PAdL' TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. Dredging and Dyking Project j prince rupeut - British Columbia Proposed For Delkatla Will Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Give Massett Boats Shelter Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor " SUBSCRIPTION' RATE$' WVtd feU other" n.Uts'bf Bfitlsri. Columbia, the Bri and united Smteft3ald In Tidvanse. tier vear ......... .11 4a a11 AtUaia mih1b .,.. A1 MJ Ul UtitCl UUUIlblMOcpCA JTCttl - tSfflEm- By mall , to all parts' of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid,. in advance for yearly period , For lecgpr ' periods, paid In advance, per month City dfivery, by mall or carpet?-yearly period, paid In advance ...... 'Ot-.pak months for i'..... ;.. -, Lgttl helices, each insertion,' per agate Jlne j,.... .r,- Tranirieir advertising on front page, pcr'ifleh Loeal'reders, per Insertion, per line ......... Trannlet display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Keporters' Telephone .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations UA1LY i'UTTl. POSSIBLE LOCAL INDUSTRY 98 Friday, Feb. 20, 1931 - When Prince Rupert has been, urging as strongly as possible the continuation of work on the P.rince Rupert stood that Dominion engineers have mgnway, mere was never any sign 01 me rremier maiving reported favorably on the pracu-a special trip up here to expedite the work or to investi- cabmty of the plan, gate conditions. He did not take any particular interest in it carried out, the harbor that it. When, however, his friends from south of the boundary wou,d thus provided would be of wanted a road through to Alaska, he went out of his way J. and To "u piyhV Editor. Daily nTwT to forward the project. ... " . Massett Inlet. Every effort Is being Allow me a few lines of your val- We do not believe in captious criticism but we do think made to put the scheme before the j uable space to make known to the the Prince Rupert highway scheme should receive first Provincial and Dominion govern-1 Retail Merchants' Association, one epnsidoration. We, think the genial doctor should show as ments a?d secure an 2SSSi5C or two lni that d0 not seem t0 much intnrpt in it as hft .does ; in theother scheme which is "" f that work. may start ear,y ! bc "nderstood by them. primarily conceived for the benefit of the United States and Alaska. j If work does not proceed any more rapidly on the Alas-; kan scheme than it has been doing on the Prince Rupert highway, this generation will not be able to use it. But, we predict it will and' the prediction, is based on the activity of Premier Tolmie in trying to forward the Alaska movement 1 . ; ... Public opinion is a great thing. Yesterday it was announced that the Bennett Government had changed its mind over reducing payments to soldier pensioners. The pressure of public opinion was apparently too great and they found it better to give way. ;lj ' -MASSJSTT, B.C:,;Ffeb. 20 A dredging and dyking pro-i ject at Delkatla Inlet, Massett, Grahafn Island, that will $a.oo prove of great benefit to fishermen W Dixon Entrance is 9.00 now in process of negotiations -with both Provincial and Dominion governments. Salmon and halibut fishermen 3.00 frequenting the waters between Rose Spit and Langara ,50 Island have long been in need of a 1.00 .15 2.80 tne lsiana. Tne population or Massett and outlying settlements, acting through the Farmer's Institute of Oraham Island, has lately .25 brought to life a scheme that has 1.40 lain dormant for many years, the 02 dredging of Delkatla Inlet, and lsi The Letter Box STINTING EDUCATION now vigorously pressing for recog-, Editor, Daily News: I nition by both governments of the j I notice that the Minister of Ed- feasibility of the plan. 'ucation Intends to stint the educa-. i John C. Frizell, secretary of the ;I" of the youth of British Co-: lntltute, has been appointed a de- iumbia. What will be the outcome j legate to interview Premier Tolmie ot this outrageous act? The youth I and members of the cabinet and of today will turn -Bolshevik. This! bring to their attention the bene- is bound to happen for it Is the fits that would be realized if this rimple-minded uneducated man undertaking were carried out. j who turns radical. Massett is the logical centre of This stinting affects the north If the salmon fishermen through their co-operative so- LC&J:: ciety Cflri be the means of establishing an industry in mciudlng telephone, telegraph and ' der grkt; difficult! and raised Prince Rupert they should be givdll eV Encouragement. ;maii service, hosoital and medical rens and daughter, When they What IS needed above everything !lseJlSJl&W industries, 'attention, oil station, machine shop, become of age to attend the high-There are two cannerieswUlkharbQr not operated at 'or the fishermen who may have er educational institutes for which theQ eanfreriea need 01 them- The drawback up to they nave Pald 80 dearIy- the nrpspnt present, The ine clnsino- Closing of oiinesa canneries was was a d distinct uisuntt loss ioss now has been the ,ack of adequate Rre fma ln tnelr face to tne city and it tne iisnermen can re-open one 01 tnose helter for flsnlng of The country students have alwav or build a new one they will be doing their part toward a storm. had less chance than their 'city revival of business in the city. A meeting is being held this it is proposed to dredge the lower : cousins and this stilt further wl vpflk"fnr the nnrnnsp nf orcanizinp- and doubtless it will i Dart of Delkatla Inlet so that it will dens the-breach. The students of ha wnll offnmWl Viv thnaa whn heliva in trip Prunnprntivp i accomodate fishing fishing boats boats at at a movement. ACTIVITY TOWARD ALASKA ROAD all stages of the tide: to use the silt and sand thus dredged to construct a permanent dyke across the Inlet to replace the present bridge, and by these means also to re-1 claim several hundred acres of "vitentfal farm Jonds. It is under- o v ... ijal CVCIlllIK a LUUC Ull au SCIATICA HT" Wait Iht painful pact wait 1 1 with ran alaf thaaTub in I Plr ( Minarfa and ., you'll ftel b.Htrl Canada's Challenger To Have Canadian Talkies r . X7ht romance lurks in the contrast between the Royal William, the floatln kettle which first puffed g . J T across the Atlantic bv tsra- rom Quebec to London in 1837i and Canada's greatest floating plac. . the Empress of Britain, ribw being rushed to comnleUon on the Clydebank, wliich will number Sound and Talking Pictures among her many attractions. The equipment, which has been specially designed to meet the requirements of a life of Marine Globe trotting, and manufactured in the Montreal plant of the Northern Electric Company .Ltd., is being shipped via S.S. Minnedosa, from Saint John, to Liverpool, where Em lish sound engineers will install it In the Concert Hall. An unique feature of this, Canada's first Marine InsUlla-' Uon of Sound Pictures, is that at whatever port the "Empress" la likely to call in fifty-five countries of the world special sound engineers will b available in rase of any emergency accident to theequlpment. Passengers will tit at ease in the beautiful Concert Hall on an upperdeck while the latest London, Paris, or Broadway hit, or an Illustrated lecture on some foreign port, which they are approaching, will entertain them from the silver screen. Above Is an artist's conception of the "Empress" leaving Quebec in the wake of the "Wllllamt ninety-four years after. Below the Royal William on the high seas. Left, the Prince of Wales and E W Beatty on their way to launch the great liner last year. Right, on of the Talking Picture equlpm'enti being installed on th "w vessel. r I thls province who can not attend their own educational institutions! will go to the United States and as a result B. C. will be Infested with Inferior BA.'s. All the people should rise' against this ridiculous action. Yours waiting action, Terrace. CLARENCE B. EWART ALL PAYING LICENSE, FEES. count of the Retail Merchants' meeting was published. In referring to Mr. Benson's and also Mr. Andrew's remarks, I might say that Mr. Benson Is quite right in his statement that an outside photo representative recured orders, got the money left town, but since that time seemingly unknown to the Association I was appointed License Collector, with my duties partly consisting of running down peddlers and house to house salesmen, who were op crating without a license. I might ?ay that since the time of being appointed Collector. April 10, 1030 that no agent or peddler, to my knowledge, has operated in the city without the necessary license. , If. however, such persons should come to this city. In the future and tr& operating without a license, anyone knowinjf,-his, would cooperate iby fcttlngain touch with me.' yJ s Thanking ijtu. Mr. Editor, for your valuablp space.,! am, : W. II, SHERMAN, Special License Collector ) District News TERRACE Arthur Carr returned from Vancouver on Wednesday. He has been 'to the Shaughnessy ; treatment. Hospital for Mrs. Downing came up from Shames on Wednesday. Lenten services have been Instituted by the Her. E. A. McCarthy, local Anglican rector, and will be continued during the season. II. A. Swain shipped In two car- loads of Ice and had no difficulty in dljjwslng of same. Olaf Hanson on his way to Smithcrs, met a number of friends as the train passed through here on Wednesday. He looked much better In health and stated that his leg was almost completely better now. He made inquiries Into Send for our FamoiM Rei tpe Rook. It contain nearly M8 economical Rei ipes chosen from 75.M0 received from housewives throughout Can.tJj. This book took many month to prepare and every recipt has been approved and tested by a famou Canadian dietitian. Mail coupon. Enclose 10c in stamps to cover cost of mailing. Q. Charlotte City Mcster Alwin Chtrey cut his knee while playing with an am and THE lonperyou ilrive the new . Chevrolet Six the more you Hill appreciate its ruggcJncss and reliability. Its increased tvlieelbaoe gives added stability and freedom from vibration. The frame and axles have been strengthened. There is a stifler crankshaft and reinforced cylinder block. The moulded brake linings give as much as 25,000 miles of service without relining. The new Fisher Bodies are not I I Friday February a I SYRUP '4 "VI OUCUft ECONOfHHE aidlwrtilunvkdo'til INSTEAD of expensive desserts, serve this delicious Corn Syrup you'll save money and add greater nourishment to the meals because it is famous for its energy producing value, and is extremely economical, delicious and wholesome. Doctors endorse its food value. Make It a daily habit eat more of this Corn Syrup with your meals - eat It with bread and butter, pancakes or waffles, or serve It with baked apples. t ., Ask your grocer , " The CANADA STARCH CO. Limited EDWARDSBURG MONTREAL BRAND The C ANADA STARCH CO., Limited, Mmmi"I I City. Please send me copy of "Canada's Prize Recipes." I enclose He. for milling costs. Name. Address. various matters and asked to be rtatl to be" removed to the, Queen kept informed With regard to the, charlotte Hospital. A number of employment situation in the db- ItUch3 wwe necettary and a iho rc' stay ln trie hospital. He is now home Father LeRay, O.M.I., came In on!1 doin Wednesday and will hold tsrvices on Sunday. Ed. Martin ot the Provincial Oame Department has been tag the islands, getting acquainted with the people and islands in general. He is quite satisfied with game only smarter and roomier, but are alio .of" hardwood and steel roiutrurti6n'.,i . the strongest known. The fine upholstery fabrics are specially selected for unusual durability. The non-tarnishing chrome-plated metal parts, and gleaming colors will retain .their beauty indefinitely. The new Chevrolet Six Is built to give you years of faithful service. And it sells at neiv lout, price tt rrtl a l l l l l , ! u TUB STASDAKD S WINDOW COL'tS I Wc NEW 4V II Mf. V IC I . u 1 six Severe Floods In Argeiiti Several Uvw Lost in rrowifl Cordova a Itrsnlt of Ftanr of Elements BUENOS AYRE" I conditions ghct JbaTe. promising . eraUlves are bcllrv outfcok.. The deer have thrived and tost at a result f multiplied wonderfully. He feels violent storms in th elk should do likewise. Cord&va ln Centra Setting Mew Staitdaircls of BepeMftlaliility A 1NW Low Pric" Tit flaixlaH ftoacVet Tk Sport Koadtlrt Th rhactua - -Tilt Cuark The Standard Coop lb Sludard Fl Window Coup Thf ik1 Oup (WUS kmW Seal TW Sptr Spurt R Th Standard SMan It VcUl Srdaa Ji t In ind fa rar '' : alarW tttlt " All, trial it iff ?1 t i J i ti aaftW Kfj aia i ' 1 assvM)-sHei Kaien Garage Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. (ienrral Motors Product Telephone 52 ti. IT I