PAUli TWO I pyn Viiiitnial m just as quiet as they are here today. Indigestion So Bad Was Afraid To Eat Mrs. A. T. Boimu, 157 EW St., Hamilton, Ont, writel : "I hai ben troubled for TMti, with In digestion and loitered m bad I wu afraid to eat I am oa my third tottf tfWgardock Iood Bittera,; ud .an now eat aartniiffllMiae rfjunoui diitrtM after, and can "in Jwr tCt it all int aaa !') .Mm; auilulind, U th pa (1 7ara, aalr Yf Tke T. Ce, fwW. 0W - Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION $6.00 9.00 25 There have in past years been many vacant houses and more readily evident when it was remembered that over half the po pulatlon of the world was using silver ts the medium of exchange. Mr. Pitt then went on to the sub-1.40 Ject the gelation oL Uver and .02 gold.jljrBiDlicagtimesJtf was said thatAlhe flekeldf geld -was equi- .15 valent to zht shekels of silver. SAingAheidayfkhe Roman Em-retne standanr was twelve to . 98 one. Coming to more modern times, 86 Mi. Pitt told how In the nineteenth century Great Britain and Germany had come into possession of the large percentage of the world's gold. Thursday. March 5, 1931 7tie end of the Great War saw a corner on the world's gold supply In United States and France with trade at a standstill and no business ARE THINGS WORSE? for the Industries because the silver Are conditions worse in Prince Rupert than usual at moliey of more than one-half of the of the world had been i- e n rr. fee e population this time of year? There is a difference of opinion in re- ased and was , un8tabie. m gard to this. Some say they are and some declare there view of this instability of stiver, have been a number of springs when business has been china and India, the great silver i . . , 1 ' ' 1 I . u . ... M the rest of the world, being unable to pay, and the other nation could in the there few. Most of -mt apartments city. Today are very not 8lnce they Aid know me peopie living in inese nouses ana apartments are pay- what they would get. ing rent, except in cases where they own theim Snmn merchants hpen fpplinrr trip nrpssnrp nf mm Mr. Pitt went on to give reasons ! for the debasing of stiver. It had1 petition. For instance, there are too many taxi businesses " ?HrgSn!u?nh2i hI i . , i. -,. . i-i.i England, being indebted after the. "d a result so"16 of them are little. i nilv a! (oing very war t0 Indla whU:n on Hs .What is tryemihe taxi business is truein -some other pay in silver, had melted down its' fines. Competition has Been keen and some firms that currency which was formerly 990 ( were doing fairly well in the spring of former years are fine to some 550. oermany, Belgium ! and other nations soon followed 1 not doing as well this ? , . i, year. V . . . England's example. India became: m, j ,m 1 1 There is a delay in the halibut fishing due to disagree- m possession of more geld than she' ments of various'kinds. These will probably be straighten- knew what to do with, dumping of ' ed out soon and fish will be coming here as usual. The new lar quantitie of. the .metal was. sawmill at Porpoise Harbor is about to operate and this en?, wt' is a new industiy in addition to what we have had in th1SSZ Pak value of the money of more than ; Due to world conditions there is a holding back in buy- half of the population of the world ing which injures local merchants and some are sending became so debased, it was obvious away for goods thinking that they get them cheaper else- h effect there would be on world where. This is a temporary phase. trad?- stabUllln. Mean, Most of the unemployed are men who have come to the M pltt lhen t8 dl5CUt3 city recently. Many came to work for the power company meat 0f stabilizing the price of and find conditions as good here as elsewhere. That to a silver, one plan wa to establish a large extent accounts for the unemDloved in the citv. fixed value for stiver on the basis of There is absolutely Prince one T" 'T or "el.tol no reason why Rupert people Aoold tel. the leasj worried over the situation All ?ve IKumS need to do is to carry on carefully and we shall find con- 0f iiw? asi.60 per ounce. There ditions righting themselves in the very near future. was, however, considerable opposi- Hon to ra'plan and economists seemed to favor a simpler process RADIO DISEASE whereby : leading nation of thei Though he calls himself a fervent ont mist. Dr. Lee de piw.wouia meet in conference ana Forest gmeers , retiring president of the Institute of Radio En- "&Z?t!!$lE: , nevertheless declares that radio is the victim of a " j v a. m , w viiu v . disease whicli may destroy both its usefulness and its aboV? 55c, then marketing it in an nmsnprir.v. snvs tliP Now VnvU OntlnnL' Tf nnv -of1ir tie. orderly way. This would remove the tener needs to be told the nature of the malady, let him dHpl0Ud . now threateijed the co i,5c ;f,, t t . t,..' sU?er market. It was a practicable ..m ii,awui Kiiu 1 wu imi.uv ui yxLL uy a iciiiii- pffi slnce there wa4 actuallH taw uitncnuiu, umi uieii, xma prugram comes 10 you nrwverpToductlon of silver. No le inrougn me courtesy 01 Little liocus focus Marvellous giHtion;wouid be required to effect Lime Saueezers. Inc. Ladies and eentlemen. how manv nf sue? a plan but it would be a mere vnil nwn snt?afnrtnrv sriontifir limo cmioo-7ovo' ivViiiVi ov stawmeht ieht of of tract the last, luscious, vitamin-filled drop? The Little Ho-- cus focus Lime bqueezer, manufactured in our light, airy. - one hundred per cent modern laboratories by a special k pPl A IllI sciontific process endorsed by. scientists the world over, rlvVLrllYl ...til XT 1 ...u. mu s lri. i wm. iu unu ruiuws wuau inc irruaieu usiener nas spun the dial around and caught a pleasant medley of southern songs. Presently he' hears, "Wav'down South in the land of cotton Old Black Joe Brake Linings are not called Greatest Jew Alive Today at forgotten Look away!" Snap. The radio is off for the. Banquet Last Niiht in evenincr. 1 ew York Dr Alexander1 X-KAY SEltVICE PHONE S7S BESNEK BLOCK DENTIST .J COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Casaldy-Wellincton In any qoanUties. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 1 policy Jnpe. China and India were In a EINSTEIN NEW YORK. March 5:-At a tea- lllmonlal banouet here last1' n(cht :uslefore the great scientist arid ! philosopher sailed on the steamer Deutschland for his home in "Germany after a visit of several months in the United States, Albert Einstein was proclaimed the greatest living Jew. There were 700 guests at the banquet which served to Inaugurate a campaign to raise $250,000 to assist In work among the Jews In Palestine. The banquet was under the auspices of the German Palestine Committee and was held in the Astor Hotel. THE, DAILY NEWS Thur Stabilization of Silver Value i Is Essential to Restoration of World Trade, Dale Pitt Asserts tJlvnlfiinirtrr in nloir "Jnrl nr-nhrinaJ fnWnu timi' n sfnVlll7.5i! tinn nf thp nriVp nf silver snmpwliprp nrmind its normal 8J$&fcB SEftfX value of 50c or so would result in a irreat imnrovement in whatithaa'donVforine," world trade throueh allowintr over half of the nations of THE DAILY NEWS. :; rniNCE rupert - British Columbia "N , . " . 1 . Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cltv deliver, hv mail or carrier, vearlv neriod. raid in advance 5.00 the world to eret back in the markets with their silver money, Dale L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Goldf Mining Co. gave the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at luncheon yesterday ope of, the most interesting and instructive addresses it has had in many a day. Mr. Pitt's subject was "Sliver in Relation to the Present World Depression." Charles. C. Millst president of the club, was in the chair and there was a large attendance of members and guests. While the matter of the value of silver to that of world depression might seem a long stride, Mr. Pitt For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month . ....... 50 declared that economist were glv- fiy mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em plre and United States, paid in advance, per year tl. By mail to all other countries, per year r ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ; Classified advertising, per insertion, per word . Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Ing more and more thought to the relation. Its importance became ... . . . . i ,i t position 10 Know me iixea vajue oi i their savings, a revival of trade, for ' which everyone was looking, would! come about. The East would again , be able to buy the goods with which 1 to fill Its needs, trade would be on the upgrade and prosperity would come once more. Until the time: came when this was done, all the talk and hullabaloo about good times and Increasing traae would avail nothing since they were not founded on the facta. At the conclusion of hte add res, Mr. Pitt was thanked on behalf of the club by President Mills. The winner of the luncheon raffle was L. W. Waugh. Mt clears Drains, too Use full strength Cillett's Lye "eaebiVeek to keep your clo,.U clean and free-running. Use it, too, in your sink drains and they vffl never clog with grease or Wiste accumulations. Cillett't Lye dissolved in cold w.t is also an ideal, safe solution for every, day cleaning purposes. Our new, booklet describes tlj many uses f this handy household cleaner, Send for ft. GlLLETT S L "Eats Dirtu - ' 1 , out of it 2 1 MTF I had only known tills would . 4- happen! So suddenly! So unexpectedly! And when everything looked so promising! . 5t "And to think that time after time he wanted to increase his life insurance and I talked him out of it. How hard I worked against myself and against my own interests. I wanted a bigger house. I wanted luxuries! I wanted everything except the protection he was urging me to accept. "I got my own way, of course. The Life Insurance was not taken. VI. robbed the children of their lr education, of my care, perhaps of their future success in life. I robbed myself of the children's companionship. For now I must leave them to earn the money needed to keep our little family together - - the money thatLifelnsurancewould have given me if he had had his tvay - - "--and I talked him out of it." It has been truly said that, "If every wife knew what every widow knows, every man would carry adequate Life Insurance". And too often it is the children who must pay the penalty of the wife's prejudice ("Mj7ia love TAoTTKV JH A'ever Dlea All f7G STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED CILLF.TT rRODCCTS Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouwj andofilm In all the principal clllfg of Canada. crmcc