESTATE. | purchase of Licence X1114, to cut 3,635 D E N T ISTR y } . i Vittie, James Russell, R. A. Stalk- MENT AND LUMBER AT PORT — |tionour F. McB. Young, made the 19%h des | liemlock’ Om on ares situsied aa “Infram i ae sl Se Soe er, James Stewart and J. 8. Watt. GSMENTS. B. ©. x Recember. A. D. 1919, | was appointed |. ake, K.3, Coast District, ee ' eel gel la Under and by virtue of the powers con- ldeccased and “all nese Of Paul Csa.] Three (3) years will be allowed for re OFFICE HOURS: tained in @ certain chattel mortgage held] against the said estate are hereby required | Purther particulars of the Chief F Sam. 00,08) 109.0 m 00 6:00 o> ' Queen Charlotte Islanders can- oy Ge venger there Oy i= sole up|'> furnish same, properly verified, 1 ine,|.cr, Victoria, B.C. or District Porester ' ie » and includin riday n ay ¢ ‘ ; a oa : a ' q 7 TU RKISH rot do better than mail their January, 1920, the following chattel vie e D. sbi end all partion web ne: rince Rupert, B.C. _ s OR. J. 8. BROWN printing needs to The News Print the plant, machinery, equipment and lum-lestate are required to pay the amount of Whe : DENTIST ber of the Port Clements Box and Lumber | ti , : Vhen you have read the news { a their indebtedness to me forthwith OMce: Smith Bioock, Third Avenue } ae shop and get the work done ‘o., Ltd. at Port Clements, B. C. m+ : . iad o . : ; : H. MeMULLIN, ivok through the classified column 464. f én 4 romotl nd well For particulars apply to J. B. Weir, 1396 OMecial Administrat Guanes ; and Sanitarium puly a . Kiehards St., Vancouver B. C. 302 Dated this 20th day of November, foi», ton Page 5. oncee Turkish, Medical, Steam, oe ee mt ey = fh Shower and Tub Baths CG B S “Hy ’s the Musi Wri ~ a ” EE ” atta os Koen rece ene Byrnes Says: ere’s the Music rite Your Own Words. | ' —————— —<—<—— PHONE 309 = 722 FULTON ST. —F 7 SCENE — ‘a AMY COLD Lor Se THE Back Bart DASHERS v EH. SHOCKLEY |] |"Ssccress Sibe ser # 125 GEWERAL CONTRACTOR edna Office and Shop Fraser St. NINTH oo SCORE Sash, doors, mouldings and uToOS FAN Tee all interior finish lumber al- DASHERS ways in stock CRACKER JACKS UP ~ . WILLIE DUGAN AT BAT eo EPO See Agent for J, Fyfe Smith's THREE OM BASE — hardwood, OME LITTLE HIT Estimates Given. VWiILA WIM. THE REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN DOLLAR AND A QuagTeR ba Phone Green 269. Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- siewetion, rs and Alterations. Firet Class nian Work and Estimates Oheerfully Given BRICK AND CONORETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS