PAGE THRE1 FREE! - i 1 The smartest looking suit In the world can't look stylish on a man if it doesn't fit him. You can make sure of being correctly dressed by letting Tip Top Tailors make your spring suit or coat to measure. Twenty-one Individual measurements guarantee perfect fit the selections of our Style Committee assure correct style the fact that we buy our exclusive all-wool fabrics from noted British woollen mills is a certain guarantee of their quality. Drop In to-morrow and inspect the jwv -Spring and Summer 1931 .styles and fabrics there is no obligation tf buy. FREE! One Tin of After-Shaving Talc ! ;; itK Every Purchase of One 'TuBe of Klenzo Shaving Cream 50 cents Ormes Ltd. Dfia Pioneer Dnircits Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS Clothing Experts say; 90ofStylr ISIT Tip Top Clothes P- CREVATTO PKI.NCT. Rl PKRT. H.C . Sailings From Prince Rupert ToIvetchikan, Wranjrell, Juneau and Skacway f April 8. 18, 29. , To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle April it. u. Princess Alary For Butedate, Ocean Pall, Wamu, Alert Bay Campbell River, Vancouver and Victoria. rnillAY. at 10 I'M. Pull Information From Agency fur all Ocean Steamship Linen W C. OK( I1AHI). General Agent. TH'-plion. :!! Prince Ruprri . B.C. ('mint Third Ave ;iml Fourth St. FWOJSTiMm'S lgJMIT.Ell : ... Bieamet im Prlnt-r luicrt I m miromrr: T.M.V t ATAl.A KVKIIV TI i:sl.V, l.ilo I'll Arriving Vancouver vl.i Ucrat: palls. Thursday Noon approx. 1 l AUKCNA UVCItV lUllt.VY MHIMdllT ArrlvliiK Vancouver Bundity mlclmnlu piox. "Wkly tailing to Port Blnipsou. Altc Ann. Anyox. Btrwarl and Naaa Ulver pmiit Sumlny H 00 p in Furthn InforillHtlnn l-unt-riltlB nil itltiM'c .mil tt.-Unlj. lit I'KINf'tt Itl'l.i-'ifr inrviiv. u.... ...... ii....i fuul '. .v . nu iiiiii .i.riiiir, i " '" ilecaiise it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Local Items Oinnerwarc, china, crockery, i glassware, Heilbroner's Store. Ride in safety, phone 32 Taxi. Specialize in night service. Two driven on the Job. 'Ttf; ; Inspector John Macrtonald, pro vincial police sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge lor a trip to i Vancouver on official duties. A. C. Gardiner, CX.H. travelling I auditor, called by the ss. Prince Oeorge last night on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days here on official business. Mr. and Mrs. I. Ikeda. well known residents of the Queen I-Charlotte Islands, will sail on th.?' , Princess Mary tonight for Van-! Icouver where, on April 28, they, i will embark aboard the Empress I of Japan for a trip to their native ! home fa Nagasaki. Japan. Mike Victor. Philander, who ha -been employed by the Oranby Co at Anyox. was taken off the i ' steamer Prince George last nlahi when she arrived here from thr smelter town on a charge of being a stowaway. He pleaded guilty to the charge before Magistrate McClymont in city police court thl-morning and was fined $10. with option of seven days' Imprison ment. BUSH'S Grocerteria Week-End Specials Friday and Saturday Only Royal Household Flour, 7-lb'. sack Mto ... it iiMTmmI8b llaalttsi f ifc XJ1UU HB itfnTy Powder, pkt . . . B. RtiUed Oate -Tbu - jMolc . . White Beans No. lJp Jttot 4 lbs. HNbarb 8 lbs. California Grapefruit, 4 for California Head tuce, each Fresh Eggs' wrdoz Svfxj0t Juigc Qrangets 9 ftp doz AV 4 dor. Bush's Grocerteria i rki: nrLiVERY TLII'liONES 511 ft 111 u ' A PROnnrTrrCAKA I H IU4TUU M Ltlb Friday, April 17. 193t RCWNTREE'S Mrs. F. M. Cros;y sailed last nlrht en the Prince Ueoige for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. , CPU. steamer Princess Mary 1 Capt. S. K. amy arrived In port al 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and way points and wilt sail at 10 o'clock this evening on her return south. Waltrr R. Overnd of the cm toms service returned to the ctt.v on the Prince Oeorge last eveninr from Anyox, where he has beer stationed for 4tie past few week-on relief duty, and will sail on th-Princess Alice tomorrow morntin for Wrangell enroute to his poV. for the summer at Stlkine on th Alaska-British Columbia bound ary. ZAM-BUKi HERBAL OINTMENT l& MEO CINAL SOAP '.....!. r, y, t., i,,,, ; H0T1,L AKRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince kuwer . leading (am ' ily hotel. Hoi .ipd coW water In all roomi A. s. ri:ui)iio.M.Mi; rrop. Cor. of Frastr und tjifth SU. New Royal Hotel I. ZarrlH. Top' Till; IIOTIX UUKTII WHILE A. culd Wxtar: Stttani Heat 15t PER 1IAV AND Ur 1liiiiiir -SMI Boston Grill I'lionr 4S7 Prince Kuprrt Larec Cabaret SI'KCIAL DINNERS Thundays and Saturdays DANCING livery Saturday Night, 9 la IS Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties NESTLE'S .rrartsii' h aa ha .iivfifii mm TALL SIZE 1 BABY 8IZK NESTLE'S Evsporatcd JVIilk ii twice as rich ss ordinary bottled milk ... a pure cow't milk with all useless water removed . . . then stcri lized and scaled in airtight tins. Rich -and ti caray . . . Nestl1 ipotileM Milk adds an apnetisinc diness tjall cooking fnd baking Tnd to beverages. NESTLlf'S World's largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk. A9 'HVICE AS RICH AS ORDINARY BOITLED MILK Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter lOoldbloom's Fur Shop. tl Mrs. P. M. Rayner, who has been oil -a1, visit it)' Smithers ancf elsewhere in the interior, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. i". ' M. A Burbank, divisional engine r tor the Candian National Railways, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a '.rip to the interior on official. J R. Muir, British Columbia I manager for Famous Players-Ca- j radian Corporation sailed by thp Prince George last night on his re-1 :ur:i to Vancouver after a two-day visit here. i i Union steamer Card'.na, Capt.i i Andrew Johnstone, is discharging! I cargo In the Skeena Slough this; 1 afternoon and is expected to ar rive here about 11 o'clock tonlgb from the south, sailing an hour la-1 ter on her return to Vancouver and way points. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torship Dellrnjrham. with five carloads of fresh halibut for trans shipment East over the Canadian National Railways, arrived in port at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan and, after dis charging, sailed on her return north. A proposal that the district conference of Rntary should be invited to meet in Prince Rupert next year was not entertained at the meeting j of the local clilb yesterday at luncheon. It wax decided to give the matter more mature consideration and possibly extend an invitation a year from now. - ' ts Pm-c -hiof n te narmrhrin National Railways Tranacontinen- il t,im'd who s iXferd a broken back In the wreck of that train neir Kdsn at U fir of thK-week, is known in Prince Rupert , having formerly ruti out of here ; Reports of the wrsek voiced thr i v "t'oi that Royoe would not j recover. Nothing further haA.jinct' : oeen neara. however. ATTKjmON General mr ting of thr Prinv "tup-rt Fisli 'men's c-opentttv OTiatinn wl'l b" held in th-xet'-oyole Hall Prince Rupert! 8a inlay April 18 at 10 ail. lei ben only. - ' ti -r 4 ANNOtlNCHMUNTS . Moose Whist Drive and Dahc riday. April 17. Presbyterian Easter Sale April in V, - i "Royal Purple bridge whist anu lancr. Metropole Hall, Monday April 27. ' Oyro Hoedown May 1. j ! ! ' CORPORATION Of THE CITY OP j PRINOX ROPKRT . TAKC NOTICE THAT: 1 The Council rl, 'the Corporation o! tht Cltv of. Prtnoe Rupert intends t-. Brrurt n wphdtlc sidewalk on err-rscted lumber baat with concrete curb Tver teen fat wlrte on the wt td f Uti Blr-et, from la: Avenue to 2nd Avenue, aa a1 kpaj Improvement, and irtcrda to -erlaUy ei the ccat up- n the land abutting directly on the work, ejr-ent aiKb portion of the coat is incuma) nt tfret lntr-e;tlona 2 7 lie eat'mi'ted cent of the work --1HW of which S03S.0O Is to be paid bv 'tir Corpimtlon. and the rKtlmated an-i iihI special vrate per foot frontage i-0 TUBS. The apKlal lMaanieu: U to lr ru:d In SO arnual tti'talmenU 'I Prrriini ri'-irlin to petition aKln' imrtertaklns tile work munt do " on v before the 23rd day: Mv 1B31. C. F JONES City derl: Dated thin 17. h day of April 1931 eonPOKATirw or tj- city or PRINCE RUPERT k-TAKK NOnC THAV: I The Crii"ll ff the Corporation ol the City 'of Prlnoe Rupert IntendH to l -: n!nict an Mpiultlr aldewnlk on cr- i tert Itimher bae with rvnerete curb i seventeen feet wide, on tlie routh R.d. ; , r irn'i'-i'i at h poln' jajlap-jvlt. tle went pro r prffPriinT WreeV to point ten f --t wr of the eaat pr-jperty line of I th St' re. i looai .Improvement an-l I lntr"d to fperlitlly aei the coat ud-rn thr ht nt) ibattlnn directly on th I work, except such portion of the cos la Inrtirrcrt Ht xlreet lnterectlona. J The i'itin:!Pted vmi ol the work u 28 hli-'i 24!7 N to be paid l: the C r- ii .itK'n. unci the ettlmatp-tl J M'ei ial rule wt fuot frontage l; I tO TS08. The H t"ia! n-e"nient la to be I paid in 20 up ii .ml tii.tulniauta. .1 F t a - :nni! to petion onauiat I uiiriertHkln th work muat Go on it br.'bre the 2Srd day of May. 1031. j . .artslli Wlliftlfe 1 IJiitea tills 17th day ul April. 1931. KGOS Guaranteed Locals per doz NLTCI MILK Help Canadian Prosperity by eatingTWO "Shredded Wheat" Biscuits day. LOT NO. 7 9 tins Vegetable small 35c UOllDCN'S , chocouui: iNlALTIil) MlLK lib it fir TOILET KOLLS 9 tor NEW l'OTA jft lbs. tins ORANGES Phunc SS 31c iS5c "How will you have your Shredded Wheat this morning?" "I'll have it with hot milk, my dear. It's a bit chilly out doors, and I want something to warm me up. It certainly is great the way you can serve Shredded Wheat as cither a hot or cold cereal and just as easily cither way. Fickle spring can't fool us, can she? And be sure to have some Shredded Wheat yourself because it is what you need to keep strong apd lical thy in this kind of Weather." SHREDDED SltVHEAT XV i a ai di;y siiiumi's Nabob per tin 25c 23c rniLNES Large stse, Del Monte il 7p oer 2-lb pkg. WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTU THRIFT SPECIALS For Friday-and Saturday Finest Jap 4 lbs. asqpsnsv:. Stclna per 1-lb. tin JAM- . UOIAYUNNAISC i butch Malfl per 8-oz. tar small Soup 95c TOMATO JUICU Royal City . per tin SOAP P. & a. Naptha 6 bars Soup LOT NO. C 1 Jar Peanut Butter 1 Jar Sandwich Relish PEANUT BUTriiB Hfluirrel Brand per lb 2 lbs. Cut ' 0Sb per lb 19c Pureptlm Praser Val- A Gn ley Dran, 4-lb. tin 25c Demonstration HEINZ QUALITY PRODUCTS On Saturday 95c Combination Specials 95c LOT NO. 1 1 bot. Tomato Catsup, large 2 tins Baked Deans, small Kl Jar ricKlpa, awect or sour 1 bot. Vinegar. l&-oa. QCn all for vov' LOT NO. 4 bot. Tomato Offtsup QPn y large . LOT NO. 5 2 tins Spaghetti, medium 2 tins Tomato Soup, medium 2 tins Baked Beans QPn medium, an lor LOT NO. 2 2 tins Tomato Boup, small 2 tosJJaktd'iDslns, medium 1 bot. Salad Cream LOT NOf 9 ttnso UnatToniaA 95c 95c 1 Jar Cucumber Piefetwp 3 tins Halted Beans 'small, aU for 95c 14c 25c 15c 29c per lb. " w Sunkist Navels, sweet and juicy, three slaes L. 56c 3doz S2c dos. WATT'S GROCERY 'The Best For Less" 95c Phone SG 05 y1?h'dKnuTassilicd adverlbcmcnts?