Tuesday, December 25, 1919 Page 3 THE DAILY NEWS ; ee 2 HER GASE SEEMED THREESLATED s HOPELESS F0 But “Fruit-a-tives” Brought COMING YEAR Health and Strength |W. H. montgémery, s. m. Newton and Mayor McClymont 29 St. Ross St., Monrrean. Will Run. “T am writing you to tell you that ” lowe my life to“ Fruit-a-tives”, This MUCH SPECULATION IN OTHER BRANCHES me me when I had a given up hope of ever being well. I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia—had suffered for years; and nothing I took did me any good, I read about ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’ and tried them. After taking a few boxes, of this wonderful medicine made from fruil juices, 1 am now entirely well” Madame ROSINA FOISIZ, 5Oe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, At all dealers or send postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. SANTA CLAUS VISITS ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY Christmas Tree for St. Andrew's Children Proves Most Enter- taining Event. Do your Xmas 5 Shopping Early XMAS PUDDINGS---We have had many requests for real Plum Puddings as made by our French baker. “ We will have a limited quantity to sell, average weight 2 1-2 lbs. each. XMAS FRUIT CAKES, with Fancy Icing and real quality behind them, are selling fast, so buy early. FRENCH PASTRY --- Orders filled only in rotation received. GREEN STUFF --- We have a large shipment of green stuff arriving on Wednesday’s boat. Everything that is fit to ship from Seattle markets will be found here. THIS IS THE PLACE to find the largest variety of food- stuffs carried by any one store. The Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211—212 7 ee - ; licine relieved lle mayoralty race appears to have at least three contestants.| M. Newton and W. H. Mont-} zomery are definitely slated for nomination and it generally understood that Mayor McClymont will Alderman tochester is repeatedly suggested possible nominee, but he states that so far he has not given! the matter very serious consider. | a Toilet Articles should be made of the finest materials, We hold to that principle every time we make a purchase for our stock. We are as Particular with our toilet articles as with our drugs, And this means that our customers get the best there is. This does not mean high prices, Ormes, Limited is seek re-election. as a ation. Fred, Shaw's name is per-| sistently mentioned Alder-| Perry has been named as a contestant, well. Alderman Casey has decided not to be an Open int February, 1920 ieidinatan’ te oo orf] NEW MARINE WAYS the aldermen will seek re-election | Shawatlans Passage although Alderman Kirkpatrick is | Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet also. as the only one who has publicly} in length. There was a joyous as iatten asl intake ; ve ils ink tinea WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. joyous gathering| stated that intention. This was} Best equipped plant in Central British Columbi Two ! hones 82 & 200 Al Y our Service last evening in the St. Andrew’s'done at a meeting of the Trades | , GU 'PE = yee