| Legistatiy, Livrary GOOD EATS ® ; ~ NIE CFE Ohe Drily eis. se * HOME BAKERY 211 6th Street PRINCE RUPERT sad = OE Oe PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TU ESDAY, _ DECEMBER 23, 1919. $$$ $$ ~ — —$—————————— a Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper VOL. X. NO, 209. ae ae —— PRICE FIVE CENTS | Lloyd George Outlines New PSE IMT Three New By-laws Irish Home Rule Proposals ...'::::*% {s::.:" jtrain for the east will leave to morrow morning at 9 o'clock for | For Next Election Makes Lengthy Statement in British House of Commons. '"* °°" «"!e’* ! ‘sy=aine vas-|New Municipal Building, Morse Creek sengers. No baggage other thar Would Set Up Two Legislatures in Ireland light hand baggage will be carrier iby this train, which will connect With Council Appointed Jointly. | with another train at the other | side of the break at Khyex, run- ee (Special to The Ne . ; alia ing ( schedule ‘ ws een te corres onto WILHELM WILL STAND jv s"uowusg’ Su" 23.—Premier L loyd George outlined the Government's proposals for Ireland in a long statement in the | TRIAL BY THE ALLIES ‘yop, ‘SURER WANTS ' TO louse of Commons yesterday. Speaking with great deliberation ! 1 Bridge, Sewer Maintenance to be Approved by Electors. At last night’s council meeting three new money bylaws were put through their first and second readings. They will now go io Victoria to be inspected by the Municipal Inspector before be- ig read for the third time and finally adopted by the city council I ne asis, he said t t Gre: a ct ecept sept i and emphasi 1e said that Great Britain cannot a pl tration But Wants to @ngeee Time and | KNOW POPULATION The bylaw will come befofe the electors at the municipal election ‘nd that the people who think Britain can be forced into it have | Place and His Own Experts and not read the story of the last five years. Loud cheers greeted this declaration. ! (special by 4.7. P. Telegraphs.) Take Census Suggestion In an eloquent peroration, the premier said: “It is always the GENEVA, Dee, 22,—A dispatch Favorably. right time to do the right thing, and Great Britain can afford now, | ftom Basle states that the former a The city treasurer deems it ad- more than ever, to take the initiative. No one will suspect her German Emperor has _ finally viehite be shea a cael s it ad alia s © take a census of the of conceding from weakness. The land that by its power de- 4), but ‘ade tt th by {he | city, His proposal is that volun lies, but adds that he wants to ’ c v4 etroved the reatest ary e “e » wor : teers ¢ » census betwee . ved the greate milit ary empire in the world will not be ehoose the place and time of trial. rs take the census between the pected of quailing before a band of wretched assassins: The and desires to be defended by rid will know that we are entering upon a task prompted by “erman experts and lawyers. hours of 11 and 12 some night and {the publie be asked to stay in eae 4 : that oecasion. hat deep sense of justice which sustained this land through these asle advices say that the for- rhe t veare Gf manetare”” mer Crown Prince declares he will jnever appear if he is called b re The galleries were crowded but tt was noticeable that there " ee a court of justice. re no Nationalist members present when the Premier beg an | ; tion and it is estimated at any- where from 5,000 to 7,500. te widress, Extra precautions were taken to have guards ¢ . ’ ee gi } en to have guards at the JEFFREY STREET had usually used the figure 6,500, entrance and a careful scrutiny of those entering was exercised The knowledge of the exact pop- ier to prevent any possible Sinn Fein disturbances. WILL BE GRADED ulation might also assist in the lhe Premier characterised the attempt upon the life of Vis ———- natter of floating bonds. wot Freneh, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, as one of the most | Will be Convenience to Cormmu- It was moved by Alderman Me eowardly in the history of political crimes and said that he was | nity at Large—Eliminates Long {© anid seconded + Aidorman . ‘ Run for Vehicles. Casey, at last nightt’s council glad that the chiefs of the Catholic Church had hastened to de ee meeting, that the matter referred ounce it. rhe report of the city ¢ngineer|to the Finance Committee. Reviewing Irish affairs, Lloyd George said that there was | on the plank roadway and grading|* Tbe couneil did not seem to be m Jeffrey Street from Sixth Ave.|much in favor of taking such a to Kighth Ave. in Section 7 was/census. Ald. MeRae thought that last night adopted by the City) vhen action in eity affairs is nec- hat what the Government proposed was what it thought to be! Gowneil. The majority of th lossary the counoil can take it » treasurer says that numer- ous enquiries are always coming in to him as to the city’s popula- thing Ireland wanted more than peace, and while no possible heme for Home Rule would be universally approved, he clainved d just settlement. He admitted that plenty of mistakes |eouncil at onee saw the need of} without advice from outside. Ald. made in*the past and that on both sides there had been this connection in a part of the | Kirkpatrick pointed out that such ; city that is quickly being filled up|a census taking would probably ties and erimes. “But,” he added, ‘“‘we want that chapter and where there is a good deal of not be effective as it would not be ot to ask who is to blame, but to set matters right : d trafiie. At the present time a/ compulsory. Ihe acting mayor Briefly, the Government's proposal is to set up two parlla-| wagon or car at Seal Cove on/|thought that Treasurer Vance Ireland. One for the @atholics in the south, and the Sixth Ave. has to come half way | Would be quite safe in saying the hye or the Protestants of the north and east, with a council back to town to get to Seal Cove|ciiy population was 7500, elected from both which it is hoped will bring about the union) °" Kighth Ave., a distance of onl; meena iennneta na the whole country. The first points ot the Government's mea- jswo blocks. The new roadway bi SOME FISH BOATS. eliminate this and will thus save sures are, self government over the whole of Ireland; two legis-|time and be of general conveni- SPEND XMAS ON BANK : a res. one for Ulster and one for the rest of the country; 4/ ence, | to be appointed jointly to act as the connecting lirik, and rhe life of the new roadway wil! dihers Spend Holiday at Seattle t the outset an allowance of one million pounds sterling to each | be ten years and it will cost $7,- and Here—More Arrivals 700. It is proposed to raise this Here Soon money by general taxation and ‘ taxation powers, but the customs and excises shall remain IM-) rom the property abutting and perial and the post office to remain as at present. directly benefitted. The work ——— really comes under the genera! iege boats are reported to be vut PEACE PROCLAMATION ASEY ORES sé ms me of grading wares will on the banks but since they have come ‘up for next year's counei! been going to Seattle lately thei FREES MANY PRISONERS but the work is felt to be “ un, Movements are not definitely PO CE BOARD a necessity so the counci’ in own. It is understood that some Defaulters Under Military Service LI yt the ~— — engi ee of the larger boats are remaining ane ie propel egza course Wil . oe oo . “ sm : no Act Will be Released, But » telen Ae sek the thdeh started Seattle for Chri = ie is many as were expected, Interned Prisoners Chinese Census Again Came Up ani paid for. possible some may ea ee Not Affected. At Last Night's Council dat between now and Christmas Day egisiature for organisation purposes. Each legislature will have No fish arrived this morning for sale at today's exchange. Several = eine MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS = 0! svi ie otitay tere, wine Special via uJ. T. P. Telegrapes.) eer tae some will remain on the banks. OTTAWA, Dee, 23.1t is an- SAYS “COMMISSION SITS HELD ON JANUARY 15. au the big boats will be back Cipated that after the Peace ON INSECURE PEDESTAL” er _ion the banks by the middle of reclamation has been made pub- enn (he municipal eleetions for|January and the smaller ones will ail authorities of Canada The Police Commission, last’ ;g909 will be held in the city hall) set out in February. It is thought 1uthorized to release pris- night, sent the Chinese Census 9.0 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. January that the halibut fishing will soon ield as defaulters under the matter back to the City GCouncl’, 45° Nominations will close at 2 be good off the Queen Charlotte Military Service Aet, Thereafter, or in the words of Alderman Per-' o:ojo¢k on January 12. City Clerk | Islands and the smaller boats All prosecutions pending against ry, “passed the buck.” rhe ComM- nest A. Woods will be return- will go there. The fishing is @l offenders who have succeeded in mission did not feel that It Was i). oficer and will appoint his being done now op the northern Maining at large will be drop- a matter for the police Lo deal sssistants. banks off the Aleuts and Yakatat. ped. It is probable that the dis- with as they had plenty of other —_—_—— ame Mronchisement of such men will pusiness to occupy their atten- WAR MATERIAL SOLD At last night's council macting of the Royal Navy in February of Live last punch remaining. The tion The Council decided to a letter was read from Arthur ‘pplication of this new order does jeave the matter on the table un NEW YORK, Dec. 22.—A total Barnes making application to pur- 15 and 16, Block 32,\, cn aa ne ee ee oe ee # ing all the eastern mail, baggage, lio } . . Wt include interned prisoners. it jij the legal advice of the City 50-) . mount of $700,000,000 has been chase lots is estimated here Yhat there are jicitor had been obtained and the | .oalized by the sale of the united ‘pproximately ¢ forty thousand [immigration authorities had been) vo» materia’ belonging to the alfected by the amnesty. heard from. allies. The same was made —_—— \iderman Casey took the OP-| Great Britain, France, Belgium, \ibert & MeGaffery, Ltd., have portunity of giving the police italy and Germany. /USt received a shipment of five commission a rap and showed his : ly. hundred doors and windows—the objection to the Police Commis- FROZEN TO DEATH eRe green bersons Most and varied stock in Northern sion handing things back to the | _—n sc tf City Council. “What is the mal-| LONDON, Dee, 22.--Seven Hun home for the holidays this yea: eee ter with the police commission, | qred soldiers of Admiral Kolehok’s | 4 io o-- Des re oe 9 . » alderms in’ iano cath rese . ws ri & © Undertakers, Phone 41. any way?" queried the alderman.) ,nmy have been frozen to death resenting the niversity oO a ‘They seem to become quite); 4 hospital near Omsk. Prrrrrene lesmaal at all matters referred to ae on university students, them from the City ‘ouncil. I Special Christmas engagement this body Although we are ck THEATRE ae bers of the eity Wenthols Pha. fr connieas. Maite, 5 RO os : ens oO 5 ty I fail to see | and humsday e&thoime ‘ ee, Ste vinesday No eee HARRON aie: cilizen f this ci mission treats | tre a nber 19. First prize, Daven ARINE SEYMOUR why the Police Gomm ) Ahly “Ge verythin emanating from irl Who oan ‘ equal , breach of ethies. It is time|tables third prize, wieken rocker “he Girl Who council like this ate ob “ -althe commission was apprised of jiiciimeeats ly responsible to the 1 The Council does not)to the “0 Reel Flagg Comedy be shown : © Con in Economy” wish to show its superiority ane) on +eevccccccoccoooooooen | ‘Niilk the commission Is guilty jcury as they imagine it is, ' headquarters. t Ss > rine and Fisheries, and other of- ection 8 for $253. It was unan- yee 1th ~- * Unan~ ~ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * imousliy decided by the couneil in|{o grant the permission. Mr. Rares is a returned soldier and will build on the lots immediate- “Jimmie” Mitchell will not be Westhol think an explanation ts due fromiof Anita Stewart in “Her King- Barrie's Christmas drawing nf rte . as . : me mem-|dom of Dreams.” Matinee tomor-| Every two dollars’ worth pur- council we are} row at } o'elock, Show tomorrow|chased entitles you to a ticket a roadway from MeBride Street houses, It was unloaded the other Stayed at Home” . i @ pel ation should | the fact that.they are responsible Toys, blocks. games. dolls. we are ahe o-opert i } kd ' : electors rhey are sitting | trains, ehildren’s books, mechani- a pedestal that is not as se- leal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus’ on January 15 to be passed or otherwise by the électors. City Council Does Not Seem to The first bylaw introduced last night provides for a new municipal building on Fulton Street. Fifty thousand dollars will he raised to construct the building. The on will be raised by 30 year bonds at 6 per cent in- tenest. Alderman MeRae explain- | ed the necessity of the new build- ing. It will be used mainly to house the telephone exchange al-| though there will be plenty of} SEE WESTBOUND room for other purposes. What} the extra space will be utilized} for will be decided later. Many | TRAIN THROUGH suggestions were advanced last night as to the use of the space. | a an Better jail accommodation was a | Very Encouraging Report Received subject that was emphasised, " From Superintendent This was suggested that the heating aayuing. plant be moved from the present pbuilding to the new one and the MORE MAIL ‘QoT | ACROSS whole basement of the city hall BREAK YESTERAY MORNING be used as a jail. Ihe second bylaw provides for Such good. progress has been the constmictiqgn *of a bridge made with the driving of the new across Morse Creek connecting |trestle approaching the Khyex Sections 1 and 2, in line with/Triver bridge that it is expected Second Avenue. The bridge will the train due in here on Thurs- cost $18,000 and $12,000 must be day night will come night through. raised by the city, the additional |It is possible, however, that she 86,000 being paid by the Provin- Will be a little late in getting in, cial Government. The bridge but the fact that the road is in must be built to the satisfaction shape again for traffic will be of the city and the government as noted with satisfaction. well as the Grand Tfunk Pacific; The regular passenger service Railway. The money, it is pro-,will be resumed eastbound on posed, will be raised in 15 year Saturday morning, when the train bonds bearing 6 per cent interest, will leave for the east at 11:30 The “Sewer Maintenance By- as usual. Freight tratlic will also law’ provides for the raising of be resumed on Friday, when 810.000 to be used im the better-/trains will be despatched, carry- ment and maintenance of the ex- ing the accumulated traflic since isting sewers. Five year bonds the break. : bearing 6 per cent interest will! The piling which was carried be used. away by the floods has been ———— ‘driven again, although this has n been a difficult matter, owing to MAYOR WILL BE IN ‘the high water. The floods, how- VANCOUVER CHRISTMAS ever, are now subsiding some- what, although the rivers are still oe a ene con panehieh 2b very full. The work of replacing " the track is being rushed to have Se cate eaiaiay tue demaaten ee re Oe eee cee but i; i. undead night's train and nothing is being _— left undone by the G. T. P. to have that it has met with considerable ))., Christmas mail through at the Se f een on ssing het 7“ ‘ds earliest possible moment. and rights 0 11s port on on. c. GC. Ballantyne, Minister of Ma- j Mails Getting Through. N loday’s westbound train is re- ported on time and will come only as far as Pacific this afternoon. Tomorrow morning a stub train will be dispatched from Pacifie to the seene of the Washout if there is Mail o« busmess to warrant it. Also early tomorrow morning a jstub train will leave here and pick up anything that may be brought on the other. It may be expected “to return about 4 o'clock tomor- - row afternoon. No, 2 regular through passenger frain will leave here on Saturday morning as usual. The stub train connecting with \Sunday’s regular arrived here at \3:40 yestetday afternoon bring- ficials of the department. The mayor, it is believed, is now m his way to Vancouver where he will spend the holidays. Ue will probably not return, to Prince Rupert until the second week in cQuay A SON To LADY RAMSAY LONDON, teen. 23.—-Lady Ram- say, formerly Princess Patricia ol Connaught, gave birth to a son. Princess Pat was margied to Com- mander Alexander RK, M, Ramsay this year. ee express and a few passengers. The transfer was etfeected across **ee eee eer eee er eens the break by gasoline boat. Central Labor Council, O. B. U. meets tonight at 8 o'clock. All; Christmas Meat Here. ©. B. U. members invited. The Christmas meat situation oe. tek ae ,which was beginning to look Raymond A, Fisher, son of Mr. ‘rather biue for those intending to and Mrs. W. 8. Fisher, Fourth | have parties and dinners on Ave. E., returned from Vancouver Christmas Day was relieved last on Sunday night to spend the night when a scow bearing two holiday season with his parents, carloads of all varieties of meats ish Columbia at 4 convention of Raymond is taking up the Agri-|and fowl was brought in by the cultural Course at the University launety Narbethong. The meat is of British Columbia. ‘consigned to Geo, Frizzel!’s Man- ee. ee ket and to P. Burns and fills the he matter of the building of;full Christmas order for both io Dunsmuir Street on Fifth Ave.) side of the break and was brought was revived at last night's ecoun-jdireet to Prinee Rupert. port bed; second prize, fumed oak | ell meeting in a letter from the qumnerent secretary of the Retail Merchants’ Launch “Alice B,.” Phone 44, Association. This action was —_-—_—_—_—— killed last spring by the parties| Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf involved, Tt was resolved that the _ tetail Merchants’ Association be | Ladysmith Goal, The best. Prince ad ised of the fate of the measure. | Rupert Coat Company, Phone Phone 16.