Thursay, March 3, 1631 TOT DAILY NEWS Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, ReaL Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. FOR RENT FOB RENT Furnished, ,4 room flat with bath. Phone 547. it FIVE roomed flat for rent, steam heated. 'Phone Blue' 345. '.. t FOR RENT - Housekeeping, rooms furnished. Phone Green 471. 65 ton RENT By day, wee or month, furnished apartment. Phone Red 607. tf I OH RENT Clean, well furnlshe'. modern apartment Palmer Ap artments. Phone Red 444. tf FOR SALE BOAT with cover, outboard Elo, light twin, complete. Snap for quick sale. Blue 785. 64 FOR SALE Simonds Bed, new; other beds, dressers; chairs; tables; heater; electric goods, etc. Apply 210 Sixth Avenue East. 54 SITUATIONS WANTED STEWARD, chef or good ooolcBri-;1 tish. desires engagement Apply Box 75. Dally News. 54 u WANTED AUTO METAL WORKERS WANTLI) THOU8ANDS OF ACCIDENTS OC-CURINO daily require hundreds i,r additional Auto Metal Workers to repair and reduco these curs. Every town of any stee PALMISTRY Readings by appoint-needs a -special Auto Metal audi ment. Phone Green 127. Duco Shop. Oo into business for ' , , , . in; MRS- JAMES CLARK, Palmistry vur&e4f or steady employment nf th hkr h,v .hnrv. Onlv and Crystal Reading White ;. few weeks required. Employers' look to us for trained help. Write today for our "Big Illustrated Booklet of Opprtunities in this Trade " HEMPHILL AUTO. & ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. 104S Pender Street West, Vancouver. B.C. tf Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Westen- haver Block, Phone 782. tf t , . -..-' : DRESSMAKER I i MISS N. ROGERS. Phone Black 236 -" " - - AUCTIONEER 1 chiifoneer, 2 camp beds, 90x90 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART j "yukon Sleeping robe. Shot gun. We buy. sell or exchange any! 66 MM. rifle. 2-buraer oil stove, kind of furniture or household ; Hegisa range, breakfast suite, ta-guods, musical instruments ma- j bles. chairs, 1O0 rag rugs, cups and "hlnery, etc. General repairs, j queers, plates large tspaultn, etc. cratlne. Dacklne and shipping. ; WorkmanshlD cuaranteed. Just chone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer,! Federal Block. tf I ! KALVAUB AJSD TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuJ'y Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Acents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Rjata and Scows of all descriptions for Charter How Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Entlnes Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Band tnd Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Uay or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 15C4 LA Ml ItF.OlSTRV ACT NOTICE .. I " rrtlflrat of Title No.1 5itl"toUi lid X, IMiKk II, Kwiloll I. CltT of I'rlnr. iititvrt Man ml. Whereas MtUfrtory proor ot"l6 ' !x nm of Allan Owmpbrll hat brm '' fa in mil oiric. noik U- ferrtby L dial) at th txpJntUn ( " month from tie oat of the tins ""'"-aMun-;hfrif, kmt t PrftWonai -t.tlrat of TMW In llu ol ti aaW ' Ocrtlf leave, unleat to t mM-1 vuiid objrotlon U mla to mt In : 'A'l'ED at th Land RfWry OffK, I-p""'' Rupert. B43 tbla 36tb dJ -f F. MacLEOD. RrgKtrtr . A Dally News vrant-ad will BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Board. Phone Red 129. . -r tf. TRANSFERS CAMERONS nansferr Phone 177? ry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and. Third Wednesdays. Elks' Home. MUSIC SINGING Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-havn. Phone Green d!8. tt VIOLIN TUITION VACANCIES For day or evening pu-; plls. Miss Nellie Lawrence, Phone 177. ; CniROPRACJIC I Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 & 7 Exchange Bis. Opp. Orme's) PALMISTRY House-235 Second Ave.. Tele- Pne ,67- Auction SALE - of - Household Effects on THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 2.30 pm. 310 3rd Ave. Next Federal Block consisting of 1 large oil painting. Hotpotat electric range. 3 beds complete, large Vlctrola, 100 rec ords. 2 dressers, small Edison eramDh"r. 3-A camera and case nd usual miscellaneous articles Let us have your goods for this sale 2.30 pm. sharp. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Phone Black 120 Demand the B. IJ. Brand of Fresh smoked Haddie Cured Fillets ALASKA BLACK COD KIITEKS and BLOATERS Put up bv he BACON FISHERIES On sale at all local stores BRINGING UP ' MVt I 1 ME IF I'D BRINK "FlFl" ANV lOOS TO p. irr.i 111 n 1 Country Readers of "The Daily News" To the readers of the Daily News who live out of town, v we suggest that the classified columns, of jjP,apjc,,j Vide an excellent medium for the disposal of articles they ma have for sale or exchange. Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. . '' ' Chickens, implements, household goods,- boats, fishingr' gear, guns, cordwood, furs and dozens of other articles , may be disposed of. The charge is two cents a' vord. but - six times goes Many THE ..! MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Lot 4665 Oolconda: Lot 4684 Brokaa Hill; Lot 4687 Klnburn: Lot 4SB8 Darner: Lot 4S89 Laat Chance; Lot 4090 Mother Lodt: Lot 4091 'Renfrew; Lot 44V1 Apex: Lot S48S Reliance; Lot 84 W neuown. Afteeral Clalnu! (tuatt In th Atlln Mlnlnj DlvUlon of Cawlar Dl-trict. ' Looated on White Muom Mountaip on South West 14e ot Weit Taku Arts. TAKE NOTICE that Maurice LorJ Eg. erton ol Tatton and Estate of Otto H. Partridge. Free Mtner'a Oertincatrv No 44301 D and 30591 D . Intend. Ut7 daya from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement for the purpose or obtaining Crown Orant of the abovr ' claim. And further take notice that action, under section BS, mutt be commenced beifore the letuance of such Certtflcatn of Improvementa. Dated tMi lMh dijr ot January' ad4 1M1. II. McN. FRASER. mlO. Agent, Get the AQ. reacting habit. l pays. FATHER BE ORE SHE OOttMJ; CAtfCH COUD SEE. RDiNG IN -OOR.OPEr4 CSR for the price of four. people get good results. .is Why not you? DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship Sailings for Vancouver-Thursday ss. P. George 10 pjn. Friday ss, Princess Mary 10 pm. Friday ss. Catala ....12 midnight Feb. 27 ss. Princess Norah pjit Prom Vancouver-Sunday ss. Camosun 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Friday ss. Catala pan. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah am. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun 8 pm. From Naas Elver ana Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun 11:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Camosun 8 pm. Wednesday-. Pf Rupert 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday . Camosun , TKAnJK ;OOOMEb rut- r-- i ot. oo'ntRtu WITH THAT "blLLV L00K1N d6; I'M 1CK or EElN' - Thurs. ss. P. Rupert & pm For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert .10 pm. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. From Ocean Falls-i Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 am. Friday si. Princess Mary 4 pm. Friday ss. Catala . pm. For North Queen Charlotte Feb. 21 ss,' Pflnce John ..10 p.m Marcn 7-ss. Prince John 10 p.m From North Queen Charlottes Feb. 19 ss. Prince John . am. March 5 ss. Prince John .... am. For Alaska Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah am. ' From Alaska Jan. 28 ss. Prin. Norah pm. Feb. 25 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. From Skeena River-Friday ss. Catala p m. C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 pm. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 11:30 am. WmMket Following are retaC prices current here today: Appl Yellow Newton, household ... SZZt Yellow Newton, faney box .'.. 2.75 i Newtons "C" ..... 2.5? 'Stayman's Winesaps, vox .... 2j6"j Spltzenberg, fancy . 2.75 Spltzenberg C" 250 Wnter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, faney j.. Z2S' Delicious "C" 2-TS Fruits- Naval Oranges : 15c to $1J Lemons, Sunklst, doz .40 Florida Grapefruit 12fcc to 2 California Grapefruit . -6c to .124 Bananas, 2 lbs. .JL 2 , Extracted honey, per Jar .25 uomD noney Dates, bulk, lb. .. 12'-'i Raisins, bulk, lb. .15 Dried fruits - Lemon and orange peel . .30 Black cooking figs. lb. 15 1 Currants, lb. .15 Citron peel .35 White figs, lb .15, Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled 20 'Apricots, lb. .20 Prunes. 60-70. lb. . .10 Prunes. 30-40, lb u .15 Prunes. 40-50, lb. . . .12Vfc Nuts Almonds, shelled Valenclas .50 California soft shelled walnuts 2& Walnuts, broken shelled 25 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 , Peanuts .131 Lard- Pure - 25' Comnound 25 1 EggS I B.C fresh pullets, doz. 32 1 B.C. fresh first, doz. 35 B.C. fresh extras, doz. 40 Local new laid, doz. .. 50 , Sugar 1 Vellow. 100 lbs 5MFor White. 100 lbs, 5Jj Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb. .40 So. 2 creamery, 3 lbs 1.15! Flour-Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. .. Feed-Wheat, I ! No. 3 Alberta 1.95 No. 5 Alberta 1.80 Oats 1.85, Bran 150 i " Shorts 1.60; Middlings 2.10 Barley 1.75 ! Laying Mash t 3.10 j ' Ovster Shell 1.95 Beef Scrap 3.95!' Ground oil cake 435 Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats 2D0 Fine barley chop litt Cheese- McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and M Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. .65 Kraft Llmberger. H .35 Ontario solids 20 New Zealand sorters 20 Stilton, lb .40 Kraft .46 Norwegian goat .60 Napoleon Llmberger .70 Roquefort .80 Swift's Brookfleld. lb .45 Gorgonzola, lb . M Brookfleld Swiss, Vi-lb. pkg 20 Oruyere .45 Brookfleld Canadian cheese, H-lb. nkg 25 olden Loaf, lb, .43 Meats-Turkey 2 Fowl. No. 1, lb 38c ani M Roasting Chicken, lb .401 HaXsUcednirst grade 55 j Ham. picnic, first grade ........ 20 Cottage ,..', fc rolls.-lb ,K 2i -. n,, .IH- ll . frmrlP ""vw Veal, loin - .49! Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt J. as Ayrshire bacon, lb. . "wcto 0, 1 Singer Sewing : Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month J Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. J. P. MOLLER Licensed Painter and Interior i j Decorator t 720.7th Av. W., Prince Rupert . P. O. ilox 397 Phone Red 802 J Silversides Bros. $ Third Ave. Phone 28 Window Glass and Glazing BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Sal-. urday 1030 am. From the East , . Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 320 pm. Vancouver TWsetay j pin. Thursday 9 pm. Friday 11 pml i Feb. 11 and 25 pm) jjjn'From Vancouver Sunday 4 pja Wednesday 10.30 pm'. Wednesday 10.30 am. For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday ... 3 pm. Sunday .'. 7 pm. From Anyox and Stewart ; Tuesdays . pm. Thursdays 8 pm. pot roast 22c to 21 Beef, boiling 15c to .15 Beef, roast, prime rib 20 Lamb, shoulder .35 Beef, steak 35c to M Lamb, leg .40 Lamb chops .40, Mutton, shoulder 20 Fish v Smoked kippers, lb. .15 Salmon, frozen, lb. M Halibut, frozen, lb M Vegetables ft Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs. 2i sack '. Potatoes '. Ashcroft, 8 lbs. Sack Parsley, bunch 10" California Celery, head 25c and Splnae California, lb .15 Garlic, imported, per lb' .40 Leeks, bunch - 0J Cabbage, B.C .06, Onions, 6 lbs, . A California, head lettuce, hd . .15 Mlc Tomatoe"' lo & Bulk TurniDS. 7 lbs ,...11 . . u 1 . Ml ... "SK gtiMuuian, wumiiuw, uu i "(Rhubarb. Hothouse 2 lbs. 25' . . ... ,S?.4 5? 4US By George McManus I mil m iwgfi I CET TboR HAT AOD T a ksjsjUffM ! 1 CCVSTOM-MRNO s uctw, iu ...... .VJU