PAGE BIZ THE DAILY NEWS V 2 J ffwftimt Hi o)( Br GotdSeal U Th COLO SEAL U oa tbi (ict of every ttnmint Coaaoltara Kuf. It ii a guitincM el Mtiif action of money bick and your anurtocff of bcavitf quality felt but. new patterns and new lower-than-ever prices mLVCXRE (. 6J3) I la Exceptional value and exceptional be&utj now available to erery Canadian home . . not a seasonal cut but a baeie price reduction. Add to this economy the many advantages of Genuine Cold Seal Congoleum . . . long wear, brilliant colouring, the banishment of tiresome beating and sweeping. Rooms can now be made more attractive than ever at a cost well within even the smallest family income. Co to your nearest bousefurnish lugs store and see the new patterns now on display. RUG 1921 TODAY'S SIZE PRICE PKICE 9x3ft. - $4.50 - 9U.25 9xMfi. - 6.75 - 4.JI.1 9x6 ft. - 9.00 - tt.tfO 9x7Hft. - 11.25 - .10 9 x 9 ft. - 13.50 - 9.7."; 9xl0Hft. 15.75 - 11.10 9x12 ft. - 18.00 - 12.JKT Congoleum He WorUsBest Value in Home Funtisbingt CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED . MONTREAL Motorists! Prepare for Cold Weather! FREE SERVICE Every Tuesday and Friday for the balance of October we will without charge flush your radiator, inspect and tighten or replace hose connections, tighten or repack water pumps, Install or test Antl-Freeze. and fit chains. Materials will be charged at regular prices. PARKER'S GARAGE Third Avenue East PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Freel LING TIl TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Thone 619 fhone 83 COAL Buy the real Coatour famous Edson and Cassldy Welltntton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley nay, Grain and Itobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 TIMES ARE DIFFERENT Capt. Henry Edenshaw of Massett Visits Vancouver VANCOUVER. Oct. 2'J. Less than a hundred years ago the Halda Indians in their long black war canoes came down from their villages on the Queen Charlotte Islands and spread terror in the region now occupied by Vancouver. But when Henry Edenshaw, 65-year-old son of the late chief of the Haldas, came to Vancouver recently the situation was reversed. The noise and activity of the city terri fied the Indian. He was eager to return to the peace of the Queen pharlottcs. Civilizationhowever, is not a new thing to Edenshaw. For twenty-six years he has been a lay reader of the Church of England and he attended the general synod meeting in Toronto. Like many of his tribe, Mr. Eden shaw is a "white Indian." While hta face and hands arc dark, he rolled back his sleeves to show an arm as light as that or any white man. He explained that the origin of the Haldas has never been settled. but -that they are very different from any other North American In dians. Ills Father Was Hero His father, the late Chief Eden $haw, is the hero of many incidents which have come down in the history of the Pacific Coast. He is credited with being largely respon sible for establishing peace between his warlike people and the whites. Mr. Edenshaw is a quietly dressed, quietly spoken man. Dlack coat, dark grey trousers, a gold nugget as a tle-pln, and another as a watch fob, because he likes "natural things best." It is hard to realize he Is Just one generation removed from Indian warfare and bloodshed. His mission work has included assisting in the translation of three of the books of the Bible into the Iaida language. Conditions among his people aren't so good as they have been, but they'll manage, he says. 'They can get all the fish and game and wood they need free and pay no taxes." A total of 548 girls, the majority between the ages of 12 and L5, were dropped from the rolls ot New York public schools durhur the last academic year because of marriage, one bride was 12. three were 13, 48 were 14 and 133 were 15 Week-End Specials Swift's Cottage Style Bone- OOp less Ham, per lb UUK Orchard City Tomatoes A 2's. per tin Comet Brand Peas Size 4 "f Ap per tin Quaker Green Beans 2's A fin 3 tins Orchard City Peaches 2's Qq Malkin's Best AprieoU 2's iP 2 tins 101 Malkin's Best Loganberries ICZn -xuu 2's. 2 tins Malkin's Best Asparagus 8E!p Tips, 2 tins 101 Eggs Fresh Seconds QQ Sunnybrook Creamery But- QA ter. 3-lb. brick uuv Ontario Finest Choese QCs per lb Roman Meal Famous 9 fi - breakfast food, per pkg out Pride of Canada Maple QPp 8unklst Orange . QCf 5 doz wDC Swift's Classic Cleanser OEZf 3 tins EXTRA SrtCIAL 3 cakes Palmollvc Soap and 1 pkg. Palmollve Beads for washing fine fabric, value 40c. 25C Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 Comfortable Rooms New Low Winter Kates $9.00 Per Week $30.00 Per Month and up bacon, per lb. Jplu Peas 4 lot oinali White Beans 4 It Oried Green Peas 4 lbs urosvenor 'tfiej'rhndltj Hotel VANCOUVER. B.C., ENGLISH WOMEN TAKING UP PROFESSIONAL LINES Titled women of England hav now abandoned their tradition? life of leisure and are rapidly be coming an efflcleijt and wlUln;; group of business and profession.-!' leaders. Not only have society women and girls taken Jobs a -aleawomen. Journalists and sho proprietors, but they have comi lo take an interest in a carec of work. OPENING SPECIALS Save While You Spend We now offer ) ou the combined service of our' Three Stores. You will find it easy to shop with us as ail commodities' 'are plainly marked. Advertising- spare does not allow us to list all ourl prices but we offer a few sUfftsUve buys: Cottage Koll Appetising it . - - - itoyai ttrea&i&l lUcon Macnine sliced, per lb Dry Salt Hone per lb Swifts Economy Square Royal City White Corn - 2 2-lb. tins Royal City White Corn per 11-c. tin Norwegian Sardines Equal to King Oscar, per tin Beekist Honey Sfjro wtih roiu. per 5-lb. tin Skimmed MUk Cheese Eoual to Kraft &4 9- per 5-lb. box t?XfJ Palmollve Soap Deal 3 cakes Palm- ouve :joap. l pkg. palm- OCp olive Soap Beads. 40c valuc"' P. & O. White Nantha Roan CI " 8 cakes for &u Waxed Lunch Paper 40 sheets Qn to roll rvr roll Malkin's Best Tea 2 1-lb. pkU Malkin's Best Coffee 2 1-lb. Una Ensign Crab Meat per Vfe-lb. tin Oranges Nice and Juicy 5 doz 18c 25c 20c 20c 25c 25c 25c 25c 9c 10c 68c 85c 85c 23c 95c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" We Solicit Mall Orders, and Give Personal Attention to Packing and Shipping No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. rhone IS-St No. 3 Store, 319 Third Ave. Phone 360 No. 3 Store 727 Third Av-riione 375 P. O. Box 575 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 29, 1911 J. S. Cowper, editor of the Dally News, and his brother, H. S. Cowper of the steamer Prince George made the trip around Kalen Island today In a four-oared skiff. Owing to a heavy blast at Mile 44 having blocked the track, there will be no train out of Prince Rupert for a week. The Jewelry business which has been conducted under the name fo C. B. Wark it Co. is to continue under the name of W. Wark it Son, it is announced. MANY WOMEN EMPLOYED BY SOVIET GOVERNMENT Today in factories, in fields, in all forms of industrial and agricultural work In Russia, nearly 3,000.000 women are laboring sidr by side with men, receiving the same pay and the same priveleges for the same work. When approaching motherhood factory and agricultural workers are allowed four months cessation from work with full pay. Office workers are alven three months. Seasonable Suggestions In Quality Foods Mcintosh Red Apples Cee Orade. wrapped, large rosy apples 581.55 5Ibs23c Jonathon Apples Orchard run, sure to please. perQ1 AC 5 OQn VX.IW lb5. Hallowe'en Candy Kisses. Beans, Jellies per lb Popping Corn 2 lbs. eanuU Freth Roasted 2 lbs Filbert New crop 2 lbs Brazils Large per lb. - Welnera per lb Ayrshire Bacon Mild cure per lb AUV , Jelly 35c 25c 25c 45c 20c 20c 23c Seeklet Honey New crop Just re ceived. 2a-tb. tin 5-lb. tin Malkin's Best Coffee 1-lb. tin 5-lb. tin 6 bars Eagle Lobster per Vlb. tin 37c 70c 42c $2.00 Holland Herring New Q4 If? shipment, per 10-lb. kuV-- 3ed Arrow Sodas Family packages, per pkg Peanut Butter Fresh it Tasty, 2 lbs Fairy Soap "It Floats" 17c 25c 25c 30c SPECIAL PRICES ON KOYAL CITY .CANNED FOODS Royal City Baby Beets No. 2 tins, per tin Royal City Choice White Corn, 2's. 2 tins Royal City Choice White Corn, l's. 3 tins Royal City Fancy Peas Sieve 3. per tin Royal City Kraut No. 2ys -t rn per tin lOk, Royal City Bartlett Pears- Qn 2's. per tin luC Royal City Apricots 2's A On 2 tins TtOO Royal City Halved Peaches- iOn 2's. 2 tins 10 L Royal City Royal Anno Cherries. 2's. nor tin 20c 25c 25c 15c 20c Royal City Pumpkin 2's l-in per tin lit The Quality of These Foods Ii Well Known. Lay In a Supply at These Prices. Watts' Grocery PHONE SS ' PHONE 66 THE REST TOR LESS i Presbyterian Young People's Hallowe'en Social Is Enjoyable The regular meeting of the Presbyterian Young People's Society was held Tuesday evening in th Church hall which was tastefully decorated in Hallowe'en colors Forty-one members were present with President E. J. Smith in the chair. Miss Caroline Mitchell wan the speaker for the evening and gave a very Interesting address on her recent trip to the Orient. Hallowe'en games In charge of Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth were played for the balance of the evening, Bishop Thurber winning the prize for the treasure hunt. The meeting closed about eleven o'clock, with refreshments, which Included the customary Hallowe'en apples and peanuts. The committee in charge of the program consisted ot Miss Eileen Osborne. Miss Helen Walker. MIsj Sheila Stuart and Jock Redpath. DR0NCHITIS rl At twdtimt Mb tha throat and cheat thoroufhly with WICKS VapoRub CW 1 1 MillUm Jmr, tW W ThursdarQctoberMl !J1 Wednesday & Thursdat TWO SHOWS - 7 4 , .J Feature Starts at 7 43 THURSDAY MATINEE it I S Feature Starts 3 15 15C & J neaica onove and honor- j.' plotted the stnnge revet; ever conceived, John Gilbert -In- The Phantom of Paris With LEILA HY..M i, STONE and O !;. : r . A Thrillint Mysttry Drum Comedy, Wheeler and Woolsn In "QW. OH! CLEOPATRA? Scenic "In the Desm Cartoon "Jan Mat" Fox News Friday and Saturday "Huckleberry Finn PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their cu;-lon:en like to buy goods of the best' quality. Thoy arc a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupdrt people not a: the Daily News regularly we suggest that h -( ar? making a mistake in not taking the best. The pnr is now so low that it is a mistake to do without paper that circulates throughout the district Call up the Daily News business office and tv that the boy call and collect 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoui "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill PKINCE KUPKUT, IJ.C. Hard Time Prices For Casli No. 1 Alberta Lump . $12$ No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.59 Pembina Peerless Lumo $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11. HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE