HAS SHE m r DAILY EDITION BOVRIL? H.' F. PULLEN Remember Bovril strengthens you against the risk of colds, chills and influenza. THE DAILY NEWS. PRLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenur Managing-Editor suBscKirnoN rates City delivery, by mall r earner, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By man to all pans of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch.' per Insertion . Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per Une Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telepnone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations .86 -38 Thursday. Oct. 29. 1931 EVERYONE FEELS BETTER Yesterday j among the business fraternity of the city -y INTERFERE WITH WORK Bruhn Fearful of Ottawa Action on Relief Work Political Influence Banned Serious curtailment by Ottawa of British Columbia's constructive relief plan, well under way, will mean that a large number of men who have not yet been absorbed by work now proceeding will have to go on direct relief. It will mean, too. states Hon. R. W. Bruhn. minister of public works, in an interview with the Vancouver Province, that men now employed in camps may have to be rotated on jobs. This will result in dissatisfac tion among the men and Inefficiency in the work, he declares. , While he did not describe it as such in so many words, the minister clearly Indicate that drastic re- .vision of relief schemes by Ottawa I will mean dislocation of B. C plans alsBOSt disorganization. Mr. Bruhn ' returned to Vancouver Sunday after a ten-day trip In Northern and Central British Columbia. He has not $5.00 J been in close touch with Victoria,) 10c and Is not certain of developments thetc or In Ottawa. 3.00, "If Ottawa seriously curtails the program agreed to by their repre-$6.00 sen ta tires earlier in the year," said 90, Mr. Bruhn, repeating a question, . "it will mean that a large number of men not yet placed on work will of the outcome of the British elections. The opinion was Ll"V"rL "L.regutered. RELATIVE SIZES Olof Hansorl. member for Skeena, draws attention to the fact that Great Britain, where the election was held Tuesday, and where over six hundred members were el- (ICockinf ft1 SP L I tVI I T E D ' -&JW i9" St.Antoine St., Montreal J&im. Just sen(f 50 Cube Red Wrappers employed in camps who do not need , the work. After consultation with ' 1.40 haw to be looked after by direct re-1 ,n nHltah ,,,. nfth. M. JO m1,eth?tdlr TtUet er dertmem of labor, on this 25 j. obtainable not only to he un- ,t has .ai nm 1 in 1 11 111 1 mil Tn t n ca DBnora 1 niinnp VZZ'ZZL decided to appoint a unicic Mian vsc ' ui ib v v ksvvrfctt. .ut. . committees .. .u.- 1 - - .u.. federal authorities. local district which will be Charged with the task of passing on the qual M,1U KVCU "? "p"u""' "Hflcations of registrants. These wore, in view 01 r committee, will be composed ,.nrf demands of the le EXPIR.ES APRIL 30'- Public Announcement buying public made upon us have been man must . . every oei . ni..n. ,nii on 1.1. : 1 ri 1 c d provided with work I take it Uwi .ntnMva ... MtlMns 7. nrhn u trill .,, M y our uimi vsii aim uarj-y oiuie. that sUict impartiillty is observed. . Aluo Ulu',c ?c BUU,lcy iiuviv, 1 i.u it was the original wish of the Do- Avenue, and will be open for business Saturday next, warned About Cost jminion oovemment that men ai- October 31. Our policy of service, quality and low prices "PeoDle of British Columbia have , t . ...mi l 1? rn'' k.i 'l-m m. co"nuea- A commoaiues win oe tne same J J5J Vm pncea been warned what this relief work k. t .kl.k ! .wtummuuu! I AiftaK1 uuuu(u wit inicini on- in HHCll SLOrfr there was a decidedly more optimistic feeling as a result JrTs . .r ,. ,i h 'pioyment office where they were J v -J retrltrH Thl avctom Till fh- freely expressed that it was the beginning of the upturn with Ttizenli In an '"STSrS! it win now be supplemented and that all the British nations and possibly all the nations the province i think the sentiment . J -SSJIS be aSnimme- ui uie worm uuum ueucm. 11 um 111c seen ui tmuj "7.7 dlately." concluded the minister. ana nopeiuiness tnat tne ejection result naa orougnt aoout. u uic If other places feel like Prince. Rupert, the psycholo- muJt rcmembered that gical effect thrcoighoUi tKe nation will be that conditions worlc we are dolng u malnIy on Interior Gets nin iiiijiuc, iui me ucjjitoiuii 10 vue iciuit m a ja.yi,jiir- uuns-uinaaa nignway new con logical condition. When we feel normal we shall be normal, jtruction or improvement on exist-With improvement in Great Britain and a desire in that m highways, what we are doing is country to trade .... with the other sections . of the Empire, rtcing our road program few vatv Tx mrr i-vl 1 r vr a r a A V VI W Ik ft Ml I W tw hV ;u"wlu LF"' J ii T , 7' f ' T Oon eventually is uuuim iu xeei ine ieiie.. ne iuuv huh iuuk aui uciiur times before long. "The value of work as against direct relief is impressed on one who New Livestock Sixty-three Head Are Placed West of Prince George Under the Govt. Free Freight Policy has made a trip such as that I have VICTORIA, Oct. 29. Within the JuM finished. I was in Prince Ru-st few weeks sixty-three head of part, in Skeena. Omineca. Prince livestock arrived into the country George and in the camps between; along the CMR. line from Prince Ashcroft and Spences Bridge. I ; George weat. and were distributed uunK roe greatest oenent is provia- to farmers under the Dominion aov- ci-tcii, i3 viuy auuui uau uie sue ui cue I'uiiBUbuency inut ing worx tor young men. Keeping 1 ernment free freight policy, he represents. That is why it is possible to have such a brief hete men from Idleness means. Twenty-aix head of Shorthorn campaign. Travelling about the constituencies is not a everything to tuun of thu; heifer calves were placed in the problem there as it is here. To travel all over Skeena constituency would take several months, at least. Ours is a country of great distances, of difficult transportation, of high mountains and deep and fertile valleys, it is. speaking generally, an uninhabited country, for there country. "After all. the allowance paid these men is barely sufficient to take care- of them. We are getting , good work from the men now in campe. in the northern parts of The interest taken almost throughout the world in the e'!hlflR1,y vestigaud both by British elections is an indication of the spread of the spirit Tme th!?g SSS i"S of world consciousness. The of mankind is one-ness also 0r supplies, -mis is being carried snown in uie Keen interest, tauen in tne Japanese eiiorts out without discrimination. 1 rind j to take Manchuria and the influences at work holding that purchases of supplies locally them back. h created quite a revival of busl- The time will come in all probability when there will be ncsl1" 0,6 MB?"er,e??Bnmf,. a world federation including all nations but this will be pSK,1 JS? SftU! very gradual. Possibly prior to that there will be a feder- discrimination win not be tolerated. ation Of the English-speaking nations. It has been said. too. that men are Vanderhoof district for competition in the Boys' and Oirls' Club program under the Provincial Department of Agriculture. All the stock Is nf good quality and type, showing plenty breeding is settlement only at a comparatively few points and even province we are emptoytng as character and should offer an ex there settlement is sparse. Britain is a garden country, naauon ior me omnc. ,nue rnaehinm a few where most of the land is cultivated or in use as pasture. employment for these set- ' v ines are not iai apart ana towns arm villages in large tiers and thetr horses may be numbers intervene. enough to tide them over the win- ter. MEANING OF EI ECTION "FacU of the ease are that unless The election In Britain does not mean that the people of ilacm that countiy are not in sympathy with labor and its as- the necessity of routing men now pirations. It means that they are not in sympathy with employed. This win create dissatu- those Who WOUld Wreck the country in the hope Of Upset- faction among the men and result ting the present order and replacing it by another. The 1,1 nHceney. it may seem that British people are not like people of a good many other UjeSSS? uJlJJTf SP?u nations. They have always been leaders in world improve- t fact thal htn are ments and especially in improving the condition of the 57.090 registered unemployed ts workers and they will continue to be that. They have tried eloquent of the need, not only to experiments, some of which have succeeded and some of 0,1 present undertakings, but; which have failed. There are no illiterate people in the to Pen ntw "?rk WfththeexeP-1 country, such as was the case in Russia where the bulk of lJ 'T the people Could not read or write at the time of the revo- Sv VnTLrge ' lution. They are all more or less intelligent, read the news- Most of them are residents of the papers, discuss politics and social questions and are begin- province, ning to move about and mix with their fellows in other, influence Banned parts Of the Country. 1 "White I have received no specific Doubtless labor in that country will learn a lesson from IZlttZ hT, HiJtYS this election. It is an object lesson to the world and will TrZTy'. have a salutary effect everywhere. ment at eamps. 1 know that this is not so tn most places, and If such Is WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS , the ease In any instance It will be Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McRAE BROS., LTD. TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up IS Yesrf Csperlenre All Kinds tf Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George "With the opening of Cash & Carry Store No. 3 we offer additional service in connection with our Meat Depart ment. Meat orders may be given through any of our stores. Groceries delivered free with all meat orders. i.,. For the East j We take this opportunity of thanking the public for omcry the support given us m the past, which support has enabled us through quantity buying to pass these savings on to the consumer. With the opening of our Cash and Carry Store No. 3 our endeavors will be to serve you in the interest of economy and we solicit a continuance of your patronage which you have so generously given in the past MUSSALLEM GROCERY COMPANY 10c. a week!- C. N. TRAIN ! j Sundays, Tuesday and 'it. ir- i . . , 'days. 3:30 pm. Announcing the opening of our Cash and Carry Store ,rom lnf. iut No. 3. The establishment of the Cash and Carry system Monday, Wednesday and eatar in Prince Rupert by ourselves has been justified. The days. ii:30ajn. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH Wlf: -Hot It Cokl water Steam lit 75c. PER DAY AMI IT J. ZarelU Trlrphonc tSI ROYAL Prank Lockwood and R M Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leadlnn f" lly hotel. Hot and cold w in all rooms. A. 3. PRUDIIOMME. Trop. Cor. of Fraser and Fif-! SAVOY WlUlam II. Hansen. Jap 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy will call and collect Daily Hews Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns