rtnpdar. October 22, 1931 SPORT CONDITION Nor GOOD vi. Williams California Track -- . Stai Given ancF 10 I!, cover From Appendicitis ics ANCE1J& :0ft. 22: Vic -!ll:,m southern California,; tr;uL -tar, who.; reiurnea to nu horn' i.ere recently after a 'tour of Sui given a rli:u: iv nis pnyncian io recover Mix ration Tor appendicitis (' ' !' IIS were discovered and. nditlon Is admittedly i SPORTCHAT j, Francis Devlin, All-Eng-.in . Bi i ninton singles champion an. !: i. r with O. S..B. Mack, of b,ii:i ;i, English and Irish Internal. ; u double championships, 'has di :)" Canada as his country. He a;. . n n uebe recently with his !Ki six -months-old daughter, Sut :, 'Mitoes, and after a brief M, j. Toronto will go to Winnipeg ti .ik- ip the position of profes-i,,A.i. aid ooach to the Winter c uc : Winnipeg. This Is Devlin's . :-!' to Canada. He came here pi' vumsly with the team of Brr -h Internationalist badminton iiiiuer the oaptalncy of 8lr G : . ' Muimas Booth both in 1924 .,!.(. a: I'm Since that first visit the l m i has made remarkable m'k: ,n Canada. Nowhere In the nirid i the game played under such id' : renditions as In the clubs !-.. ! i xist in all the leading cities. .;. . i: Winnipeg, Quebec and To- it the finest badminton halls txi--.. steadily year by year the i .si r. i increased in popularity :.u -.'.. year already promised to c- i :!. rd one. The arrival of the Bu- hampion will give the game i: i !(! fillip and is certain to i' . ii. a great Improvement in tt.e ';.,.:ty of the game throughout tu liminion. T.' . ri' is probably no game In !;.:; uc man excels all other p,r. r c ompletely as does Devlin "' ii iominton. Not merely critics b u ail !;r leading player unhesl-..tii.ti;. rank him as the greatest ''xp. nun of the game of all time. record is quite unique. He won ttie Ml England Singles champion-Hup ine years In succession, securing permanent possession of the Sir (i. orye Thomas Trophy and trcud a further record by win-nmi i' six times In seven years. The ih . rvrnlng year, 130, he was reciiveiing from a serious operation li flaying arm. He has won tl- Aii-Kngland Doubles Champion-'P mx times, his partners being 0 A s mtter and G. S. 13. Mack. Tin M!x,.(i Doubles title he has won '";'.. twice with Miss Kitty M' K '.. tiir famous tennis playiT. Hi" Mlw E Q Peterson and ' ' Mis n j Horslry DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING ' dies' ti Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices - ?. LEE COMPANY 3rd Ave. W. Phone 663 Drink More Milk Tor Fresh Local Milk riione Red C08 DOMINION DAIRY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA flRANp Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese PRF.SII PASTEURIZER MJI-H ANn f)nXlM DAILY Erly Delivery 'Throughout NEWS MANY TEAMS IN RUNNING A meetlne of the PHn Basketball Association was held in me city Hall last evenlne for th purpose qf receiving team entries. IP aat tnree senior team haw entered, and three intermediate teams with a possibility of two more teams, three Junior teams. anr! aO-oafenpiigh material to make thre win lames teams. No decision has ben mnri . a. to which hall will be available but this matter will be decided at n, (before the next meeting. FRISCH IS VALUABLE St. Louis Second Sacker Called ."(lost Useful Player In National Learue ST. LOUIS, Oct. 22 lrank Prhch. second baseman of the world cham- DlOn St. Laui Oarrlliuli ha K.n voted the most valuable player in the National League for the 1931 season. 'IN A SOAI'RAKO VOICE A person who slogs in the bath tub gives evMenee of a cheerful voice. Ottawa ClUsen. Embarrassing Moments KM I. ' , A1R tlT ra w i . vvaKn I A IT1 1VjhU VU CfMEt AS VOUk CU'N - AtiO "THE. aah uoho "rotb ir To Voy , itMnt, 1, M trtuk itlM wmmmmm 'TILLIE THE :1V . ... My HOEOBCpPB, H WAllv - T's WILL OPEN , NEW HALL Parish of St. Peter Ha? Unaue llullJlnjr Which Was Erected By Voluntary Labor Bishop 0. A .Rlx will tonight ol-flclate at the opening of the new parish hall for St. Peter's iSeai Covet Church, one of the fines small halls In town and built who!? ly by voluntary labor. It will be used for the social and Sunday School work of the chursh. The building of the hall wa- practically forced upon the people there by the fact that there was not room In the church to accommodate the one hundred Sunday School pupils who attend. Tha building Is fitted for badminton, carpet bowls and other indoor ports and will also be used fcr church meetings. Tonight the keys of the building will be handed to the Bishop, representing the diocesan organization and win then be handc1 back to the wardens of the parish to hold in trust. Dedication cere monies will take place at 8 o'clock and half an hour later a musical entertainment will commence and lata refreshments will be served. The opening of this bullduv: means a great deal not only to the Anglican Parish of St. Peter but to the whole community of Seal Cove LOTS OF GIRLS ARE "A Girl of Today," writing In ;i current magazine says that she wishes she were fifty. Victoria Colonist. AU. UP liiinit tiifZijtr AS M TOILER" TUB PAILY NIWB PA02 FIVS PRODUCTION OF WEALTH Estimated That Thomas Edison's Inventions Were Worth Thirty Billion It is estimated that the late Thomas Edison was Instrumental In adding an average of $30,p00,00Q a Vear or more tp the United States wealth over a period of more than half a century, the list of enterprises in which he could claim a part r4nglng from the telegraph, to which he devoted his earliest attention, down to the moving pictures and radio. The national congress made this official summary of the worth of the inventor to the nation: Electric railways $6,500,000,000 Electric lighting . .000,000,000 Moving pictures 1,250.000.009 Telephones l.QOO.000.000 Electric supplies 857,000,000 Telegraph 4 350,000,000 Concrete : 271,000,000 Car shops 09,000,000 Phonographs 105,000,000 Dynamos and motors 100,000,000 Electric fixtures 37,000,000 Wireless telegraph 15,000,000 Batteries 5,p00,00O Special Fares tp Prince Rupert According to announcement b-, O. A. McNicholl, general passenger agent, Canadian National Railways and Steamships, a special reduced fare will be put In effect for passengers travelling from Anyox, Stewart and Prince Rupert to Vancour iter, also from Anyox, Stewart and Ocean Falls to Prince Rupert. Tickets will be on sale November 1 to February 29, with return limit extending to March 31. These special rates have been applied to afford those in tJjft.northfrn sef tlpn of thp proving an onpprtunlty fc visit Prince Rupert, Vancouver and points In the southern portion .of British Columbia during the winter months. The present schedule of the Canadian National Steamships haJ a ship southbound f rorn Prince Rupert every Thursday ancl s"u"nday. On and after Nov. 17 tie weekly service will be operated with one boat a week southbound, leaving Prince Rupert every Thursday. THE MARKET Market prices current today are is follows: I Vegetables ! B. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs .23 sack $1.45 to 2j00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs . .25 Parsley, bunch .05 B. C. Celery, head 10 Vegetable Marrow, lb .05 Spinach, B. C, lb JO lOarllc, Imported, per lb .40 j Brown Pickling Onions 10 ! White Pickling Onions. 2 lbs. .. 2i (Cabbage, green .0$ I Calif. Head Lettuce, head 15 j Victoria hothouse tomatoes ... id. basket J)0 Field Tomatoes, lb JO , basket 40 Green Peppers, lb .15 I Red Peppers, lb 2i :Egg Plant, lb ii I B.p. Cauliflower, hd.... ISc. is B. C. Bunch Carrots 05 ; Outdoor cucumbers, each 5c to .10 Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c and 0 j Pumpkin, lb. .03 ! Hubbard Squash, lb 06 i Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25 I Savoy Cabbage, head, 10c to.. .20 ; Scptch Kale, lb 07 .Onions, 8 lbs. 2j lk Turnips, 8 lbs 2b parrots. 8 lbs 25 His "Star" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS for rent, foj safe and all qther small advertisements In this section, charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion wjtn six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the chaw is 25c a word. No advertisement taken forJps than 50c. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sx rooms and bath modern new house, furnace, basement. McBrlde and Fifth AyenuePhpne-'Red 720. (t FOR RENT choice apartmenU Westenhavtr Bros. tf FOR RENT finished 4 room flat wlh bath. Phqne 547. (f MODERN HOUSE For rent. Apply 510 Sixth Avenue West. (248) FOUR and five-room, apartments, ft lurnisnen snack ror rent. Min-salem Grocery. ' tf ?OR RENT Furnished apartments by day, week or month. 725 Third Avenue West, Phone Red 607. tf . FOR SALE FOR SALE Roll top desk cheap. Phone Black 620 (554) FOR SALE-tfot blast brick lined heater. Phone Blue 402. (247) -'OR 3ALE Good used cars a right prices. Kaien Motors Ltd. 40 FOR SALE Circulating hpater; double bed, spring and, mattress Phone 782. (243 FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy, dry cleaned and repainted since being used. Dally News. FOR SALE Monarch range Franklin heater No. 12, day bed, 2 Jacobean rockers, rugs, 4 Mlsr sion oak dining chairs, electrl; water heater, double bed, dresser and chah-s finished In walnut, single bed. dresser and chair in white, small mahogany table, 2 kitchen chairs, 2 electric llgh: fixtures, linoleum and blinds Apply 429 Fifth Avenue Wejt. Phone Blue 787. . (240 jjoard: And: room ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red " 129. tf TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 years' Experience All Kinds of Mountinc J. A, LESTIN Prince George' ""GTt quick yesuito with a want aid Parsnips, lb 0$' Fears, do 35c to .45 Imported Spanish Onions, lb.. .ulCrabapple .slarge, 4 lbs .25 Appl B. C. Gfavenstejns, 2 lbs .2i Mcintosh Reds, household .... "box i- 4 lbs. C Grade, large box 3.oj Fahcy large "box 2.45 Medium Small; box 2.8J Extra Fancy, box, 2.85 Fruits-Valencia Oranges 25c to .70 Lemons, California, large Cp California arapefrult ....Hie to .10 Bananas, ih. 15 Pallfprnla Tokay Grapes, lb. - 25 Canteloupes, Oliver 10c. to .15 Stenographer .1 I t rj it ' 1 . .ii ii 1- UO.-SIP. t VHA- VAtTIU6 ) V 5? VMBVEL A RIMS' T I -rLAji 5 Mfeu-"'. UfrFT rS TAXI SERVICE BERTS TAXf Promptness and security. Phone 67.8. S,tantt Bes-ner Ripck. Insi6 SITUATIONS WANTED yqUNg Woman wants work Jp store pf houjsewprt- plxeellept Xi-ericps. Bpx U3, paHy News. 1247' SALVAGE & TOWING "lj ifs, pn o under toe vateF e dq t." Papifip Salvage Co. Ltd. FuUy Equipped for blytng aiid Genera Salvage Wprk Ajents for EAST)IQFE ENGINES Boats apd Spows of all descrlp-tlpns for Charter Row Boats aq4 Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Dlstrlbutqrs Coolidf e Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by wapcr Ph.pne Day or Nifht 564 P.O. Box 1564. SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL- Shoes re paired. Second Avenue West. If C;VERSIpES, Qumbpots resoled ana leaxs repaired, i. Bajungei, Xhlrd Avenue. p-29 SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-(inet wofk pricey reasqnahje. Sharman Cp, opposite Pqst Ot-flcf. tf AUCTIONEER PRJNCSi R.U?EBT AUCTION MART We buy. hU ox exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments ma rhlnery. etc. General repairs crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranUeg. jum phone Blacx J20 apd we "will call G. J. nAWpS- Auctioneer i "eHiirtJ Block tf BOB'S HANDY SHQP Plumblnsr repaits. General repairs. Window cleaning, etc. RonrRTsnv ir nnnFRTsnv I 501 Sixth Avenue West Phone Blue 931 TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage an Furniture Moving. Phone 204. t CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Bircn, Cedar and Jack Pine. (tp box Pomegranate 0c to .13 Copcord Grapes, basket 1.00 Drlea xrulu Extracted honey, per Jar . Comb honey , ,, Oates, bulk. lb. . . . .. , Lemon and Orange Peel . Black cooking figs, lb, Currants, lb. ,-, White figs, lb . .15 Apples, dried . 20 Peaches, peeled -?0 Apricots, lb. . M Prunes, 60-70, lb. . .i Prunes 30-40, lb. . 4 Prunes, 40-50, lb. . 12V4 j v.-v tpNTiiwa J v-Vf . mh. i au iKmr4 11 I vw-i k I 1 . Iwl rlVT i-Sf-i If JWV . I II WtALAAt . T I HY. J I I I ,k. ...,ni SUII Kl 111, . Ilfl 1 I I that I oouj SPftTr,; uMOal - J, II In! '.TI L14 TKJI I 11 I m S I Wtl I 1 V WW . -i a 1 k I I II- I VNOLJIll. tf HOUSE DECORATING J. P. M.QLL.ER, phone Red 802. CHIROPRACTIC .. . - i 1 1,1 - : bunsblne and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. O. ASPINALLV (Graduate Cltlrqnractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block titeen 241 Ulack ?83 CHIROPRACTIC Heajth Service Thf PAlMEfi METHOD Absolutely cpnftned to the spinal column. T. w; IIQLLANR 15 Bcsner Block Phone 857 PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701 iMISS S. OLAFSON A. T- p. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony, Counterpoint Telephone: Red 390 Typewriters fqr Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 QUEflN ClfARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Qur Prince Rupert Prices: No, I 5x per M S3.75 No, t 3x per Kj. 3.25 No. 3 per M 2,75 UOBEKTS.9X SIMPSON Massett, B.C Asent: Ifrde Transfer. Phone 580 Silverside? Bros. - FAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue C.TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 991 508 4th Av. E. Meats-Fowl. No. 1, lb 30 Roasting Chicken, lb, ... .40 Ham, sliced, first grade :s Cottage, tolls, lb. Ham. picnic, first grade is Bacon, side, sliced, best grada Pork, shoulder Pork, loin .28 Pork, dry salt io Pork, leg JO Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c to io Veal, shoulder .25 Veal, loin. 45 Beef, pot roast 15c. to .20 Beef, boiling 10c to Beef, roast, prime rib. . 20c to Lamb, shoulder . .22 Beef, steak . 25c. to is Westoyer- K S