PAGE SEC THE DAILY NEWS NO WONDER. HER HUSBAND LIKES BUTTERSCOTCH PIE Mrs. G , who lives in New Brunswick, writes: "Butterscotch pie is my husband's favourite dessert." I didn't wonder that he liked it when I read what followed : "I have used Carnation Milk ever since I began to keep house." There is no doubt about it Carnation Milk does give more delicious results. That is why so many women use it for certain special things for soups and sauces because of the velvety texture and rich creaminess which result; for wonderful candies, smooth and fine-grained; for delicately fragile cakes and puddings; for rich, velvet-smooth ice cream. All of these results come from definite qualities. Carnation Milk is simply the purest of whole milk, protected at the source. Carnation "field men" spend their time helping dairymen build up finer herds and showing them what good business it is to have clean herds housed in clean barns, milked by clean hands into dean utensils. This safeguarded milk is evaporated to double ricliness, "homogenized, " and sterilized for safekeeping. Because of its double portion of cre;:m, it makes foods richly creamy without the use of extra butter and cream. Because it is "homogen ized" it gives an exceptionally smooth, fine texture. And because it is always uniform in quality it produces more certainly successful results. Why don't you try Carnation Milk in the recipe for butterscotch pie which Mrs. G 's husband likes so much? Better still, send for the Carnation Cook Book, full of excellent recipes. It is free. Carnation's new Baby Feeding Book is also yours for the asking. Address Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Butterscotch Pie-1H cups brown ugar, H rap fiour, H tsp. salt, IK cups Carnation Milk, ' cup water, 3 tbsps. butter, 3 eggs. Mix sugar, flour, and salt thoroughly; scald Carnation and water together; add milk to dry mixture stirring until well blended. Return to the double boiler and cook for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally; add to well beaten egg yolks and continue cooking for 2 minutes ; add butter. Pour filling into baked pastry shell. Cover with meringue made by folding 4tbsp.sugarand i tsp. baking powder into 3 stiffly beaten egg whites. Brown in a slow oven (300 F.). Makes 1 large pie. To make RAISIN BUT-TERSCOTCI I PIE use the same redpe, adding 1 cup of raisins to the filling. 1 s What is Carnation Milk? Simply pure, wholesome. whole milk, evaporated to double creaminess, sterilized for safekeeping and conveniently packaged. You'll find it absolutely dependable and wonderfully economical Carnation Milk is safeguarded at the source by strictest cleanliness in the care and milking of the cows. And this protection continues until it reaches you in hermetically sealed containers. (See rtcipt tbove.) Milk torn Ctnidlta cows, packed in Canada in Canadian cans and etiet. PRODUCED IN CANADA LljWMjJPIPsgMpsJPsBPWIgsjswBWPT TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 RECEPTION WAS HEARD Local Radio Listeners Listen Welcome In New York This Morning to French Premier District News TERRACE Mb. tin Malkln's Best Coffee. 1 large bottle Aylmer Catchup, I lb. Canadian Cheest, 2-Ib. pkg. Icing Sugar, Special, -ail for Lot No. 3 to Prince Itupert radio listeners were able to hear this morning tin-welcoming ceremonies in New York in connection with the arrival there from France of Pre nior Pierre Laval who is to confer ?.t Washington with President Hoover j of the United States on International questions. The broadcast W. Treston and J. McNutt came in from Kalum Lake on Monday and stayed to take in the meet ing at which Hon. R. W. Bruhn, minister of public works, was the chief speaker. Mrs. Ross Thompson went down to Prince Rupert on Sunday for medical attention. Capt. Wlllman of Usk, came In on Monday to meet Hon. R. W Bruhn and the quarterly meeting of the board of trade was advan ced from Tuesday in order that the minister might be present. Week-End Specials Lot No. 1 10-lb. sack B.&K. Pastry Flour. 1 pkg. Purity Quick Oats, 3 lbs. Rice, No. 1, 3 lbs. Sago QCZn Special, all for Lot No. 2 95c 3-lb. tin Swift's Pure Lard, 1-lb. pkg. Malkln's Best Tea, 1 tin Peas, size 4, Q f? p Special, all for VOK, Lot No. 4 1 doz. Fresh Seconds Eggs, lb. Sliced Premium Bacon, Jar Malkln's Best Marmalade, 40-OZ. 1 pkg. Bran Flakes, Special, all for Lot No. 5 10 lbs. Rcmo Potatoes, 10 lbs. Remo Turnips, 10 lbs. Carrots, S lbs. Rcmo Cabbage, 3 lbs. Onions, 59c CrLsco. COLDS per 3-lb. can dollar size per lb. Ginger Snaps, Red Arrow, 2 lbs Malkln's Best Loganberries, 2's Ensign Red Pitted Cherries, Matches, pocket' size, per dozen Gainer's Sliced Bacon, per Vi-lb. pkg. .. Malkln's Best Lobster, W ,. - Australian Oranges, large size, 3 doz. 1 BUCKLEY'S is Canada! standard remedy. It outsells all other cough and cold preparations. BETTER that's why and DIFFERENT. Acts Lite a Fltth 'ASiucttSiP Poovts It M-IO CERTIFICATES came form the City Hall of New KTtV AWARIWH York and was handled by the Na-j rllL rVlf rLlXUUlJ tlonal Broadcasting Co. through i station KOMO of -5631116. John S.I Mayor Ormc' Slakes Presentation Young was the announcer of thej ' at rarent-Teachcn' Sleeting broadcast which started coming in . about 6:50 and ended about 7:30. j There waa a good attendance at The principal speakers were Pre-'the regular monthly meeting of the mler Laval, who used both the prince Rupert Parent-Teacher i English and French tongue; Mayci Association In the Booth Memorial James Walker of New York and School last evening on the occa-Secretary of State Henry L. SUm- sion of the presentation of En-son of the United States. The trance to High School certlfisates French Premier and his party were to the successful pupils from met at the Battery by state offi- Booth Memorial and Borden Street cials and were escorted to the City schools. Hall by naval, military and moun- Mrs. R. Blance, president of th ted police detachments. The band association, was In the chair and music could be heard on the the presentations were made by broadcast. The welcoming cere- Mayor C. H. Orme. In his prelim-mony took place in the aldermanlc inary remarks. Mr. Orme said thar chamber of the New York City Hall it had been suggested that he give and much enthusiasm evidently some advice to the pupils. He wai prevailed. dlflfdont about doing so but was Premier Laval proceeded from fiad to have the opportunity of New York to Washington to meet saying a few words to the boys and President Hoover. The conference 'girls. He asked them to take every between the United States and advantage of tffelr chances now i French governmental heads is while they were at school Exper-Iheld to be of no less Importance ince proved that all too often the than that which took place a few chance were missed when avail-j years ago between Premier J. Ram-'able and in later years were not to say MacDonald of England and be obtained. Th.e. speaker also em-1 President Hoover. iphastaed the importance of "play- 1 jing the game."vThis formed a ne- j cessary part of their school edu cation. With the combination of education and the spirit of wholesome competlUpn, their future would be astnrea. The mayor then presented the certificates to the successful pupils. He further congratulated the association on their realization of the importance of the obtaining of these certllfcate by the children and in arranging such a meeting in recognition of their achievement. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the mayor for his address. Refreshments were served by a committee unoVr Mrs Eastman. Jsu'sfiBxijciiaxKi ii uiiim De Jong s Cash and Carry Phone 953 For Week-End Savings Sunnybrook Butter, per 3-lb. brick Phone 953 75c Blue Ribbon Le 43c Blue Ribbon Coffee, lOn ?Ut 79c 25c Malkln's Best Assorted Jams, CQn i a k ju m ........ Johnstone Fluid Beef, 10-oz. bottle Kipper Snacks, 2 tins for Red Arrow Sodas, 99c 15c 45c 21c IS OPENED i BY MAYOR Catholic Bazaar Is Continuing To-j day Social and Dance Tonight The official opening of the annual Catholic bazaar took place last night at the Catholic Hall with Mayor Cyril H. Orme officiating. ' The first day of the bazaar proved quite successful, there being many on hand to patronize the affair both in the afternoon and evening. The bazaar is continuing this afternoon and will be brought to a close with a social and darice tonight at which the drawings for the various raffles will take place. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 22, 1911 Sir William White, famous naval architect, who is now a director of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is a visitor in Prince Rupert today. He inspected the harbor and dry dock site while here. There is no need to fortify this harbor, Sit William said, as British Columbia has nd naval enemies to fear. Sailors of the Standard Fish & Fertilizer Company's trawler Kings- way refused to go out to sea this morning, claiming that the vessel was unfit for a voyage to Pacofl, 'Jueen Charlotte Islands, with a cargo of coal. W. H. Vlckers, chief of city police, returned on the Camosun yesterday from Vancouver, where he had been In connection with the hearing of local cases in appeal court. GETS TWO MONTHS George Canary, pleading guiUy to the theft of $30 from Donald Orcy, was sentenced to two months' imprisonment by Magistrate McCly-mont in city police court yesterday afternoon. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS Hallowe'en Apples and Candy All on Display at Our Stores All at Reduced Prices Jonathan Apples Per Box Mcintosh Apples, Cec Grade, per box $1.50 $1.85 Hallowe'en Candy all colors, QA ner lh Chocolate Bars, assorted. 7 for 25c Chocolate Bars, assorted, Q(n 24 5c bars, per box OUix This Is good for the children and is always appreciated Popping Corn, 9 3 lbs. for ' . . OOKj Pumpkin, 2!4-lb. tins Pumpkin, fresh, (n net lb. VC Hubbard Squash, per lb Fresh Ttoasted Peanuts, OEJp good and crisp, 2 lbs. for Braid's Best Tea Blue Label With cup and saucer, I tin per lb Ttwv We have only a limited quantity of this deal. Buy now and get this cup and saucer free. Malkln's Best Waterglass, Qf 0 2's tins, two for Malkln's Best Baking Powder, 12-oz. tins With one package of Malkln's Best Jelly Powder 25c Malkln's Best ExtractsAll flavors, z-oz. Dottles, each Breakfast Bacon, sliced Per lb. 15c 8pcc,alanror ; - 25c Mussallems Cash and Alberta Market P, GAMULA. Fifth Street. oprietor Phone 20H Celery, per head Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over 10c Carry Stores 6c 19c 25c 19c i Wc havc a tutt tangc f ,rcsh Frut j and Vegetables at prices greatly JC' reduced. ;We solicit mail orders, and prompt OaiC attention is always given to these out-of-town customers rntrn(ln $1.00 their requirements to our care. "Where Hollars Have More Cents" rnone 3o rhone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Wednesday & Thursday Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:40 Admission 20c & 65c TIIURS. MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:10 15c & 40c Divine, Desirable Thursday. October 22, mi AL1 iy j CONSTANCE BENNETT In Her Greatest Triumph "BOUGHT With BEN LYON, RICHARD BENNETT. DOROTHY PETERSON Her soul craved the sweet fruits of luxury but what a bitter price she paid! Comedr "Where Canaries Sing Bass' Screen Song, "My Wife's Gone to the Country. Fox Neva Friday and Saturday, ".Merely Mary Ann" Where Quality meets Seasoned Judgment 17 &L! .' llL mm mt. II xfiX 1 1 WW M2 V U SILVER SPRING satisfies - IN the fmorcd po!s, HhrTC the lct U none to goexf, jou'll find the fine quality anil satisfying strength of Silver Spring taken as a matter of course. For many years, this perfect malt beverage, brewed in IlrilUh Columbia, ha bren n prime fuvorile. In kanit nrlmnt m rfxi lutlt.Jatrn bntlln, II raatl a mr for I kit nnimlfiin, $2.00 riH DOZEN Al C'TfrnMMl Marts Superior Quality Guaranteed MADE IN B.C. JJ CUV ll.C fr-'.zt COAST Brworws uMUfD This aiivt rticnicnt is not published or displayed by lie Liunr Control Board or bj the Government of British Columbis. Thank You for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In case of any error or misunderstanding between subscriber and carrier boy, please phone 98 or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we ' will gladly attend to it. Work for Prince Rupert Patronize Prince Rupert Merchants Head Their Ads in The Daily Nova Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised.