4 fAQK BIX THE DAILY NEWS FRASER THIS PART DID WELL The finance committee of the. United Church of Canada has issued ii irport on the givtngs of the BatUrles Tubus Reesonators uiBEf McRae Bros. LIMITLI) churches throughout Canada for ilu past year The amount received towards the missionary and maintenance fund is $2,711,000, which is $25,000 in excess of the former year. The amount allocated to be raised by . British Columbia was $160,000 of which $134,000 was raised. Prince Rupert Presbytery con- An nts f jr the Famous Audak Electro-Chromatic Pick-up TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PAYNE Hosiery SaM--Saturday Ladies' full-fashioned pure thread silk hose, Orient make 25 DOZEN SEMI-SEKV1CE WEIGHT Pure Silk Full-fashioned Hose at rf $1 pair. Truly a magnificent stocking retailing regularly at $1.50 pair. U T vl An outstanding number manufactured by the Orient mills, featuring Jk I the Art Modern French heel. Every pair a perfect pair. Ad new spring M I") " ! shades. On sale Saturday at 25 DOZEN CIIIFrON DAI.FENE IIOSK Full-fahioned, featuring the atJ CQ new dull finish, Art Modern French heel, retailing regularly at $1.95 E-v B ? pair. This is a very fine guage stocking, and absolutely pure silk from J R top to toe. All new spring shades. On sale Saturday at P Boys' Wolsey Sweaters, $1 each rt "g .00 Imported direci from Wolsey, England. Polo collar, contrast trim with 0 tie to mateh. In shades of Putty. Navy and Grey. Ages 4 to 10 years, f)jf JL la On sale Saturday only ar Cd, inoutea iuj', or us uliocu'i n icouvcr coming next with 84 Swifts' Pure Lard 5-lb. tin Robin Hood Cake Flour 2 pkgs. Si mixing bowl Royal City Pure Tomato Juice, per tin Malkin's Best Apricots 2's 2 tins MalkhVs Best Large Prunes nr0 2-lb. pkg Malkin's Best Coffee 2 lbs Eggs -Fresh Extras i 3 doz Cowan's Cocoa 'i-lb. tin . Nabob Baking Prmicr I 2 'i-lb. Un ! Rice No. 1 ! 4 lbs. Purity Rolled Oats Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3-lb. brick Happy-Vale Sweet Mixed Pickles, 3S-GZ. Jar Sweet Oranges 5 doz. Fels Naptha Soap per pkg P. St O. Naptha Soap 11 bars li . Van- ! Last year was the most difficult one financially, in the htsiuv of the church since the union, but i is a matter of the utmost satisfaction in the" face of the present financial situation in the Dominion tint ihp members have measured up ;o well. Prince Rupert Presbytery excelled itself and has reason to congratulate its members on their A. E. Parlow, district forester returned to the city on ye rda afternoon's train from a '.rip t: the interior on offlciaj duti s. Week-End Specials 90c 75c 15c 45c 95c 85c 20c 70c 25c 30c S1.15 50c 95c 80c 50c Alberta Market I. GAMULA, F"oprfetr Fifth Street. Phone FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS SUITS ' OK-SPRING CO; New samples Just arrived ATS J of spriflg and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LING THE CUTTLIt Steam cleaning, pleasing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 81? Second Ave, Vhone 019 SALE IS SUCCESS Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Held An-nual Spring Affair Yesterday Very Attractive Event The annual spring sale by tlie'La- ! dies' Aid of First Presbyterian moon in tne cnurcn nan ana provea ' to be. a very successful affair in all respects. The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion, Mrs. J. W. McKinley and Mrs. D. C. Stuart having been -in charge of the decorations. The guests, after being welcomed by Mrs. D. 0. Stuart, president of the Ladies' Aid, and Mrs. W. D. rant H oiling worth, wife of the pastor, proceeded to visit the tables which were well and attractively laden with many articles of ornament and use. Mrs. William Millar was In charge of the tea room and Mrs. R. W. Cameron and Mrs. R J D. Smith poured. Cashier was Ms. J. O. Reddie while servlteurs Were Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. Ben Palgarno, Mrs. William McLeod, Mrs. O. II. Munro, Mrs. Ftobert Cameron. Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mrs, Edgar Saunders and Mrs. J. Captain. The tables were prettily Babvs Food is more important than your own he's growing REMEMBER, against time this litde newcomer who seems to tike life so ciMully. It's important that each day each week each month should bring the required weight and growth to If tou cannot nurse baby nuke your decision wisely and do not expef intent wih his food. Eagle Urlnd has proren safe and dependable for 74 years. It is easy to digest and supplies the steady nourishment that is so necessary. . ". . . . cw. a J M Uararm la., Lnail ll6Gr( St., Ttrinti, IMWM tend . hil l WVIf.rr fm.-ra.xm- rJyr:-Ma. .... MUSSALLEM Meat Market PRIME STLLIt ISLLF Sirloin Tip nfA per lb Prime Rib, Boned St Rolled ne per lb Pot Roast, Boned & Rolled IQp per lb L1' Pot Roast, Rood i Pn per lb Shoulder Road Veal C QQ Shoulder Roast Of Pork J QQ i.por,5., si. oo Leg of Pork 1 OCfr per lb Leg of Veal- OC per lb Atli Veal Chops" 9r per lb. MW'" Veal Stew- t0 3 lbs OK, Shoulder Lamb J QQ Le of Lamb QOo per lb. Pork Sausage- ' 1 ' QC 2 lbs. . iJJJJlJUi'jesiiwguiLiiiasisiii 'iJii-an O IMPROVE YOUR APPETITE Feeling in Jifftrent to food Out ofsorul Dtrr'aj Stimulate your digestive tract w th Dr. Carter'a Uttle Liver Till. Alt vegetable. Gentle but thorough. They'll get HJ of body pn that cause InJlRestlbn, Gas, etc and give you a new in. tercst In food. 2!jc &- 75c reJ packagea . i f M, Ak your drugs"' Carters ipills decorated with daffodljs and green tapers. Other tables were in charge of the following ladies: Plain Sewing Mrs. A.'C Clark and Mrs. C. O. Ham. Fancy Work Mrs. W. L. Sandison and Mrs. J. L. Lee. Candy Mrs. II. M. Foote and Mrs. V7. M. Brown. Home Cooking Mrs. J. G. Steen and Mrs D. McD. Hunter. During the afternoon there was a delightful musical program which included vocal solos by Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, Mrs. C. E. Cullln and Mrs. Karl Dyb-havn. with Mrs. E. J. Smith. Mrs. J. S. piack and Mrs. II. C. Fraser as accompanists, and piano solos by young Hugh McKenzie. Leader of Boy Scouts Visitor Fi ink E L.. Coombs of Ottawa. !!' -in-chie' of publications for B"y Srouts' Association of Can-' wa? an interesting visi"xr in !.r city yesterday. He arrived in the i t fmm the east by train and sail-i hi.st night on the Prince Geon?e V.nicouver. Last night, Mr. Coombs addressed reprpsrntt'voa of the three local t loops in Toe H Hall. Among thing k talked about were the Boy Sc nit jamboree in England a couple of years ago, Scout camping and ty shop activities throughout Canada The Progressive Housewife Has startrd a savings account by JcaJtog at the Cash & Carry Stores. Look after the cents and the dol-, lars will look after thenurlves. 3unnybrook Butter 3-fb. brick Soda Biscuits Dollar size ai Sweet Mixed Biscuits 2 lbs P: i'ir of Canada Syrup 'i-al. .. S1.08 49c 4Sc 75c M Ukin's Best Tomatoes 2's OCp 3 tins .. wOl Milkin s Best Spices per tin Malkin's Best Da king Pow der 12-oz. tin Quick Naptha Soap Chlps-3 Pkgs (Equal to Princess Flakes) esl Oranges Navels 5 doz Potatoes lfr lbs. New Spuds I lbs Fresh Splnaeh "per lb. Hills Bros. Coffee per lb. Fresh Eggs 3 doz 8c 20c 50c 95c 25c 25c 10c 60c G5c Economy Cash and Carry Stores 313 3rd Ave. 417-1X3 3th Ave. Telephones 360 and 18 Frank H. Coon 1'AL.MCU GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 - 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 837 Room IS Reiner lilk. Ilotide. lllur 529 .ft'BlTOsWBl u m M B w n FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWS 7 & D P.M. Jy Aprl J s The "Covered Wagon" of the Talkies ! ' Cimarron Willi Kichard Dix, Irene Dunn, Eslclle Taylor and many other stars A cast of 50,000 persons. ,5 The story of the Oklahoma land rush. Courage and j valor romance and tragedy. One of the big pictures (f the year. PARAMOUNT NEWS u Admission 20c & (53c Feature starts at 7 :05 Hr, (S SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & Vk S Feature starts at 2:35 n I Monday & Tuesday "JUST IMAGIM: ' BUSINESS i i . Wc expect to finish inthevnext three days, and have rcpricedahyflfnes to hurry out. Saturday you willTfindbigger bargains Ic clear than ever before. It will be well worth your time to look them over. Very Special, Wool and heavy Musher ('Inert eont style Work Shirts. Q-i f)C All sizes yJL.&V Men's Spring Needle Underwear, unshrinkable eombinntions .......... Shirts and Drawers r n .t Q-i QH AlI Fur Felt Huts left nTstock" " ' ' j 75 A few genuine British appoint Blankets CO rtfl left In scarlet and khaki tj?i7suu CURZON'S NLXT TO Till? 1'OST OFFICE OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SIICD , mix nl V yju,are Jipnncil Sou buylwet coal, ,JJ lfiBjtl.e.e,j..inkal.Ur ft f0J ja.ljjo ttart toda: ",rB dry coal and we what 10 means to you, m,!5.1. K(sOMvered, ler Ton W i MINKIIKAD h(i( Deliverrd Per Ton 1 0 MINEIIKAD LUAir-Dclivrrtd, I'er Ton 7 9 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE . IMIONE 580 If you want ad, anything, try a classified J