THE DALY NEWS 7 _— sp A Local News Notes wpe for precy #0 A Camera and cecccce=«l an Umbrella wun Kaies Eve 10 p.m. Await their Owners STORE - a at Wallace’s ‘is » Weiser rons Bive 38% ts oneal “4 —— -- — eee —_———— en Bra 7 Among other sugyestions for Xmas Precents— ine See Our Fine FOR CHRISTMAS 5, BUSINESS mvt tll Chinaware ond Brl-a-brac FIRST COME ecco VICTORY BONDS taken i ; . ” xchange for good: and your cou- BEST SERVED : s | ; = 3 “ ' : ‘ sot Ree ae dines re Paney Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Draperies, Eiderdown Comforters, Easy We don't ebble shoes ot Sis 5 : SHOES SPECIAL . Chairs, Rockers, Buffets, Dining Tables and Chairs, Dressers, Chiffoniers. Fifth and Melride. - er ph ees FeLt Siiprers Community Plate Silverware--- A Useful Gift--- br ict who Stayed at Ho oy eiaeaaae $1.00 pr. THEEE BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS—Aosu, Patera : ait Ca sities . ae wy eatinnte oon ane ih Axminste Square or [[\seven parts. ¥ : oni Saresve Th Ch neh oe Edew * xminster Tarpet 2 Tapestry 5 : Haniile Knives, Spoons, Works, Berry ani Salat Brusselis, Special Discount Price for []j Tite + special discounts for}| 10c. Toys for the Stocking. Eeuswma sgat Tongs, Batter Kai et, Baby Spoons 7 ash until Christmas in our fur-| Meat and Vek Porzs. Also Leather an4 Makogerz Arias. siture, rug and drapery dep ' Cas * _ EEE EE EE EEE = eo te ee a to oult your price ents rare Tickets for 3 Prizes with Every | | $1.00 Purchase Good Furniture ; — z | ae oe m | CIFT Joven | BL §. WALLACE CO., LTD. = Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. Most Appre:iztéd one: wriecsan] bacoenein , yi Useful and lawl Sekt aaa oor gore } FOR YOUR BEDROOM Comfortable : Furniture ir ne of the period , arist + engageme —— . it {f Dreams Matinee | | j ee eee ee 7 IAL , Librars substantial articies Afita Stewart i Kings : For frst ass shoe repairing. row at 3 o'clock. Show ti og Sud sivays in ged iecte. TITE’S SPEC mean comfort and lifelong service |] of Dreams.” Matinee tomort;w o¢| 3. M. Simpson, Fifth and MeBride. | and Thursday. Westholme » ‘ ; . Show tor 4 . - - Ca “rf 2 © larce stock of , - vio « eet 5 . : : : ; : : tre Xmas Discounts. Phursday night. Westholme Thea When you need a pair of shoes 68-64n68 PUNTERS OUR FURNITURE i { better grade, call at MecArthur’s| Tite Ohetetmes Drawing re ‘Every $2.00 cash purohase en- i) SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR "XMAS ON ALL FURNITURE ff .\sisc0' 252’. re it th sand at mee om fr ala, Pi 27 . : r : = bert ia f ar ® Rupert Cini Dece RIGHT FURNITURE? THE DOLL SHE WANTS A ; . Or eat =: ieee mattress and pair of down pillows : ' ; von ; son wishing t nae Sing et . Second .prize ladies’ desk and 2 i! | A ett | mi ae x ty phone Mrs 7 aside: t chair, mahogany finish. Third - i = Dawson aang 3 a40 ee ol . : prize 24-inch Kewple Doll. tf i j Don Yelf is making a wonderf ; » 3 , a as ; und speedy recovery from th nts ; petation he underwent last Fr , : ; . DENTISTRY ‘ hy Week The stitches have beer wy etn ee eee } ; : for the a emoved and it is expected thai|“' 9"! = man, arrived from |} Don't neglect your Teeth ie ca will be out of the hospitai »y|. ~ ig: olen ge 8 s One decayed or missing tooth 4 CHILDREN ew Year's Dey be ‘ * lowers your efficiency : ee oe a Trains. Beoks, Dolls, | Reductions on Boxed Hankies i ab . : pe DR. BAYNE fe GG ; - ne | Vallace’s. 300 . od : i” vs re , ; a o _ — Hours-- Morning, 9 to 12; tallies. Tanks, Pistols, ” Rt . . ,Jigmt & fetter Was read irom e] Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30: r- your FAVORITE conner— Wascons, Sleighs, in vos trevor = r | The election of Harry Kingsto ty Engineer thanking the city] dvy, 9 to 12 only. , Dicniaes. is it furnished as you would like faét, see everything Se eee yew Cee SS eee cob A. Green, John Brady and vereasing his salary. Being} Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- a ything = " ' ; acob ireen, John Brady and ' it? Have you a convenient Case in Toyland at our ie her or not she belongs to you, | Villiam McDonald all charged masked for the engineer said,/ day. from 7 7 to 9. for your books, a chair tht gives sae will just lowe a dolly that you | codes Mai teen 2 heed - ad po sg {ihat it was the more deeply ap- |} DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE you reet and comfort and every- ‘ vive her. So bring her here and aang a0 r a pe y - preciated. \} PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT ‘ let he -hoose ay stp u =i : thing clee in the line of the ; GG OO PPD AP PaO ter choose. his afternoon when they will ap 1 ; wear before Judge Youug ; . , ; | eal re a S a i ry 7 Give Gloves! Great selection at \ ‘ - Chi | Wallace's. 300 . if Fancy China | = es evs f i foyal Dalton, Derby. ie next sailing of the Princes = iv Ainsley. Wedgewood | Mary for Skagway will be on Jan OUuSCS ere At} i hand painted ary 2 from Vancouver and on} i if : January 4 from Prince Rupert --lo sult ever taste 1 The “Mary” will leave Vancouve y again for the north on January 17, arriving and sailing f: j . Prince Rupert on January 19 f ; ti Cut Glass % | + ROM now until Xmas we \ erry Bowls, Nappies row ee js yg of a oe s storm will offer our beautiful son Bon, Water Bets, ym igh cate adamaneagp- se Uily Engineer has been un- ok son & . Bon Bo We eee neat: Paneer Hat ii So henaeak Ghik: Inticcoat ie aa stock of Blouses in Geor- ‘ } me Eve — oo AL Special discount ee go none ,;oroposed walk between 8th and getie, Crepe de Chine and y sane ali ‘anity Purses and i : kerchiefs and note l4ith Ave.. so his recor e . QO; ” " : : wices for Xmas. : i i 9 ! inmendation "1s D } Matchel = r paper in faney boxes. idid not come before the Council = at ° special reduction, liast night. ‘The engineer expects ie He aoe Ready- . ro8o , }to have it prepared for next Mon to-Wear, such as Silk Night- ITE S XMAS DRA VU ING day night, gowns, Underwear, Boudoir ee ee OC ' , 7 . ist, 2nd and 3rd Prizes—Xmas |} Caps Underskirts, Dresses : ‘ . ‘ . 4 . | ; + Every $2.00 Cash Purchase entitles you to Ticket Free for- Drawing—Wallace’s. tf | Gloves and Xmas Wealine. is’. Paize..-Brass Bed, Spring, Mattress and Pair Pillows. - eudnes me é chiefs : ‘ : enry ? » cemetery care. ‘ . } _ 2Np. Prize. Ladies’ Desk and Chair, Mahogany. biaetae eee o “ ton ae Srp. Prize.--Large Kewpie Doll. | Coueil nequesting a raise in sal.| Everyone should be . | , , lary from $120 to 8140. He thinking of buying now Do your Shopping, in the Morning-it helps YOU to receive our best attention. | stated in the request that it was as there is tim to i 5 i j Ns , “ practically impossible for a man) ; Ps i Our Store is complete with Santa Gifts for Father, Mother, Sister or Brother. with a family of five to live at ose and our store will (8120 under present condition. | be open every night un- y ~ 7 J . | The concensus of opinion in the! till Xmas. STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT until Xmas |): somes to vein favor oF. Be sure and call to the increase but the letter was re “| buy your gifts at money ferred to the moar of Works for soulinn akon 5 | S mace ra GEO. D : TITE roe “Dimoiar carat a me Jabour Bros., Ltd. The “Dinector’ Corset. Manu- 7 Complete Home Furnisher = [Blue 9 meee "One Phone Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street ‘ . : ! pirella Cursetiere. Phone! Hinrk 287 RT 39