Page 4 THE DAILY NEWS SEA GOING ARRIVALS =" MINERAL AC ares = | SAVE YOUR SIGHT} EAST BC = | a: N'T GET W tere ated ecter Oreek, Orenby Year Ending March 31 oe 6. 1. sonnson sit rage * , thet! ar ee vs i a , uetie of is Publishes. : re fate 1768-B intend _— he pat oe mot vel = aaa ow ders soem ae my hereof, & sol) “ie . ' Ge t re w be Minne Reoorder for 8 Cert cau r wre wt amt = et! UBierriued be staiement of elome rev- ¢ improvements, for the purpose of ob e t i ah wee : - . a wine 6 Crows Grent of * above clatm ene weer from O%, = jemue for the ce 2 ‘ g mS CN a i ‘aes ordiet crmminetion, com be traced Grecty iMarch 34. 1949 bas “— be : ; lastered Ger sertion $3 must be commenced before Gefertive + peeg@t ‘ . - ih iseuen : ate — . : shows the total revenue bows ao & idee Avenue pr ements <== ——=-- os “ted in Peiece Bamert 4 — " Pete thes (1th Gay & December, A D ; fk rec te “the ome 3 ——es SS Fre ee a ye bet Weert McBride & and i9t? ee . , | $451,966.20 and in the whole dis- . . ; ' i often restore Ge Giese at oie é King F.4ward School with ex- LAND ACT . Pe : rea -Gows suferer w robust bestth jiviect imcluding Anyot. Arrancar 4 let . a Unless it is the Best. e When gisees are property preer® Biand Port Simpson to be $278.- — SOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE It does n | . they restore the vieke & Bor- : 4a 7% } lowing is the list of LAND in Of ce MARLUTTE ISLANDS . a - . - - 2 vi * . a8 LASI mieTRi ' 3 ns ° oul ené elmimete a eve strate a a ia : M ct £ — ‘se get an other in | Sgures of other large ports in B : Tea us a. are ~*~ ® wruare On y ; ——_ : being only the omes exceeding | ’ e | LAND 4 \ , a 7 7 ih P j Prince Rupert . Serme |. TAKE NOTICE that | Walter Rudge, of i Fred Joudry Oc5ean Falls, $153,834.86; New e : j\cesper Bay, Moresby istand, British Co Th N P D ‘ - 6267 lioubie, farmer. intend to eppiy for per i WwW Westminster, $178,263.57; Van-| ——————______ | tus purchase cat 8 C ~~ F-= € iNews are epartment t " 728.55 fietoria + eres of land bounded ws 1 ste : \F Practical Optometrist couver, $8,618,728.55; Vietoris. 1} ma ag Stephens ores of Mind bouneed a fohows: Com specialinns ch biebtes 5 #1.951,068.06 ' wr of Wot 864, Mccesby Ieid., thence wes = j 2 Prince i3 arias yore north § haims; the work. There are ¢€ - ; — : ee |} The seagoing arrivals which Bez Estate insurance Prancal hoe’ lenet 20 chelms, more or less to the beact - pe L head. f 1 _am Ff - t — r inumbered 1,528, .exceeded all J sce following the beach southerly to enced men in charge and elterheads 4 ther porte in the prov ts ‘ Van : o acres =. as oon een they do the work weil. Envelopes ° vers arrivais were 1.832 ane wae Sovremmier 22. 1919 : PA Business Forms ‘Posters Vicloria’s, 1,467. The many fis ) le > vector. ue7. Te many 2 WOMEN BRING DOWN LAND ACT i Sines see” spoons for tor sumerous =e=-| PRICES BY BOYCOTT S|] few specially choice in . TORK’ goine arrivals at Prince Rupert. Rew Bistrict « : : fe 3 ially choice in | Dodgers si Fe ae at tate st Port Clements, Graham isl vitation cards in several Cireul si y ice t Graham ; irculars SELL j Eggs Tumbie From 85¢ to SSe in and Sprece & Cedar imited, of Port styles. Call at the office - Two Wesks—Are Sow Refusing [ess occursies lumbermen, | intend d h Booklets 34°!) 7 mesiog to - the t TOVE GERMANS FOR TRIAL, 9 “° "renee Sethe oe -: ae =—Eaeeriog si 6 post planted at the’ . : NW. cormer of Block 53. townelte of Port} ordering. enemas Special oy G. T.P. Tebegrapes jeemts. thence S. 7 ec. W 560 ft — , thence south 33 .—4é$5 ft; thence ) on Will be Dealt With by the Allied = LINCOLN, Neb. Dee. 22.—The | 200 gst oy fh Weeore cant ies th | Garneys commenced mak- Tribunals for Breaking the Lincoin Womens’ Club boycott on "Sch, auectm 6 the paiat of com-| Dp il N f ing stoves in 1342 Still in of Nations. eges has been lifted today. when |mencement anc comisining 7.1 acres, mor a y ews - : , oly , : Laws fir , ' oa ‘7 the same line of business — st class storage ¢€€5 4°°|lGasHaM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR ; " q dat 55 ‘ cke ¢ LIMITED " (Special by G.T.P. Yelegrepas.) quotedal %9 Iwo weeks ag hated August 1 J b D rtm t ; 1919. mandroms i use © LONDON Der »y For the When two thenusand of the club - . re ity —— Oo e a en ‘ rt Peay: em a, tenella 08-4 NOTICE 1% Prince Rupert. purpose of making up a complete nember « ited and refused to ITICE i af. list of the Germans charged with 9¥Y @ny e@es. the price was 85x Notice is hereby given that an applica 4 : ton will be made to it Legislative s 7 ON SALE AT war crimes and whose delivery to P* cee, ‘ pp, [REMY Of the Proviece of Brith Columbia : F S 9 the Entente will be demanded, a A boyeott on clotfing, with . = west somaten om | of a - _ — [ , - 2» » iat c 1 : fessional Enginee ° ritish if red tork $s onference will be held during whieh all the women in the state |Coisenbia for @ Private Bill to inc porate |} plan for joint action by Great : ur ibe 7 ane « => in e th aid Association, the said Bill w be i | this week in London. A special @f¢ asked to co-operate, is next |e Me Phe ORITISn COLUMBIL Exc THEO COLLART, N tary P bli | Hardware 3 on the program, and it is ' © [NEERING PROFESSION ACT for the oO u c SECOND AVENUE Britain, France and Belgium wiji “© 5T'ne down the prices on gar- procties a civil, Mt, ~~ a FOR SALE—Lots 19 and 20, Block ‘*, Section 1, Third hes Dear Phone Black 114 be adopted. France has five hun-|*"'* correspondingly soovtny ta, ie Provines ot British Colum ee $3,500 Each : iF ired names ready to be submitted |, Se registration, of intending” practitioners, toe A REAL SNAP. 1 and among these is one of the ORD Is : Sachse 8 109 Gumbo’ and fe an on siilieinnitiases eater A } former German Emperor's sons ONE OF TWENTY-FOUR |)" afte eS ee = MARINE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE } ‘| s _ _ o a. —_ eral Management of the Association i ; own Prince Rupprecht f Ba FORONTO. Dee. 22 ” feniee Dated st the City of Vancouver’ B. C.. Phone Blue 69 Westho! me Theatie Block e P. 0. Box 66 } varia, and several generais and : - Sar —ers a°anl his 5th day of December, A D. 1919: a : Smi >» grandmother o ar OBIN ae commanders of prison camps in ~ ae, the grandmother of Mary), warm of Petsilo & Tibia, Solicitors| = ; = : Germany. Pickford, has died here, Mary _____for the Applicants. ' ‘| In all, about fifteen hundred ¥4* born in Toronto. LAND ACT . Hand Your B Ch t : persons will be arraigned befor: = ea ore Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands ; aggage Checks to i? re ; : ¢ in Skeena Land District, Recordi ° i the military tribunals of each of TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT ir t of Casstar, and situate yy Fae JOE B the three nations, or by a mixed eee - ake notice that we, H. Kh. Fowler and SS tribunal in cases: where persor BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Dee. 20.17, iaern, Ioana eoety fet Serumastes ; <= Motor Transf and if sre accused of crimes against Hob Martin, heavyweight cham- |! ‘ease the following described foreshore ‘ nster Wy) : weople of various nationalities. pion of United States Expedition-|~ ‘ommeneing ss post piansea m east TIMBER SALE X1659 Passenger Service _ : : ary Pana atnra « e as hank of itsault iver; thence south 20 i The case of the former German 4°Y Force cored a technical |cni'ns; tence east 80 chains more or less Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1919 Stand, Empress Hotel Lee is eror will be dealt with sepa- nockout over Bill Breanahan of] tiliance Kiver; thence north 20 chains caled tenders will be received by ( ‘ hinpero , , pe . C + or less to lot 50, thence west follow r ands t later than noon on 2 rately. Camp Custer in the first round s shoreline to point of commencement,| le tt day of December, 1919, for the » 334 AL Breanahan failed to come out of |*°° ©" "ine 160 acres, more or less purchase of Licence X1659, to cut 8 a ——————————_——_——_ ” H. KR. FOWLER, 44,00 feet of Spruce end Cedar a a 7 ALL READY tis corner for the second round. H. F. KENGIN, 1270 cords Pulpwood on an area situ ‘ Deli : | ALEX. YOUNG SAYS tiene tite pated October” 11th, 1949 shea os’ Tien “tabs Rs, oost Settee | Quick Deliveries 4 for winds and storms. In order w ; - - 5 cal aga will be allowed for the re ; t allow the children to play ovt doors GERMANY WANTS VOGEL QUZEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND pis.|"™ Of Umber , i : i austus toe Yon end Winns ontoen i PRINCE GEORGE ALIVE aoe TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF | ,,' “REE Particulars of the Chet Fores o- is necessary that their little feet be qe i THE HAGUE, Dec. 22.—The ream nome z thps I, Peter Ptompo, of | '''"°e_Rupert, B.c : ng protected by the very strongest ; pia : . ae Prmee Rupert C., prospector, int ee ee aon penuh, onan eg Alex. Young, son of Judge F. German Government hus asked] apply for a” licence wo prospert t for coal TIMBER SALE 41000 M LEE CO. ; We herve « strong and at the McB. Young, arrived in the eity Holland for the extradition of for-|_" bed fas ou tee Wrenn eam of Ore Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1919 840 Second A Ww Wt came time by the stub train that came in mer Lieutenant Vogel, who ix}? Istand _ Sealed tenders will be received by the venue, est. a) f the Khyex River bridge iast eh ts eens commencing st @ post planted at three] Mister of Lands not later than noon om 1 e A STY! ISH SHOE nom the ye iv ride charged with the murder of Hosa] mics north of the Dorth east corner of | 7% Gay of January, 1920, for the vee : i“ night. He came down from Luxemburg Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence “ a my ee Tien y 1% ETASLES ie te “o te : ’ s0 chains west, thence 80 chains south. | ‘/>"“0° Tee . ; 7 a | oor aah ance ote task Prince George on the regujar selbaeiaiiitiliiiaasiiiagsttinie thenes $0 chains east to point of com. | 24 guice ben toch Wika Goze Chale | Wholesale and Retail cirong durable shee is what is needed passenger yesterday as far as Pa- JOE BURNS WON ow ucement. PETER PIOMBO iviie District." Pee General Contractors and i} ; Next time you go Shopping bring cifie and came on to the break cinta Lor $79 2.17'* ree J two years, will be allowed for the re Labor Exchange. 7 7 : ie : i them with you to the this morning. HALIFAX, Dec. 20.—Sailor: r ur, "Veda he ee ten a cS F il Sh St r Mr. Young, who is practising Bjake of San Francisco, and Joe hy typ supdaue oat or nteneal? wee Rupert, B.C. : : Prince Rupert, B.C. a: ami y oe ore law at Prince George, states that Burns of Montreal fought fifteen COLUMBIA. : TIMBER SALE X11 Phone 547 — P..O. Box 7 : IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMIN f ey ideent = 726 | Ceo. Hill €. R. Tabrum the prospects for the future of rounds. The decision went to TION ACT AOUNS TRA: eines tontees vaseree, a 019 —- 7 2 oT > 2 ree e*« sy ' a ‘i The Practical Shoemen the interior city look very brigh! Burns. IN THE MATTER - THE ister of Lands not later than neen on : Prone 367. indeed and much prosperity and - np ts oe ‘ PAUL OSA, DECEASED, wren oe - = FP ace tae Le . : feat RT GAG FP SAWMILL EQUIP- TAKE NOTICE that by ar 0 3 | ; ipru : er ae DENTIS I RY Le a coaed activi’ is looked for this spring ENT AND LUMBER aT POR Honour F. McB. Young, made ‘the 100m a Me ae an on aved . Ky when operations start full blast CLEMENTS, B. . ttn mr a. . 1919, | was appointed|iLaxe, R.3, Coast District. , er matemeemene eee a ao — d:ninistrator to the estat > & ee , . : | on the completion of the Pacific ‘ Under and by virtue of the. powers con |deceased, and all parties having aisle rin °, 3) gears will be allowed for re . Semen HOURS: ad . te as . alr © @ certain chattel mortgage held | against the said estate are bh ¢ > ; a : 7” a. a.m. to 12; 1 " : Great Fastern. Prince “eee 18 by me vendor there is offered for sale up | to furnish same, properly vorunee. o a Se, ee et ee ek Pores POG BOR oe iY c ‘ supplies.:% and including Friday t ny ay ofion or before the 29th day of 6 rine . " ° OR a , TURKISH | the northern dep for IPP January, 1920, the following chattels, viz:|4. 0. 1919, and all + A? sco_ Ruperts, 8.6 J. & BROWA ; Mr. Young will return to Prince =e piees, munchinecy, equipment re lum. }estate are required to pay the amount of When you have ead the news senner ; - : : yer oO ort Clements Box and Lumber | their indebt } ' P fee 2 , Biect M4 . BATHS | George after spending the holiday ¢, ‘tia. at Port Clements. B.C. — pote — i We Mottin look through the classified column wa Game » TRIP Avenue. : . season at his home here. For particulars apply to J.B. Weir, 139¢ OMcial Administrator : ° , ' Phone 454. % aad Sanitestem Richards St, Vancouver 5. C 303 Dated this 20th day of November, 1919. !on Page 5. ——— ee cette — ‘ Turkish, Medical, Steam, =, a ee ae ania iat d US aE ieee Shower and Tub Baths. | - —_—- Oven Day and Night | Gene Byrnes Says:—" Thanks for the Advice.” PHONE 309 722 FULTON ST. 7 a aes ————————=— = SS , M TECR PA: Ca —_ naaenataeetee — Ree = ait ‘ USINESS -GUSSS WRT ®, {YE BEEN WORKING “ou NETO IS OS GIMME ) “Teo MARD LACEY A LINILE RECREATION AMOTHER CESAYOSE 1 FEEL a ANY oT ‘ STACK Jf r . ba eae WAY DONT You i ‘ e Jom OS in ee. GENERAL CONTRACTOR “—- % ore CAINE i fe One 4 ; Office and Shop Fraser St. “ HAS 2 I Sash, doors, mouldings and PENT MIN @ / i all interior finish lumber al- ee E ways in stock. i Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's Pt hardwood, a Estimates Given. ' REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN { Phone Green . — F ~ WELL. \, t f/ \LL. Have Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue | To 88 Gowte IT vo mE oes my \ Wow FINDING & Wat Dalgarno & Watts \ eee Now ek MIND OFF perenne in Light a4 Keone Con- terations. First Clase bn Sen and Finishing. Eetimates Cheerfully Given e BRICK AND CONCRETE &BU'LOING : CONTRACTOKS ° ; ‘saith . . Pes