Tomorrows Tides . it,- p,. R.mrf el tost iAxm td NAVY BILL CotiMdor Measure This Session Owing to Opposition - ' A HTN'cTON. D.C.. Feb. 20: ' 1 KK) naval bill win not I'd by Congress at the ' mn. It now appears cer-V ' . the House might pass ' : serious opposition has ,: a the Senate. In any Apendltures are not vi-.ii this time. WILL WORK i'H ' HELD0VER '"ited States Conrress Will Not CANNERIES tlrtl Hants In Alaska to Be Op- "ra This Summer By Pacific American Fislieri's r 'iIIAM. Feb. 20:-Elevcn ' toil Ai i' l icun ' 'son, it was announced '" E. B. Dcmlng. presl- tmpany. This is two i! Vm ( u active last year, tiling for the north of i lcct will be on March No Rlebis i' cite ICG rtf tin If H I TMUlurc I)erMi ryldfrs A A V lilnjttoii; Taking of Vole Atalnst State V ipia, Fob. 20:-Byavote of u committee of the ; 'i nure decided yesterday "tmK?ing a plebiscite to ' Washington State as 1 01 lint th itnla dry; WILL BE if northern i Program Defended the-, ex- f Seattle, the business of I J""" ' to, m.U i been suspended by the - who is to face trial in fraud charge, 'laving severed his con- Mi I lion dollars on roads in their a three-hout session of the Legislature yesterday. Dr. R. W. Alward, the new Conservative member for Fort George, contributed a thoughtful speech to the debate on the reply to the Speech from the Throne in which he invited the government to complete the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. I Speaker C. F. Davie rejected tne amendment moved by L. A. Hanna i of Albernl on Wednesday which would have censured the government for allegedly granting an exclusive bus line franchise on Van couver Island. Dr. Alward advocated the restoration of pre-!empUon privileges on reverted lands, the construction of trails, the removal of the mineral and oil reserve in the Peace River district and advocated a reducUon in tlmbeV royalties and Jtumpage charges which, he said, now kept mills in NorUiern British Columbia closed with loss of all revenue to the government from that source. Dr. H. C Wrinch. Skeena. In advocating caution In any action by Canada retarding the construction of the proposed Alaska-Yukon highway, cited the international as-which, he said, .b! PlshrrlM Pir. bl In lile, Al would require careful handling. BIG JOB Piate of United Stales Soldiers' Loan Bill Will (live Hundreds of .Clerks Employment Feb. FCD. WASHINqTON. D.C.. au- maintained. handle the claims. ! Crawford. Liberal. 4450. 20 LASHES METED OUT Vancouver Highwayman Will Also Serve Five Years Concurrently on Each of Nine Charges VANCOUVER, Feb. 20: -Pleading guilty to nine charges of armed robbery, Keith Bishop was sentenced to receive 20 lashes, and five years on each charge yesterday. The sentences will run during a terrific storm. Charles Jacques, Sunde's partner, was saved VICTORIA, Feb. 20: Establishing a new trans-Pacific record, the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Japan arrived here this morning after clipping three hours and 15 minutes off her former record, made on the maiden voyage last August, from Yokohama, covering 4200 miles in eight days, three hours and 27 mlnues at an average speed of 22 knots per hour for the voyage. Capt. Samuel Robinson, commander of the vessel, reported, the weather rough. for approximately half of. Ui vbyae and stated Jhat the Japan would be able to still further Improve on the time. TO ALL CLASSES 1 OF FlallEKMEN If the $700,000,000 soldiers a mass meeting of all. flshex- hin whirh was Dftssed yesterday by i. Wimi will beheld In j the CI tv the Senate and House actually be- jjalli gaturday first, February on law. It will mean that sev-lj. 21 ftt 7.30 D.m. under the aus- eral hundreds of additional clerks plCM 0f the Prince Rupert will have to be taken on to handle pjghermen's Co-operative As- the hundreds of thousands of ap- soclation. Business: To ex- plications which will be received i pialn the alms, objects and from ex-service men throughout ; consUtuUon of the association. the United State. It U estimated nd enroll members. (44) Mt if unnld take tlx months to; TRAGEDY ON WESTC0AST VICTORIA, Feb. 20: Olav Sunde. , VICTORIA, Feb. 28: Strong de- aged 40, New Westminster fisher- j fence of the government road con- man, waa drowned yesterday wheni XL the defunct ro company. truction and unemployment workLthe fishing boat Magna, en route; from Seattle a-.,!, Uo years programi Li Htf.trf. Bruhn,; from Vancouver to Barclay Sound. ; i minister oftpiiblK vtU featured piled up on the beach near Clo-oose He reported to Bamfleld life saving j station that the craft was unable) to make headway in the storm and i was gradually rorced w snore. Sunde leaped overboard before the vessel struck and disappeared in the huge seas, Jacques stayed with the boat and walked ashore. A Bamfleld life saving crew, with the Canadian government steamer Armentierres. is at the scene of the wreck searching for Sunde's body. NEW FAST RUNMADE Empress of Japan Clips More Than Three Hours Off Former Trans-Pacific Record OUTLET IS ASKED FOR Legislature of Alberta Asks Dominion to Lose no Time in Giving: Peace River Line EDMONTON, Feb. 20: The need of all possible speed in getting a coast outlet from the Peace Itiver country to the Pacific seaboard will be urged upon the government of the Dominion by the provincial government of Alberta. A resolution to this effect was unanimously passed in the Legislature yesterday. TO BOOST CAR TRADE Action Taken byf '.Federal Government Expected to Help Industry Greatly in Canada Long Wanted Manufacturers Guarantee That There Will be no Increase in PrUes of Autos OTTAWA, Feb. 20: New action in connection with the tariff on American automobiles was aken for the protection of the automobile industry in the Dominion of Canada and to afford, employment for Canadian automobile workers. Dominion manufacturers have contended all along that such action would guarantee millions of dollars In new employment for workers and the industry in Canada. Certain automobile retailers of high priced cars had opposed the request. Canadian automobile manufac turers have given assurance that, in no event, will the price of cars to purchasers be Increased. BIRTH NOTICE A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Furnlotis, James Apartments, Thursday morning, February 19. ped with skis. ! ; ! i: I I 1 ! Why Advertise? Saturday, 1 1931 HI, mm w 20.05 It. Some people do not want more 5 a i. 19.0 it. business. That Is why they neglect Lew y S 5.9 ft. .' the generally accepted metnod of 3 2 . 5.4 ft k placing their wares before the people o rl NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER in the form of advertisements. V,. xxii no. 43. . SB" ;j PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1931 NEMPLOYMENT FUND IS EXHAUSTED NINETY MILLION BUSHELS OF GRAIN SENT FIIOM RUSSIA WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 20. According to statistics com- piled here, Russia has exported 30,000,000 bushels of grain since October 1 last. It is not believed that the Soviet Re- public has much more wheat available for the world's mar- kets. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Opened This Alternoon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church With Mrs. Hanson as Leader The annual World's Day of Prayer, in which church women of all Protestant denominations participate, opened at 3 o'clock this afternoon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Mrs. John H. Hanson, wife ' of the pastor of St. Paul's Church, 'is leader here on this occasion. A long devotional program has been ' arranged. LUCKY TO GOVERNMENTS NEW DUTY SYSTEM ON AMERICAN CARS little Money is Left In Coffers For Relief Work States Minister Intcrcsliiiu Information Elicited By Inquiry of Dr. II. C. Wrinch Issues Warning to Government VICTORIA, Feb. 20: Hon. R. W. Bruhn, minister of i .Hi.lie works, informed H. C. Wrinch, member for Skeena, i- ttu Legislature Thursday that there was little money t in the unemployment relief fund but said he would be :.A discuss Skeena's need for further relief with the her. Dr. Wrinch thanked the government for the re- Wlef extended during the past year, HELPING HUSBAND Mrs. Linden Turns Orrr Her Estate to Aid Defence of Former Seattle Financier ',V YORK Feb. 20: -Mn. Lln-i.i'iK over her entire prl-av of $750,000 to aid In the but warned that the crisis was not yet passed and detailed some of the difficulties experienced by the people In his constituency, he warned against too precipitate a condition with regard to the spectacular Alaska highways while no district j would benefit more than his by j this great undertaking. He warned Uiat the interests of B.C. must be safeguaided first in considering a project demanded primarily by the United Status. What would the government's at- LARORITES HOLD ISLINGTON SEAT LONDON, Feb. 20: Labor retained East Islington in Thursday's by-election. Mrs. Leah Manning, Labor candi- date, secured 10,591 votes; Bri- gadier General A. C. Crltchley. United Empire Crusader, na- tive of Calgary. Alta.. 8314; Miss Thelma Cazalet, Conser- vative, 7182, and Major H. E. BE ALIVE Los Anteles Aviator Had Hunch to Go Back and Get His Parachute LOS ANGELES. Feb. 20 L. II Jack Atkinson, local aviator. Is alive today because he had an afterthought yesterday. Atkinson, a test pilot, was about to take off in a new plane when he thought he had better take along a parachute. Ten minutes later Atkinson and plane were back on the ground the former j alive and uninjured and the latter j a twisted mass of burning wreck-j age. Soon after being taken up, the 1 machine went into a tailspln and ! Atkinson, being unable to stralgh-, ten It out. Jumped overboard with the 'chute. Mrs. Burke Flown Out With Her Children Yesterday to Carcross In Ill-Fated Plane of Husband Another chapter in the epic story in connection with the death by starvation, after he had made a forced landing with his plane on the Liard River, of the late Capt. E. J. A. Burke was completed yesterday mornnjj: when the widow, Mrs. Burke, and her two children were flown by Pilot R. I. Van Der Byl in the ill-fated plane from Atlin to Carcross. From Carcross Mrs. Burke and het children will proceed by train tol-T- y-. Skagway whence they will emqark aboard the next steamer for Vancouver. They are expected to be here next Wednesday afternoon aboard the Princess Norah bound south. It is understood, that Mrs. Burke will later proceed from Vancouver with her children to Ireland, her native home, to reside in future. After taking Mrs. Burke to Car-cross, Pilot Van Der Byl went back with his plane to Atlin. He was to pick up W. A. Joerss, co-pilot, and Emll Kadlng, mechanic, the Government Telegraphs report, and proceed with them to Llard today, heading then for Burns Lake en route to Vancouver where the plane will be given a thorough overhaul before resuming service. The plane is being taken out via the Interior snow belt as it is equip VUUMjUIN POOL PLAN Retina Provides For Prtbisclte on Question of Compulsory Pool REOINA. Feb. 20: Saskatchewan will vote on a one hundred per cent pool plan.A motion providing for a referendum on a. compulsory pool plan was' passed by a vote of 43. to five. Wheat Prices Take Another Jump Today VANCOUVER, Feb. 20: -r The price of whant took another upward iumn on the local exchanee today. j being quoted at 64ftc. City Had to Do Good Work in Financing Last Year to Have Such Small Deficit, 'Tis Said VThe expenditure on general account in 1930 has exceeded the year's revenue by ,$6,518.85, which on comparison with, your budget figure for that year, Shows careful and close: iinancingJnasmuch as the over-expenditure can be attributed to the unforeseen circumstances arising from the. unemployment situation and from unexpected ecreases in me grants anucipaiea from the provincial government," S3y3 the report of George Rorle, city auditor, for 1930 which is now in the hands of the members of the city council for their consideration before being finally approved. The taxes levied for general purposes. Mr. Rorie's reporlT shows, amounted to $207,449.47 as compared with $213,292.76 in 1929 The taxes levied for local improvement bylaws in 1930 amounted to $106.-799.80 making, together with general rates, a "total of $314,249.27 as compared with $318,134 in 1929. The total assessment of the city was decreased from $5,037,623 to $4,610,-649 while the tax rate was increased from 45 to 48 mills'. The current taxes collected In 1930 amounted to $259,108.30 while arrears collected amounted to $37.-861.36, making an aggregate collec tion for the year of $296,969.66. The percentage of collection of current general taxes, for 1930 was 89.5. Mr. Rories report then goes on to give all the figures of city finan clng including revenue and expen dituK. assets and liabilities, etc. BIG NAVAL PROGRAM France Plans Large Expenditure on Provision of More Capital Ships PARIS, Feb. 20: In addition to extensively bolstering up Its air defenses, France is also proposing the launching of another large program of capital ships. The naval department is making a recommendation to this effect to Parliament. Increase of France's naval armaments in this way would still further widen the breach between this country and Italy with a view to limitation. . BONUS BILL . ISASSED Certain Veto of President Will Be Ineffectual Atalnst Measure For $700,000,000 WASHINGTON, Feb. 20: -Assuring passage of the measure by a substantial margin despite the certain veto of President Hoover, the Senate yesterday passed the $700.-000.000 soldiers' bonus bill b.v a ytte of 72 to 12. This' mlrghi wtll ntake the President's, veto Ineffectual. The bill was approved by the House 363 to 39. DISCOUNT OF TWENTY TElt CENT FOR CUSTOMS ON AMERICAN CARS ' .1 OTTAWA. Feb. 20: A fixed discount of twenty per cent from ,11st prices for duty pur- poses on all United States au- tomoblles entering Canada for sale is announced by Hon. E. B. Ryckman. minister of national revenue. PROGRAM ' FOR AIR French Ministry Plans Expenditures of $200,000,000 to Keep Up Armaments PARIS. Feb. 20: An air budget .tailing $200,000,000 is to be presented to Parliament by ,the Air Ministry of France to cover a huge program of aerial armaments which are planned in order, that France may maintain its place among other nations in the air. FIENDISH KILLING San Francisco Youth Set Aged Woman on Fire to Steal Small Sum of Money SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20: Charles Simpson, 19-year old youth, confessed to the police yesterday to one of the most fiendish murders that has been recorded in the history of this city. Simpson admitted having poured kerosene over an aged woman who conducted a suburban store and burning her to death in order to rob her of a small sum of money. ALTA. TOWN HASBLAZE EDMONTON. Feb. 20: Fire destroyed the business section of Chlpman, 45 miles northwest of here last night, causing damage estimated at $60,000. Eight buildings were Involved in the, blaze. Three hundred residents and nearby farmers formed a bucket brigade to fight the flames and did valorous work. Samuel Hill Has Major Operation and Feels Better PORTLAND. Oreceon, Feb. 20 iSa'muel Hill, veteran western roaa builder, underwent a major operation yesterday in St. Vincent's llos ttoh yesterday In St. Vincent's Hospital. Ills condition last night was reported as being fairly good. He has been seriously ill for some time. 1 MOW IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Feb. 20:-James McCall, aged 66, employee of the city street cleaning department. j was drowned last night when ha fell off Second Narrows bridge Into Burrard Inlet. The body was