TVS 13 a. - . "! ; ti ft ..'i f. . !' PAOW WTO. TffR DATLY 07X73 OLYMPIC TRY-OUT SPORT CHAT J Henry Cochet, the world's great- Kaare Engstad of Burns Lake to Co est tennis player, is teaming to be a. ?lay to Princeton For Trials ; "e was taking lessons from BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT Was Even and Interesting to Large Crowd of Fans Michel de Troyat, noted stunt pi- mmuei .vr v iB.Th.nm lot. at VUlMwubl airimrt near: Senior -32 Taxi 36. Panthers 18. . i. :-.".. n, in JPiris until the latter was inlured, Intermediate High School 34, Uicva o.i viuv u v i , j . i. icf. .vtioiti-riv fmm during an exhibition flight. His : Merchants 18. c. .,o ik tatas rjs tawird stent flvinst and Ladies' League Cardinals 11, Canamar Amateur Ski Association, ; he was delighted when his teacher ; Comets 7. and lrom Rudolph J. Verne, preai- !put the plane through fancy man- Junior-Boy Scouts 14. Rovers 6. dent oi ;:ie Western Bianch. Tin- O.nineca Ski Club was notified tha its club captain. Kaare En lad. had been selected for the try-out a!. Princeton for the Olympic contests to be held at Lake Pla oeuvres. cid. N Y . in February. 1932. ,'century ago. He write to part: . r..; 4 i i ik. nrrsinrnl thp first same with Tn- In spite ol the cold weather last Jlht- lnere was a lare crowd out I R. F. Smith of New York describes t0 four hanl fouht aId dose,y tn a letter to a Montreal newspaper j a few interesting detain of McOtll 1 20nU?steo basketball games, V the pUyers are now beginning to intercollegiate football of half a t iuuiiu uiui -viiuutou, mcjr -it uu proving in their team play, ball- west will be picked to go Lucero" ' ronto Varsity-fifty years ago-and "f nd a' ht Que., for the elimtaatton trials, and the last game with Harvard, also " a tadica.tto the final Canadian Olympic Ski Mty years ago. We took down 18 team will be chosen there. men to New England for a three day The Lakes district, and In fact trip ahd got $160 for expenses. W the whole of Central B.C., should be played Dartmouth and were justly proud in having such a' representative as Kaare Enjstad. Since his association with the Om-ineca Ski Club he has proven himself a most capable club captain and instructor, diaiktgitis-lng himself and winning hwwrs for the Omineca Ski Club at every tournament in which he has competed. With skill, youth and exemplary habits in his favor, it i& almost certain be will be sent to Lucerne with a big chance of making one of the Canadian Olympic Team. ORGANIZE SKATING Secreurj'. Jack Hardie. There will also be much in curling here this winter ladn-t ah wll a.s men taking part. allowed $25. The football of the Harvard game is still in the Harvard gymnasium. I would like to know the size of it more than twice the present one." RANGERS IN LEAD Defeated Americans Last Evening to Go Into First Place in National Hockey League NEW YORK, Nov. 18: Lester Patrick's New York Rangers defeated New York Americans by a score 1 of three to nil last night and went Hockey and Curling Also Planned 1der,hiP " National For Pouce Coupe , Montreal Canadiena defeated the POUCEUPE,' -sv. 18:-The 'Mai? &:ia0b Poucr coupe Sfcatiog and Hockey chIcg0 BJtk York Amerieaaa in tie for second Club a place, was artanted at a recent en- thusiastlc BG8ton BnMa n their first eettag. Officers are as follows victory of the season by conqcer- ' President. Sun Kent. jln the Detrolt rieoa' o nil Viee-nresident P C MeWha ! UI a uv"luue engmgwneni. Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE I W.D. L F.A. P Miss Oladyat Lane, whose marriage ; N. Y. Rage X 0 113 4 has just taken place to London, was Chicago 1 1 0 3 2 3 a pioneer of long-ditance running N. Y. Amerteana .1 1 1 6 6 3 in England. She won points for Eg- Mont Carwrcu 1117 7 3 land at Monte Carlo fen the first In- Mont Martens 1 6 16 6 2 tern tiona! meeting, and was the Detroit 16 3 4 7 2 first En.'ih girl to win the 1.000 Bostea 1 6 12 4 2 met ?s ibroa.1 in Brussels Taronto 6 113 8 1 H ' '' E " nwli I lr lii!iiaffili For t. I at Vendor WONDERFUL WHISKY-SPECIAL f LIQUEUR Also the He Luvc Wiii.kifs; Kxtra and Ne Plus Ultra or direct t ' -.- 'ton'roi Board, rnnll order dept., Victoria, B.C. jlii.s ad' riisi'meni is not published or di splayed d tu- i Coutiol board or by the uovernment ol lirtush Columbia of the play. The teams are very twenly mate-ted and, as a result, the rwctator is cenectou- of no lagging or slowness of play. For every game the applause was loud and constant The senior game between 32 Taxi and Panthers wae a hot one, with close cheeking and better team lay. especially on the part of the Taxtanen. However, fouls were quite ammoa, which should tend to let he players see that they must play basketbalL Otherwise the game is dead, and the spectators are dissatisfied. The Taximto drew eight personals while the Panthers got away with six only. The 30-18 score gives a good eatimate of the play. The Taxlmen played batter as a team and their shooting was deadly. Ratchford was fast and, being left wide open toe often, helped itimself to 12 points. Ourvieh. Stalker. Kenny and Menzles worked like trojans and combined very effectively to keep fee ball out of their area. For Panthers McNuity and MaccUmald were the high seer- tagiiwued )y -f$er play. However, the game, as k whete, wae a good one to wavh, though the speetatora g awayetter satisfied when there Is bettei play and let- fouling and scnmnffiglng The teams: 32 Taxi D. Ourvieh 8i, Ratchford il2, Kenny 4. D. Stalker .. Mensies (. Wrathall. S. Ourvieh; total. 36. Panthers Irvine 4. Cross, Mac- denaid 8i. Ktisey. MeNuHy 6. Stewmii; total. 18. Referees, Plommer and D. Morrison. Intermediate Game As usual, the intermediate game was a thriller. With the score nearly tted many times, the Students were laeky to kmHr. out a 34-26 win over the Merchants. This lat- ter team has been considerably strengthened with the addition of1 Pearce and MeNutty. the former! player being high scorer for Mer- j chants with six field baskets. As, these players round into condition, with their weight and experience. I they will be a serkMs memce in the ' intermediate dhrisien. Brlc Ding-i well and Currte worked hard and eonsiftently. When Dlngwell's shooting eye gets Into shape, look out for hs takes aoere pets at that basket than anybody. The High School team was wild in the first half, playing very indifferent bas-i , ketball and the hsif ended 14-10 for Hl?h. However. Wing ham. who was oreity bdly off, had a rest and after thinking it over, went to again with Vance assisting Unger and Walters In piling up a big score Walters worked well at centre and flashed some brilliant shooting, Vance, though not entering is to the' scoring, was probibry the backbone of the Student? defence. The teams: High School Welters 16). Unger il4, Forbes, Vane:, Mickey. Tobey. Rosf 4 Wtonham 6: 34. Merchant-- E. Din.werl (8. F. Dlugwell, Currlv. Cuuadli (0), earce '12: Mckulty, liinel. Iia-oon: total. 96. Referne, WHe- Tohnnftn ' Les ane The vlrl' (tame ljet'eeii the Caf-4it! : nd the Cnniets war probably the moi-it interestirKt phtyed to the sdl s' ' this season. The game war ;i v:"o-'vi ..'.it ! from th' stau There was fron-: ehwkin. evyrlaily wn Use part of the guards but there wax a uineal lack of etmibliv.iUon. rt hie Irvine was ood tor the Curdnmis Blie shot I v.. iii accuracy and also played a itrong defensive game. Lillian Lowe was also notable. She played more open whereas the others tended to bunch together. At half time the score was 5-0 for the Cardinals. The second hail opened with a much better brand of basketball. Both teams played more open and towards the end the pitch ii the game became so high and to- j the Scouts. tense that the play became rough, j Referee. Dan Morrison. s a result Ella Steen was ruled off j - the floor on personal fouls. The Comets, led by Julia Roberts de-1 nonst rated clever shooting towards the latter part of the game, but al-hough they played furiously they ere una. ore to equalize me uar- i dlnals score before the final wbis- Burns Lake is Already Lookinx e blew, leaving the score 11-7 for Forward to Winter Sport .he Cardinals. Junior Game The junior game between the Wednesday November u Striking photograph ul the fti;sh of the Wolscy Selling second centre Plate i!!"TTurst Park. England, showing V: on 'tlird left' The ru :e was won by Marten's Tower. and D wu: in the first half, which ended with bike in which most of the local ski- Madison Square Garden a score of 5-2 for the Scouts. The ers will participate. The "gang" will Jacob's announcement it u re-second half opened with the Scouts gather at the Omineca Ski Lodge parted will be of a bout u UrFrb-having the advantage. Both teams known as the "Kraal." situated on ' ruary either at Miami .jr uk aj. played a defensive game but to- the south slope of Boer Mountain, geles between Schmchi. ui,d inwards the end of the last half the ' Hot coffee, rolls and baked beans key Walker. Rovers slacked off and the Scouts will be served. ' Jacobs denied u report th-x ran circles around them. A bridge and whist tournament Tommy Loughran was beui. aae-Full time found the score 14-6 for ill also be held to the basement of t lacked in favor of W,ii. ; tlt tht SKI-ING TO START SOON BURNS LAKE. Nov. 18:-cutive committee of the lovers and the Scouts opened with I Ski Club, with Rev. C. A. Htoduiffe , St. John's Church on the evening champion's next meet in v i of December 10 when refreshments ' Starting December 14 ni endini i will be served and four prizes aw- I arded The entry fee of 25c will go i towards financing the Princeton trip of the club captain. SCHMELING IS BOOKED The exe-' Omineca ' World's Champion to Meet Mickey Walker in February? a good calibre of basketball. It as convenor of the entertainment! looked as if the game was going to j committee, is organizing a drive for NE WYORK. Nov. 18: Joe Jacobs, be intensely interesting during the I membership and has many schemes manager for Max SchmeUng. world's first half. Both teams put up a de-1 to mind that should assist to rals- heavyweight champion, stated yes- iensive game in the first half. Cal-1 tog the necessary funds to finance terday that he would have an lm- January 16 Schmeling will tiita tour of 22 of the mure important American cities j Car Shops Better Lead in C. N. R. Cribbage League Canadian National Rerra:-tt As-ociatlon Crlbbace T. .ue tf suits last night were as l uiuwc Round House 16. Qer. office l! Station 9, Car Shop.' lit deroni was the most dangerous the club to sending an Olympic en- .pertant announcement to make to Car Shops . man. When he got control of the try to Princeton. a couple of days. Jacobs made this 'Round Howe ball he handled tt splendidly and I The season will be opened as soon ' statement following a conference Station scored all the 'points for the Scout , as snow condition- permit by a ski- with WLffiam Terry, president ef 0eneral Offtee W 77 68 64 61 L it P Prrfiap-'lhe adtlrat of all or I J ' rrcorda is that eslaklialird by ttuiaron namnl Darby and Ju-rpli, who won the race for homing pigeon from Praaaoola, llurbla, to Fall Hirer, Maaa. flUtanre of 1182 mllea. Manuf acturad by JmrrUl Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited FREE BOOKLET OF FAMOUS RECORDS He ii.o.lieniiuiilr In your iHscuaalon of records in aporU, lraiiiMirtulltii, liumaii aehlcvcmenls of all kimU . , , send today for j our cuty of thl free ltooLlct "FAMOtS ECOIU)S,f uhichcoiitalnsuuthciittcdata on niaiiy futimiiM Vorld HevonU. Name and addrras liouldl,,-tiIiM,KriidTolueo Company of Ginada, IJinilwl, Dept. I, I'.O. Itox 1320, Montreal, l.Q. In uddltlon t4 inter-tiiLK fuctsaliout world rccorda.and ullraetiteilliiatrullona,ittrwvldea aparefor you to keep urt'e)nlor)ourfavourilelM'alorproviiirialMrtreords. For jeara Turret a hue Iktii Canadu's record cliiretle . . . u iMipulur trlhute to their quality and mildness. Afler all, Holding run replace good, lioneat tobaccof grown and ripened right out In the field under nature's own MinliuM iiothlug urllHelul aliout Ihut und the hlxh ipiullly U "inLrHr'. , . ,. VI Quality and Mildness u r ret CIGARETTES J2or 15c. 20 or 2Se. umlhiflat tln$ of fifty and one mmred Put 77 a u li