FAGS rObfo. TO MATCH DEMPSEY? Former FIVE CLUB, PUCK LOOP blZsUSIIfaUVtllBinaGwsrii Vick's Benefit Dance and Concert Don't Miss It! Friday, 9 p.m. EAGLE'S HALL Sis Big Vaudeville Acts Between Dances Vic will sing "The Rag Time Porter's Blues" and ' The Rheumatism." sc-oomoanted by Joe Arseneau and his $460 banjo. ' Other snappy numbers by such well luvawn artists at Harry Astoria and Joe Arseneau Sketch Bill Howe and Harry Smith The Smallpox Twins In Hawaiian Guitar Duet Bud Baldwin King of the Lumberjack Baritones Sam Joy famous butk snd wing dancer ana others. It will be a great shew a little differentso eome and get your raoneyVi worth. Tickets on sale at QroUo Cigar Store, Empress Social Club and the Royal Hotel. Charles Halagno's Augmented Orchestra Doors Open 9 p.m. Admission 50c SPORT CHAT The distinction of being tbe only ' Jack is about to start on an- bis directorate. His selection was other barnstorming tour watch :ad to have been unanimous. The tl Uke him to Illinois. Iowa. 1 deposing of Robinson, portly boas Nebraska and Texas. BADMINTON ' COMMENCES tint United Church Elected Of filers and Stalled Play i Last Evening Duncan MUler was mat night, dieted pratident of the Pint Un-i Red Church Badminton Club. Mii! Raby Lleweuen is secretary-treas- j urer and the executive constats of Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson and Rev. A. Wfeaon Play also starsd last GROVE IS SELECTED Philadelphia Athletic Named Most Valuable American League Player j NEW YORK, Oct 23 -Robert ! Moses (Lefty) Grove, star south-' paw hurler of the Philadelphia : Athletics, has been voted the I most valuable player in the Ameriean League far -the MM seaion by a committee of newspaper sports vaMers. Grove was the choke by a wide margin, be- Edmonton and Calgary Promoter' inr awarded f out of a postiblc Decide to Join Pacific Coast M points. Hockey League ! Lou Gehrig, New York Yan- j kees. with 58 points, was second VANCOUVER. Oct 39. Calsaiy j choice and Al Simmons. Ath- and Edmonton promoters having' lettcs, third with SI points, decided to join the loop a ftve-J Some time ago Frank Friseh of team circuit in the Pacific Coast! the St. Louis Cardinals was Hockey League during the coming , selected mot valuable player in winter was assured yesterday. i the National League. Vancouver. Taroma and Portland t- - bare already taken out franehim of the once high flying Robins for seventeen years, brings to an end Ja bitter war. which has been waged for several years between Uncle Robbie and the hetrs of Chark Si- National Hockey League Opening On November 12 MONTREAL. Oct. 39. Tbe tJanal tTnrVn 1mmt wwi RISKO TO MEET MAX i,nmjmm mas .-oi lex Montreal-horn nbr in Rrttwi, Clevelandcr Matched With Rarr for Off on Another Tour Soon only Canadian, goes to James Kent-, vav. vha afljvt bat wk- for nii I Francisco Soon RENO. Oct. Retaining here Mw tK, f,mouJC nui SAV FRANCISCO. Oct. 99 T ,W"1 hnBttoe toiCeltte Club. Keneway. who ha George Putr.am. one of three owa-j the Northwest. Jack Dempsey. for-! been goal-keeper for United States ers of the San Franctaeo Seal.! mer world's heavyweight boxing team, returned to Montreal to visit . Pacific Coast Baseball League! champion,, stated that he had not his parents before leaving for Scot- team, who announced some time beard from Jimmy Johnstone, pro- land. He is recognised as one of ago that he was going into ifee! meter of Madison Square Garde the beat soccer goal-keepers on this fht business, will offer his fix! to regard to a rumored match be- continent, and has received a year s pugilistic bill with a night card! tween himself and Prime Camera contract for Celtic on Monday. November 7 featurtozj or VUtorio Campolo in New York; . Johnny Rista, f Cleveland, and' next February. j Max Carey, former Pittsburgh Max Baer. of California, in thei Dempsey made it plain, how-, centreflekl and later coach at the main ten-round event. i ever, that he had no intention of Brooklyn Robins of the National Putnam has guaranteed RtefcJ taking on any of tbe major heavy-, League, has been named manager and Baer $5 00 each for the flabt' weights of the day uata he was.t the Robins for 1932. succeeding; vlth the poss&flity of sharlnc assured that he was m the beat WUbert Robinson. Carey was named m twenty-five per cent of the gate' of physical condition. 'at a meeting of the Brooklyn Rob- if the hon u m HONORS DIVIDED bets and Steve McKeever. one of the 5,0o n Rupert East Each Wen : largest stockholders in the club. Three Badminton Events ! Carey's contract Is for one year. ' i t A badminton tournament took I place mat evening In the Rupert jaaet United Chosen ball between the Moose and Rupert East crab with the following results: 1 Men's singles-J. Murray RE) beat V. Howarth Moose 15-7. 15-7. Ladies' steles Miss Y. Terrien ' 'Ml beat Miss M Macfcay REi5-1L 15-17. 15-M. Men's doubles P. Peterson and H. HeUbrooer M beat L Motte and W. Murray RE 3-15. 15-8. 15-8. Ladies' doubles Mis M. Lawrence and Mrs. Webber M beat Mrs. Squire and Mrs. McLean IRE) 18-15. 7-15. 15-7. J Mixed doubles Miss Beale and E. Popoek RE beat Miss Wright and A. O. Franks. 15-11, 15-11. Mixed doubles Miss Maefie and J.MeOhuhan 'RE beat Mrs. Rateh-ford ' and Roy Franks. M 15-6, 15-3. After the games refreshments: were served. TEAMS ARE ARRANGED Ladies' Quintettes For This W inter's Basketball Lined Us at MeeUng Held Last Mint OraannmuVm of a Ladies' League lor the coming winter's basketball season was effected at a meeting! last night of the executive of the jrm. Prince Rupert Basketball Assoc la-! wjn won wisn ue prospective gtri play at TnlA rwrnlt lluilrl .H " vemma pcuie New York. ' numbered since names have not yet j Famous Horse Being Retired New York BINOIIAMPTON. N.Y, Oct. 29. ! ; oeen eaoseu tor ine inree aggrega- i itlons: ; Team Nor 1 Sue Boddie, Phyllis lUrrey. En yd Morris. Dorothy Pril-cnard. Connie Morgan, Ruby Kri-kevsky. Rose Race. Team No. I Lillian Lowe. Cathie V mIm DAU Blu. a w Sun Beau Leaving Race Track. It!"7f? 'iir'T' Y ,,ean Is Announced Announced at at Blnthatnpton. Blnthatnpton, i . ""r?cn . acsim ns. j taw bteen. juna ko-berts, Joyce Edgecumbe, M. Feero, Beverly Jack. Pat Owyer, Edith Con- nery. $100,000 wvtnnn i In race track prise money.,- rr IjM,M mim win thr compete ,,h. m me win'nouSeS IXSt M e Junior, was announced yesterday. ..... . MmM thM .mm W'bafs one min's beauty be another man's wife. Isiv w v vviasw iiatui aaiaui i been ahnounced. ma?, It is planned to start the season i either at the end of next week or I the first of the following week. Many a grass widow Is a girl I who married to suit her family. Honesty is the best poHey unless you are fighting to keep out of jail. Radio hat made it possible for us to dMikt people we have never seen. Nice people are those who can have a good Ume without the aid of aspirin. Same folks Judge other tollU by the number of empty fruit cans In the alley. By the time a man has sense enough not to be ashamed of thi BENNY IS KEPT OUT Former Wot Id's Lightweight Denied License to He-Enter Puiilittlc Ring NEW YORK Oct. 29The State Boxing Commission has denied a Ucrnse to Benny Leonard, former worH's hfavrrflaht -:hinplen. who has been desiring to re-enter the rlijs as a yvlterwdtghL The Boxing Commission gave as Its reason for dtnvtns; the license old folks he has children who are that it doubted Leonard's ability fjaiUli3irsiiji.airjiJirVirrallhmed ot him. lo stage a comeback. rax CaHY s-ptva fxamine V4o The Letter Box RELIEF WORK Editor, Dally News: le y standing Radio has. Automatic Volume-Control 10 Tubes (Indvdky 3 Super Gonfroh and 2 Pentodes) DoubIy-5fiielded ChaSSiS (Exclusive) tl97 1 Complete nitb Tubes Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio V Double Siem yjBasssT THawa1""1 jiff KITIMAAT INDUCTION In reference to relief work In this I city: I saw in last night's paper that The Induction of Rv. Wm. Bur- ; they were cuttin down the work to 100 tat0 the PMtoral charge of KK1- 18 days. I cannot see )hat this Is any m11 uniisa inurch took place re-rellef for men with families. There ce"tly. The inconvenience of reach-are some cases In this city it would mg KlUmaat made it necessary to not allow then six dollars a month haTe the frtce on Sunday dartn i each. How does a council expect men the rm ol TTbomas Croiby" to live on that? Do they mean the na cusTomary induction pro-children are to starve when other Krwn hd be somewhat curtailed : men with no dependents nor house by reMon 01 toe ttt that only two rent to pay are allotted the same? rnerabn' the Presbytery were i They seem to be the men that get aW to present. Nevertheless the the Job with the most money In It. lne nm or tie kind held In , I hope when the inspector arrives inat district, was one of much in- in Prince Rupert he will look into UrMt and PHt to the eongrega- these better than our eouncU. and Uon mb,e1 give fair play and that he will strike Following a brief baptismal ser- off those who haye been put on by vlce by Mr. Burton, the Rev. W. II. Influence of strawbosses and fore- olbaot Bel) Bella, chairman of man. MOSES BROWN Today's Weather me presbytery, presided, preaching i from the words of Paul Jn Aeta 15: 1 20. The usual questions having been suomiuea and answered. Mr. Olbson in the name of the Presbytery, for-; mally inducted Mr. Burton into the! nastnral rlum nt i OVER -ALL yng Bauble ihwUiog i s real sdvince ia n ira dctira. You tee r ... each ran tepsHtely iHtUci, -tth tbe ensue cfeasib JtkUj frHtcuJ by an over-all shkU. You bear the viu improvement due k brings S3 ftr fonnancc ... a ajooauous fWw of isuuc, unJufuibcJ by nokc con-fbcong wub die broadou. Crmhined win dV pctttati muhudc vfttumc-coeirol aad aJvancrd Sucr-liesec9dyac cifcwc of Vksor RsdiH R IO and R-21. double ihiriitiae emum s ousiitf of nAa cojerment hKbem unVncmn. It incfesftts the power s sepance stadens sharffy ... it brinrt many new sisooot within easy rcceraae taage . . . and it reproduce all broadCaMi wkh the pet feet nuMcal ausluy of Vnot tone, unimpaired by back-pound noise. Vacsor Radio R-20 b a llvtsbe 5upt'Hcterodrne. ro fciwodct ' sad dkree tuprr-coacroi rsfcet ... an oaaundrng value at SI 97 50 Your NTctor dealer abo has a cesspktr ranrc of Vom Supef-HttenxlfDts from J89.50 so J219.VO ail pfkw complete ith tsbe VKTOt TALKING MACMINI COMPANTOV CANADA lIMITIO-MOWrilAl -MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO- McRae Bros. Ltd. WHEAT PRICE TAKES JUMP AGAIN TODAY VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: - Wheat showed further strength on the lo- ; it?.- . , w , cai venange today. Jumping to i lr ?.!.' Pai- 64V bUntlal gain over yes- . " a ."inc iiue teruay. ' s l Larigara Island-Strong south whlcn ' Capt 0ilv fldd m wlndovercast; choppy. .J sea of th. i Dead Tree Point-Cloudy, fresh Not Notth..i the least helpful r .V" southeast wind; barometer, 29.81; temperature, 51; heavy swelL Whist Schedule October 29 IFsh Packers vi. Musketeers. Moose vs. Seal Cove. Sons of Norway vs. Legion. Old Empress Hotel vs. Orotto. SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is the scale contributions TO LXTR T0 CLASSIFY to the whole service was the singing 4 of charges made for read Ins ' notices: Marriage ar.d Engagement Hnnouncrmenu 32. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, fl Funeral Flowers 10c per iisms. of CharUe Scott, brother of Capt.,roR RENT One or two bedrooms ,., . . j.j " i me wuouy, Doin widely wuaoui board Phnn .ilX.lJ.?h?.!.ta!w for thlr successful marine' Mack 291 or caU 244 fifth AZ ' IUk aS (233) f ' of .his Greatest V C T O K tan aslar ms TVf INDIVIDUAL SHIELDING ffgS. RADIO SMIELDINGVl Completely Enclosing tht Chassis ssr ani w m i a n -r a w The extra shielding eliminates interference and background noise . . . empliasizing further the beauty of the famous Victor tone. . w , mm MODEL R-21 OffMM SsjuT-Mfttiucfrs? iiiiwi 4rm if ikrt fainjfcl naw . " f219" ICTOR RADIO Records MIS CRIBBAGE a. m. Orthophonic Victrolas and SCHEDULE November Seal Cove vs Eago 8wiffs vs. Mu-ket' Elks vs. Orotto Prince Rupert Hat- : KnlghU of Columbu- Nove mber Orotto vs. Moose Musketeers vs. & : 1 swurs T. I. o O Y Elks vs Prince R" ; ; Eagles v. Kniy.ii' November I Moose vs. Elks I. O. O. P. vs En'' - Orotto vs. swift s Prince Rupert H"1'1 K. C.'s vs. Seal Com-November Swifts vs. Seal Cov Elks vs. Musketeet I. O. O. F. vs M 1 Eagles vs. Prin Orotto vs. Knlglt November lO Seal Cove vs. Elks Musketeers vs. tes Moose vs. 8wlft Orotto vs. I. O o F K. C.'S VS PrllM-e KiiH v Mot Hotel ,.:urobat Miisketee' !. ( (1111111"- ...1.1 rt Jit"1- December 1 Swift's vs. Prinf R"i"rl " Musketeers vs Orott" Moose vs. Seal Eaglet vs Elk I. O. O. F. vs K 1