PAGE FOUR. Skeena strike NEW CLUB IS FORMED Badminton Clob is Organ-bed Daring Week The Skeena Badminton Quo was formed during the past week with the following officers: President. H L. ShadweUL Vice-president, Sbelford Darton. Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bstnce. Executive. Mrs. Robert Bartlett C. 1. Norrington and WlUlun Carrie. Ha ring taken over that club the new dob has rented the I OX) E. hail for the season and play will com- on October 1. The official onentne win take nlaee on Saturday that no higher rate win be paid and tbnt i wort is not riawmcd at once tb? orojecx wfl be dsscori tinned and the men cat off the re lief list, says the Edmonton Joor nai. The loca' mine workers' ardon to l protest to the aoveuHuact the wages now being pair; St cents an hoar, and ask- that this be rated to M cent? at the gome rate, are so by the SPORT CHAT There is Bradnan. stood that Bradman will receiv $100 a week H. Rylance after r meeting of the Lancashire Conn: v Cricket Club at Manchester. stated ft em the East Saadavs, Tuesday day. lOSpjn. Ako the De Luxe Whiskies; Special Liqueur and Ne Plus and Than .at lna-T Extra Uftra For sal'' at Vendor s or direct f rom I njuor Control Board, moil order dept . Victoria. B.C SOFTBALL inning. Stinech, however, soon broke into the score sheet and thereafter the score was very even for the entire game. SUnech's team hmiItiv with n jtourimn tnarr. .that the caennuttee knew nothii wtnatae In the tut bah of the sent of the sapposed sageettfcms 'ha. ftfh hmtar when Nakamwto scored The Skeena Crab bad well over i Bradman should ploy for Lanea- Marshall. Stfeeeh turned u the fifty appUcations on hand but, as shire alter a aaaWytog perfeS of beat game for the winners, while it was decided at the general meet- two years in League cricket Blake pat op the best performance tog that one court eeaM not aatis-fadorify aecemmodate more ahan thirty-five members, the membership has been limited to the latter number At an executive meeting It was decided that the does of the members must be paid on or before October 5. those failing to do so would automatically lose their standing and their places be filled from the waiting list Relief Workers Go on Strike at Blairmore,AIta. EDMONTON. Sept. : Reiie! workers on a highway project Pusbarc. in the Crowsnest near Btairmore. went on strike, demanding higher pay. and the proeineJa' government has given Ha inoni , for Soiith s team. Batteries lor the Camtdfaa n the more impart- winners were SOnech and Church, ant centres of the Dominion are to znd for smith, Moxiey and Kishi-have the opportunity this fan of moto The teams: seeing a demonstration of the at stinech. Church, WeDe. Eramel-and radically different physical i MaralialL Baaaanich. H. Fisher. training system, the nrndameatal . witoon. Nakamota gymnasUca of Prof. Nleis Bakb c smith. Moxiey, Chrisowu. Me- OOenm. Denmark. It was annewn-cattery. P. Fkdier. Hanson. Blake, -ed rtcently by H. HergeL vfce- .MnrVav. Kiahimoto. ?nrol of Denmark. Prof. Bakh Umpire: R. ADen Base ampere: with a party of 35 yonng men and'.w. Smith. Reporter: P. Edgeeambe. women is now m Japan. gMnx a'scorekeeper: N. ADen. series of deaaaaatraclom of hh. The same by Japanese Owvern- .and after making first stele second. Intent and vtt retara to Desmarfc Hanson fltod oat to MarshalL Mvr- -hroagh Canada. Mr. HergH sU-:ray stngjed. Blake's sacrifice Mt ed. Prof BukJi's eollege at Otter-j scored Moxiey. while Kithtmoto io iaaart of the Dantvh Fork High; went oat on an infield fly. j School system, and the program ; SUnech's team up: Fisher wafted. (presented wfll be an indication c. Bussanieh singM and stole second. of the acboei work as Stinech stngJed. Fisher was pot oat IweD as gymaasties. as they inenideon third. Wilson's two-bagfer trinalnc names, toft danees In na- brooght home Bussanieh and Stm- and part fcylffg .eeh and MaranalKs single scored Lin adestwa to agalty exercises and Wilson. Sakamoto ftted oat to I isaaptag. The valae of Pmf Bakh': Blake. raa bees rnttwiannlhnnj Second inning. Smith's team ap: by many leading Britisi Flsner struck oat McCaffery and J x . . ' iM Um. Ml. w-ajl inunuinu, ncaw ana muwary t !. tuthorisna. .placed stefjea. lloxley broaght Tkm mrm. )ihh Mr hocc McCkiltTV whBe Hanson's the strtke . . . tMiaM r-ni.ii be" orrTi Australia, of which more than IX, Hanson cleverly stole 00 are In Victoria tmra and eempietefl tne joo by ' . eemhkt home on a bad overthrow. C X. TRACT : Smith stnek oat . Stmeeh's team m: Moxiey waft' la the meantime the road has beoo ' Tor the Eat ad Flaher niihrnim r n uTit rim TE2 DAltY fTFVTS iiUmImmm vtth tk hoU ereo a ueeauua. Third mnvac, SsitliS team ap: Etofee and KiaMrnote both stafled. Fihers two-bagfer scored Blake and Christason's saeriflre broagJit home KlsMmoto. FTaher crassed the plate on Moxleys singie and ' Haaaon fned oat. j Stlneeh'f team op: Staiech walked aad was oat oa seeentf after ,Wneon atnejed. WOsen stole second. Ckareh was walked and stole seeand. An ererbtraw to second enabled Wttsen and Chareh to eome heme. Mexfey walked Marshall. Buisanfch svngkd and stole second, both he and Ms rata B seeetag on Emm eima it's saerMice hit Fourth tonauf. Smith's team ap: Maxiey oat at fhat; Hanson filed eat to Nakamoto and Marray was pat oat at first Stinech was pitch , tog west at tMs stage of the garm . getting good sapper! , SffeneeBU team up: Nakamoto. ; Fisher and Wcwe titled bases on tmales. Sthveeh fUed out td Hansen. Wilson's single scored Naka-tsato while Flaher died on third Oa Charehlt single Write scored and) Wflson was pot oat en second. FMBi nvrmvc. SmHb's team op Smilfe struck out and Blake was Out at first. Kkhunoto singled,, levesly stole second and third and came home on Morieyl hit to bask, tytrs the score at t sS. Fl&hefwent out at first. , Sttnech s teast up: MarshaB was v-afted and stole second. Emmel-man went oat at first Sakamoto covered Mmseff with glory by hitting safely, thereby scoring Manhatt and wtordne; the game. Leagse stand tng: . Teams W Tdbey W. Vance T. Smith D.Stfoeeh C. Smith Won 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 i 2 Pet c. p. Hiekmaa. ; Aeries entin- i eer. who has been paying Ms annual risfc to the fish ladder at! NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Metropolis Springs Up at Hainbow Creek Duthis Takes Over Mortgage A modest settlement of gold seekers fe springing up at WT A C PT fCE 'Rainbow Creek, scene of British Columbia s latest gold WAvl LLUtJ Hi strike and objective of a new nh into the Oroineca l rm i i a. i . . .ti. a possibility that D. O s country, moee wno are now at ine creeR are ciuier the great Australian cti,,h- Team Defeats Smith's, u building cabin or constructing slakes and other devices . . . . . , l i rrt . V . I r cricketer, may go to Engiana k. to jt fn mjh School Lea joe ; usea in piaeer mining. pay in UOOinm lesgur circc- 'mamm renfc nrric m auan time uunj , Uie boxes and the gratel ahoveued m to be washed. The shdee boxes are paved with miles, winch are designed to eaten the gold and heavy black sand, the remainder, worthless material, being carried away with the water. A good physkal training methods at the! Smith's team op. Mley singled kme nd sboveUcng eaa prob- eapense of the ably wash six cubic yard of grave! daily. This is. of coarse, affected or Mantaja. titan this peat. Tiumg as production an oartee of gold at sixteen dollars and aasara-ing It to be prodaced from atx yards of gravel, this would give a return of about ti sS per yard. As anyone XamtBar with placer mhilna; knows, this is vnusuallgr rich and H is not expected that such rallies are likely to prevail throughout the whole densaft. K is generally rnaaddirtii that Bonerff situated groand can be worked by hydra ark ntatnods as chcupty ad etgfit eenis a cab It yard. ad araand which average ttdrty to forty cento a yard Is covaudereci etctpttOFwIly rich. So until the high i values are proven to ineneted and a aanwtw H- Mandays. Wadaeeday and Sator- .saniena hard stofle and threw oat ; irt,t throaghoat the graveb ta ec- aaya. U39boh. 'Flsber at second. Welle was oat on "amosY creea canoe oe Affatn of the DntMe Mtoea Ltd. i Tim fi Rqv- Oft Wjr (k jvrt, re kofkt wk ery craCaVx. There is now the semblance of a ; It was stated recently that be had; m rimwlr contested eame oil no there was utile more than a, nave at least been temporarily set- informed the Acerington tlub that softball at the High School yester- ! wBdernens of pine trees and araveti tied by the aetfc of J. F Ovtbie of ! be is wflling to sign a two yeaiv' F jy, DkJo SUnech's team defeatediHow is the gold panning out? I'gtUe in agreeing ta Uke over a' contract The A6rfegton club hare Carl Smith's team by the score of ; tH pretty early to answer that rf 4ofl which was atren replied that they agree to this, ami ' 10-9. Heavy hitting featured tbe!eUen. but an eneoaragteg sign ' .wl ZSZZl , ! im itin r(i-aHmn't m ihk mhuLmi with 1 is that most of those who have cone to the creditors. By taking orer tne flrmation of the eoatra-n The netting, accounted for the big score j nU Rainbow Creek this season 1 orteage pemmaHy Mr. DvtUe ft. terms of the agreement have not Smith's team drew first blood. Uox- j resnained there They are ap- protecting the interest of the' yet been published but it is under .ley crossing the plate m the first parently determined to give the rftareaoJderj from the necessity of regton a Uir test The pay consists haini to sell wuioment at the of gold which is fair! coarse and min, jt is Mr. Dothie s Intention wack sand hich assays hare shown to robmit the whole matter to the to contain Tallies to fine gold, phrt- fhareholdeTs at the next annual tnurn and iridium, bat the actual , nwvtbw vtth rlew to havin ttwts matketabatry of the test Is stm an- ( mzl, a trmB eontrsMrtton aecord- i eerUfa. rng to their rtoidmga la order to I The most popular method of uqotdate this mortgage and other operatrhg without machinery con- debt? of company. By doing , irfc of setting up several lengths of tms met would be protected tmdw ti - aTfi 1 I I tl main ' . . . . I " aeainsi ue nme wnen ine mauaa; iboat 12 to 18 inches in width and business wlO have come back saf-M to 12 feet in length, and having ndentry to warrant the operatiec drferted a suffV-ieni stream of water i of property. irom me erect oy means oi oncnes or fraaeavthe water ia ran through i D. C McKedhnie. field erigmeer for the Consolidated Mining ti SmeiUnf Co . has been In the Smithers distrirt darteg the past week, being aceornpaxiied by H. Brertztns. one of the owners of the Debenture group in the Babtaes. writer, peoperty Mr MeKKhnie mane eendttfcms. even nvafe thfnam According to ' ,uus weet, wn, mere wnc in the near future aord reeerved here as iiMMrfWlliua beina sometimea an vhhiv tamortMt farter . ih - that the stiver Cap nme at Haief- more defteite deterrent to saOsfae- 100 taMy reopen before very long. tore wwrkk tn the Rainbow Ct Tnere ts nocrung o Bear this stete- 'meat oat apart from an enqatry made in regard to equipment at the mine, the response to which was that no consideration coald be gives t3 proposals made, the grounds being given that there was the poatt-Mttry char (fee wupeity wookf open M. T. Waft who wfll be rem em-1 be red by many m cm of the promote" of the Skeena Mining and' Milling Company, was in Smithers this week A one of the principals j of the Skeena company. Mr Watt j jrouant m a eofwrntrating plant for opera don oa a Hudson Bay property I m ltt. but after the equipment bad ! been rtrewa ail along Use route ap the iuil the eateraeise was abah-deoed. and from thai point much atiaatton of an lrrtefestina nature took place. Scotland WHISKY HIGHEST POSSIBLE! HUDSON'S BAY RUM EftFiMfviSUBU HUDSON'S BAY t i ; BEST PROCURABLE SCOTCH Mi i javaaaaa .aaafMsHaaTA ananaaaa jgaiuo.fc-j gagagfBW SPiW U aaVlgavsBBBBT I lnte u cot P" w Catahii by Uu Uquoi was a passenter aboard the ThU advertisement ts not pubUshed or displayed by the Liquor (his morning returning to Van Control Board or by the Covernment Control Board or by tii Government of British Colombia (tourer. i of British Columbia. DEPENDABLE as "OLD FAITHFUL" Si. Wtmtma rtrvn b 2 TiSmlmnA y au. tarvwv car arasa aiBBi ai w a aiari ' Mar MS Km ISH(tlM4aM. itovSm tut- mt mmr MMn. i, J The cJorkllke reen--i Uritj of Old Faithful it not more depend-I able titan tne uararT-4s- ing flavor and rtrength Of White Seat Iter f. VHtnte Seal is making firm friends among tboe who are dad to fijKl at latt a Leer wfajcti never varies in quality and which gives tbesi the same enjoyment in fine flarer and invigorating ftrengtli wherrreT and wbeperer tbej buy it Like a faithful friend. White Seal lleer is "Always the same." White Secii Tbe Xwrl Brrwing ( a;-jmBj This adrertitmentb net pubStked r display ed by the ljuer CorUrtJ Board or by the Grernment of British CottunU. I uaaaTablviBaaBBaBaBaBTuSaaa i oaesaiigftr rsaaEBaBaaKKBaaBBSi Doctor orders Guinness for business men "Another type of case which benefits by Guinness is the tired and worried business man I usually prescribe a bottle at mid day and another at bedtime It is nourishing, improves the appetite, and definitely improves the insomnia." M.B., B.Sc This letter, printed by special permission, it one ef thousands recently received from the Medical Profession emphasizing the tttfue of Guinness. 'CUINNESS IS GOOD FOR YOU' Guluntu sUmU netxr it serrrJ COLD. s2 aajgj Q.r c -m gaaa ThU advertisement iv pobiuyni 0 duiplu.ved t tne Contro; Board or by the Oovernment of British Columbia If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office