Thursday, October 22, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE The concentrated goodness of prime beef is in Awarded over 140 sold medals and diplomas FREE! Phones 81 and 82 Third Avenue East Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday -sa. Catala 1:30 pjn. Th u uy ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. ' Friday M. Princess Marv 10 D.m. Or' ib! r 4- ss. Pr. Loulso 5:30 p.m. '! M us Princess Loulso....pjn. Or L'" sb. Princess Noroh... pjn. from Vancouver Sunday as. Catala" ...4 pm. W' 1 pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday - ss. Pilncess Mary 4 pjn. Frhi.0' ss. Cardcna p.m. oa'uc ss pr. George .10:30 am. " 1" ss. Prin. Louisa 0 a.m. On ::2 .ss. Princess Norah . a.m. r Naas Ittvtr and fort Simpion- Bunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. "om Naas lllver & rort Simpson Tuesday-. Catala ....11:30 am. or Stewart and Anyox Sunday -sa, Uatola 8 p.m. W -'.n. sdayK.,. pr. Rupert 4 p.m. eafurciuy-ss. pr. George ....4 pjn. om Slcwart and Anyox Sunday -ss. pr, George 8 p.m. Tuesday-"5 Catala ....11:30 ajn. Tui .ss. pr, Rupcrt g pjn rr Ocean Falls-Bunt'ay as. pr. Oeorge 10 p m-TU(, -h.v . catala 1:30 pjn. One 25c Tube Colgate's Tooth Paste when you buy a tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream or Colgate's Shaving Cream or a bottle of Palmolive Shampoo, or a tube of Cqlgate's Tooth Paste, any size, or any Colgate or Palmolive item for 50c or over. Take advantage of this offer. Ormes ltd. "Jitm Pioneer Druqgists Third Ave. and Fulton St. Motorists! Prepare lor Cold Weather! FREE SERVICE E Tuesday and Friday for the balance of October wc will ' ;.- charge flush your radiator, inspect and tighten or replace inncrtlons. tighten or repack water pumps, Install or test Ar : FoM ze, and fit chains. l.L-.emls will be charged at regular prices. PARKER'S GARAGE I'honc 83 Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn From Ocean Falls-Wed. M..Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday- u. Cardena pjn, M. Princess Mary 4 pjn Sat. as. Pr. George ....10:30 ajr. ' For Queen Charlottes I Oct. 8 . Prince John 10 p.m. ' Oct. 2ass. Prince John 10 pm i From Queen Charlottes Oct. 8 ss. Prince John ajn. Oct. 2088. Prince John. &m For Alaska Oct. 10 ss. Prin. Louise 11 am Oct. 22ss. Princess Norah....ajn. C. N. TRAIN For the liast Mondays, Wcancsday and Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. From the East Sundays, Tuesday days, 3:30 p.m. and Thurs- There were only 12 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah whi-h was in port this morning bound from Vancouver to Skagway. One person disembarked here from the vessel. '::!:: lito ..... 1 nd many other changes and Improvements for your comfort and convenience. 320 view rooms ... all vvlth bath. en..iii iaui w.kttf And monthly raUl. van ro u v i: it's n e aiitiful h ' re- in - -iri; i ii hi rw aTwaaji F9TO-v:; ssu m wr-m m sn Mtm Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroner's store. Cut Hate Shoe Store Is selling men's; women's, boys' and girls' shoes and rubbers at prices that will astonish you. Meeker Block. Delayed by storms, C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. D. K. Blrss, left Skldegate at 11 o'clock last njght for Massett and Is not expected to arrive here from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands before late tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Devigne of Juneau, who have been on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south, were passengers aboard the Princes Norah this morning returning to the Alaska capital. Mr. Devigne Is commissioner of public health for the territory of Alaska. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, divisional commander of the Salvation Army for Northern.Brltlsh Columbia and Alaska, who has been paying an official visit to this city and district, sailed by the Princess Norah this morning on his return to his headquarters at WrangcU. Mr. Justice C. D. Macauley, territorial judge of the Yukon, was a passenger aboard ' the Princess Norah this morning bound for Dawson. Judge Macauley had recently left the north for the win ter but has been called back to hear a criminal case at Dawson The Peace River record, pub- Eagles' Serpentine Danoe, October 23. ' Ladles refreshments Gentlemen, 50c. 4l!can Cathedral Dazaar, No vember 19. Varden Concert. November 19. est Colds Rub well over throat and chest V ICKS VapoRuh Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphiiiir tHI Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. , J. rUUDUOMME, Prop, for- of Fiasir and Fifth 8ts ' Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Grand drawing of prizes tonight, Catholic Dazaar, Balagno'a Orchestra,, dancing re'e. Have a Jolly ,41me. at, Hyggaa dance In Mctropole llall, Friday. Oct; 23. Everybody welcome. Ad mission 25c. (24V) B. Lokkcn, lighthouse keeper al Unlmak Island in the Aleutian Islands, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this mornlni? returning to his duties in that Isolated region of the north after a holiday visit to Seattle. Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Crlmont. Ro man Catholic Bishop of Alaska was a passenger aboard the Prin cess Norah 4hl3 morning returning to his headquarters at Juneau af ter a brief trip to Seattle, and elsewhere in the south. Shoes at below manufacturers' prices. Cut Rate Shoe Store, Meeker Block. C. P. R. steamer Princes Norah, Capt. William Palmer, making her first voyage of the winter In the Alaska route, arrived in port at 8:45 this morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skag- way and other Alaska points whence she is 'due here again southbound next Monday after noon. The remains of Alex N. Davie, well known pioneer of this city, who died last week at Anyox, where he hadibeen for many years in the service of the Qranby Co., will be brought from the smelter llshed at Peace River. Alta., has j town aboard the steamer Prince reprinted a lecent editorial in the Daily News protesting at the completion of the Paeific Oreat East ern Railway as a Peace River out- et. The same paper also reprints a letter written by Aid. Theo Col- art to the Daily News on the sub-1 the provincial police here, and for .iect. the past summer engaged in spe- Announcements him. Jgt. Peters, Seal Cove, new Pat- Rupert this evening. A Masonic funeral will be accorded tomorrow b Tslmpsean Lodge of this city. Corp. C. O. Barber, formerly a member of the city detachment oi cial duties in the central interior district, will sail tonight on the ! Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to Nelson to which city he has been transferred. He will take a couple of prisoners south wltn lsft nail onen tenignv.pci, 23,, pi The DaliyCrironWleT published in p.m. All welcome. Collection (240) London. Eng.. has reproduced an ( lamuslng letter written by John Concert. Presbyterian Church, j Wostenholm of this city to Rt. October 23. Hon j H Thomas, British colon ial secretary, requesting the latter to have the Postmaster . General open an account for' the local man with $1 enclosed In the letter. Mr. Wruttpnhnlmp's fetter was entitled Moose Cinderella aanee nonor "!safety First" m - .ft.. 4 I Royal Purple, bridge and whin. Monday. Oct 26, Metropole Hall. 3:30. cash prises. St. Peter's Church bazaar, October 28. L.O.B.A. bridge and whltf, and dance Metropole Hall. Oct. 29, at 8:30 pjn. Price, 50e. Premier Orchestra. Hill 60 1.0.DE. Drldge and danr.u October 30. Moose' Hallo we'eo. dance, Oct 30 Presbyterian Fall Dazaar. Novembers. , . Mefte Carnival and dance No. !2 and 13. Dptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Chief Petty Officer Instructor Yo'in of the locil unit of the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, has fashioned a splendid miniature model of a mine-sweeper, the model being equipped with many Ingenious mechanical de-vies. It is planned to exhibit the modtl at the Capitol Theatre next Monday, and Tuesday nights in connection with the showing of the British naval picture 'TcU England." NOTICE Our coal Is in a dry slird. Don't buy waler. Ituy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note pur advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf Grosvenor HheJ'riendhj Hotel 4 & fcp Comfortable Rooms rrWO hlucka from thftatrti anil tlio, but out f Hit lln of truflkc Tfi llroavrnor tin vvrryllilnx r.r your romfort iinU ronvenlrnc. 4mI fntK lirllBlnily MrMj . . ruay loltliy. lounirs mnd rlllni and 1.1 rtmnta . . barber aliup . . . ffaran aarvlra. VANCOUVEtV. B.C.... LOVELY NEW CHINA Wedgwood & Co. Comes TSlgiv in This Package In thousands of homes Robin Hood Oats has been served for over a generation. This New Chinawart Package with the "RED SPOT" label contains the same high quality Rolled Oats you have always known . . . distinctive because of the"PAN'DRIED" flavour. The scientific "PAN-DRIED" process of making porridge oats, as developed by Robin Hood Mills, is adapted from an old Scotch formula. This is a method of pre-cooking This afternoon's tram, dir.- Iron the east at 3:30. was reported- this morning to be on time. WORTHWHILE SAVINGS On Quality Foods Okanagan Tomatoes large tins- quality guaranteed, flftn LUl , per tin i Duy by the dozen at this price. Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Cello-Wrapt, per lb 30c Campbell's Tomato Soup Qp cx per tin Butter No. 1 Alberta prints, yjflp 2 lbs Split Peas 4 lbs Pearl Barley 4 lbs 23c 21c Chateau Cheese It Spreads 4 On Canada Matches 3 large boxes Christie's Biscuits 1 -lb. Sampler Package, per pkg. Fresh Mincemeat Spicy and delicious, per lb Shredded Wheat per pkg Malkin's Best Whole Beans. tiny and tender, per tin New Candled Peel whole mixed, per lb j Brand, l-lb. tins Swansdown Cake Flour- I Better Cakes, per pkg. Crlsco 3-lb. tins, each j Whole Wheat Fig Bars, l fresh stock. 2 lbs. "National" Chocolate ! Eclairs, per lb Eggs, B. C. Storage Extras, per dos Oranges, Australian. large size, 3 doz. 30c 35c 16c 10c 18c 21c! Choice Pink Salmon Yacht f Ao For29c! 76c 35c 30c 35c 95c Watts' Grocery PHONE 53 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS ONE ever dreamed that China like this would be placed in NO packages of Rolled Oats. Robin Hood Mills once more has broken all precedents for giving their customers exceptional value in a China ware Oats Package. Each piece of China bears the name of the manufacturer . . . WEDGWOOD & CO. ... the pattern is new and modern, ( just imported from England. The rich coloring, the gold line edge and the modern, new square shape make up a truly beautiful set of China. Start now to collect a set for your table from packages of Robin Hood Rapid Oats with the "Red Spot" label, marked . . . WEDGWOOD & CO. Why Robin Hood Oats has Better Flavour in the hull, which retains the valuable food elements of the oats and improves the flavour as baking improves the flavour of a potato. Serve Robin Hood Rapid Oats at least once a day . . . save the modern, new English China from the packages. Give your family Nature's most nourishing food and set your table with modern China that will win the admiration of everyone who sees it. Ask your Grocer for The Robin Hood Packa3e with the "RED SPOT" Label Robin Hood Rapid Oats Best Because it's PAN -DRIED 1 THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS to be held in . Presbyterian Church 8:15 p.m. i FRIDAY, OCT. 23 Tickets, 50c, Children Half Price South PtuporU rr4tigej for Old Country Sailing FALL SAILINGS From Prince Rupert tor Vancouver, ulling at Ocean FaSi and Powell River, Sunday and ThurtJay. 100C p.m. Far Ketchikan, Saturday. 4.00 p.m. For Anyox, Wednesday. 4 00 p.m. For Stewart Wedneaday and Saturday 4 XX) p.m. Fortnightly Krvice to Queen Charlotte lalanda. Particular on requctt TRAIN SERVICE Pauenger train leave Prince Rupert Monday. U'ednoday and Saturday at 11 JO a m for Edmonton Winnipeg and poinu East For Informmlfn rail mf writt locml ajt r II. M tWEMI. O.r. r.A Mm Rnprt. B.C V-lOf-Kl Canadian National Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers liiat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McKAE BROS., LTD. Car Owners Our repair service is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE Si PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 566 Night Calls 161 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strainer Irate rrlncc Rupert t or Vancouver: T.S.K CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, WO P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.B.&. UAKDENA KVF.HY FRIDAY MIIIXIOIIT Arriving Vsncouver Sunday midnight approx. Wckl .ailing to Port Simpson, Alloa Ami. Anyox, 8tewart and Nat River (oUta. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. Further information regarding al) nailing nd tlckeU at TRINCr KVTERT AGENCY: HreonU Ayeimt. I'hone 568 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office