THE DABLY NEWS Qos me ee me ( -_ ! Local News Notes } a a ts la : eB Phone 41 ‘3 Fra : La For plate and sheet glass, see A. W. Edge Co tf Ma \ Youne weit . : a7 ent > > is T kets for prizes very £1.00 : chase Wallace's tf ' Clearing Decks beens Obwe ot Set Snipe | FOR CHRISTMAS BUSINESS J-i=<2~: 2 08et icles, Constable Simon V. Duff depart We hold to that principle every time we ed far the « th last nicht ace tant ' make a purchase for our stock. FIRST COME 6.6. Walser. Phone Blue 380. t We are as Particular BEST SER VED _ Cecil Brown left for the soul with our toilet articles as with our drugs. ‘ ee ee woo Se And this means that our customers get i Use “Muresco” the great sani- the best there is. This does not mean A Fancy Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Draperies, Eiderdown Comforters, Easy ey We a. &. WW, Mage high prices. Chairs, Rockers, Buffets, Dining Tables and Chairs, Dressers, Chiffoniers. Our Own Brand butter, 70 Open evenings—Fuller’s Limited. rf Community Plate Silverware--- A Useful Gift--- min’ iy ene earns th O L / it d 1 THREE BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS—Apau, Patsician Anyox on the Prince Rupert last rmes, imt Cc xminster Carpet Square Tapestry or a ami Suzeaton—The Gifi de Laxe—Solid or Hol'ow A t 7 : pestry evening. Two Phones 82 & 200 Al Your Service Handle Knives, Spoons, Forks, Berry and Salad Zrussells. Special Discount Price for Se add ee is be: Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Butter Kni es, Baby Spoons, B wt — COMMUNITY PLATE. The gif Cases filled to suit your price. Pite's. tf , . 4 New shoes are expensive. Have THE A 0 LTY i first class shoe repair your old ones rebuilt alt Mc-| MAY RA B.M x « rey ‘ Simpson, Fifth and McBr Good Furniture | Arthur's, igs dok.dbehieicol- tans Wea A Sek aeons nate ot ' lite’s large stock of fancy Prince Rupert f Deller grade, call at McArth ‘ The goods and loys opened p and a i \t ‘ es cita : Shoe Store - sour service, t'iiarce numbe of ters, I hav <0 per cent discount on ali wa a. aes nsented to become indidate|papers. We have to make Frank H. Mobley ms. L.A ert r the av sity ; a4 ww | fo new stock. A. W. Kdge Ux for Victoria on the Grand Tr vear 1920 ‘ : ‘ : . hoat last night. sh a clean, eflicient city covert For the home fireside; the cx ey ae ae . l appeal to you f your | fort of an easy chair and roci ‘ Most Appreciated We don't cobble shoes at Simp- :pport iene Lone orth vish | Tite’s store for holiday dis 6 DP. or son's——we repair them. Corner . “eS ie $ ful and I city ®-remain in its present counts: — os bl e rs Fifth and McBride. tf atta anil oe ’ nse a FOR YOUR BEDROOM Comfortable a Un ae ; ee L.-% Champlin, Carpent Furniture in one of the pericd ie ¥ : FOR THE DINING ROOM i The Girl Who Stayed at Hom suppe t one my on pe ne its Conteast 408 rehie @erk ool styles would be particularly pleas- TITE’S SPECIAL or Library substantial articles | starring Robert Harron and Clar- " 2 mr oma n ed. Roof repairing a specia ing and always in good taste. mean comfort and lifelong service ine Seymour, Westholme tonight ' : aie Phone 176. : . e ; . lect ; . . _ - 2 Call and see our large stock of Xm Dis unts i you se ahaa ee Tite’ special lise ts for Rev, ¢ Mrs. J. B. Rowell left] . i HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE aS PICOURES. OUR FURNITURE a cei Meiiiedet tie came | ve Oe OS wel l’' | Tite's Christmas Drawing. cas T nris as our ul il > itn iast gn it : | Every $2.00 cash purchase en- niture, rug and drapery depart towell is going to K SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR ’XMAS ON ALL FURNITURE jj U1] the hope that a change of climat. | Sues You, tree 206 tleket. | Firet "| mattress and pair of down pillows. Among those arriving in the | yot been of the best tel ; Ss), ity from the Smelter town on last} . e 7 ’ . | Second prize ladies’ desk and GOOD MO OP ae em “ea night's beat was J. D. Lewis, of Harry Kingstor John Brady |Chair, mahogany finish. Third Anyox. | William MeDonald 2 , prize 24-inch Kewple Doll. tf ° ® e i used of thef fu : - a — | Its a Griffiths production in Iboat in port, will elect befor 7 Stayed at Home.” Westholm: |s,\< afternon: ts a oh 7 j i i . | T a D. : : inte ‘ the -s : : ’ r for the ree RF the presented at regis *\) Don't neglect your Teeth i | Hubert Ward sailed by the] dines: = ee yg Cus Geng or missing tooth CHILDREN Prince Rupert for Vancouver las Miss Hilda Mt. Orux len* aaeee FERS CoEeney jnight where he will spend th: North Vancouver last night where js we | Books, Dolls, ioliday season. *ishe will spend a few months visit Om Len aa 12 eg Animals, Games, baie se en Mense~Mesting. © & 13: f ~ = . : ; ing th he marents. Rev nd , : vot FAVORITE Conner Balls, Tanks, Pistols, YCUR LITTLE GIRL— Mrs. V. Sorenson, of Swanso s E a he A of . re | Afternoon, 1.89 te 5.20; Sever Is it f hed u would like Wagons, Sleighs, in the one you delight in pleasing— Bay, anrived in the city on Satur holidays Miss Crux will proceed} Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- Aha cp. ghana ie : fact, see everything whether or not she belongs to you jay and is registered at the Hote! _ ; : day, from 7 to 9. it? Have you a convenient case in Toyland at our : 7 _— | Prines. Repert to the Toronto Conservatory i - a for your books, a chair that gives ai : will just love a oe 0 te a °» Music where she will continue her |? DENTAL coat IN om ga store. : > wr S . _, ar ‘ Rare Bs - ro ( . you rest and comfort and every- ™ Me a ing her here an A building permit was issued t nusica) training 5 PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMEN thing else in the line of the fA PRD RPC PAE ; : . W. Wicks on Saturday for altera Soe aed Sl . RIGHT FURNITURE? THE DOLL SHE WANTS tions and additions to his dwel! aR of $650. C 4 . * > Fancy na In the latest issue of the Brit- Royal Dalton, Derby, ish Columbia Gazette is the an ‘ OouseS ere Ainsley, Wedgewood, nouncement of the incorporation and hand painted of the Prinee Rupert Mercantil! Japanese, Co., head office, Prince Rupert capitalization, $50,000, --lo suit every taste the police court this morning for riding a bicyele on the sidewalk this practice is punishable under ihe eitybylaws, being an extremely |dangerous one. The police ars on the look-out for offenders. Cut Glass Berry Bowls, Nappies Bon Bon, Water Sets, Creams and Sugars, At Special discount prices for Xmas, ROM now until Xmas we, will offer our beautiful stock of Blouses in Geor- gette, Crepe de Chine and Silk at a special reduction, including everything Ready- to-Wear, such as Silk Night- gowns, Underwear, Boudoir Caps, Underskirts, Dresses, Fern Bowls, Brass Jardenieres, Smoker Stands, Fancy Bas- kets, Ladies’ Hand- kerchiefs and note ! Patsy Mazzei was fined $5 in ; Fancy Jewel Case, Mesh Chain Bags, Ladies’ Vanity Purses and Satchels. paper in fancy boxes. Lloyd semeaidih ‘wale a passenger Se for the south on the Prince Ry verk las sht. Mr. Cons i TITE’S XMAS DRAWING te’ euninr of: a na adios tailway train crews, will take up i - — a course In engineering in the ; Every $2.00 Cash Purchase entitles you to Ticket Free for— bah, dete ok Venoeread Dloves ama Sases Bandhan. lst. Prize.—Brass Bed, Spring, Mattress and Pair Pillows. os Pulle . ditor of the chiefs. 2nD. Prize.—Ladies’ Nesk and Chair, Mahogany. * n, editor o « Daily News, left for Vietoria on the Prinee Rupert last night, Mr. Pullen will spend the Christmas SRD. Prize. -- Large Kewpie Doll. Everyone should be thinking of buying now, Do your Shopping in the Morning—it helps YOU to receive our best attention. and New Yean's holiday with his dé there 4e ‘46 hs te ; : a oe family at October Mansions, Vic- lose and our store will Our Store is complete with Santa Gifts for Father, Mother, Sister or Brother. i te tne one eaten be ose and our store be open every night un- his son, Newton F. Pullen, who © Of y nig STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT until Xmas |\ji\« «is! * " " eh -