.....v October 29. 1931 UK nr.. Oil I'll THE DAILT NEW3 PAGE FTV3 g Daify JVeios "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS rent, lor sale and all other small advertisements In this For section charged at the rate of 2 cents , word per Insertion with six Insertions tit the price ef lour. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than SOc. FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat Phone 547. tf f:vr-room apartmenti M issallem Orocery. (tf) , i Five-room cottage; Kixth Ave. East. Phone 254 Furnished apartments t k or month. 725 Third ,t. Phone Red 607. tf I Clean well-furnished ;w-room suite. Palmer : t Phone 444. (tf) FOR SALE j i . Roll top desk cheap D K k 620. (554) ME Good used cars at pines. Kalen Motors Ltd. tf T Three-piece mahogany m'r Kood condition; oak i i also oak rocking chair. "liable. Phone Red 218. tf buds, green anil blue, a: pt-u. Beautiful antique nnolu cabinet (Louis wth Pletradura panel, n tive theatre or Jewel-I'Uv; splendid walnut m suite, beautifully up-in English mohair, - -pring cushions, blue s.e Chronicles of Can-lumes, new-i Encyelopae C cuiiica Including Thlr-; it ion; collection Oriental it Italian swords, knives s: 2 high class shot in Qow & Sons, Dundee, Muugh duck gun, full ' k and goose calls; two Hudson's Day blankets, I old design sllverplate i on card and conjur-t (U after 2 p.m. Room Block. Silversides Bros. - PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Ql KEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES REST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices! f -v jwr M 13.75 X ner M 3.25 '; - pfr M 1.75 RorjEinoN & simpson MassctL nn A('nt llvde Irarnfer. Phone SXO HOB'S ITANDY SHOP " pairs. General repairs. v, i i,iW cleaning, etc. ROBERTSON & ROBERTSON I Sixth Avenue West Phone Blue 937 Typewriters for Rent by day. week or month Kose, CowaR & Latia Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. iatu Teacher of Miss Way ' tier of Piano, Theory, 'iurtnony. Counterpoint. Telephone: Red 390 (TOOMHS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs AI1 makes of radio work guaranteed. J"nel lllue 901 508 4th Av. E. LOST LOST Amber ear-ring on Fourth Avenue West. Wednesday Finder phone 488. i253t WANTED TO TRADE WANTED to TRADE Wicker baby buggy for wicker go-cart. Phono Red 588. (252) HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 129. Phone Red if BOARD and ROOM One or two bedrooms with or without board Phone Blue 291 or call 244 Flftn Avenue West. (253) SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes repaired. Second Avenue West, if OVERSHOES, Oumboots resoled and leaks repaired. T. Balllngei, Third Avenue., 0-29 SHOE REPAIRS Best materials- finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Of ftce. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sfU or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma chlnety, etc. Oeneral repairs crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Jurt phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer. Federal Block W SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on oi under the water wr do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuUv EaulDPed for Diving and General Salvage Work Igents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boat and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers iand and Gravel In any quanUty delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1561 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Glenn and R. Vlereck T. k R. TRANSFER Phone Green 609 Reasonable price Orders Promptly Attended In an effort to help solve the surplus cotton problem. 50 members of the Housewlve's League of n..i, roiir have aereca wi HOUSE DECORATING J. P. MOLLER, Phone Red 802. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Oraduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 241 Black 2X3 CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spinal column. T. W. HOLLAND TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 tor t Iteew to propfet for eoal and. pttromim. om ana unaer uw lotmr-!n Krrttorl land. Commencing at i peat planted at the Northveat eornrr oi eeetton 4 . Tp 8: tbenee South sn etalm. thenot Eaat SO chain, thence North SO chain, thexrae Weat 80 chain to oatnt ct crnunenoeraent aad oon- TnTt S40 acre more or lea. Located 17th Oct . 131 C D. EMMONS. SKFK.N A !.AM DISTRICT IHSTIUCT OK JI KKN rilAKI.OTTE IM.AM1S TAKE NOTICE Uiat L Robert M. Metmt. of Portland. Oregon. Intend to apply fur a lleenae to prenpect for coal and petnXrum. over and under the fol-lowing deocrtbed land. Commencing t a 'paS planted at the Nortneaat corner of Section 5. Tp. 9: tnenee South SO chain, thence Weat 80 chain, thence Nertb 80 chain, thence Eaat 80 chain, to point of oonuneaoement and contain-lag 840 acre more or lea. Located 17th Oct . 1S31. ROBERT M. MOUNT. By C. D. Emmotn, Agent. SKF.HN l-tt KHTRIfT MSTRirT Of IJU:EX rilAULOTTE I5UNn TAKE NOTICE that I, C. D. Emmon.'. of Portland. Oregon. Intend to apply for a lleenae to wwet for coat aui petfoleum. over and tinder the following deaerlbed land. Commencing at post piented at tne eoutneaat corner of 6wtlon 8, Tp- D: thence North 8) ehaln. thenee Weat 80 ohalna, thenet Sotith 80 chain, thence Eaat 80 chains to putnt of oommenrement anl con taifilfig (40 acre more or lew. located 17th Oct- 1931. C. D. EMMONS. hKr.l.M LA Ml IIIHTRK'T niSTIUCT or h:kn i iiari.httk islands TAKE NOTICE that t. C. D. Emmotn of Portland, Oregon, Intend to applj tor a lloenae to prcepect for coal ami petroleum, over and under the following described land. Oommenclng at a poet planted at the Southwest comer cf Section 8. Tp 0: thence North 80 ohalna, thence Eaat 80 chain, thenet South 80 chain, thence Weat 80 chains to point of commeocement and con stockings ...t.nci Instead insieaa of talnlng MO acre, more or wear cotton uij ,7th m, ;JJ)(i C. D. EMMONB. "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE MARKET , Market prices current today are , as follows: I Vegetables E. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs. 25 i sack $1.45 to 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs 25 j Parsley, bunch 05 'B. C. Celery, head 10 Vegetable Marrow, lb. .05 j Spinach, B. C, lb .10 Oarllc, lmported;.iPer lb .40 Brown Pickling Onions 10 White Pickling Onions, 2 lbs. .. .25 Cabbaee, green 05 Calif. Head Lettuce, head lb Victoria hothouse tomatoes basket Field Tomatoes, lb. Apples for Dry Bircn. Cedar and Jack Med,um Small box Pine. (to SK F.F.N A I.AMI DISTRICT DISTUICT OF QIEEX I'll AIU.OTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that I. C. D. Emmon. of Portland. Omboo. Intend to tapir lb. .20 .90 .10 basket .40 Oreen' Peppers, lb. 15 Red Peppers, lb 55 Egg Plant, lb. -.J. 25 B.C. Cauliflower, hd.;.... 15c. to 55 B. C. Bunch Carrots .05 Outdoor cucumbers, each 5c to .10 Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c and 20 Pumpkin, lb. .09 15 Besner Block Phone 657 n" oquasn, . v mmmmmmmmm aweei roiaioes, z ids . s Savoy Cabbage, head, 10c to.. 20 PALMISTRY Scotch Kale, lb, .. 07 Onions, 8 lbs 2j MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry Bulk Turnips, 8 lbs 2b and Crystal Reading. Federal i Carrots. 8 lbs. 25 Block. Phone Oreen 701. 'Parsnips, lb 05 Imported Spanish Onions, lb... .13 B. C. Ofavenstelns, 2 lbs 25 Mcintosh Reds, household .... box IM 4 lbs. .25 IC Grade, large box 2.C8 Fancy large box 2.45 "ottage. rolls, lb Ham, picnic, first grade Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Pprk, shoulder Pork, loin 1 -1 - Pork, dry salt ... , Pork, leg Ayrshire bacon, lb. . Veal, shoulder V .35c to 2.6 Extra Fancy, box 2.35 Frulis Valencia Oranges 25c to Lemons. California, large Cal'fornla Grapefruit ....7V'jC to Bananas, lb. .70 .60 .10 .15 California Tokay Grapes, lb. .. 25 CanteloupesT1 Oliver 10c. to .13 Fears, doz 35c to .45 Crabapple large, 4 lbs 25 box 140 Pomegranate ...10c to .13 Concord Grapes, basket - 1.00 Driea irultt Extracted honey, per Jar .,, 2i Comb honey ,,. 35 Jatfct. bulk, lb 12 H 'emon and Orange Peel 25 Hack cooking figs, lb. .15 Currants, lb. .13 Citron Peel JO AThite figs, lb pples, dried caches, peeled prlcpts. lb. Prunes, 60-70, lb. r.. Prunes 30-40. lb .' .15 2G 2Q 20 it Prunes, 40-50. lb. .12V4 Meats ?owl. No. 1. lb Ji) Toasting Chicken, ib 40 .lam, sliced, first grade 4$ .23 25 AS .13 .28 .30 JO .50 25 Veal, loin, J5 Beef, pot roast 15c. to 2Q leef, boiling lCc to .14 Jeel, roast, prime rib...-. 20c to 2$ amb, shoulder 22 Jeef, steak .. 25c. to M Lamb, leg - .38 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 vlutton. shoulder Fish-Smoked klDuers. Ib. Salmon, fresh, lb ,- , 20 .13 25 Halibut, fresh, lb. . Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz B.C. fresh firsts, doz B.C. fresh extras, doz .... Local, new laid ..... Butter-Fancy cantoned, lb. No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. ... Alberta Creamery, lb. Flour-Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Paitry Flour, 10 lbs. 8ugar Vellow, 100 lbs. . White. 100 lbs. Lard-Pure 13c to Compound 13c to Feed- Wheat. No. 3 Alberta No. 5 Alberta , Oats : Shorts . Middlings . Barley . .j .. Laying Mash . Oyster Shell . Beef Scrap Ground Oil Cake Fine oat chops Crushed oats Fine barley chop Nuts- Almonds, shelled Valenclaa California soft shelled walnuts Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled halves Peanuts Cheese- Ontario solids Stilton, lb Rouquefort 20 J5 .37 .40 .4 JO .80 a . l.fO .50 5.10 5.63 .13 15i 175 1.50 1.C5 l.0 10 1.W 1.65 2.60 1.80 3,75 3.45 1.75 1.75 1.75 J50 25 .45 .l5 .li 25 0 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ss. Pr. George ....10 pjn. Tuesday s. Catala ...1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. S? Cardena, midnight. October 4 ss. Pr. Louise 5:30 pjn. Oct. 14 ss. Princess Louise. ...pjn. Oct. 26 ss. Princess NoraJi....pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday s. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss, Cardena pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. George .10:30 ajn. Oct. 10 ss. Prln. Louise 9 ajn. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Norah...ajn. For Naas River and Fort Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River & Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. George ....4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert pjn. For Ocean Fans ' Sunday ss. Pr. George ....10 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjc From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ...10:30 ajn. Friday- ts. Cardena . pm ss. Princess Mary 4 pj". Sat. ss. Pr. George .. .10:30 ajr. For Queen Charlottes Oct. 8 ss. Prince John......lO pjn, Oct. 22 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlottes Oct. 6 ss. Prince John ajn, Oct. 20 ss. Prince John ajn. For Alaska Oct. lOes. Prln. Louise 11 a.m. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Norah....ajn. From Alaska Oct. 4 ss. Prln. Louise 4 pjn. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live, topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of the city, or $3.00 a year to those who live outside the city, but in Northern or Central B. C. Put yourself in line for happiness and good cheer by subscribing today, if youare not already taking the paper. ; Be optimistic. Read the Daily !. - t . . . News of Prince Rupert and cheer up. Keep in touch with the district. Read all the ' advertisements. Then buy at home. Buy the home paper. Have faith in the city. Work hard and smile. That's the way ' to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the blues. Make a start at once and give the plan a good trial The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of Prince Rupert or $3.00 a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. No Choice in the Matter r- 1 nu HBU'UO, yortRy.ll I GOSH, BUT voolf AM-feecsuy?! I rtrtft ylfcpl 'f 13 "rv:'lbi ' . , UOOD lk:th, V tTPvift fu iooK HAPpy it's Hy bicthoav awythiucj STWtS vou-j LCWEf TO , GOiUQ TO rZgi upDeU itWfR HanimS A. l fjt,wj ACC OI2.DI kl(7 jTO My HOOOSCOPG MTBM KOCK1 IM 1 SmCUMOBl By Westoyer, 1 1 A Vou y KrAT L-v ' s?: .&r