PAGE FOUR. TED SMITH jSWEDiSH SKI Wf)N FIRST CHAMPION ON " WAY SOUTH Playoff for High School SAttbail Championship Now In Progress Ih the first of a three-game series Mtmv game was nuo very Itll LALI eXCUUlKi III IK 1 MM . . . J 1 w v - nciu might be proved by the close score. eany m 1932i bconng was opened in the first of the fifth Bill TobeVs team Up," perhipj due to over-confidence. Pltchef Ailen allowed many hits and was given weak support in the field. As a result Ted Smith's team drew thw saiety. Ted Smith was also a val Uable uuuic player, jjiujei, while wiiue Arney nrney and ana Pos Massing through the city eh route tO Seattle is Sveil Utteriitrnm. 1 between Ted Smith's tfcaih arid Bill Swede's skl llinS- w" has been1 n t . t Crnv rtlnn fr A 1 lit. Tooejs .team ior tne cnamplonship ume wun nia At. 4-.. . . -. .11 . . hrntVior fti r 1 f f f hfoittu. w.u i. im the bases. Morean hit a Teita i--aguer to left Held and Ivarsort, Allen and Glllls scored. Mororah scored on an overthrow " to second. . six hits a"d a walk, which gave him B11' Tobey up- he was thrown VII out uiii, the four runs which were required to win the game. ; Tot Ted Smith's team, Dominate wig the outstanding player. He pitched fine ball throughout the game and In the fifth he hit a two-bagger which scored two L V U runs 1UII3 needed to tie the score ' "j r i.- Ross made , a Eood catch Ampv nn scored the winning run on Kanaya's Umpire, Carl Smith: base Utnnirp Kazu Nakamoto; scorekeepef. Julius Welle; reporter, Olaf Hanson. Smith up, he was thrown first. Kanaya to McRae. up, he hit a two-bagger to left field, scoring Allen. Morgan up, he filed out to Postulu in right field. TobeV first inning: Tobey to bat. Allen up. he I11M out to Arney. Walter up. he fouls out to Catcher Smith. Smltv up. he struck out. One run Glllls up, thrown oUt at first, Dom- one hit, no errors. S!?JiI?ae- "Si he; Ted Smltn's team to bat: Bob f.S'JjfJ "P- he h,t Hree. Tobey up, thrown out on first, Alien Cull Rnl, d lCtinZ lmn- 10 0,llls- 0tten up- he Bl"Bled past S .SS n Tt T!S $nVn tn,rd' Ted Smith plnch-hlttlng, he o. J ' t0bey 10 WcRae- ht to left field, scoring Green. Amey L , n? Cit0I&- "P' he waIked- Domlnata up. he hit i,rt h. w , 1 m,ba: Arney 10 tentre rie,d- scorln8 Ted ith Sith In B1u TObey- Ted 10 Ml tMd- Kanava UP. he Angled h smith up, he hit a hot one past and Dominate scored. Bill Murray second, scoring Arney. Ted Smith hit to Allen. Allen threw to third .n, a" overtnrow snd- and Ted Smith' ran home. Four Kanaya thrown out on first. Morgan runs, six hits, tour errors. FOOTBALL ui uie rruice uUDert iiicn scnool w wuuouum, who ia . , , l,. ... ' Xctl Sniitli s team . irit,t- a a.- . . annual meetinb last hlaht of the , in me spring, dui mis year n was ' decided tb have it tn the fall so that eany season wganiMuon mignt be lnnlne when TobeV., t-.M V t on... , m,'. w rn tTA .uVTJT .i 1 tauiicu. iwu expeaitea. mere was a fair at ?J.lM. . tendance of football supporters at io i. Vu7 j i . VH ",c aecona inning: Tobey's team to the meeting. Shpr rlil ft en, bat- Fulton UP and thrown out on The 6lect," of officers resulted pitcher Dominate allowed n three of firot. Tobev to McRap n- n hi. riitt. 2" Redout to Arhey on third3 no Ilonorary president. Mdytr CyfU' T T r gaie up, ne inea out to Arney On H. Orme. SerwhS hpH afas- thI'd. No runs, no hits, no errors. Honorary vice-president, Alex tStSSL'SiS'j: Smith's team to bat. MacRaeClapperton. t fnnw t "BJk , !t "P. he h y to Fulton In Honorary second vice-president, ? -i on the 2dS In in thP the !tfUck 0Ul- swlnelng. Green up, he f "Mdent. Bett Morgan. . "ro.unds-. fanned. No runs, rtn hl no PrrnM Vlce-bresident. William Murray. xuDey team nan 01 tne inning two . , " " T . Swreinrv-trP.,,, n w tM, m.e i tuiR were added, which made me scare io3. c v ntr tuHhu'i taom iiiuu uuiuiK. looeys team to r. .v.. bat. " Ivarson ud. he sfn&lpd nnfct l a Ipnri nf threp run Tn ha M.t shortstop. Allen ud. he walked "blew p' ne nu 10 ie" Iieia "'"ns Executive, the officers and a dele gate from each team. ' ' Board of control Aid. S. D. Map- donald, Aid. James Black, J. A. Frew, Jack Watson and George Abbott. I The financial statempnt shnwprf a handy balance on the operations ... . ,ii,'w me past season. out oh " FUltoh thrown out Dominate to McRae. Four runs, three hits, one error. Ted Smith's team to bat Pnstnlti up, hs tiled out to Ross in left fiPid ! SPORT CHAT Prospects for a slx-team circuit Vl r Vl t n nln.H 1 . . . . . L . . A. ... . . field but was called out for falling I this winter were teVealed today by tO tOUCh first . base. Dominate uumuW UD. Up, I Prank Patrick- nwxirtpnt ntte o pos- tula gave sterlina sunnntt in iu he singled to shortstop. Ted Smith field. , up. he hit to Tobey. No runs, two For the Tobey team, Morgan; OiK-, & ' W fn' ' H3. Tobey and iverson gave good Fourth vub.A Milling. Inning: Tobey AUUCJT to lU bat. oat. support with the bat. meeting in Seattle a few days ago of representatives from tour cities. The cities reDresented were; Van couver, tuurci. Portland ruitictiiu and UI1U Seattle, OCUtllV, the IIIC Ross up, he singled to left field. I three which f Irtishd the season last Teams: , Dungate up, he filed out to Kanaya. Tooey team Allen p, Glllls M, ivarson hit a long fly to right field Morgan c, Bill Tobey ss, Walter which Postulu neatly caught, Ross Smith rf, Fulton cf, Ross If. Dun- ; being caught in a double play, Pos-gate 2nd, Ivarson 3rd. tulu to Bob Tobey. No runs, one Ted Smith's team: Arney 3rd, nlt no errors. Dominate p, Ted Smith c, Kanaya ' Ted Smith's team to bat: Kanaya ss, Dill Murray If, McRae 1st, Bob .struck out, swinging. Murray called Tobey 2nd, Green cf, Postulu rf. out on third strike. MacRae up, As a result of thls close game 'thrown out on first, Allen to Glllls. there undoubtedly will be keen com- ' No runs, no hits, no errors petition in the remaining twoj Fifth inning: Tobey's team to g -.S- I bat. Allen ub. he walkprf niin year, ana lacoma. raincK, wno wag accompanied by his brother. GUy Patrick, both of Vancouver, said he had talked with groups of sportsmen at both Calgary and Edmonton and believed thev would back, teams for the league. The season's schedule will net un der way on November 23. Patrick said, whatever the size of the league. AlthoURh Frank Patrick submitted his resignation as president to the meeting, no action was taken upon it. ne is unaer a two-year contract, with another year to run. Two men from Tacoma, Art Rud and Anton Nielson, said that work was to be resumed on the arena in that cltv. with the expectation It would be finished before the opening of the npnsnn Thp renrpspntntlv. tmm Portland was Bobby Rowe; Lloyd Turner, manager of the Seattle team, and Hush Caldwell renre sented Seattle. More than 16.700 gasoline boat! and 14,570 sailing and row boats were used in Canada's sea fisheries operations last year, in addition to over 1,200 vessels. A. J. PHILLIPSON'S BANKRUPT STOCK It Will Pay You to Walt for Shoes, Clothing, and Dry Goods. Open Friday, 8:30 a. m. Watch This Page for Further Announcements. M. L. GREENE, Liquidator f MEETING Bert Morgan Ile-eleclt-d President, G. W. Laldler Is New Secretary Election of officer and receipt of nfpdtts Covering the activities of the fpnshrt rer.prttl'v pnrtMl tier thp aeieatea Toocy by a score of 7-6 at ",iw"ei- mw?r a snort 6iay ,,,, H . r r I the Hih fehonl on tvpv If?.!! m Seattle Sven Utterstfom Will oro- nce u?ei Foolba,, Aviation. w ivi " . 1 1 hUfe tlAt AHflnM h Ih. .n i noon. :Cee w Lake Placid, N. Y., to train " : ' " , , TL c p 1 Th M. for the OIvmDic rapes to hp hM tu annual luuiDau meeting -w ... . 1 j . 1 1. t . THE DAILY MEWB Wednesd?" Orohn- 21 1111 ' J McArlhur ktrppil olT liilu ce nt n allltud. of 18,.'t00 frt ovrr the Municipal Alt-port at Tampa, Fla., dropping with inojrnril parachute for 13,500 fret lit tine minute and twrnty rct)n a rvrortll Me thereupon opnel the parachute auU made it aae Uhjiiig. Imperial Tobacco Company l- bf Canada. Umlted . SmallBore Rifle SETTLERS KangelsGomghr PEACE ' j Construction of a rifle ranee. t ti, j .... which will be another of the local rn.htlnr,. n. r,i r nn.u ranadlan National Railways Rec-' Vrar FiXpttita reallon facilities, has commenrrri L The sit Is neat the station between the W. H. Malkln Co. warehouse and Two thousand homettead prt-the C.N.R. Tennis courts. Heavy ernptknn probably will be tiled In bridge timber will form an lmpor- the British Columbia btoek in the taut pun ui uie siruciure, wnicn i-eace Kiver district by the end of will be used for small bore target , ths year, according to Information shooting. secured by Hon. Joshua Hlnchhffp. Railway Crib League Opens Station and Car shops Winners of Gameg' Last Evening Scores in the Canadian National Recreation Association Cribbage League last night were as follows: General Office, i2s Roundhouse. 12: Station. IS; Car Shops, 15. Won Lost Points Car Bhop3 15 12 15 Station 15 12 15 Oeneral Office 12 15 12 Roundhouse 12- 15 12 The Letter Box ACCEPTS CHAM.KNOK Sports Editor. Dally News: On behalf of Billy Bigshaw, 1 accept Nina Gurvlch's challenge to box six thrce-mlnute rounds to r. decision. I will guarantee a pura of $100 to be split 50-50. 00-41 75-23 or winner take all. If there is 1 any other person or persons wishing to promote this bout I will ac-kept under the same terms I have I offered above. I OWEN FISHER. Fish are more easily digested than most other foods. That's onr reason It's well to include fish regularly In the diet. Qfie RECORD SPEAKS Jbv ITSELF THIS rcinarkahto parachute jumping record eslabllslirs a mark tit uliirh others tilay aspire Just n Turret's rrc-on! for popularity create for Turret cigarettes an enviable record tf insularity. Tlie high Rtondanls mIiicIi have heen tnaintalnrtl In the quality of tobacco and erfection of manufacture keep Turrets far in the lead. After nil, nolhliiK can replace good, honest tobacco grown nml ripened right ota in the field under nature'- own sunlight nothing artificial about that and the high quality Is Inbred". Quality and Mildness urret CIGAKETTES minuter ot education In the coast protlnee, and Dr. R. W. Alwanl. M.L.A. for the provincial riding o! Port Gestae, who returned to th city Saturday from a tour of tht MAnlkaax JI.I.I.I a tW uutuiciii uiairici, says ie tamon' ton Journal. Hon. Mr. Hlnchliffe hat been fol lowing out a nolle of tamlliaH. ing himself with conditions of In terest to his department in at parts ot the province, lie has been minister ot education for the la three years and having seen thr Peace River reelon. now ha. rii hand knowledfe of all parts of tho toast province. Tne minister snenl Mmi rfau ' .. . . m me cusirKi, accompanied most or me tune by Dr. Alward, whose fonitltUency Includes the Peace mver district. Places visited were Hudson's HopC, Fort St. John, Rol-la, Sunset Prairie, Dawson Creek and Pouce Coupe, where school teachers ot the district minister a banquet. Building of a hlthwa r-" aw4t5 mc north side of the Peace from Fair view. nita.. into British Columbia, was ond Of the matters iiraM !,,.,. the minister and member by settlers in the vlclhlty of Beaton River. There Is about build on the R, side and arbmvl iwj miiea- in Alberta. On his return to Victoria lr,a h,(H ...... initiate steps to have the two pro ..i.vbu governments consider the feasibility of this project. At every rnectlno heiri th - ... and mmhr hurj vi tnr growing tienMnrii tnr n.... m.... outlet. ' Df. Alward VIltAlnArl 11.. P. O. E. was bln oti.nH.j . QUesnel to prince Oeor at . Cost running from $2,000,000 to $3,- 12 for I5cl 20 or 25ci ml tnjlrit tins of fifty and one hundred 000.000. He was of the opinion thatltvne which would evrii- construction of an outlet for the aood in the district north country had to come and he proposed to urge this strongly un- on the provincial government. Many New Schools No less than 80 schools are operated In the Peace River block by the provincial department of education. During the last three year the rate of Increase has been from 12 to 15 new schools annually The rapid expansion of new settlements has called for increase-! educational faculties. Threshing has ben well ndvan iced In the north country, said D? Alward. while a big yield Is assured. At one point south of the river. It was stated that the wheat would 1 ... run 60 bushels . per acre? juaging oy general reports, some At Fort St. John, a mill is In operation. A liar 000 to aid this enterpri t toy the B.C. governmen: Referring to the well-a "water diviner" receo' to the district by the . ernment. Dr. Alward saic ling of selected spots b, rled out yet. Hon Mr. Hlnchliffe day night for the cou-Alward proceed 8und;i the CN R. to Prince V w r . . r-i. ei . v- 1 tfrt- CO.M.MITTEII l ()lt TMAL Oeorge Canary, rli.. 1 theft of money from P Is taking summary Magistrate McClymoir lice court this aftern TZlZ"ae tnm i0 to have sto Q bushels oef acre 8peaktng ot highway expenditures. Dr. Alward said some $75,000 was being spent on roads in th block, this being exclusive Of that orovlded for relief work. The total of pre-emptions is now iver the 1,600 mark tor the year, with the greater number helm, north of the Peace River. It warn estimated by the government that 2.000 pre-emntlons would ho f. corded by the end of 1931. While relief will have to be nm. Vlded tor some of the hew etnr , hey were reported to be of a fin Orey. The Dally News rrn be pnf' chased at Post Office News t fl 3 Granville St Vane u ? Karl Anderson, Vttoct R. W. Riley, Terra. D C General Store, A:r SmlthersDrugSt' ers, B.C. Awnrilcd the coveted ccrll-ficate of purity,, ttiorit an,! quality by the ItiHtJtutc of HjRicite, Lomlon. Rhum rep. 0UAUT 400 Negrita Famed over oh Hum" the world Old Nl This advertisement Is not Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. - a i s