6UUWvi r j ' temperatuM ty R cnoppy. V01. XXII.. No. ! K g t-ss 5- to O, , FbRTHER BRITISH POLLING RETURNS Opposition Labor Party Took One-Third of Popular Vote in Election; Nine Women Elected OPPOSITION GAINS ONE i All Lady Members But One Arc Conservatives Thomas Had Tremendous Majority Future of Lloyd George Causes Speculation t r ' LONDON, Oct. 29:-Alth0Ugh the Labor uOppMjtion Thr More Seats in British General Election Are Reported since i Party was, able to win only a relatively small number of Yesterday 1 seats in the British general election on Tuesday, it is es- i timated that, in the popular vote, Labor had more than London. Oct. 29: Three more' half as many ballots as the Conservatives who took four-dings tn the British general dec- fifths of the seats. Taking into account the first 391 re- inn nn Tupsdav reriorted since ves- 4turns to be received in the election. terday. the National Liberals gaining one seat and the Independents two ns a result. National Government supporters now have 551 seats and Opposition followers. 60. The four final results from London University. Inverness and two fr'ra English universities may not be known for some days. PRESENT OF DESTROYER Commander Brodeur Hands Handsome Memento to Mayor JiKt prior to H. M. C. S. Skeena ailing for Port 8lmpson yesterday, Commander Victor O. Brodeur R. C. N, presented to Mayor Orme a large phMmaph of the "Skeena" in a liaiiiUime frame. The photograph,! win no was taken while the crack Ca-; rudian destroyer was cruising with the King and Queen of Slam and Royal party aboard, ts presented by ths Taptaln and Officers of H. M. C 8 fikeena to the residents of the Bfcvna district and. after being on exhibit for a few days, will be hung in the council chamber of the City Hull and will serve as a pleasant rounder that the warship, which, be us the name of the local river, made her first of flclal call, on being appointed to the Pacific Station, at the port of Prince Rupert. RACE TRACK BETTING IN CANADA DECREASED OTTAWA Oct 29. Qovern- mt-nt statistics reveal a mark- ed decrease in the volume of fane track betting in Canada. In 1931 an aggregate of $33,377,780 was wagered on the r iits in the Dominion as com- pared with $38,007,146 in 1930. Wants Parley Premier BenneU renews agnation for Imperial et jnomic tonierence in Ottawa. Pound Sterling and Dollar Are Both Improved NEW YORK. Oct. 29 The Canadian dollar rose another hail a cent on the local foreign exchange yesterday to close at 90 l-8c. Thj pound sterling also showed lav provement. closing at $3.90 ft. Stewart Hospital Is Being Closed Financial Situation Forces Directors to Take Drastic Step STEWART, Oct. 29: Directors of the Stewart General Hospital recently decided to close the Institution down on October 31 unlets financial assistance of a more substantial character Is forthcoming Standing of Parties After Tuesdays British Election Nationalist Government Opposition Conservatives 472 Georgian Liberals . . j Nationalist Labor . . 13 Labor wr National Liberal ... G6 Independents ...... o Mosley New Party., o Communists " Total "iil Total 00 611 out of 615 seats reported. ? . NORTI1E11N AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, figures compiled here showed that Conservatives received 6,155,467 votrs: National Laborites, 208,278; National Liberals, 935,250 votes; Opposition Laborites. 3,495.612. and oih"is 128 938 votes Later tabula tion gave the National government two-thirds of the popular vote. Rt.'iuras from three isolated Irish j sea were expected to be in late "od:iv but it may be several days before xhi results In the last four riding- to be accounted for are learned. In Stuham Harbor riding, the focal point of the whole election. Premier J Ramsay MacDqnald received 28.978 totes and hlvtictalAbr 0PBCt&Wiffibicto The third candidate, a Communist, polled 677 votes. Record Majority The remarkable victory of coalition Bovernment broke the previous record for slse of party governing majorities, the previous record majority having been 370 which the Liberals were accorded In 1903. Rt. Hon. David Lloyd-Oeorge, Lib ers! free trade leader, was given a substantial majority tn his Welsh constituency of Carnarvon District. What will be the fate of Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge Is a matter of much Interest and speculation. There Is a possibility that he may become official leader of the Opposition following the defeat of Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, the Labor lesde-r. If not this, It will In all likelihood be political oblivion for the former Premier who is now 68 years of age. Lady Astor had a majority of 10.-600 In her riding of Sutton Plymouth. Eight other women were successful In the election and all were Conservatives except Miss Me gan Lloyd-Oeorge. Georgian Liberal. Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, die hard Conservative and stormy pe-tral of British politics, piled up a big majority. He was accorded a margin of 15.000 votes over two opponents combined In Bpplng. Essex. Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas had on- of the most tremendous majorities In the whole election, piling up a lead of 27,000 In Derby seat. Twenty-five Communist candi dates were In the field but not a single one was elected. The result of the election was the. worst blow that had been dealt the Labor party since It became a factor In British politics and lead ers of the party are still virtually stupefied at the outcome. Georgia River Gold Is Active Four Thousand Shares (.natigca Hands In Vancouver Yesterday and Closing Price 3Kc VANCOUVER. Oct 29. Georgia niter Gold was one oi the thrto most active mining stocks on the Vancouver Stock Bxthange yeJ-terday. Four thousand shares rhunitt d hands during the day anJ the closing price was 3c. B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1931 Starring In English Picture Kbit isggggggVBgL jH ',K$V ggggB TlggggggggH Yes bit sinister, all right But theu Olga Lindo is playing in The Shadow Between." an EngH.-h picture, and you can t be all smiles and happy laughter In a thing like that and earn your pay. ONE PRIZE IN CANADA Prince Rupert Woman Was Onf One in Dominion to Win $50,000 in Sweep OTTAWA. Oct 29. Miss Mildred Wallace of Prince Rupert was ths only major prise winner In Canada in the particular sweepstake m nhii.h ih won a fortune of $50.003 1 on the Cambridgeshire Stakes yes-1 terday. There were three other to 000 nrlzes. one going to Youngstown. Ohio, another to West Harris. Maine, and a third tu Butler, Pennsylvania. Governor Rolph Getting Better Condition of Onlltotnla Executive Improved But He Is Still in Hospital "T SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 39. Gov- eroor James ROlph It. secontinuc i to Improve following his illness, but nMe ngd eir plight a real he will be kept in St. Francis Hos- j one A strong current had set In pltal for at least another week inij t carrying them away, and order to make certain that he do;s not develop pneumonia. ' PREMIER MacDONALD SEEING KING TODAY 4- LONDON. Oct 29. Premier J. Ramsay MaeDonald had an audience with King George to- day and presented to the monarch his tentative plans for cabinet ' organization fol- , lowing the general election. Chief Interest attaches Itself to; the appointment of Chan- ccllor of the Exchequer now lht nt Hon. Arthur Snowden has retired from publle life. N SIX LIVES IN DANGER , n Death ,u i- In Actors Narrowly Escape Making Film at Sea Oft Ports I mouth, England LONDON, Oct. 29. Six actors narrowly escaped death one night recently tn the making of a submarine film at sea off Portsmouth. They were acting In a scene show- ing the crew of a sunken submarine escaping by means of life-saving appamui. As no submarine could be "flood- ed" for the purpose the actors had i to descend under water by a rope, i I One member of the crew, Wang ' Wong, a Chinese, found himself entangled in the rope, and forgetful of his perilous position removed the mouthpiece. Water rushed into the apparatus and filled it, and Wang could not rise. Sydney Seaward, one of the act' ors, reaching down and dragged the Chinese up to the surface, but Sea- ner or $50,000 in a sweepstake yes-ward, unable to support Wang and i terday. his own weight, was himself in danger until rescued by a boat. , There were jlve actors to be "res- , cuwl.. and m, detav over tne rhi.l though all could swim they were cumbered by the weight of the life-saving apparatus. By the time the rescue boat reached the last of the five he was at the point of sinking. Wheat Prices Hold Firm in Winnipeg May Closed Yesterday at 6fic, December at CIHc and October at 62c WINNIPEO. Oct. 29. May wheat closed at. 6flo on the Winnipeg grain market yesterday. October dosed at 62c and December" at 6210. REPORT ON BAY ROUTE ! English Ship Owning Concern Not Enthusiastic About Shipping : Through Fort Churchill I OTTAWA. Oct 29-r-Ownera or two steamers which made test shipments of wheat from Fort Churchill on Hudson Bay to England this year have failed to report favorably on this (hipping ' route, it was revealed here yes terday. No serious criticism h?s been made of the route by the New-castle-on-Tyne interests which own the ships in reporting to the Department of Marine, but the efficacy of the route is questioned, particularly on the grounds of the short shipping season . The company, nevertheless, states that it is ready to do business with Fort Churchill if and when such bminess may offer. jBravery of Prince George Officer Is Being Recognized Bingham of Prince G,eorgerson of Former Chief of Police W. J. Bingham of Vancouver, has been awarded a parchment certificate by the Royal Canadian Humane Association for heroic conduct a few months ago in saving Mrs. G. F. Grosskleg of Vancouver from drowning in Burrard Inlet. Bingham plunged Into the water after he had seen Mrs. Grosskleg slip and fall from the North Van couver ferry wharf. Although fully clothed, he managed to bring her to r. supported .lintwirfjM, h there until help arrived. The accl- dent occurred late at night. Suit Against Miss Wallace Formal Proceedings Being Taken to Protect Winnings in Sweepstake An Informer's action is being brought in the Supreme-Court of British Columbia by one of the close friends of Miss Mildred Wallace to protect here against possible efforts of some other person, acting under the Criminal Code, to wrest the wtn- nlngs away from Miss Wallace, win This Is a friendly action being car- rled through on behalf of the wln- ner by Patmore & Fulton of this city, Friday, 30, High ......... 3:20 a.m. 18.1 ft. .14:55 pjn. 20.7 ft. Low . 9:00 ajn. 8.9ft. 21:55 p.m. 4.3 ft. PRICE: FIVE. CENTS TICKET IS SUSPENDED- Third Officer .Is. Held Responsible for Wreck of American Steamer Columbia LOS ANGELES, Oct. 29,-Thtrrt Officer Anthony Belluchl had hi? certificate suspended for a year by the court of Inquiry into the wreck on September 13 of the steamer Columbia on the west coast of Mexico. He was found guilty of gross negligence, which was held responsible solely for the wreck. Other officers of the Columbia were exonerated. MANY BOATS STILL OUT Fifteen Canadian Halibut Fishing Vessels Still Out on Last Trips of Season No Fish Today There was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning, no boats being in with catches. It was estimated this afternoon that there are still fifteen Canadian boats out as well as the American boats Tahoma and Wave which make this their headquarters port. The number of American boats still The fishing season will come to a close on Saturday at midnight. Premier Stock Is Fluctuating Dropped Eight Cents in Vancouver Yesterday Cut Recovered Before Close SEATTLE, Oct. 29. Premier Gold Mining Company stock was bid 55c In the local stock market yesterday and 65c was asked. VANCOUVER. Oct 29. Premier Gold dropped eight cents soon after the opening of the stock market yesterday but recovered some of the loss later in the day and closed at 57c. "NO-PARTY VICTORY" BALDWIN CALLS IT LONDON, Oct. 29: "This Is a no-party victory," declared Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin today In commenting upon the result of Tuesday's general election. It Is an emphatic declaration by the people as a whole In fa- vor of national co-operation In order to restore the fortunes of the country." Holding of Imperial Economic Conference in Canada as Soon As Possible Urged by Bennett OTTAWA, Oct. 29: Premier R. B. Bennett announced last night that the Canadian government will propose to the various governments of the Empire that the Imperial Conference, which was postponed last August, meet at Ottawa at the earliest possible date. Premier Bennett expressed the hope that former difficulties which mitigated against holding the conference in the Canadian capital had now been removed. He based this hope on the result of the British general election. 111.,-. 111 I IT Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides rrmV T V- Vv . October 1931 t ; Hi Prince R 5 C lo"ly, fresh ....tkinst w H otneier. 2992! !)( 1 J4; " i -.v 6k. mm