Lursday, October 29, 1931 The largest sale in North America KM 'Fresh from the gardens' Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Casli & Carry Stores WEEK-END Candy Special English Toffee, G-oz. bags, 20c Ormes ltd. yi Pioneer Druqcists THE ItEXALL STOKE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Family Shoe Store Box 15I As-J: -Webber, Mgr. For Your "Hallowe'en Party" AND OTHER WEAK in all the newest shades. Priced from Phone 3577 T1 i beautiful Pump as shown, in Mack Satin-finish Kid, Mack Brocaded Satin ana White Brocade with silver piping. They are here jugt ahead Q H tZfl of t.lio season. Priced at J i JV N 1 arriveda new shipment of "Kayser" Hosiery $1.00 Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Dr. M aguire wishes to announce to his friends and patients the opening of the new office In Rooms 7 8 and 9, Smith Block Telephone 525 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Tk Blfamrrt tmr rrlnc Kuprrt I r Vinroutrr.1 IJ" r.T.U, EVF.RY Tl'KHD.W, 1JO P.M. via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. I'AKUKVA F.Vr.KY FRIDAY M1IIMUIIT i ..H.rrWlU' JVneouw Bundtj midnight approi. uuing! to Port Bimpnon. Alle. Arm. Anyo. Stewart tn4 N W iliiU. Sunday, a -00 pm. rniir"!;!?.10" uinn and tirk-u at - mmm 1 mtT AKN V: Hvr nn.l .Urniif. I'hone W Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this, morning to be on time. A charge of vagrancy was laid In the police court this morning aga inst Paddy Boyle and the case was adjourned for eight days. Concert Mooseheart Day Cele bration In the Moose Hall at 9 p.m. Sunday, November 1. Everybody welcome. (253) Joe Kranjcevlch, who arrived on Tuesday from Anyox, where he has been In the employ of the Qranby Co., left bn yesterday's train for Noranda, Quebec. Classes fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Rev. W. D. Orant Holllngworth of First Presbyterian Church, wa the speaker at the regular weekly uncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro- ary Club at the Commodore Cafe oday. President O. H. Munro was tn the chair. Don't miss the Hallowe'en Hard Time Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, Friday, night. Hall will be nicely decorated. Peppy music! Good eats! Useful prizes! Lots of confetti and streamers, and oh! those moonlight waltzes. ..252) Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Oakley wUl all tomorrow mgnt on the Prin cess Mary for Vancouver, where ihey plan on taking up future residence. They are well known and popular pioneer residents of the ity and their departure from Prince Rupert is much regretted amid a wide circle of friends. A. R. Holtby, who was superannuated a few months ago atte: havlng been B and B. master here for the Canadian National RaU ways for many 'years, returned to the city this week from Ottawa where he went during the summer with the Intention of residing there In future. Mn. Holtby is stUl in the East. Tew MODERN CHINA ; This Package NO one ever imagined that China like this would be placed in packages of rolled oats. Robin Hood Mills once more has broken all precedents for giving value. The New Robin Hood Rapid Oats Package with the "Red Spot" label contains the same high quality "PAN-DRIED" Oats you have always known but the Chinaware is new and different. The pattern is the fashionable, modern, square shape, with richly coloured rose decora tion and gold line edge . . . imported from a well-known English pottery. The cups and saucers, plates, porridge bowls and other pieces are Individ ually trade-marked with the name of the manufacturer . . . WEDGWOOD & CO. Start collecting a set of this lovely China for your table i . TODAY! Ask your Grocer for the Robin Hood Package with the "RED SPOT" Label gggggBr7tpggggpft Robin Hood Rapid Oats Bst Because Iti'PAN-DRIED inci yAiui wi j fAUK in rth.r. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB MEETING Cup Presented to Miss June Hankin- ' son For Piano Proficiency 1 The second regular meeting of the Ladles' Music Club was held yesterday at the home of Miss M. A. Way, Fourth Avenue West. The president, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, was in the chair An interesting feature of the meeting was the presentation of .a cup to little Miss June Ilanklnson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Ilanklnson, In recognition of her success last June in the musical examinations. The cup -is presented each year by the Ladies' Music Club for general proficiency in the Toronto Conservatory of Music examina tions. June was a pupil of Sister Ma deline, St. Joseph's Convent. 1 The presentation was made by Miss M. A. Way. j A very Instructive paper on Fin nish music was read by Miss M. A. Way, and the following very excellent program was arranged by her: , Piano solo, "Flnlandla," (Sibelius) , Mrs. E. J. Smith. j Violin solo, "Berceuse" (Jarnefeltt Miss N. Lawrence Piano solo, "Alia Gavotte" (Sibelius) Mrs. Robert Bartlett. Piano solo, "Bird Song" (Palm-gren) Miss R. Nelson. Piano solo, "Las Chassc" (Burg-muster) Miss June Ilanklnson. Violin solo, "Cradle Song" (Ner-uda) Bert Cameron. Piano solo, "Fantasia" (Mozart-Miss Marie Balagno. Piano solo, "Gypsy Rondo" (Haydn- Miss R. Lamb. lPano solo, "Fugue" (Bach) Miss E. Sturgeon. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10:30 am. From the Eist Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day 3:30 pjn. For Vancouver- Sunday 9 pm. Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday - 9 pm. Friday 11 pm. From Vancouver- Sunday ..........47pmJ neuueauajr iv.av aoji. Friday P-m. Saturday j. 10.30 am. For Stewart and Anyox I aunnay ..7 p.m Wednesday 4 pm. Saturday ..4 pm. From Stewart and Premier Sunday 8 pm. Tuesday 11:30 am. Thursday 8 pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday 7 pm From Naas River and Port Simpson j Tu'sdiy 11:30 am. I The following is from the Ten Years Ago column of the Vancouver Sun: "H. O. Perry, Liberal MX..A. for Fort George, demanded that Premier Oliver make a cleanup In his following occasioned by recent scandals." NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Ituy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for rash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Announcements vember 19. Varden Concert November 19. Recreation Club November 20. Phillipson's Bankrupt Sale YOUNG MEN'S SUITS SIZES 34 to 38 ALL ONE PRICE, $7.50 FINE PURE WOOL FANCY BLANKETS Satin Bound, 72 x 90, Regular $11.75 SPECIAL $5.50 AtinminrPiTipnl' 'ie many wno w'sn to ac advantage of our many lllllUUIILcHlllIU bargains, we will be pleased to hold any article in our MUSSALEM'S MEAT MARKET Friday & Saturday Specials Legs of Lamb per lb Lgs of Veal per lb Legs of Pork per lb Sttbulders of Pork per lb Shoulders of Veal per lb Shoulders of Lamb nr 1h L.O.B.A. bridge and whist and yeai stew nance Aieiropoie uau, pet. 29, at 8:30 pm. Price. 50c. Premier Or-' chostra. till! gin 1 ahp n..ii .1 ...1. W UWUgU U11U UltlllTOl October 30. per lb Loan Dec! Stew per lb Pork Sausage Scotch Danci- -rr-: 2 lbs Itolled Prime Ribs Mniltn rfin.a r 1ft I P' """v ...w. -v, atrloln RoatUBett quaty Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. No-' f r ,b, " , vember 5. ; slrlo,n Tips Best quality ' ! beef, per lb 28c 25c 22c 14c 15c 15c 12Ac 15c 35c 25c 25c 23c Daughters of Norway '- bazaar, No RumP Roast- IRc a"d 20C vember a. I per lb. Vel Chops-Eagles social and dance, Novfan- Per 1d ber 6. Ladles' refreshments. Ocnw rork Chops 50c. j per lb - Lamb Chops Moose Qarnlval and Dance No.' Pr lb 12 and 13.- Tickled Pork 1 I nir lh Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar;' No 25c 25c 25c 12Ac We deliver free to all parts of the city. Phones IS and 81 117 Fifth Avenue East stock on a 10 per cent deposit until November sixth. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. M L Greene, Liquidator for A. J. Phillipson's WOMAN IN TRAINING TO BECOME A SURGEON If the ambitions of Emily P Ong, of Milton, Pa., are realized she will enter a professional field seldom Invaded by a member o'. her sex. She Is a student at the Yale School of Nursing with the ultimate object of becoming a surgeon. De Jong sj Cash and Carry; Phone' Phone WEEK-END j 953 SPECIALS 953 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar, value 30c 1 lb. Fresh O round Coffee 00 ffffp value 35c. for I lb. Whole Mixed Peel, Lemon. Or-. ange, Citron, 1 lb. Cocoa- utli. QCf' nut, the 2 lbs. for Robin Hood Rapid Oats -With new Wedgewood China ware ETC ft 2pkg. MeCortntck Sodas In the pall Jj VftMl Nabob Plum Jam 4-lb. pall Toilet Paper 10 rolls for Nabob Whole Baking Beans per can Rowntree' Cocoa i-lb. tin Riedell's Honey 5-lb. Un Fairy Soap 6 cakes for Malkln's Best Jelly Powders 6 pkgs. for Watch Our Windows For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 1 Australia Orange per doi. Table Pears per dot Cooking Pears 4 lbs Cooking Apples 0 lbs Cauliflower OA ft and mJ per head Carrots and Beets per bunch 40c 35c 18c 22c 63c 25c 28c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 5c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over n tn vvtm tn rMx.usu?M mrm tmvmq Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. KUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 566 Night Calls 161 DUY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 333 3rd Ave. T. Phone CCS TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI It Y FOK SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEimiZI U MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early DrllTcr? Throughout the City Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mlnlng.Machlnrry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Progressive merchants advertlsr IS!