Ca RE Oe St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Wednesday, Dec. 24. Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m to 7: Soup. Volilpatawny Fish. firitied Fillet pring Satmor th Sauce Bolled. Spare Ribs with Cabbage: Entrees. Veal 1 ountr Style nh Stew with Vegetables Live md Onions Small Dinner Steak Kiftney and Chick on Toast Roast. uw f Pork with lressing Ma 1, Boiled Raked Potatoes Dessert. Kaisin Pudding Phe Cheese ik Tea and Coffee AT ALL SHORT ORDERS SERVED HOURS. WestholmeLunch MAY. BILLINGS, Prop 50c Special Menu 50c WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24 Luncheon 11:30 a. m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Soup. Reef Broth Fish. salmon with White Halibut Steak Black ( Boiled. I id Beef with Vegetables watrene. to to 2 p. 7:30 m. Ve al ‘ ik, Tomat Roasts. Roast Beef, Brow | ist Veal w Se ! led dashed | Mas he ad Carrots Desert. Apple Cranberry ie ple Pudding farta Tea Coffee ithets Sat i Breaded berty Ste ta SHORT ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME FROM 7 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT (rill The Best Place to Eat Boston MENU ON THE COUNTER We have No 50c Lunches We employ All White Help Open all of the 24 hours. for Tomorrow's Menu in the same place out OK +e | $2650.00 00 | 2 lots, 7 room house, mplete furnishings, coal wood supply. ” ‘ The Easiest Possible Terms DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 23 Third Ave For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 ‘Hotel Prince Rupert eae EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-OLASS CAFE A La arte. "SOP" Oe poe Ie farting” Boarding House House | 116 Sixth Avenue I Pow Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock by Month or Week, Phone Red 245 Viti. — Boa "oO" peeoe. A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano lo 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 "ore : DAILY NEWS (“LASSIFIE BIG BUSINESS | LASSI WHEN BAN LIFTS. ce ny: ’ Phone 98 atibisit Heavy Im | This is the Advertising Column that ean iy Lion Expected When | people read whea they want anything inion Prohibition is Re- i it brings results Scinded—Large Quantity | — a in States. for SALE a \— atten omnsesctiiisel “pecial via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) i On SALE os sit enbinel, live OTTAWA. Dag hat there shelves and drawer, mahogany ' be a heavy importation for finish; a nice Christmas gift th eplenishing of cellare gone Special price, 841,00, Also an ! by the lon droueh! is attachment for your Edison s¢ Mion embargo upon the impor that it will play Vietor records, ' ted as the Do miy one, Special 84,50 Prince tat ima tnufacture of aleo tupert Musie Store opposite holie liq ifted. Howeve: postottics 300 th 10 doubt that some of the ~ panama —_— FOR SALE at sacrifice, first-class il ‘ il “ a | ‘ . ; i f the cheat S PRESENTS FROM SANTA quarter section in the Naas j ta OC ISIRMON prawed Valley at 81,500, Will be worth ati ks last ses : $5,000, Partly improved, Light Lit f i plebiscite: Wil be at Frizzell’s Fulton and : a sn a - . eo f importation, Royal Markets on Wednesday } ai oy suites ein ae How to Foil Wind and d fa far as theit Night with Gifts for Arh ay ae es diate } a good farm in future. Apply Weather on ne I i coneern _— Ones. Bns'96 Daily News office. 295 Washday it fated that there are 400 One of the big events of the | FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. From now until spring.a battle that endan- gallons of intoxicating ¥*@r for all the kiddies in Prinee| gas engine; rebored and thor- gero health must on washday be waged with the United States which |ttupert will be the reception to} oughly overhauled. Complete rain and sleet, must be exported by January 16,)°4anta Claus himself, at Frizzell’s| equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. ; It ertain that much of this|/ulton Market and Frizzell’s Royal | boat. List of other engines That, ~ drying the washing in the cellar or ntit Market on Christmas eve betwee : attic, with its attendant inconvenience and quantity will find its way inte . nee las eve between] furnished on application. Union sour smells Canada and thet even some |@isht and nine o'clock, Every child] Machine Works, Juneau tf : hint at connection betweer Prince Rupert is invited to be} a i Or ree we nat order “ in aie the Canadian nd Ameriear lat present and will reeeivs 1 free 1A SNAI Fifteen H. P. 4-evele fi a an an eriean dates ancy, but if you would laugh at mud and vift from Santa Claus himself } engi and equipment in first water, save your health and keep your hands class shape, for sale. 8800.00 * Pres rnaeORnseme te tsetesetnsomme tne nl , and face free trom chapping and roughness Can be seen at Parkin & Ward t ! : elephone us. ! The Man i in the Moon j KETCHIKAN FELT | Electrical Co., Cow Bay. ti : : Next, bundle u ur fam SAYS:- } BLOW ‘LAST WEEK | OR SALE-—Oliver typewriter aah eae Eine p het . ily washing and Fh te ee et te rts ee BE Price 830 Daily News Oftice. call . Phat the doctor who issued| Last week's storm is reported| ~~ — RENT 7 eRe In our laundry your things are initialed | 4,000 scriptions in one month} to have done a great deal of dam-|____ sr ne where the mark never shows. Everything is ll lose a meal ticket when the iround Ketchikan and was li Kh RENT—Large room with twe sorted, too——table linen is washed only with | Prohibition tid lifts ed as the wildest known] peds, Steam heated Suitable table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no rie. | iny a season at the Alaskan! for gentlemen. Apply 708 Third indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in 3 | Tha ome of the sung damsels ejty Roofs and simalier buildings vant “ ; . 208 fleecy suds of silky softness. \ven . between 5 and 7. 3 Prince Rupert are expert hyp suffered considerably ind some! sts They can get the young! damage was done along the water. |FOR R b NT Furnished bedroom, The weather, and the hardship of fall and s to do just what they will. front. | with use of -telephone, ten winter washing need never be a source of ao minutes walk from drydock, ae Use your ee and let us ha Was Cvol ven 30 Alderma Perry reported il Apply box 29 Daily News oltice eip you. st generatior . : a tn j sin inn — —— ~ a “ ee - ‘hs ia I at ; J at { RENT Five-roomed house Canadian Steam Laundry he [ne is O c oO paving taxes | it will be so in the next ne ~ ; Ye th bath, furnished. Newly Phone 8 al tion evelt alee if they could not have their ehild orate Cloae in. Phe {eS erage ren attend the schools. The pro ‘tier 4 welt phone 292 t Phat be young and in love. Yineial government had withdrawn wi pectin. : . mf lish Yet, the poll tax because Indian child-|') RENT—One furnished suite. id not en were not allowed to go to the Mrs. Wolters, St, Louis Rooms. St a white schools, Ald. Perry inquir-| Phone Red 914, 298 i it to be i s the beg ed fre Ald’ Kir t ( as t worth dan any. ‘ ‘ s cb GIVEN that an ap en S CC . “ ' \ i im in bp : Oe a ney ce veg i MISCELLANEOUS \ssctmt { Province ritish (st a a a ee oo ‘ Z — : next session Cire lf SONGS UN BIDDEN,” by the } rig ' i Lie ! UfURAI ivotl i ol That Santa Claus is a right jBMCISH COLUMBIA for a ste bill in Prospecto will make a nice ~~. + fo be known as ud institute ute, ‘MbiA| gift book for your eastern JARCHITECTS’ ACT's for the purposes of friends. Poems of Love, Nature, bh \ B ( s sean al arenes and reg ulating || n aS Meligion and Socioiéae. it is e 4 he nt ans ts Ra vn sil] re in deman “DATED at the City of Va ver the fragrant with the breath o ” b Saeem ores : vince of a eee balsams and pines. Leatherette GRUEY . day of vember ) vi G. KO ONG ‘overs $1.50; ‘ivet sheep, . we Phat \ Hohenzollera | Solicitor forthe Abs ee ee There are Styles in Men’s Watches the 3 : } ose a e and} . Ga. ’ IOS ‘ . : ’ i ” core © aoe een ane) SKEENA LAND. DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF} Yietonia Printing & Publishing same as anything else. place f his trial and also the | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 524 Yat St. V t ; B.C. “i . Co., 5 ate ictoria, cans wa fhis death, Like Paneh) paxe Novice shat baniel L. Sutherland e- wt Sesion The Gruen Verithin is one of the neat , ' . ’ } y ol Ca ornk otel eper in - a | tends to apply for a licedce to prospect for | FARMS FOR SALE est and best at from $25. to $150. c | and petro’eum over the following de } - —— - _ "I hat he needn't worry, | Fabed! lands on the West at ning at ajc. P.gR. FARM LAND — Choice: We carry the Waltham from $12. to | al sritisn ; dla il ‘ . d . A . ' : D planted about 200 yards from th farms in well settled districts $100 and you'll find a wide variety of Liat i t e members otf St 7 ihe 7 ” re iss an 4. in Western Canada: low prices . Andrew si ety had a whale oft, al a I ee! Go twenty years to pay; irrigated cases. ved - : .S shaolin ; ao " 3 , : ,ar . - ioe oe 00 chéine, thence south 30 chains, Suence| lands in Samay Bouthers Ai Also we stock Hamilton Howard and a _ s | berta, with loan of $2,000 in ro Lhia TT Vished DANIEL L, St ral mn AND aaill in provements to assist new Regina. - . { stensen « : ne. cae wets Set 7 caied oek bay h 11 , — settlers. Act now they are STANDARD PRICES tle } y » fas yor "ee klet ISKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT 01 going fast. For free book EE geet ful tformation wit I JOHN BULGER VALHALLA SOCIETY. rAkl Bo I ‘that harles E burgess, | ind full vat rm - - or . ! ; OH G of os 4y Point, California, hotel-Keeper, in a Loughran, Genera sane pe im wer tne tollowin ; ’ | rent, T44 Hastings St. West Jeweler ero n ove e follo x ck zen ‘ i + ELECT OFFICERS | ctosi'tsis on tte Wess Coast of Motes | syequver, B.C The Gift Store } ang Br tish lumbia re m the| ° 8 ia 204 yards rom t soutt a Act r Cap e Pass and 4 mites | It is just as cheap tu get your \ "] E. Stockland, President, and John i cat 7 ‘at. and petroleum ‘Neence number printing dene wel' and done at Dybhavn, Secretary; Installed (1) 5 ‘thence north 8 nats. thenee cues} Lome as it is to seud it away. Try 7 ee j . e ™ 80 chains, thence Next Meeting. pe yh the uth int of commence- |The News Print Shop. ” ment sipremunsimenmmmatnget on ‘ 5 URGESS o Phe g officers have been | gaan i Ncnpist aon Agent. | jected fo Lodge Valhalla Located October 9th, 1919 Scandinavian Fraternity o! \I LAND ACT SMITH & MALLETT eorg € own I iccbieal ‘ities cand. [itt SKEENA LAND, DISTAICE — DiS = PHONES 130 Bf 423. P. 0. oi 1632 *residel os rRICT OF Q f 0 ae a Vice-President, Gat rane Lay : ee rh oes B. perem, Se Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8. c. Secretary, John Dybhavn ae intends aiply oF permisss m to FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY surer, O, A, Johnson. the | follo win coat planted on the Estimates furnished. Preasure Commencing at a& post f Ais M hall. Mrs Martha Hanson | sn e on Sewell meee Shee’ Be . ~ a SPRUCE FIR CEDAR a . t t K weste aire . Chaplain, Mrs, Beda Hallberg KE a of Sewell Inlet; thence chains Address, 3rd Avenue, hea : j dquist ith: thence 40 chains east thence to ea Consult Us. Inner Guard, Gari indq (ee hore; thence following the shore aan 30 of Second Street. ' imenceme and contain Outer Guard, John He | Pol : [oc - ncom nt and cor Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Pruster Olot Hansol ete : pram, ent . POLL DODPL ELD OLE 2 | nstalled . Ww F —" “e Fg | *osooe ane . -_ _ “ rhe ofieers wilt Dated 26th October, 101° ae recital Pinext meeting. i 2 wae | . At Christmas Time FiRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC EDMONTON CATHEDRAL Solve your gift problems ve | Cadomin Sc Gaprasves Sv | a 0 with Photographs. 4 Room House an t sit} ; > Make the appointment to- 7th Avenue EDMONTON No wait, Full weight. day. It’s none too early. Cc h T ee eeved by Are ont 75 PHONE Red 328 $1600--- Cash or Terms reuctiealiy, dentro | $12.50 $13. " P sini” “$1250 $13.75 TH The Peenless ud DAVID H, HAYS r . ; rth ity — eee Daa tae th: Consemmanaal Company Suite 22. Alder Block General Real Estate Agent dren been tabl ‘203 uite 44, er PHONE 57 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. P.O, BOX 1535 of the city has been & phones--Black 51, Blac ; All busses stop at our door furthe i i lative to ~ wee | ote. are obtained,