The Weather V prince Rupert Overtast, calm; barometer, 29.98; temperature, 49; iea smooth. Vol. XXII NO. 246. 9!S Privy Council Gives Decision Contrary to Ill . iii AVIATION Canada Supreme Court Court in This Country Had Ruled That Provinces Had Jurisdiction to Control Aviation Matters Within Boundaries. LONDON, Oct 22. The judicial committee of the Privy Council today held up the contention of the Dominion to supreme jurisdiction over aviation matters in Canada, allowinjr an appeal of the Dominion against a dedsion of the Supreme Court tot - . . ' N ! VVSllJL1 1 IVllU (that the provinces had Jurisdiction WlDI) I I II II 1 to control aviation matters within If JUJAl-i JJJIS 'their boundaries. Crip Report Is Made by District Agriculturalist a( Smithers MUejr Valley weather A con dl'.i i.- were favorable during July, August and September for crop pro-dunon says an official report of 8.8 P)"!!ps. district agriculturalist il Saii hnrs Haying started early la Juiv a great deal of timothy being itV f ir seed. Oat hay yielded ib.ji iwo and one-half tons to the irr r is estimated that there be hundred tons of timothy i pioduced in the dUtrtct this Jtr. Cram stooled well and recov-tni ciiderably from severe cut-'irm iinury earlier In the season. Oram ts all harvested and threshing t- u progress. Some good yields im r ix.rted. Wheat Is averaging Irtmnrt ...... thlrto-tlua Kn.Violi In the i IMl V-lf MUM.V " - iw .iu about fifty bushels to the l r. lUw harlv nhnut thirtv-flve Til; built of timothy is still In the 'ark. Some timothy has been thrr hrd averaging two hundred ani fir-y pounds to the acre. Poia'ucs are yielding well, ranges" from five to eight tons to the icre Farmers are endeavoring to itarvuniuw grade and a potato trai l- has been established at Smi'Hn I'V'' tock is In better condition thai i m previous years. Pasture Is I" 'i Hue to adequate moisture, ftrmrrs will, in some case, finish bef with grain In order to put prime wt' fin the market. - RAILS SHOW WEAKNESS Stock Reacts to I.C.C. Decision- Industrials Are Stronger NEW Yonjc rw. n ,hDpd weakness in the local stock markets yesterday in view of the ion or the Interstntfi com mcr;e Commission refusing pcr-ni'Non to the railroads to Increase wir rates by fifteen per cent. Industrials, however, showed "nuth corresponding to the eaknoss of rails. IS IIUKIED TODAY Julius niegcr, victim of a logging ldent a few days ngo at Kltsa-Channel In the Gardner Canal "'Hrict. was laid to rest this morn-ln After a service in the chapel the D. 0. Undertakers, at which 'm-r Charles Webb officiated, ln-'"rmrnt was made in Falrvlcw "ijictory. of Canada on a reference the question as whether the Do- minion or provincial authorlUes have Jurisdiction. The Canadian court had ruled ACTIVITY Mininr Production This Year Is Largest in Years J. W. Garrett, manager of Atlln Inn. tourist hotel at AUin, who was a recent visitor in Vancouver, state that never during his residence of twelve years In Atlln had more interest been taken In placer mining than this year, nor 'had returns been more satisfactory. Many claims are being operated this year, Mr. Oarratt said, and much gold is being recovered. Up to July It was reported that more gold was taken out than during the entire year 1930. Many old-timers are reaping results of their perseverance and development work, nip returns are expected from McKee, Spruce and other creeks. Fourth of July mine may become a sensational silver-lead operation. FAIR IS SUCCESS nella Coola Exhibition Had .More F.ntrles This Year nfTTA rnoiJV. Oct. 22: Trn Institute exhlbl Uilisutat kih hr recently pruveu - - llUit .i.aarni There were 500 entries which Is a good deal more than In previous years. NeedleworK was muuuu the first time and proved very popular. The ladles, as a matter of fact, contributed 48 per cent of the f.ntrift with their needle work, home cooking and plants. Field plants weer uitiu. weak, more attention having ap- -11., hVan niid to slie than quality. Potato exhibits were, how- . ,.iin with not the sllgh.- est trace of disease, uvcr uwr -t .nniM irerp entered varieties o -----The lateness of the date eliminated .11 WAIVA. many species or iruu u tables. PREMIER SELLS AT 50c ON VANCOUVER EXCHANGE VANCOUVER, Oct. 22.-Premler Oold Mining CO.. Ltd., stock sold at 50c per share on the Vancouver Stock Exchange yesterday. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, RULED DOMINION MATTER CANADIAN NATIONAL-CANADIAN Bull fighting Is not confined to Spain and Mexico. In Southern France even children are taught to follow in a toreador's fleet footsteps. Youngsters attempting to unfasten ribbon tied around neck of a swift calf. ROAipOfe POSSIBLE Provincial and Dominion Government Tuts Quietus on Alaska Highway VICTORIA. Oci. 22, The Dominion and provincial governments consider the construction of the. British Columbia-Yukon-Alaska road Impossible at the present time. Hon. George Black, Speaker of the House of Commons and chairman of the committee on the project, stated at a luncheon of the transportation bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade yesterday. Presentation at Victoria ML Dorothy Fraser Receives Governor General's Bronze Medal Which She Won Here The following from a recent Victoria Colonist describes a ceremonv at Presentation Day ceremonies at the Victoria High School when Miss Dorothy Fraser, pupil last year of Borden Street School here, was presented with the Governor Oeneral's bronze medal for having come second In the province In en trance examinations: "The aovernor-Generals bronae medal, presented by Dr. Willis to Dorothy Fraser, recently arrived here from Prince Rupert, and now n first vear student at the high school. This student was second in the whole Drovlnce In the entrance examinations, and headed the entrance candidates in the Prince Rupert district, thereby winning the above meaai. Dr. Willis, in making the pre sentation, made a memorable little speech, In which he referred to nu own associations with the VlctorU High School, congratulated the students on their showing, and In dicated to them something of th- nnnortunltles which they enjoyed as students with all life ahead of them to shape and mold. NO FISH IN No boats being In, there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning. B. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1931 Young Frenchmen Learn Bull VANCOUVER MAN FALLS A. E. Austin Sustains Injuries Which Are Believed to Hare Been Fatal VANCOUVER, Oet. 22. Falling from the fifteenth floor of the Medical and Dental Building here to the ground, a distance of approximately 300 feet, A.. E. Austin, prominent local business man. suffered injuries which are thought to be fatal shortly before 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Austin struck a fire escape at the tenth floor level, bounced off and landed in a net of telephone wires before dropping to the pavement. He suffered Internal Injuries, fractured a leg and one arm, and one finger was torn off from hitting the fire escape. Mr. Austin was conscious when he was picked up. He told police officers that he had gone to see a dentist who was not in. Feeling dizzy he went to the fire escape for air and lost his balance. The hospital holds out hope for recovery. Keep Office Open For Registrations Those Unable (o Attend In Day Given Chance to Get on City List At the recent special meeting of the city council this week It was decided to Instruct the city clerk to llceep the office open each evening fnext week, commencing on Tuesday from 7 to 9, for the purpose of giv ing an opportunity to those wishing to register as voters who are unable to attend during the day. City Workman Has Injuries George Place Cuts His Foot With Mattock on Vanarsdol Street George Place, when working for the city on relief work grading Vanarsdol street, slipped In the muskeg and cut his; foot with a mattock. The Injury is not serious. PACIFIC Fighting j I -fe ARRESTED! Earl F. Robinson Charged With, Theft of $14,000 From City of i Vancouver ! VANCOUVER. Oct. 22Earl E. Robinson, suspended police court clef k, who surrendered to the police yesterday when a warrant was Issued for his arrest charging him with theft of over $14,000 from the city of Vancouver, appeared in city police court- this morning before Magistrate McQueen and was remanded for a week. The thefts are alleged to have occurred between 1916 and 1931. Dollar and Pound Showed Small Gain Roth Canadian and English Money Were Slightly Stronger in New 1 York Yesterday j NEW YORK. Oct. 22. The Cana- j dlan dollar closed at 89 3-9c on the local foreign exchange yesterday. The pound sterling closed at $3.95. Both Were slight gains over the day previous. MONTREAL, Oct. 22. The pound sterling sold at $140 here yesterday. Fort St. John Mill Nearing Its Completion FORT ST. JOHN, Oct. 20. Building of the new flour mill here, which Is being sponsored by the provincial government, is rapidly taking form and will add a great deal to the appearance of this Peace River Block town. The framework Is now ready to receive siding and sashes. Today's Weather Langara Island Overcast, light southeast wind; sea calm. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.34: temperature, 48; heavy swell. Tomorrow's Tides Friday, October 23, 1931 High 11:36 a.m. 19.4 ft. 23:54 p.m. 18.5 It. Low 5:25 a.m. 6.8 ft. 17:56 p.m. 6.1 ft. CO-OPERATION Two Railway Companies Have Signed Agreement For Feeding Steamships Government System Will Assist in Advertising and Soliciting Business for Other Company's Ships Advantage in Hauling Arranged ST. JOHN, N.B., Oct. 22. Canadian National Railways Steamships will co-operate in advertising and solicitation of freight, passenger and express traffic for Canadian 'Pacific ships to and from Canadian Atlantic ports has been signed by E. W. Beatty. K.C., president of the Cana- oon racuic ttauway, ana sir Henrys Thornton, president of the Cana- dlan National Railways. The agreement also calls for a compensating advantage to the Canadian National In the haul of freight, passenger and express business to and from ships of the Canadian Pacific. Prince of Siam B ; I I , j I Lieut. Svastl Pradlsch, Prince of Slam and brother of the queeu, at Camp Humphreys, Virginia, studying military methods. He prefers army life to a round of social activities. BIG CREW ON RELIEF Up to This Morning 190 Men Are Being Employed The city engineer announced this morning that 190 men were now employed on city relief work. The work Is In progress In various parts of the city. SPOKE ON AUTOS V. S. Moore gave a vocational talk at today's Rotary Club luncheon, his topic being "The Automobile Industry." President OH. Munro was ,ln the chair. PRICE: FIVE CENTS An agreement whereby the and the Canadian Pacific - PEACE PASS BEST ROUTE So Says Jack Adams, Veteran Central Interior Guide VANCOUVER, Oct. 22. When the Peace River railway outlet comes to be built, and in his opinion it should be built without further delay, the Flnlay Forks-Peace Pass route should be used because It is the one practical route, says "Jack" Adams, veteran transportation man and guide of Fort Oeorge, here for the first time in four years. The Peace Pass route would 90 through a country rich in mineral, timber and agricultural resources, which cannot be said of any other route suggested, Mr. Adams . de-; dared. With transportation headquarters at Summit Lake and stations at, many other points In the north.! Mr Adams Is familiar with all parts of the north country where he has worked and travelled since 1913. No German Ships For Russia Now HAMBURG. Germany, Oct. 22-A decision to cease dispatching ships to Russia was adopted by German shipowners Tuesday on the grounds that recent strikes aboard German vessels in Soviet ports had been abetted by Russian authorities. FINANCING MUNICIPALITY At a recent meeting of the city council letters were received from Hon. J. W. Jones; minister of finance, and from P. Philip, chief engineer of the department of pub-11c works, In regard to financing unemployment relief and ordinary municipal expenditures. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Oct. 22: Wheat was quoted at 59 c on the local exchange today. ! I , HI-JACKERS TAKE 1 I GOVERNMENT BOOZE NEW WESTMINSTER, Oct 22. HI-j ackers, who trussed up 4 Reginald Adams In the cab of his freight delivery truck last night, stole twenty-two cases of liquor, valued at $1,000, des- tined to the Cloverdale liquor vendor, and escaped.